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Define Syntax for Iterator Definition #154

Open kindlich opened 3 months ago

kindlich commented 3 months ago

Currently, StdLib's Iterable.zs defines the Iterator-Member like so:

for(item as T) as Iterator<T> => iterate();

However, the parser expects:

for(T) {
    // What to do in here?

Defined in ParsedDefinitionMember:

            case K_FOR: {

                tokens.required(T_BROPEN, "( expected");

                List<IParsedType> loopVariableTypes = new ArrayList<>();
                if (tokens.optional(T_BRCLOSE) == null) {
                    do {
                    } while (tokens.optional(T_COMMA) != null);
                    tokens.required(T_BRCLOSE, ") expected");

                ParsedFunctionBody body = ParsedStatement.parseFunctionBody(tokens);
                return new ParsedIterator(start, modifiers, annotations, loopVariableTypes, body);

We need to define how the iterator members should look like and how it should behave.

Acceptance Criteria: