ZcashFoundation / GrantProposals-2017Q4

Submission site for Zcash Foundation grant proposals
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Enable genZ with zCash #28

Open paulransfield opened 6 years ago

paulransfield commented 6 years ago

Motivation and overview Enable genZ to use zCash via 600 x 3 minute micro-courses because:

Deliverables 30 hours of self-paced micro-course instructional video content that:

Platforms include:

Why are you doing this? What impact will the project have if it is completely successful? I see zcash as useful emerging tech for enabling 21st century glocalised communities.

Technical approach

How will it work?

Convince us that your project has a good chance of meeting the goals of the motivation.

What are the risks, unknowns and external dependencies, and how will you cope with them?

Team background and qualifications

Evaluation plan to be elaborated

Security considerations to be elaborated

Schedule refer 24/7 learning schedule

Budget and justification

Excludes: platform costs and ongoing content maintenance costs

tromer commented 6 years ago

What curriculum do you envision, in terms of structure and learning goals?

paulransfield commented 6 years ago

Hi @tromer

Within NZ, Australia, Canada and the UK (and Singapore and USA) there are multiple curriculum entry points for aligning/weaving/contextualising a crypto-currency learning programme within.

NB: It takes 100 lessons to learn to read and write english via the Direct Instruction method. This proposal suggests creating 600 lessons (spanning 30 hours of self-paced / self-directed learning).

tromer commented 6 years ago

Thanks, @paulransfield. What specific material do you propose to cover in the lessons you develop (in each of the above curriculum entry points)?

paulransfield commented 6 years ago

hi @tromer ... thanks for your query, as it asks the essential question within any course design ie what are the topics, and by extension, learning outcomes for each of the 600 or so learning events.

I'm happy to discuss how 30 hours can be chunked down into smaller blocks.

Some amount of time needs to be reserved for the 'Zooko creation myth' refer epicentre.tv Some amount of time needs to be allocated to how zcash is used in a platform like openbazaar, utility tools like shapeshift.io, stripe, wallets and exchanges, password mgt and identity mgt e.g. keybase.io.

And from a conversation design perspective, to learn any new technical specialist second language (even Hebrew or Maori for me), there is a minimum vocabulary set size which needs to be woven throughout (circa 9,000 words - where 9,000 words is what you need to participate in Level 1 assessments - like English O levels).

So some amount of time needs to be allocated explaining, and contextualising the new language of crypto as well as finance eg learning bash commands with flashcards

However, given the global interest in zcash, however nascent, the topics may also be discoverable by asking directly within the zcash forum, twitter, on quora or stackexchange.

acityinohio commented 6 years ago

Every informal proposal has multiple reviews by the review committee. The reviews are being collected and discussed in a private google doc (the 5 reviewers all have edit access to it, no one else can view it). By way of early, informal feedback, the reviewers would like to inform you that your proposal is not a leading candidate for funding in this round.

You may still choose to submit a full proposal by October 6th, and it will be evaluated. But if it’s substantially the same as discussion so far reflects, then we suspect it is unlikely to be chosen for funding; and if it isn't, then we encourage you to post a draft as early as possible, to allow for community feedback. Regardless of your choice we thank you for participation thus far.