Zentrust / OTPublishersHeadlessSDK

OTPublishersHeadlessSDK for iOS
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Ability to set Accessibility Identifiers on views #6

Open marinofelipe opened 2 years ago

marinofelipe commented 2 years ago

Hello there 👋 .

Is there any way to define Accessibility properties such as Accessibility Identifiers on One Trust's views?


@getyourguide we have some UITests, a few open box where we control dependencies, and a few closed box E2E. On both cases, we heavily rely on Accessibility Identifiers to make our tests less fragile and not depending on Accessibility Labels and therefore on the localized string of views.


In case that's indeed not supported, it could be a nice addition to add for clients/consumers of the OneTrust SDK.

Maybe that could go along with the fontTextStyle that is present on the custom UI config plist for most of the views? Or maybe even in a separate accessibility Dictionary property inside each "element" of the plist.

I should say I'm not a super fan on the plist based UI configuration, but IHMO that could be the easiest and more consistent approach for the current available API.