ZerBea / hcxdumptool

Small tool to capture packets from wlan devices.
MIT License
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OLd targetBSSID.is NOW? #353

Closed iamyangyiok closed 9 months ago

iamyangyiok commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the update It's a bit uncomfortable to jump from the old version to the new version. Please tell me what format should be used now in the old version of --filterlist=targetBSSID --filtermode=2 to lock the BSSID. grateful.

ZerBea commented 9 months ago

To answer your question: --filterlist=targetBSSID --filtermode=2 has been replaced by --bpf=filter.bpf

The kernel include a fantastic (packet capture) filter method and hcxdumptool use it. The entire filtering is now done inside the kernel space via a Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) which can be applied to hcxdumptool by the option bpf (--bpf=filter.bpf). That is fast as lightning and more flexible than the old user space filtering method.

There are several ways to build this filter, e.g.:

via tcpdump == the simplest way and easy to use for a beginner
via filter code that needs to be compiled == the most flexible way

How to create this filter is described in --help:

--bpf=<file>                   : input kernel space Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) code
                                  steps to create a BPF (it only has to be done once):
                                  $ hcxdumptool -m <interface>
                                  create BPF to protect MACs
                                  $ tcpdump -i <INTERFACE> not wlan addr2 11:22:33:44:55:66 -ddd > protect.bpf
                                  recommended to protect own devices
                                  create BPF to attack a MAC
                                  $ tcpdump -i <INTERFACE> wlan addr1 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr2 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr3 11:22:33:44:55:66 -ddd > attack.bpf
                                  it is strongly recommended to allow all PROBEREQUEST frames (wlan_type mgt && wlan_subtype probe-req)
                                  $ tcpdump -i <interface> wlan addr1 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr2 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr3 11:22:33:44:55:66 or wlan addr3 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -ddd > attack.bpf
                                  see man pcap-filter for a list of all filter options
                                  add BPF code: 
                                  $ hcxdumptool -i <INTERFACE> --bpf=attack.bpf ...

and here: https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/discussions/343 https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/discussions/348

BPF is explained here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley_Packet_Filter https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/bpf/index.html https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/networking/filter.html https://andreaskaris.github.io/blog/networking/bpf-and-tcpdump/

Closed this here, because it is not a bug. If you have some more questions, you please open a discussion.

ZerBea commented 9 months ago

BTW: Using a BPF is nothing new. It is present in hcxdumptool since 06.03.2020 (changelog):

added option to import Berkeley packet Filter code from tcpdump as alternative to apfilterlist and clientfilterlist