Zefau / ioBroker.jarvis

jarvis - just another remarkable vis
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Crash beim ersten Import / bei weiteren Imports #2268

Open a-wenzel opened 1 year ago

a-wenzel commented 1 year ago

Habe nun auf zwei Geräten, zwei ioBroker installationen laufen lassen. jarvis installiert und jedes mal läuft die Console mit Timeouts voll wenn ich den initialen "Automatisch generieren" mache, die Instanzen im iobroker werden in dem Moment auch neu gestartet. Ich habe beide Ports in den Docker geleitet. Gibt es noch eine Einstellung die ich übersehen habe?

Das selbe Spiel habe ich auch beim manuellen Import von Geräten, ein paar wenige gehen vereinzelt, aber kaum der Rede Wert.

Screenshot 2023-03-04 220520

mcuiobroker commented 1 year ago

Welche Version nutzt du denn?

a-wenzel commented 1 year ago

Hallo @mcuiobroker

iobroker 6.3.5 jarvis 3.1.2

auf beiden Systemen

mcuiobroker commented 1 year ago

Nimm mal bitte die neueste v3.1.4-beta.5.

mcuiobroker commented 1 year ago

Kannst du mal bitte auf ein graues Dreieck klicken und das dann posten. Danke. image

a-wenzel commented 1 year ago

Also leider selbes Verhalten, iobroker geht komplett in die Knie in dem Moment (timeout), CPU Usage explodiert und console läuft voll (v3.1.4-beta.5). Anbei die Screenshots: Screenshot 2023-03-04 222342

mcuiobroker commented 1 year ago

Wie sind denn die jarvis-Einstellungen? Steht denn schon was in den jarvis-Objekten drin? jarvis.0.devices, jarvis.0.widgets ...?

a-wenzel commented 1 year ago

Alles Default, habe die beiden Ports durchgereicht in unraid / docker. devices, widgets existieren nicht (siehe Bild)

Screenshot 2023-03-04 223418 Screenshot 2023-03-04 222628

Zefau commented 1 year ago

Wie sieht denn dein ioBroker Log aus? Wenn die jarvis Instanzen neu starten, dann wahrscheinlich, weil die Instanzen wegen eines Fehlers abgestürzt sind.

Die Socket-Verbindung an sich klappt scheinbar, da ein paar Daten in deiner Browser Konsole erkennbar sind.

a-wenzel commented 1 year ago

Mehr ist da nicht zu sehen, oder meinst du direkt nach dem crash?

Screenshot 2023-03-05 000525

a-wenzel commented 1 year ago

Also so sieht das Log aus wenn ich die Instanz installiere und danach direkt die SUche in der Jarvis GUI starte (nachdem sich der iobroker dann wieder gefangen hat).

