ZenVoich / mops

Package manager for the Motoko programming language
MIT License
35 stars 3 forks source link

Deno Mops #210

Open infu opened 5 months ago

infu commented 5 months ago

Mops cli seems to be one of the things that deno will be perfect for.

deno run --allow-net=jglts-daaaa-aaaai-qnpma-cai.ic0.app --allow-read=/absolute/path/to/currentDir --allow-write=/absolute/path/to/.mops --allow-read=/absolute/path/to/.config/mops --allow-write=/absolute/path/to/.config/mops http_s://jglts-daaaa-aaaai-qnpma-cai.ic0.app/script.ts add devefi-icrc-ledger