Zephancode / wotlk-warlock

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MECHANIC: Can you snapshot the crit rating from Firestone on one weapon and benefit from Spellstone extra DoT damage on your other wep? #20

Open Zephancode opened 2 years ago

Zephancode commented 2 years ago

Spellstone provides a 1% damage increase for periodic damage. Firestone provides a significant amount of crit rating which gets snapshotted at the application of corruption.

The idea would be to start the fight with your high crit rating weapons with firestone to swap over to your main weapons with spellstone on it.

Based on current beta testing the spellstone modifier does not get applied to the already existing corruption. We can see corruption ticking for 709 damage with firestone equipped and still ticking 709 when swapping over. Spellstone does work when you have it equipped before casting, we can see it ticking 714 on a new target.

Also tested if refreshing corruption through everlasting affliction would cause it to update, but this is not the case.


Zephancode commented 2 years ago

The everlasting refresh clip
