Closed llf10811020205 closed 2 years ago
can you please share the example config for funsd dataset?
comment: " FUNSD resnet-34-pretrained "
device: 'cuda'
syncBN: True
start_epoch: 0
end_epoch: 33
batch_size: 2
optimizer_cnn_hyp: # SGD -> CNN
learning_rate: 0.008
min_learning_rate: 0.00001
warm_up_epoches: 1
warm_up_init_lr: 0.00001
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.005
min_weight_decay: 0.005
optimizer_bert_hyp: # AdamW -> BERT
learning_rate: 0.000005
min_learning_rate: 0.0000001
warm_up_epoches: 1
warm_up_init_lr: 0.0000001
beta1: 0.9
beta2: 0.999
epsilon: 0.00000001
weight_decay: 0.01
min_weight_decay: 0.01
num_hard_positive_main_1: 16
num_hard_negative_main_1: 16
num_hard_positive_main_2: 32
num_hard_negative_main_2: 32
- 256
- 512
- 256
num_hard_positive_aux: 256
num_hard_negative_aux: 256
ohem_random: True
classifier_mode: "simp"
eval_mode: "seqeval"
tag_mode: "B"
save_top: "./weights/"
save_log: "./log/"
amp: True
weights: ''
num_workers: 0
data_root: "/dir/to/FUNSD"
# #######################################
num_classes: 4
- 0.9480
- 0.9480
- 0.9480
- 0.1840
- 0.1840
- 0.1840
- 320
- 416
- 512
- 608
- 704
image_max_size: 800
test_image_min_size: 512
bert_version: "bert-base-uncased" # FUNSD
backbone: "resnet_34_fpn_pretrained"
grid_mode: "mean"
early_fusion_downsampling_ratio: 8
roi_shape: 7
p_fuse_downsampling_ratio: 4
roi_align_output_reshape: False
late_fusion_fuse_embedding_channel: 1024
layer_mode: "single"
add_pos_neg: True
# - 1
# - 1
# - 1.5
# - 1
# - 1.5
# - 0
# - 4.906
# - 5.372
# - 2.002
# - 5.373
loss_control_lambda: 1
Thank you! Do you have any pretrained model with FUNSD dataset?
I'm sorry that I can't get the pre-trained model on FUNSD for you. The weights are stored on a server that I don't have access to currently due to position changes. You can train the model based on the configuration mentioned above, and it won't take up a long time.