Zephancode / wotlk-warlock

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ITEM: What triggers The Egg of Mortal Essence #1

Open Zephancode opened 2 years ago

Zephancode commented 2 years ago

What causes The Egg of Mortal Essence to proc? Your direct healing and heal over time spells have a chance to increase your haste rating by 505 for 10 secs.

firxd commented 2 years ago

on the last season of warman Frostmourne season 3 we took this talent for proc (in the affli branch too, since the heal from dot did not work)

Zephancode commented 2 years ago


Was only able to proc The Egg of Mortal Essence with Health Funnel

  • The initial application of Health Funnel buff/cast procs it, it did not need to tick a healing. Not sure if the ticks can proc it.
  • You can proc it out-of-combat
  • The 10s haste buff stays on after you un-equip the trinket
  • When you equip the trinket, I think you need to wait for the 45s ICD before it can proc.

None of these were able to proc it in-combat with training dummies (during short tests so there is a tiny chance of bad RNG):

  • Life Tap ability
  • Drain Life ability
  • Siphon Life talent
  • Fel Synergy talent
  • Fel Armor Buff

Logs Siphon Life Talent: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/rLn68x3JMRPWkAN1#boss=-3&difficulty=0&type=auras&source=1 Fel Synergy Talent: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/wCVNW1rgTbPBhy3x#boss=-3&difficulty=0&type=auras&source=1

If you zoom into every event where I gain Essence of Life (the trinket proc), it's when Health Funnel was cast: 05:58.978 Pixolwarlock gains Health Funnel from Pixolwarlock 05:58.978 Pixolwarlock casts Health Funnel 05:58.980 Pixolwarlock gains Essence of Life from Pixolwarlock 05:58.980 Drootom (Pixolwarlock) gains Health Funnel from Pixolwarlock


Horriblejojo commented 2 years ago

When you equip the trinket, I think you need to wait for the 45s ICD before it can proc.

I can confirm this interaction. In TBC, you can swap to a proc trinket inbetween trash pulls and have no issues. When I tested it a week ago on the beta, swapping to a proc trinket incurred it's ICD. I tested this with Quag's Eye and was unable to have it proc within 45 secs of equipping it. This "forced ICD when proc item is equipped" isn't limited to trinkets. I tested this interaction with the Band of the Eternal Sage (the Hyjal rep ring with a 1min ICD) and was unable to get a proc within 1 min of equipping it.

Forgot to test if this applies to weapons, probably going to test it with Blade of Wizardry later tonight.

nodddle commented 2 years ago

This was a feature that was explicitly added to the game in patch 3.2.0 during Wrath of the Lich King, and for a time was erroneously present in The Burning Crusade Classic.