2023-03-05 00:04:53.778 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 (force=false, process=true) 2023-03-05 00:04:53.779 - info: jarvis.0 (1442) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2023-03-05 00:04:53.784 - info: jarvis.0 (1442) Adapter stopped und unloaded. 2023-03-05 00:04:53.784 - info: jarvis.0 (1442) terminating 2023-03-05 00:04:53.784 - info: jarvis.0 (1442) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2023-03-05 00:04:53.998 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 send kill signal 2023-03-05 00:04:54.420 - info: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2023-03-05 00:04:57.183 - info: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 started with pid 1517 2023-03-05 00:05:01.119 - info: jarvis.0 (1517) starting. Version 3.1.4-beta.5 (non-npm: Zefau/ioBroker.jarvis) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis, node: v16.19.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-03-05 00:05:01.139 - info: jarvis.0 (1517) No Backup found for styles, thus backing up initially. 2023-03-05 00:05:01.146 - info: jarvis.0 (1517) Found Backups for layout. 2023-03-05 00:05:01.147 - info: jarvis.0 (1517) Found Backups for widgets. 2023-03-05 00:05:01.147 - info: jarvis.0 (1517) Found Backups for settings. 2023-03-05 00:05:01.148 - info: jarvis.0 (1517) Found Backups for devices. 2023-03-05 00:05:01.218 - info: jarvis.0 (1517) Connection: WebSocket opened on port 8400 using http... 2023-03-05 00:30:00.314 - info: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.ical.0 started with pid 1532 2023-03-05 00:30:03.792 - info: ical.0 (1532) starting. Version 1.13.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.ical, node: v16.19.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-03-05 00:30:09.458 - info: ical.0 (1532) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2023-03-05 00:30:09.976 - info: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.ical.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR) 2023-03-05 00:37:06.222 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker del jarvis.0 --debug 2023-03-05 00:37:08.744 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker Delete instance "jarvis.0" 2023-03-05 00:37:09.040 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 1 instances of jarvis.0 2023-03-05 00:37:09.171 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 1 devices of jarvis.0 2023-03-05 00:37:09.292 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 2 channels of jarvis.0 2023-03-05 00:37:09.412 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 56 states of jarvis.0 2023-03-05 00:37:09.536 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 14 states of system.adapter.jarvis.0 2023-03-05 00:37:09.656 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 54 states (io.jarvis.0.) from states 2023-03-05 00:37:10.059 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 15 states (system.adapter.jarvis.0.) from states 2023-03-05 00:37:16.766 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Deleting 74 object(s). 2023-03-05 00:37:17.020 - info: host.a5060696d0fe object deleted system.adapter.jarvis.0 2023-03-05 00:37:17.021 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 (force=false, process=true) 2023-03-05 00:37:17.023 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Deleting 69 state(s). 2023-03-05 00:37:17.023 - info: jarvis.0 (1517) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2023-03-05 00:37:17.024 - info: jarvis.0 (1517) Adapter stopped und unloaded. 2023-03-05 00:37:17.024 - info: jarvis.0 (1517) terminating 2023-03-05 00:37:17.024 - info: jarvis.0 (1517) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2023-03-05 00:37:17.065 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 send kill signal 2023-03-05 00:37:17.674 - error: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 terminated by request of the instance itself and will not be restarted, before user restarts it. 2023-03-05 00:37:17.674 - info: host.a5060696d0fe Do not restart adapter system.adapter.jarvis.0 because desired by instance 2023-03-05 00:37:18.159 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker exit 0 2023-03-05 00:37:38.606 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker add jarvis auto --host a5060696d0fe --debug 2023-03-05 00:37:41.433 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [15] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/admin.css admin.css text/css 2023-03-05 00:37:41.438 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [14] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/admin.js admin.js application/javascript 2023-03-05 00:37:41.441 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [13] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/i18n/de/translations.json i18n/de/translations.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:41.444 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [12] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/i18n/en/translations.json i18n/en/translations.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:41.447 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [11] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/i18n/es/translations.json i18n/es/translations.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:41.451 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [10] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/i18n/fr/translations.json i18n/fr/translations.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:41.454 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [9] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/i18n/it/translations.json i18n/it/translations.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:41.457 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [8] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/i18n/nl/translations.json i18n/nl/translations.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:41.460 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [7] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/i18n/pl/translations.json i18n/pl/translations.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:41.463 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [6] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/i18n/pt/translations.json i18n/pt/translations.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:41.467 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [5] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/i18n/ru/translations.json i18n/ru/translations.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:41.470 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [4] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/i18n/zh-cn/translations.json i18n/zh-cn/translations.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:41.473 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [3] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/index_m.html index_m.html text/html 2023-03-05 00:37:41.476 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [2] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/jarvis.png jarvis.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:41.478 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [1] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/words.js words.js application/javascript 2023-03-05 00:37:41.481 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [0] jarvis.admin /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/admin/zefau.jpg zefau.jpg image/jpeg 2023-03-05 00:37:42.067 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [198] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png apple-touch-icon-120x120.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.407 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [150] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/assets/moon_3.7759e7e2.png assets/moon_3.7759e7e2.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.543 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [100] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/assets/weather_set3_18.d28f334f.png assets/weather_set3_18.d28f334f.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.569 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [90] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/assets/weather_set5_16.f5a6b645.png assets/weather_set5_16.f5a6b645.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.604 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [80] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/assets/weather_set5_8.e89dc01f.png assets/weather_set5_8.e89dc01f.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.634 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [70] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icon-256x256.png icon-256x256.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.662 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [60] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/android/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png icons/android/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.697 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [50] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/android/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_background.png icons/android/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_background.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.726 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [40] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/icon-192x192.png icons/icon-192x192.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.755 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [30] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/ios/AppIcon-29@2x~ipad.png icons/ios/AppIcon-29@2x~ipad.