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Project Update_09-30 #1

Open amm492 opened 3 years ago

amm492 commented 3 years ago

Tonight was our first meeting for German-WW1-Homosexual-Military-Propaganda. We navigated Git Bash/Command Prompt for the first time. Since all group members, except Marion, uses windows there may be a learning curve to become familiar with the differences. As a group we had a lot of trouble with SSH keys. After much troubleshooting, thanks to Marion, a solution was eventually found: $ clip < ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub. Victoria still had some issues with getting her SSH key connected to GitHub. This issue should hopefully be resolved tomorrow morning, with the help of Marion. As a group, we followed along Regis' shared screen to see how git bash is used to connect our minutes file to the repository. Super exciting stuff, with lots of confusion. With practice in Git Bash and learning to push and pull on our own, we should lead ourselves into a successful project! Let us know if anyone has any tips on making this transition as smooth as possible!

pjc52 commented 3 years ago

For additional information about homosexual propaganda during World War One, make sure to look up important political ideas such as antisemitism and judeo-bolshevism in particular, as well as the subsequent German revolution of 1918. Jewish germans were almost always feminized in propaganda and there will be rich texts for analysis among these histories. In addition, it would be smart to read about people like Rosa Luxemburg and the German communists who were pilloried as homosexual due to their refusal to accept the propaganda, as well as aristocratic figures like Kaiser Wilhelm II who were protected by the propaganda of the state and military despite being gay themselves.

dillshust13 commented 3 years ago

Tonight was our first meeting for German-WW1-Homosexual-Military-Propaganda. We navigated Git Bash/Command Prompt for the first time. Since all group members, except Marion, uses windows there may be a learning curve to become familiar with the differences. As a group we had a lot of trouble with SSH keys. After much troubleshooting, thanks to Marion, a solution was eventually found: $ clip < ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub. Victoria still had some issues with getting her SSH key connected to GitHub. This issue should hopefully be resolved tomorrow morning, with the help of Marion. As a group, we followed along Regis' shared screen to see how git bash is used to connect our minutes file to the repository. Super exciting stuff, with lots of confusion. With practice in Git Bash and learning to push and pull on our own, we should lead ourselves into a successful project! Let us know if anyone has any tips on making this transition as smooth as possible!

Our group did something similar, we actually had a bit of an issue when it came to pushing and pulling to the github repository. I hope you guys don't run into the same issue we had, which was not pulling directly before pushing a change through. Don't forget to pull EVERY time you're going to push something, I promise that you'll avoid a lot of sticky situations because of it. Definitely was a hard thing to deal with on the first meeting. As for the project itself, this sounds super exciting! I'm not extremely knowledgeable about the circumstances surrounding WWI, but from a cursory google search it looks like there were some wacky laws that existed mostly because of the upper class. I'd love to learn about the class differences and if that had any effect on how people thought of these laws.

naiyaodhner commented 3 years ago

First off, I love your project idea!! Super excited to see how it turns out and learn from it :) Good luck sorting out any confusion that comes with using different systems - considering that you were all able to navigate the confusion well in this meeting, I'm sure that once you're more familiar with everything it'll go even more smoothly. Also, working with all of these new programs can be pretty rough so that is understandable. In terms of pulling and pushing I have to agree that it seems best to get into a routine of pulling before doing just about anything. It seems like practice with this kind of stuff is really the only way to get used to it, so maybe a round or two of just pulling and pushing files between group members in your next meeting would be helpful for getting a bit more comfortable with it! It'll be second-nature in no time, but make sure to be patient with yourself as you adjust.