Zephancode / wotlk-warlock

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[BUG] Glyph of Quick Decay reduces Corruption ticks. #32

Open Zephancode opened 2 years ago

Zephancode commented 2 years ago

1. Describe the bug

Glyph of Quick Decay should reduce the time between corruption ticks based on your haste (and other cast speed modifers). In the current build it only reduces the duration (presumable by the % amount) but does not decrease the amount of time between ticks, resulting in corruption missing out on ticks.

The glyph also doesn't seem to apply unless the corruption is refreshed through Everlasting Affliction, in other words the initial application doesn't have faster ticks, but also doesn't lose out on a tick.

This seems to be the case with haste potion, skull of Gul'dan, power infusion, and eradication.

1.1 To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Talent into Everlasting Affliction and Glyph Quick Decay
  2. Gain any cast speed increase
  3. Cast Corruption -> 6 ticks / 3 seconds between ticks?
  4. Refresh Corruption through Everlasting Affliction -> count remaining ticks / time between ticks

1.2 Source Material

1.3 Game Version:

3.4.0 Build 44301

2. Expected behavior

Glyph of Quick Decay should shorten the duration of Corruption based on the cast speed % increase, but remain to have 6 ticks.

2.1 Source expected behavior

NA - if this was the expected behavior it would have certainly be mentioned in old guides / comments

2.2 Additional context

A VOD where the timing between ticks is visible would be of great help