Open mustafa-qamaruddin opened 6 years ago
That's how I freeze the graph:
$ python tools/ \
--input_graph /tmp/mobilenet-model-0004/graph.pbtxt \
--input_checkpoint /tmp/mobilenet-model-0004/model.ckpt-0 \
--output_graph ./frozen_graph.pb \
--output_node_names MobileNet/Predictions/Softmax
That's how I did the training:
$ python \
--train_dir=/tmp/mobilenet-model-0004 \
--dataset_name=custom \
--dataset_split_name=train_val \
--dataset_dir=LEGOSET/records \
--model_name=mobilenet \
--preprocessing_name=mobilenet \
--width_multiplier=1.0 \
--max_number_of_steps=1000 \
--batch_size=32 \
--save_interval_secs=240 \
--save_summaries_secs=240 \
--log_every_n_steps=100 \
--optimizer=adam \
--opt_epsilon=0.000000001 \
--learning_rate=0.0001 \
--learning_rate_decay_factor=0.00001 \
--num_epochs_per_decay=2 \
--weight_decay=0.00005 \
--adam_beta1=0.09 \
input_node = graph.get_tensor_by_name('import/MobileNet/input_images:0')
gives the following:
KeyError: "The name 'import/MobileNet/input_images:0' refers to a Tensor which does not exist. The operation, 'import/MobileNet/input_images', does not exist in the graph."
Hello, I have the same mistake as you. Can you tell me how to solve it?
I have written a custom TF Record writer that converts a custom dataset into TF records, and then I have trained the model, and exported it as frozen model for testing. However, I am getting the error above...