ZebraDevs / fetch_gazebo

Gazebo simulator for Fetch
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Add srdf for fetch gazebo to disable default collisions #109

Closed 708yamaguchi closed 3 years ago

708yamaguchi commented 3 years ago

I add srdf for fetch gazebo to disable default collisions (collisions between base_link and bl/br/fl/fr_caster_link).

This file is mostly a copy of fetch.srdf. https://github.com/fetchrobotics/fetch_ros/blob/melodic-devel/fetch_moveit_config/config/fetch.srdf

The difference is the addition of some disabled_collision tags.

    <!-- Gazebo only -->
    <disable_collisions link1="base_link" link2="bl_caster_link" reason="Default" />
    <disable_collisions link1="base_link" link2="br_caster_link" reason="Default" />
    <disable_collisions link1="base_link" link2="fl_caster_link" reason="Default" />
    <disable_collisions link1="base_link" link2="fr_caster_link" reason="Default" />
real robot urdf gazebo urdf base_link.dae

Based on https://github.com/fetchrobotics/fetch_ros/pull/152

knorth55 commented 3 years ago

It seems most of the code is a copy of fetch.srdf.

How about using xacro as baxter and include fetch.srdf in fetch_gazebo.srdf`? https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_robots/blob/kinetic-devel/baxter/baxter_moveit_config/launch/planning_context.launch#L23-L28

708yamaguchi commented 3 years ago

@knorth55 Thank you, I updated to use xacro.

erelson commented 3 years ago

Hi @708yamaguchi, Sorry this PR languished so long. I was hoping to get to Gazebo a bit after finishing the Noetic release, but that dragged out and I forgot.

I added a comment to the .srdf.xacro once I understood what was going on. Makes sense to me!