Closed EmmanuelDemey closed 7 years ago
A few thoughts.
means "more important than normal text", **
means "even more important than *
". Nothing changes with this CSS modification.*JavaScript* devra être remplacé en **JavaScript**
" why?I understand though, that in practice, people have been using **
for italic for foreign words and stuff in slides, while they should not have. It is too late to change that now. So in practice, yes it is a breaking change. A breaking change that is impossible to release, because it would lock projects out of new versions of the framework while the slides are converted, which would take a very long time. And it is understandable. Who would want to do that? I don't. Do you have a solution to this? Otherwise I'm afraid this is not a worthy change.
Attention Breaking Changes ! On devra repasser sur toutes les formations pour transformer le Markdown.
Un seul * correspond à de l'italique, mais il était jusqu'à présent affiché en bold.