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.785 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [20] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/ios/AppIcon@2x.png icons/ios/AppIcon@2x.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.788 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [19] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/ios/AppIcon@2x~ipad.png icons/ios/AppIcon@2x~ipad.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.791 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [18] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/ios/AppIcon@3x.png icons/ios/AppIcon@3x.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.795 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [17] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/ios/AppIcon~ios-marketing.png icons/ios/AppIcon~ios-marketing.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.800 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [16] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/ios/AppIcon~ipad.png icons/ios/AppIcon~ipad.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.804 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [15] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/web/README.txt icons/web/README.txt text/plain 2023-03-05 00:37:42.807 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [14] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/web/apple-touch-icon.png icons/web/apple-touch-icon.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.810 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [13] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/web/favicon.ico icons/web/favicon.ico image/vnd.microsoft.icon 2023-03-05 00:37:42.813 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [12] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/web/icon-192-maskable.png icons/web/icon-192-maskable.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.816 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [11] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/web/icon-192.png icons/web/icon-192.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.819 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [10] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/web/icon-512-maskable.png icons/web/icon-512-maskable.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.823 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [9] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/icons/web/icon-512.png icons/web/icon-512.png image/png 2023-03-05 00:37:42.826 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [8] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/index.html index.html text/html 2023-03-05 00:37:42.829 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [7] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/js/app.hash.json js/app.hash.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:42.831 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [6] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/js/app.licences.json js/app.licences.json application/json 2023-03-05 00:37:42.834 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [5] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/js/index-174fe508.js js/index-174fe508.js application/javascript 2023-03-05 00:37:43.016 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [4] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/js/index-32be2f78.js js/index-32be2f78.js application/javascript 2023-03-05 00:37:43.143 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [3] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/js/index-8ba699cd.js js/index-8ba699cd.js application/javascript 2023-03-05 00:37:43.305 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [2] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/js/index-aae2d6a8.js js/index-aae2d6a8.js application/javascript 2023-03-05 00:37:43.450 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [1] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/js/index-b1a5733a.js js/index-b1a5733a.js application/javascript 2023-03-05 00:37:43.639 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker upload [0] jarvis /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis/www/js/index-c126789a.js js/index-c126789a.js application/javascript 2023-03-05 00:37:43.906 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe create instance jarvis 2023-03-05 00:37:43.912 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.alive created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.916 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.connected created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.919 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.compactMode created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.922 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.cpu created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.925 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.cputime created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.929 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.memHeapUsed created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.932 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.memHeapTotal created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.935 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.memRss created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.938 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.uptime created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.941 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.inputCount created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.945 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.outputCount created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.951 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.eventLoopLag created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.954 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.sigKill created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.957 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.logLevel created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.961 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.upload created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.963 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0 created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.966 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.clients.connected created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.968 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.info.pro created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.971 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.widgets created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.973 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.devices created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.976 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.settings created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.978 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.layout created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.980 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.css created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.983 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.scripts created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.985 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.notifications created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.987 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.addNotification created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.990 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.clients created 2023-03-05 00:37:43.992 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.clients.connected: {} 2023-03-05 00:37:43.995 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.info.pro: 2023-03-05 00:37:43.997 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.widgets: {} 2023-03-05 00:37:43.999 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.devices: {} 2023-03-05 00:37:44.001 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.settings: {} 2023-03-05 00:37:44.004 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.layout: {} 2023-03-05 00:37:44.006 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.css: 2023-03-05 00:37:44.009 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.scripts: 2023-03-05 00:37:44.011 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.notifications: [] 2023-03-05 00:37:44.128 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0 created 2023-03-05 00:37:45.183 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker exit 0 2023-03-05 00:37:49.446 - info: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 started with pid 1565 2023-03-05 00:37:50.480 - info: admin.0 (618) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2023-03-05 00:37:53.373 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) starting. Version 3.1.4-beta.5 (non-npm: Zefau/ioBroker.jarvis) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis, node: v16.19.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-03-05 00:37:53.393 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) No Backup found for styles, thus backing up initially. 2023-03-05 00:37:53.401 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) Found Backups for widgets. 2023-03-05 00:37:53.401 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) Found Backups for layout. 