ZebraDevs / fetch_ros

Open ROS Components for Robots from Fetch Robotics
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Fix tuck arm moveit check [OPEN-48] #150

Closed JeffWilson7 closed 3 years ago

JeffWilson7 commented 3 years ago

rosnode info exits with a non-zero return code when a connection cannot be established with a node's URI. In the case of arm tuck, it happens with the moveit node "move_group" any run after the first and is problematic because the node expects to be killed and respawned on success. Since this command is run via subprocess.check_output , a subprocess.CalledProcessError exception is raised, killing the process. https://github.com/ros/ros_comm/blob/melodic-devel/tools/rosnode/src/rosnode/__init__.py#L565

See also: https://github.com/fetchrobotics/fetch_robots/pull/59

Please review @erelson