Closed evgongora closed 5 hours ago
I would like to work on this issue
Can I jump on this task?
Am a frontend dev and an experienced technical writer. Can I take this from here? previous merge technical doc:
May I try my hand at this?
Can I take this from here?
Can I take this from here? I'm a frontend/smart contract developer and a technical writer. Here are links to comprehensive docs I've written and have been merged Flex-NFT-Marketplace/Flex-Marketplace-Contract#107,,,,
Can I contribute to this one? @ Can I work on this ? I am a web3 developer/ Technical writer I have experience in a lot of open source contributions especially in making Documentation Here are some of the merged docs I’ve written Flex-NFT-Marketplace/Flex-Marketplace-Contract@fc28412 i will update the readme file to include a clear explanation of how to use the broilerplate
Hello @evgongora, I'd like to handle this task. This would be my first contribution. I would ensure to create a standard PR template to make it easier for contributors. I would also update the file with the correct way to use the boilerplate. This would be my first contribution. Thanks ETA is 1 day.
Mind if I take this issue?
Can I be assigned to work on this? I have three years experience in Software development and have contributed to some projects on OD here.
ETA: 10 hours.
Can I take this from here?
May I take care of this?
Hello can I be assigned this please? I am a blockchain developer and I'm also good at documentations. I'll provide an updated README file to include a clear explanation of how to use the boilerplate. I'll provide a standardized pull request (PR) template, similar to the format used in other repositories, to streamline the contribution process and ensure consistency across PRs. Below are some of the documentations I've done that were merged:,,,,
Please I’m ready to work, assign me please.
Hi, I am proficient Blockchain developer expert in Cairo , Rust and Solidity and also in web development. please /assign this issue . Thank You
As a member of the Dojo Coding community, I have experience in web2 and traditional technologies, as for web3 I have only been working for a few months and I have managed to make a few contributions, however, it is not an impediment for me to do my best in this issue, I will dedicate the necessary effort to contribute to the OSS.
To solve this issue, I will perform the following steps:
hey sir I'd like to handle this task. i'm a technical writer, frontend developer and a blockchain dev i would really love to contribute to your project please kindly assign :)
Can I contribute to this one?
i'm a frontend developer and a blockchain dev i would really like to contribute to your project kindly assign :)
Thanks for the assignment, I will work on it. ⛩️
The Semaphore-Stellar boilerplate needs an updated README file to include a clear explanation of how to use the boilerplate. Additionally, a standardized pull request (PR) template, similar to the format used in other repositories, should be created to streamline the contribution process and ensure consistency across PRs.