2023-03-05 00:37:53.402 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) Found Backups for devices. 2023-03-05 00:37:53.404 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) Found Backups for settings. 2023-03-05 00:37:53.435 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) Connection: WebSocket opened on port 8400 using http... 2023-03-05 00:37:54.131 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 (force=false, process=true) 2023-03-05 00:37:54.138 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2023-03-05 00:37:54.139 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) Adapter stopped und unloaded. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.139 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) terminating 2023-03-05 00:37:54.139 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2023-03-05 00:37:54.718 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get admin.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.718 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get discovery.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.718 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get backitup.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.718 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get hm-rega.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.718 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get hm-rpc.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get hue-extended.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get hue.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get ical.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get influxdb.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get javascript.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get mielecloudservice.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get powerfox2.1.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get samsung_tizen.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get shelly.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get sonoff.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get tado.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get telegram.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get trashschedule.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.719 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get unifi.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get web.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get jarvis.0.info.connection, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.720 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.721 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.721 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.721 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.721 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.721 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.721 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.721 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.721 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.721 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get undefined.connected, error - DB closed 2023-03-05 00:37:54.737 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get admin.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.737 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get discovery.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.737 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get backitup.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.738 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get hm-rega.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.738 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get hm-rpc.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.738 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get hue-extended.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.738 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get hue.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.738 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get ical.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.738 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get influxdb.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.739 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get javascript.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.739 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get mielecloudservice.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.739 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get powerfox2.1.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.739 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get samsung_tizen.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.739 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get shelly.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.739 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get sonoff.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.740 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get tado.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.740 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get telegram.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.740 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get trashschedule.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.740 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get unifi.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.740 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get web.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.740 - warn: jarvis.0 (1565) redis get jarvis.0.info.connection, error - Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:37:54.990 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 send kill signal 2023-03-05 00:37:55.991 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 killing pid 1565 2023-03-05 00:37:56.042 - info: jarvis.0 (1565) terminating with timeout 2023-03-05 00:37:56.247 - info: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2023-03-05 00:37:58.159 - info: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 started with pid 1580 2023-03-05 00:38:01.956 - info: admin.0 (618) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2023-03-05 00:38:01.991 - info: jarvis.0 (1580) starting. Version 3.1.4-beta.5 (non-npm: Zefau/ioBroker.jarvis) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis, node: v16.19.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-03-05 00:38:02.012 - info: jarvis.0 (1580) No Backup found for styles, thus backing up initially. 2023-03-05 00:38:02.019 - info: jarvis.0 (1580) Found Backups for settings. 2023-03-05 00:38:02.019 - info: jarvis.0 (1580) Found Backups for layout. 2023-03-05 00:38:02.020 - info: jarvis.0 (1580) Found Backups for widgets. 2023-03-05 00:38:02.020 - info: jarvis.0 (1580) Found Backups for devices. 2023-03-05 00:38:02.052 - info: jarvis.0 (1580) Connection: WebSocket opened on port 8400 using http... 2023-03-05 00:39:57.962 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker del jarvis.0 --debug 2023-03-05 00:40:00.767 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker Delete instance "jarvis.0" 2023-03-05 00:40:01.045 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 1 instances of jarvis.0 2023-03-05 00:40:01.288 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 2 channels of jarvis.0 2023-03-05 00:40:01.404 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 13 states of jarvis.0 2023-03-05 00:40:01.521 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 14 states of system.adapter.jarvis.0 2023-03-05 00:40:01.630 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 12 states (io.jarvis.0.) from states 2023-03-05 00:40:02.016 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Counted 15 states (system.adapter.jarvis.0.) from states 2023-03-05 00:40:08.656 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Deleting 30 object(s). 2023-03-05 00:40:08.824 - info: host.a5060696d0fe object deleted system.adapter.jarvis.0 2023-03-05 00:40:08.825 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 (force=false, process=true) 2023-03-05 00:40:08.826 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Deleting 27 state(s). 2023-03-05 00:40:09.056 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 send kill signal 2023-03-05 00:40:09.055 - info: jarvis.0 (1580) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2023-03-05 00:40:09.057 - info: jarvis.0 (1580) Adapter stopped und unloaded. 