Zendro-dev / graphql-server

Skeleton NodeJS project for a graphQL server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Enable whitelist roles #75

Closed asishallab closed 3 years ago

asishallab commented 3 years ago

We want to disable authorization checks for any arbitrary list of resolvers, i.e. "actions" on "resources" in the ACL terminology.

To do so, the following steps need to be carried:

Step 1

Delete the following from the server.js:

// Force users to sign in to get access to anything else than '/login'
console.log("REQUIRE: ", globals.REQUIRE_SIGN_IN);
if (globals.REQUIRE_SIGN_IN) {
  app.use(jwt({ secret: globals.JWT_SECRET }).unless({ path: ['/login'] }));

But make sure, after deletion the authorization checks still work and there are no security holes.

Step 2

Add an optional argument to the environment variables, e.g. in globals:

// globals.js

# Declare any role(s) found in acl_rules.js that have free permissions (without login or a user assigned) 
# to the respective resources:
# WHITELIST_ROLES = ["reader"];

Step 3

Adjust utils/checkAuthorization.js module:

   if (isNonEmptyArray(globals.WHITELIST_ROLES)) {
      // check if the whitelist roles give permission to the argument resource
     // if permission is given return as below with "green light" 
     // otherwise continue checking permission as below
    //Identify user from context
    let decoded = jwt.verify(token, JWT_SECRET);

    //check for permissions from specific roles
     return context.acl.areAnyRolesAllowed(decoded.roles, resource, permission);
    //invalid token
    console.log("invalid token...");
    throw new Error(err);
    //return false;