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MECHANIC: Do you keep the 30% buffed Fel Armor from 3/3 Demonic Aegis if you change talents to a spec without it? #14

Open Virtuosowow opened 2 years ago

Virtuosowow commented 2 years ago

If you cast Fel Armor (self buff) with 3/3 Demonic Aegis, then Fel Armor gains 30% more effectiveness. Does this 30% buffed Fel Armor stay on your character when you lose 3/3 Demonic Aegis talent, for example by casting Fel Armor as a Demonology Warlock with 3/3 Demonic Aegis and then switching talents to Affliction Warlock, which has 0/3 Demonic Aegis.

Shukrat commented 2 years ago

No, switching specs removes any Demonic/Fel Armor buff you have applied.