2023-03-05 00:40:09.057 - info: jarvis.0 (1580) terminating 2023-03-05 00:40:09.057 - info: jarvis.0 (1580) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2023-03-05 00:40:09.747 - error: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 terminated by request of the instance itself and will not be restarted, before user restarts it. 2023-03-05 00:40:09.747 - info: host.a5060696d0fe Do not restart adapter system.adapter.jarvis.0 because desired by instance 2023-03-05 00:40:10.154 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker exit 0 2023-03-05 00:40:27.669 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.dark_all" has to be type "string" but received type "boolean" 2023-03-05 00:40:27.673 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.lightlevel" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2023-03-05 00:40:27.674 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.lightlevel_max" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2023-03-05 00:40:30.416 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker add jarvis auto --host a5060696d0fe --debug 2023-03-05 00:40:33.056 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe create instance jarvis 2023-03-05 00:40:33.062 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.alive created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.065 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.connected created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.069 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.compactMode created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.071 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.cpu created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.073 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.cputime created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.076 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.memHeapUsed created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.079 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.memHeapTotal created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.082 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.memRss created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.085 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.uptime created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.088 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.inputCount created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.091 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.outputCount created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.094 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.eventLoopLag created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.097 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.sigKill created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.099 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0.logLevel created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.102 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.upload created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.104 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0 created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.107 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.clients.connected created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.113 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.info.pro created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.116 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.widgets created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.119 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.devices created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.123 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.settings created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.127 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.layout created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.128 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.css created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.130 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.scripts created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.132 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.notifications created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.135 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.addNotification created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.138 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object jarvis.0.clients created 2023-03-05 00:40:33.177 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.clients.connected: {} 2023-03-05 00:40:33.179 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.info.pro: 2023-03-05 00:40:33.182 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.widgets: {} 2023-03-05 00:40:33.185 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.devices: {} 2023-03-05 00:40:33.187 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.settings: {} 2023-03-05 00:40:33.190 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.layout: {} 2023-03-05 00:40:33.193 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.css: 2023-03-05 00:40:33.196 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.scripts: 2023-03-05 00:40:33.198 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe Set default value of jarvis.0.notifications: [] 2023-03-05 00:40:33.205 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker host.a5060696d0fe object system.adapter.jarvis.0 created 2023-03-05 00:40:34.223 - info: host.a5060696d0fe iobroker exit 0 2023-03-05 00:40:38.962 - info: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 started with pid 1613 2023-03-05 00:40:42.745 - info: jarvis.0 (1613) starting. Version 3.1.4-beta.5 (non-npm: Zefau/ioBroker.jarvis) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis, node: v16.19.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-03-05 00:40:42.767 - info: jarvis.0 (1613) No Backup found for styles, thus backing up initially. 2023-03-05 00:40:42.774 - info: jarvis.0 (1613) Found Backups for layout. 2023-03-05 00:40:42.774 - info: jarvis.0 (1613) Found Backups for widgets. 2023-03-05 00:40:42.775 - info: jarvis.0 (1613) Found Backups for settings. 2023-03-05 00:40:42.775 - info: jarvis.0 (1613) Found Backups for devices. 2023-03-05 00:40:42.806 - info: jarvis.0 (1613) Connection: WebSocket opened on port 8400 using http... 2023-03-05 00:40:43.256 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 (force=false, process=true) 2023-03-05 00:40:43.260 - info: jarvis.0 (1613) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2023-03-05 00:40:43.260 - info: jarvis.0 (1613) Adapter stopped und unloaded. 2023-03-05 00:40:43.261 - info: jarvis.0 (1613) terminating 2023-03-05 00:40:43.261 - info: jarvis.0 (1613) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2023-03-05 00:40:43.379 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 send kill signal 2023-03-05 00:40:44.379 - info: host.a5060696d0fe stopInstance system.adapter.jarvis.0 killing pid 1613 2023-03-05 00:40:44.514 - error: jarvis.0 (1613) Cannot find view "system" for search "enum" : Connection is closed. 2023-03-05 00:40:44.788 - info: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2023-03-05 00:40:46.565 - info: host.a5060696d0fe instance system.adapter.jarvis.0 started with pid 1628 2023-03-05 00:40:50.540 - info: jarvis.0 (1628) starting. Version 3.1.4-beta.5 (non-npm: Zefau/ioBroker.jarvis) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.jarvis, node: v16.19.1, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-03-05 00:40:50.561 - info: jarvis.0 (1628) No Backup found for styles, thus backing up initially. 2023-03-05 00:40:50.569 - info: jarvis.0 (1628) Found Backups for layout. 2023-03-05 00:40:50.574 - info: jarvis.0 (1628) Found Backups for widgets. 2023-03-05 00:40:50.574 - info: jarvis.0 (1628) Found Backups for devices. 2023-03-05 00:40:50.576 - info: jarvis.0 (1628) Found Backups for settings. 2023-03-05 00:40:50.605 - info: jarvis.0 (1628) Connection: WebSocket opened on port 8400 using http... 2023-03-05 00:40:57.879 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.lightlevel" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2023-03-05 00:40:57.879 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.lightlevel_max" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2023-03-05 00:41:50.850 - info: jarvis.0 (1628) Client with IP connected. 2023-03-05 00:41:52.253 - info: jarvis.0 (1628) Backup devices.. 2023-03-05 00:41:54.654 - info: jarvis.0 (1628) Backup devices.. 2023-03-05 00:41:54.659 - info: jarvis.0 (1628) Backup settings.. 2023-03-05 00:43:28.944 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.presence.state.presence" has to be type "string" but received type "boolean" 2023-03-05 00:43:28.985 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.dark_all" has to be type "string" but received type "boolean" 2023-03-05 00:43:28.985 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.lightlevel" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2023-03-05 00:43:28.986 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.lightlevel_max" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2023-03-05 00:43:59.229 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.presence.state.presence" has to be type "string" but received type "boolean" 2023-03-05 00:45:00.005 - info: javascript.0 (656) script.js.Shelly_Verbrauchs_Historie: Shelly Verbrauch: Verbrauchswerte aktualisiert: 4 | Reboots korrigiert: 0 | Unveränderte Werte: 4 2023-03-05 00:46:00.284 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.presence.state.presence" has to be type "string" but received type "boolean" 2023-03-05 00:46:30.474 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.dark_all" has to be type "string" but received type "boolean" 2023-03-05 00:46:30.474 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.lightlevel" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2023-03-05 00:46:30.475 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.lightlevel_max" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2023-03-05 00:47:00.697 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.presence.state.presence" has to be type "string" but received type "boolean" 2023-03-05 00:47:00.737 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.dark_all" has to be type "string" but received type "boolean" 2023-03-05 00:47:00.737 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.lightlevel" has to be type "string" but received type "number" 2023-03-05 00:47:00.737 - info: hue-extended.0 (844) State value to set for "hue-extended.0.groups.000-all_lights.lightlevel.state.lightlevel_max" has to be type "string" but received type "number"

