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[TEST-REQUEST] Demonic Pact mechanics #26

Open NoCement opened 2 years ago

NoCement commented 2 years ago

1. Describe the mechanic

Test out Demonic Pact Mechanics

1.1 To Test

Steps to test the behavior:

  1. confirm snapshotting
  2. confirm 20 secs ICD
  3. check stacking - with itself, with shaman totem (if you get only stronger buff, if when under effect of totem DP is also boosted) check behaviour when multiple Demo locks in group
Shukrat commented 2 years ago

confirm snapshotting Does snapshot. Refresh updates buff to new values based on SP w/o demonic pact. Some more details: Another warlock's weaker DP can't replace your own. However, you can replace your own after the 20s internal CD with a weaker version.

confirm 20 secs ICD Confirmed

check stacking - with itself, with shaman totem (if you get only stronger buff, if when under effect of totem DP is also boosted) Doesn't stack with itself DOES stack with Totem of Wrath

check behaviour when multiple Demo locks in group Stronger buff replaces weaker buff weaker buff does not replace stronger buff

tiegemccarthy commented 2 years ago

@Shukrat could you please confirm that Demonic Pact is stacking with Totem of Wrath - i.e. that you are getting the full spellpower bonus from both? Would you be able to provide a video or some other evidence of it behaving that way?

As far as I am aware Demonic Pact should snapshot based on spellpower given from Totem of Wrath - but it should be either the DP debuff or ToW (not both) once the buff goes out.

See the following youtube video of a 3.3.3a lich king kill for evidence of DP overwriting ToW (notably though we can't see SP, but the buff does dissapear): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzp83WnN9yA

I think a useful test would be to see what the spellpower is for another party member - do they receive the stacked buffs, or just the higher value buff? Maybe the stacking bug is just for the warlock?

EDIT: upon further review, in the video I linked the ele sham pops a fire ele before DP goes out so its not actually showing it definitively, DP stays up for the whole fight afterwards but I am not sure whether totem of wrath is being dropped or not. Will update if I find another video that shows it.


The EJ demonology guide mentions it not stacking in section 2,1 Demonic Pact: Basics

Laekoth commented 2 years ago

One issue that hasn't been brought up here is the strange behavior with the spellpower buff value of Demonic Pact. The first application of demonic pact will be at a higher value and subsequent values with lower asymptotically to the appropriate value. It's easily reproduced at a target dummy and letting the felguard attack by itself. In my testing I had a base shadow damage of 1357 without fel armor. subsequent values were as follows: 1506(1.1098x), 1493(1.1002x), 1492(1.0995x), 1492, ... repeating

l0uki commented 2 years ago

Did some fun tests of how DP interacts with resummoning a demon while its active. The results are pretty interesting I think.

The rules seem to be:

  1. DP ICD is shared between resummons
  2. DP ICD is shared between different demons
  3. A resummoned demon can never refresh or overwrite an existing DP on the warlock, it doesn't matter whether the new buff is weaker or stronger.
  4. A demon can always refresh or overwrite an existing DP buff on itself.

Testing for [1.]:

Observation: DP isn't re-applied until the ICD is up.

Testing for [2.]:

Observation: DP isn't re-applied until the ICD is up.

Testing for [3.]:

Observation: DP can proc, but it isn't re-applied to the warlock until after it expires. If it procs while an old buff is active, it goes on CD again and you need to wait until it procs while the warlock does not have the buff active to gain the new buff. To ensure that there were no issues with stronger buffs preventing re-application I did the tests with weapons unequipped for the first set of procs, then put them back on again for the final set of procs.

Testing for [4.]: Same as 3.