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MECHANIC: Destro Questions #22

Open Deimokana opened 2 years ago

Deimokana commented 2 years ago

Is Pyroclasm procing from Conflag correctly? Is fire and brimstone talent giving conflag proper 25% crit Is Rain of fire benefitting from backdraft Is rain of fire benefitting from Empowered imp proc, and if so is it consumed on intial damage for RoF, or is it the full channel. Is immolate benefitting from Empowered imp, and if so are both immolate intial damage plus dot benefitting. Is corruption gaining damage from pyroclasm proc Is shadowfury gaining from Empowered imp and or pyroclasm Is conflag gaining both damage modifier from immolate and external damage modifier Is backlash proccing correctly Is conflag dot crit proccing pyroclasm

new 6-25

is aftermath giving the 6% to immo, and is that 6% being taken into conflag damage calculation is ruin working correctly is improved immolate working correctly and is the damage working into conflag equation is fire and brimstone modifier working correctly is shadowflame intial damage and dot component working with empowered imp and or pyroclasm

Shukrat commented 2 years ago

rain of fire is consuming the Empowered Imp buff, but not giving a guaranteed crit.

Shukrat commented 2 years ago

Is Pyroclasm procing from Conflag correctly? yes

Is fire and brimstone talent giving conflag proper 25% crit It seems that way. Crits VERY often with this talent. Putting together data now

Is Rain of fire benefitting from backdraft No, still 8 seconds channel

Is rain of fire benefitting from Empowered imp proc, and if so is it consumed on intial damage for RoF, or is it the full channel. No, no guaranteed crit at all

Is corruption gaining damage from pyroclasm proc yes

Is shadowfury gaining from Empowered imp and or pyroclasm Yes from empowered imp. pyroclasm is 6% increased damage, so would have to check over time, my assumption is yes for now, considering it improves corruption.

Is conflag dot crit proccing pyroclasm No.

Not tested: Is conflag gaining both damage modifier from immolate and external damage modifier Is backlash proccing correctly