ZedThree / clang-tidy-review

Create a pull request review based on clang-tidy warnings
MIT License
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Publish docker image and use that in the Action #53

Open ZedThree opened 1 year ago

ZedThree commented 1 year ago

This would hopefully save one or two minutes off each Action run. Building the docker image and publishing to ghcr.io should be fairly easy to automate

zhongfu commented 1 year ago

I've been thinking about how this can be done, perhaps something like:

so far, it seems to shave ~1 minute off the build/pull step, with times going from ~1m19s to ~24s. not too bad, but perhaps we can bring this down even more if we can reduce the size of the image -- the image (less the base Ubuntu system) seems to be weighing in at around 1.58GB!

zhongfu commented 1 year ago

i also tried running review.py on the runner directly as part of a composite action (after installing only the required apt packages, plus everything in requirements.txt) -- that brought the setup time down to ~6s, since clang-tidy 12/13/14 (but not 11) is already installed on the ubuntu-latest runner image

ZedThree commented 1 year ago

Ah, nice, thanks for looking into this @zhongfu! That's a good point that we'd need the tag inside action.yml. There's some discussion on how to do this here: https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/38311 but it sounds very complicated.

Ideally both the action.yml and published image would automatically get the same tag when a new version is released, but I can't see how to make that work. Maybe if the image was published on push to master? There is a registry_package event, so how about:

The images wouldn't have nice versions then, and they also wouldn't match up to the release commit.

I've also refactored the project layout so that there's a single installable package (see #69). We could also publish that on pypi, which would allow people to use the package outside of this Action. I think that's probably more advanced use though, as the user would need to take more care to have everything installed and call review with the correct arguments

ZedThree commented 1 year ago

The Alpine image is like 5MB, so that might be a good base, although I'd be worried people would have to install a lot more packages

vadi2 commented 1 year ago

It would make obtaining necessary headers a lot more difficult. It's already a challenge that the action can't see the headers you've installed into the runner. Using Ubuntu makes it a bit simpler as lots of projects can obtain their dependencies from apt or having existing instructions setup for that. But using a highly-specialised distro like Alpine would complicate it even further.