ZenGo-X / multi-party-ecdsa

Rust implementation of {t,n}-threshold ECDSA (elliptic curve digital signature algorithm).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Is there any instructions or examples for verifying the signature (for gg20)? #189

Closed hcheng826 closed 1 year ago

hcheng826 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the great repository! I have walked through the example for GG20 keygen and signing. I can successfully generate the signature but I don't actually know how to extract the public key and actually verify the generated signature.

Is there any instructions or examples that I can refer to? Thanks!

ataki commented 1 year ago

See https://github.com/ZenGo-X/multi-party-ecdsa/issues/177 and in particular the comments after https://github.com/ZenGo-X/multi-party-ecdsa/issues/177#issuecomment-1178440742

hcheng826 commented 1 year ago

thanks for the reply! will check that out!

hcheng826 commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I didn't really get my question solved in that discussion 😢

But I tried another thing -

  1. Use the same shares to create 2 signatures from 2 different messages
  2. Recover the public keys from the message hashes and signatures
  3. And found that the recovered public keys are different

Is it a valid test? Or actually I am signing with different public key each time?

Here's my implementation in Javascript for reference: https://gist.github.com/hcheng826/2c3a4b98490a81052d8a4a1f8d4aad7f


recovered public key from signature 1: 
recovered public key from signature 2: 
ataki commented 1 year ago

Is it a valid test?


Or actually I am signing with different public key each time?

No. As long as you use the same private keys, you sign with the same public key.

And found that the recovered public keys are different

How are you recovering the public keys? Check the recovery id, that's a common source of issues.

hcheng826 commented 1 year ago

@ataki Thanks for the reply!

The recovery id I used is the id from the output of the signature. Is that the correct value to use? Screenshot 2022-12-08 at 10 27 34 AM

To my knowledge the recid could be either 0 or 1, I tried with both values but still got different public keys 🤔 You mentioned that you had the same issue earlier, is there any code snippet that you can share? Appreciate it!

peng-huang-ch commented 1 year ago

Try to print the signature as a hex string

let r = BigInt::from_bytes(sig.r.to_bytes().as_ref()).to_str_radix(16);
let s = BigInt::from_bytes(sig.s.to_bytes().as_ref()).to_str_radix(16);
let v = sig.recid;
let signature = format!("{:0>width$}{:0>width$}{:02x}", r, s, v, width = 64);

For Js could use the elliptic or ethers.js to verify it. Hopt it could help you For Rust could use the check_sig

hcheng826 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply! But I still cannot work it out 😥

I had another try, though. When I am tracing the code I found this: https://github.com/ZenGo-X/multi-party-ecdsa/blob/master/src/protocols/multi_party_ecdsa/gg_2020/state_machine/keygen/rounds.rs#L324-L329

I guess that points out that y_sum_s in the local_share.json file is the joint public_key for this signature. Unfortunately when I tried to verify the signature with this public key, it still fails 😥

This is how I process y_sum_s and the signature coming from the ./gg20_signing command https://gist.github.com/hcheng826/c494f639a7646f1758e0b6fab8c6d3d3


peng-huang-ch commented 1 year ago



const msg = "hello";
const result = pk.verify(Buffer.from(sha3.keccak256(msg), "hex"), sig);


const msg = "68656c6c6f";
const result = pk.verify(Buffer.from(msg, "hex"), sig);

you need to get the actual message to be signed. data_to_sign changed

 let data_to_sign = "hello";
 let message = BigInt::from_bytes(data_to_sign.as_bytes());
 println!("message: {}", message.to_hex());

 => 68656c6c6f
hcheng826 commented 1 year ago

@peng-huang-ch Thank you so much! It works!!!!

Append the conversion in js for others' reference

const msg = "hello";
const msgHex = Buffer.from(msg).toString("hex");
const result = pk.verify(Buffer.from(msgHex, "hex"), sig);