Zephyrum / FoI

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Side Events and Decisions - China #32

Closed Zephyrum closed 4 years ago

Zephyrum commented 5 years ago

Sixiang flavor events; pulse of 10 to 20 years (depends on how many we make).

Zeph edit: still gotta be made a pulse Zeph edit 2: pulsed, just need more Zeph edit 3: donerino

from here on, everything is finished

Ming decisions

Yuan devolves into Mongolia

Qin religious conflict

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

Right, I forgot this was a thing. At this point the only things here that I'd like to revisit:

Ming Red Turban modifier being made into a decision Sixiang pulse events

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

Decision for Ming (MNG):

Call forth the Red Turbans!

Potential: -Is Ming -Does not have global flag red_turbans_rise_up -Yuan or Jin exists -Year is before 1500

Allow: -At war with Yuan or Jin

"A large following of peasants helped our rulers grow into prominence in the local stage, and later, served as a militia in our expansion in the Middle Kingdom. They are dwindling in numbers as we move towards a more typical army, but they are still around and willing to assist us in a conflict for the mandate of Heaven. It's time we issue a call to arms to our oldest allies."

Effect: Gain "The Red sky has risen!" modifier for 40 years, granting the following bonuses: +20% national manpower modifier +20% land force limit modifier +5% morale of armies -5% discipline If Yuan exists: -50 relations with Yuan If Jin exists: -50 relations with Jin

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

Sixiang Pulse Flavor Events

1: Ritual Syncretism! _-Has Sixiang religion -Has a non-Sixiang, non-Christian province with east_asian, southeastasian_group, japanese_g or koreang culture groups Locals in (province name) have worshipped our four symbols as part of their native deities for a long time. Many in Asia have, in fact - our reformation is more of an estabilishment of rites and morals rather than a new set of deities. It's been a major factor in softening the cultural impact and making it easy for newly conquered regions to adapt.

2: Intricate Weaver in (province name) -Has Sixiang religion -Fires in a province with Sixiang religion A local symbolist in (province name) has taken it upon himself to weave silken robes with some of the finest artwork of our deities embedded throught it. The local governor was very impressed, and contacted (monarch name) recommending to commission a piece from him.

3: Astrologer spreads panic -Has Sixiang religion -At least one Sixiang province Grave news. An astrologer has read the signs and reached a nasty conclusion. He rambled about how the constellations aligned in the same way that precede widespread misfortune, the details of which seemed like a fairy tale on it's own. What's worse, he wasn't content with just alerting us, he felt the need to go around the provinces spreading the news of an ill fate to come.

4: Dragon sighted! -Has Sixiang religion -At least one Sixiang province Sire, we have reports that peasants have spotted a great blue dragon flying across the sky. We cannot confirm such, nor do we know where it was headed to, and, quite frankly, there is a good chance that is was just a comet. Thankfully, it seems most of them interpreted it as a sign of a good omen to come.

5: Court disagree on deity -Has Sixiang religion -Capital province is Sixiang Having more than one deity means our court sometimes have their petty squabbles grow in proportion due to two arguing parties also disagreeing on their patron deity. Several courtiers have been (not so quietly) provoking each other, and whenever the deities' names get involved, it just gets worse and worse.

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

6: Rites Rejected! -Has Sixiang religion -At least one Sixiang province Our faith was little more than a loose collection of beliefs and deities with too little to make sure the people were truly being faithful. We've since estabilished a set of rites through reform, thus becoming the religion we hold dear. However, some claim that our rites are either too strict compared to the "good old times" or that there should be no rites at all, for a man's worth should not be measured in how he prays, but in the fact that he prays to begin with.

7: Zodiac good for (rulername) -Has Sixiang religion -Not in regency, interregnum or personal union Astrologers constantly check the stars for signs of what the Gods have in wait for us, and one of them decided to compare the layout of the stars to the ones that define (rulername)'s signs. Thankfully it seems that we are blessed, for (pronoun) is, at least according to the stars above, going to see through an age of prosperity.

8: Zodiac bad for (rulername) -Has Sixiang religion -Not in regency, interregnum or personal union Astrologers constantly check the stars for signs of what the Gods have in wait for us, and one of them decided to compare the layout of the stars to the ones that define (rulername)'s signs. Unfortunately, we're in for a hard time, as (rulername)'s signs point towards an age of scarcity and times of trouble.

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

9: Sculpture becomes local artifact (Province Event) -Is Sixiang -Province is Sixiang -Province has at least 10 development An old sculpture in (provincename) of spiritual significance has gained increased fame in it's neighboring areas. It's a pretty sight, crafted before our rites were estabilished, and now is gaining tract as a symbol of local allegiance to the deities. The locals have sent a missive to us, and expect us to somehow provide patronage to (provincename).

10: Prominent local scholar -Is Sixiang -Has a Sixiang province Out countryside has given birth to a skilled scholar, albeit a modest one, well read and well versed in the rites. Normally, we strictly only recruit bureaucrats that have passed our entrance tests, but this one's promising talent has left us assured that he is up to the job. We could have him go through the test, too, but then, we'll have lesser favor on the man.

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

Recapping, 1 to 8 are done, 9 and 10 are not. I'll be assigning this to @The-Jerm

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

Playtesting is all that will be left in about 5 minutes from now. assigns to Couch

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

Closing shop