ZenoArrows / The-Simpsons-Hit-and-Run

Switch port of The Simpsons: Hit & Run original source code from 2003
126 stars 4 forks source link

Need help testing the vita port #11

Open ZenoArrows opened 9 months ago

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

I've compiled a PS Vita version, but have no hardware to test it on. Nor do I have any knowledge about where the game assets should be placed.

However if anyone wants to try and figure that out, you can download a very early version of the port here to help with testing: https://github.com/ZenoArrows/The-Simpsons-Hit-and-Run/releases/tag/v0.4-vita

Please discuss issues with this port as comments in this ticket until the port is finalized.

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

This one might be worth trying: SRR2.zip

This one

Foundation Technologies - RadCore - Version 3.01

Registered Game Data [0]: Save Game Info (16 bytes) Registered Game Data [1]: Input Manager (1 bytes) Registered Game Data [2]: Character Sheet (7128 bytes) Debug Console Failed: Make sure debug communication system initialized ::RadScript Version 3.4 ::RadSound Version 3.7 AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Sound Memory totals: Stream: [0x4ad800] Clip: [0xb1a000], Total: [0xfc7800] AUDIO: Sound Buffered Stream Memory Stream: [0x0], Clip: [0x0] Total: AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes Registered Game Data [3]: Sound Manager (20 bytes)

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

And this one without the debug code might also be worth a shot: SRR2.zip

Second one gives empty log

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Ok so same results pretty much. I could add a bunch of more logging to try and pinpoint the error, but what we really need is to get a crash dump like this:


DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Will do

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Getting a complete stack trace using this tool would be even better: https://github.com/xyzz/vita-parse-core

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

I can actually run the parser myself, I'll just need the psp2dmp file from you. In any case, whether it's a picture of the crash dump on the display or parsing the stack trace from the psp2dmp, we'll need to use a version that I have debug information for, so be sure to use this one: SRR2.zip

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

IMG_20231010_144653 Sorry that it's rotated

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Now wait for file link

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago



ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Nice, that's very helpful, it's looking like this might be an issue with Bink. Can you try following the instruction on the release page for converting the cutscenes to Bink 2?

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago


DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Done. Do i need to delete rmv files? And credits.rmv not converted, it's ok?

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

No, actually you can delete the .bik files. The RMV files now contain the Bink 2 video.

credits.rmv is never actually used.

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Oke, now i need to test with this?

I can actually run the parser myself, I'll just need the psp2dmp file from you. In any case, whether it's a picture of the crash dump on the display or parsing the stack trace from the psp2dmp, we'll need to use a version that I have debug information for, so be sure to use this one: SRR2.zip

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Yeah, but if that still crashes, then try this version and send me the crash dump again: SRR2.zip

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Still crash


ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Looks like you uploaded the wrong file, that's controllerP.p3d

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

I used this

Yeah, but if that still crashes, then try this version and send me the crash dump again: SRR2.zip

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

controllerP.p3d is where it should be

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago


DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Oh, i forgot that I was re-transferred game files, I forgot to transfer controller file

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

there's new one


ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Nice, it's no longer crashing in Bink, now it's just failing to resolve some paths.

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Looks like you uploaded the wrong file, that's controllerP.p3d

Oh, really, i thought you were talking about the fact that i send a dump with a problem related to controllerP.p3d, sorry, i'm such an idiot image

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

By the way, can you post the log again now that it gets beyond Bink?

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago


Foundation Technologies - RadCore - Version 3.01

Registered Game Data [0]: Save Game Info (16 bytes) Registered Game Data [1]: Input Manager (1 bytes) Registered Game Data [2]: Character Sheet (7128 bytes) Debug Console Failed: Make sure debug communication system initialized ::RadScript Version 3.4 ::RadSound Version 3.7 AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Sound Memory totals: Stream: [0x4ad800] Clip: [0xb1a000], Total: [0xfc7800] AUDIO: Sound Buffered Stream Memory Stream: [0x0], Clip: [0x0] Total: AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes Registered Game Data [3]: Sound Manager (20 bytes)

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Ok, we'll have to add some new logs then, unfortunately the crash dump doesn't have a stack trace so I can't look far enough back to figure out what went wrong.

Here's a version that logs all file manipulation: SRR2.zip

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Need a crash dump?

Foundation Technologies - RadCore - Version 3.01

Registered Game Data [0]: Save Game Info (16 bytes) Registered Game Data [1]: Input Manager (1 bytes) Registered Game Data [2]: Character Sheet (7128 bytes) Debug Console Failed: Make sure debug communication system initialized ::RadScript Version 3.4 ::RadSound Version 3.7 AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Sound Memory totals: Stream: [0x4ad800] Clip: [0xb1a000], Total: [0xfc7800] AUDIO: Sound Buffered Stream Memory Stream: [0x0], Clip: [0x0] Total: AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes Registered Game Data [3]: Sound Manager (20 bytes) OpenFile: sound\accept.rsd

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

right, so it crashes on the first attempt to load a file, that's good to know.

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

if you need


ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Ok, let's just add a bunch more logs: SRR2.zip

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

I can send you a bundle (Log and Dump) if you want

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Foundation Technologies - RadCore - Version 3.01

Registered Game Data [0]: Save Game Info (16 bytes) Registered Game Data [1]: Input Manager (1 bytes) Registered Game Data [2]: Character Sheet (7128 bytes) Debug Console Failed: Make sure debug communication system initialized ::RadScript Version 3.4 ::RadSound Version 3.7 AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting SOUND streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x46800] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Predicting MUSIC streamer will allocate: Sound: [0x8cc00] Buffer:[0x0] AUDIO: Sound Memory totals: Stream: [0x4ad800] Clip: [0xb1a000], Total: [0xfc7800] AUDIO: Sound Buffered Stream Memory Stream: [0x0], Clip: [0x0] Total: AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x46800] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes AUDIO: Allocating stream resource in sound memory: [0x8cc00] Bytes Registered Game Data [3]: Sound Manager (20 bytes) OpenFile: sound\accept.rsd OpenFile: 186 Registered Game Data [4]: Super Cam Central (1 bytes) OpenFile: 188 Registered Game Data [5]: Super Cam Central (1 bytes) OpenFile: 190 Registered Game Data [6]: Super Cam Central (1 bytes) OpenFile: 192 Registered Game Data [7]: Super Cam Central (1 bytes) OpenFile: 194 Registered Game Data [8]: Tutorial Manager (5 bytes)

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

That's kinda weird how it gets further now, so yeah a dump file would also be useful

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago


ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Can you try this build? SRR2.zip

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Crash. Maybe it says here that i missing some file?


ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Nah, if that were the case you'd get a FileNotFound error, this is a crash inside the standard library when handling std::filesystem::exists().

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Ok, glad to hear that no problems from my side

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

ok, let's try without std::filesystem: SRR2.zip

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Still crash


ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Now it crashes in the same place when actually attempting to open the file.

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

Ok, let's try with absolute paths and an updated SDK: SRR2.zip

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

As classics said:"D'oh!"


ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

I've created a version that just uses standard fopen, let's see if that works: SRR2.zip

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

If that doesn't work it's likely that it's just plain old memory corruption and I'll really need the actual hardware to debug that.

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

It crashed


Maybe i can do something?

If that doesn't work it's likely that it's just plain old memory corruption and I'll really need the actual hardware to debug that.

ZenoArrows commented 9 months ago

I've ordered a second hand PSTV, that should allow me to debug it.

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

That's good

DOOTGUY commented 9 months ago

Are you going to make patch for the switch version in near future?