The clang-tidy executable is single threaded and there are no plans to change this
. Given that some checks can take multiple minutes to run, it would be beneficial to split the different compile unit checks to separate processes, like how you would actually compile them.
Additionally, this library could avoid doing the subprocess dispatching and avoid copying llvm's script and instead load the script as a module and call the python functions. The python script isn't written in way which would allow us to take advantage of common functions.
The clang-tidy executable is single threaded and there are no plans to change this . Given that some checks can take multiple minutes to run, it would be beneficial to split the different compile unit checks to separate processes, like how you would actually compile them.
This is already done in llvm's helper script
Additionally, this library could avoid doing the subprocess dispatching and avoid copying llvm's script and instead load the script as a module and call the python functions.The python script isn't written in way which would allow us to take advantage of common functions.