Zeqiang-Lai / Anything2Image

Generate image from anything with ImageBind and Stable Diffusion
190 stars 23 forks source link

https://hf-mirror.com/spaces/aaronb/Anything2Image上面显示的是Runtime Error Memory limit exceeded (16Gi)是什么意思呀? #14

Open DthdZK opened 5 months ago

DthdZK commented 5 months ago

作者你好,我打开huggingface的demo发现显示Runtime Error Memory limit exceeded (16Gi),是因为的电脑内存不够16G么?谢谢

Zeqiang-Lai commented 5 months ago

huggingface 的 demo 没有 gpu 运行不了

DthdZK commented 5 months ago

huggingface 的 demo 没有 gpu 运行不了 好的好的,感谢作者的回复!