Zel-os / MogaSerial

Mode A serial driver interface for Moga bluetooth controllers on Windows.
MIT License
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Troubles building solution in Visual Studio 2017 #14

Open CDragu opened 7 years ago

CDragu commented 7 years ago


I am trying to build this project in order to study it. At the moment I have this error and some other ones that have the same code.

Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp_GetVJDStatus referenced in function "public: static int __cdecl vJoyCtrl::vJoyAttach(class CMogaSerialMain *,bool)" (?vJoyAttach@vJoyCtrl@@SAHPEAVCMogaSerialMain@@_N@Z)

Can you give me some direction to how are you using the code. Maybe going with VS2017 wasn't the best idea?

Zel-os commented 7 years ago

I built MogaSerial using VS2010 on a system running Windows 7, but I didn't use any fancy aspects of Visual Studio so I don't imagine VS2017 would cause any problems on its own.

If library dependencies happened to get cleared, I'm linking to these: vJoy\vJoyInterface.lib;Setupapi.lib;Xinput.lib

I see that vJoy got updated, and it's possible the API changed somehow. I built using version 2.1.6.