Zefau commented 1 year ago

Also einen Fehler hast du nicht in ioBroker Log, wenn du den Import startest?

In dem Log was du gepostet hast ist nichts wirklich drin.

a-wenzel commented 1 year ago

Leider nein, die komplette iobroker Instanz friert ein und erholt sich erst nach 1-2 Minuten wieder. Das ganze habe ich auf einem Raspberry Pi 4 (Docker) und einem unRaid Server (Docker) mit identischem Verhalten.

Zefau commented 1 year ago

Kannst du mal die ganze Log-Datei des Tages an iobroker.jarvis@mailbox.org schicken? Vielleicht finde ich ja was.

a-wenzel commented 1 year ago

E-Mail ist raus mit Log und Sorry für die Umstände

Zefau commented 1 year ago

Leider kann ich aus dem Log auch nichts rauslesen.

Wenn du beim Import der Geräte alle Adapter abwählst und nur einzelne ausgewählte Adapter auswählst, passiert es dann auch noch?

a-wenzel commented 1 year ago

Also habe mal ein paar durchgeklickt - der Raspberry geht dabei in die Knie, der "große" Unraid-Server (i5-7600, 32 GB RAM) schafft es nach Delay (ioBroker friert kurz ein) mit der Beta dann aber gerade noch.

Eine Abfrage aller Adapter endet aber wie gehabt in dem Fehler von meinem ersten Post ( + die Jarvis Instanz wird im ioBroker Rot, scheint sich also komplett zu verabschieden).

Vielen Dank für die Mühe, ich werde es nun einfach einzeln erstmal importieren.