Closed ydzhang12345 closed 7 years ago
有什么问题可以在这个issue中交流, 谢谢~
我 也是在 训练目标检测, 在VOC_2007上, 总是不能收敛,很困惑 。。。。。
@zsz02 目前只测试了kitti, 可以把mobilenet搬到squeezeDet中train。
I run detection training with Kitti, but loss does not converge ( always stay around 24.00 after 64000 iterations). Do you see the same behavior?
Try to tune the learning rate and lr policy. Loss would converge to about 1.5.
Can you recommend values of learning rate and lr policy to try?
You can try: --optimizer=sgd --learning_rate=0.00005 --learning_rate_decay_factor=0.5 --num_epochs_per_decay=10.0
@Zehaos 请问你在检测任务finetune时候,有没有fixed的参数?或者放开了哪些层,固定了哪些层?
@davidduo 还没尝试固定参数。 一般需要固定前面几层。
請問可以用 VOC2007 這類有 multi label 的 data base 來做 classification training 嗎?
@Goliathplus 这篇文章看起来不错
Google releases its mobilenet code and pretrained models today (See below). There is a family of mobilenet in this release. Which configuration is your mobilenet?
@kaishijeng The first one. But still, the others also could be implemented using my code.
Thanks for the info. Do you have a pretrained detection model which you can share? I am still not able to get loss down to below 8 with my own training using values you suggested: --optimizer=sgd --learning_rate=0.00005 --learning_rate_decay_factor=0.5 --num_epochs_per_decay=10.0
@kaishijeng Sorry, no pre-trained detection model is avaliabled now. it is still under developing. And, the most important, I do not guarantee that the detection part has no bug.
Guys, The official implementation of object detection is now released, see tensorflow/model/object_detection.
@Zehaos Detection training with Kitti, loss still can not converge! Same problem as @kaishijeng!
Any idea when you will have a trained detection model to share?
你好,我们刚刚尝试了用你们的model fine tune在了自己的dataset上(traffic sign classification),感觉效果不错。我看到关于目标检测这部分还在debugging之中, 想问下现在主要哪部分还未完善呢?由于时间紧迫,我们需要尽快完成这部分的功能,所以想看看可不可以自己把剩下的部分补充好