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DnD 5e Spells: Extensive Testing #94

Open Arkenny opened 3 years ago

Arkenny commented 3 years ago


Major Exploit: You can drop a candle for free then use your Dip bonus action to get a 1d4 damage on your weapon. Major Bug: You can swap your known spells at will instead of only during a long rest. Missing Feature: The reaction system does not fit DnD 5e ruleset. Missing Feature: The cover system is not implemented. Missing Feature: Vocal, Material and Somatic components have no mechanical impact, not requiring empty hands, component pouch, spellcasting focus or special feats to use them with occupied hands. Missing Feature: The magical property on some items is not implemented. Missing Feature: The resistance to non-magical attacks for creatures is not implemented. Missing Feature: Spells can't be cast for there ritual casting time. Missing Text: All spells have incomplete descriptions. Missing Text: The amount of added damage on a dipped weapon is not specified anywhere.


Eldritch Blast Note: The spell matches Eldritch Blast with one exception PHB p237. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 36,5m.

Thaumaturgy Note: The spell does not match Thaumaturgy PHB p282. Note: The spell has been tested according to its in game description.

Sacred Flame Note: The spell matches Sacred Flame PHB p272.

Guidance Note: The spell matches Guidance with multiple exceptions PHB p248. Major Bug: The spell can be used multiple times as long as you concentrate on it instead of only once. Major Bug: The spell has 2m casting range instead of touch. Missing Feature: The spell does not allow you to roll the die after only before the final result. Missing Feature: The spell can't target Neutral or Enemy characters.

Produce Flame Note: The spell matches Produce Flame with one exception PHB p269. Minor Bug: The spells effect creates bright light in a 9m radius instead of 3m bright light and 3m dim light.

Resistance Note: The spell matches Resistance with multiple exceptions PHB p272. Major Bug: The spell can be used multiple times as long as you concentrate on it instead of only once. Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch. Missing Feature: The spell does not allow you to roll the die after only before the final result. Missing Feature: The spell can't target Neutral or Enemy characters.

Shillelagh Note: The spell matches Shillelagh with multiple exceptions PHB p275. Minor Bug: The spell does not allow you to drop the weapon you cast it on. Minor Bug: The spell does not end if you unequip the weapon is cast on.

Thorn Whip Note: The spell matches Thorn Whip PHB p282.

Minor Illusion Note: The spell matches Minor Illusion with multiple exceptions PHB p260 Larian Feature: The spell reveals you if you cast it from stealth contrary to the spells tooltip. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 9m. Major Bug: Casting the spell in combat makes enemies turn and face it then it disappears instead of forcing enemies to make a Investigation check. Missing Feature: The spell can't create a sound. Missing Feature: The spell can't be dismissed as an action. Missing Feature: The spell can't create another object apart a target dummy. Missing Feature: The spell does not require a creature to make a Investigation check to determine if the Minor Illusion is real or not.

Acid Splash Note: The spell matches Acid Splash with multiple exceptions PHB p260 Minor Bug: The spell is a AoE instead of single target spell with a maximum of 2 targets if the condition is fulfilled.

Blade Ward Note: The spell matches Blade Ward PHB p218. Visual Bug: The spell works but the resistances don't appear under the character resistance panel.

Chill Touch Note: The spell matches Chill Touch with one exception PHB p221. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 36,5m.

Dancing Lights Note: The spell matches Dancing Lights with multiple exceptions PHB p230. Larian Fix: The spells maximum duration is 10 turns(C). Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 36,5m. Minor Bug: The spells effect creates light in a 12m radius instead of 3m. Missing Feature: The spell can't create four torch sized lights each shedding light in a 3m radius. Missing Feature: The spell does not allow you to move the lights with a bonus action.

Fire Bolt Note: The spell matches Fire Bolt with one exception PHB p242. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 36,5m.

Friends Note: The spell matches Friends PHB p244. Larian Fix: The spells maximum duration is 10 turns(C).

Light Note: The spell matches Light with multiple exceptions PHB p255. Larian Fix: The spell can target an object held by a hostile creature. Minor Bug: The spells effect provides bright light in a 12m radius instead of 6m bright light and 6m dim light. Minor Bug: The spell has 1.5m casting range instead of touch. Missing Feature: The spell can't be dismissed as an action. Visual Bug: The spell does not allow you to change the colour of the lights.

Mage Hand Note: The spell matches Mage Hand with multiple exceptions PHB p256. Major Bug: The spell can attack. Major Bug: The spell can be controlled at will instead of a action. Major Bug: The spell is concentration instead of a instant. Major Bug: The spell does not disappear if its more then 9m away from the caster. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 9m. Minor Bug: The spell can't be dismissed with a action. Missing Feature: The spell can trow items heavier then 4.5kg. Missing Feature: The spell cant manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial.

Ray of Frost Note: The spell matches Ray of Frost PHB p271.

Poison Spray Note: The spell matches Poison Spray PHB p266.

Shocking Grasp Note: The spell matches Shocking Grasp with one exception PHB p275. Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch.

True Strike Note: The spell matches True Strike with one exception PHB p284. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 9m.

1st-level Spells

Armor of Agathys Note: The spell matches Armor of Agathys PHB p215. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 600 turns.

Ensnaring Strike Note: The spell matches Ensnaring Strike with one exception PHB p237. Major Bug: The spells casting time is one action instead of one bonus action.

Hail of Thorns Note: The spell matches Hail of Thorns with multiple exceptions PHB p249. Major Bug: The spells casting time is one action and one bonus action instead of one bonus action. Major Bug: The spell is an instant instead of a concentration spell.

Hunter's Mark Note: The spell matches Hunter's Mark with multiple exceptions PHB p251. Major Bug: The spells maximum duration is until long rest instead of 600 turns(C). Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 27m. Missing Feature: The spell does not grant you advantage on Perception or Survival checks to find your marked target.

Arms of Hadar Note: The spell matches Arms of Hadar with one exception PHB p215. Major Bug: The spell has 3m casting range instead of Self-3m.

Hellish Rebuke Note: The spell matches Hellish Rebuke with multiple exceptions PHB p250. Visual Bug: The spells casting time is not displayed. Minor Bug: The spell has a longer activation range then 18m.

Hex Note: The spell matches Hellish Rebuke with multiple exceptions PHB p251. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 27m. Major Bug: The spells maximum duration is longer then 600 turns(C).

Guiding Bolt Note: The spell matches Guiding Bolt with one exception PHB p248. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 36.5m.

Bane Note: The spell matches Bane with one exception PHB p216. Minor Bug: The spell is a AoE instead of a multitarget spell.

Bless Note: The spell matches Bless with one exception PHB p219. Minor Bug: The spell is a AoE instead of a multitarget spell.

Command Note: The spell matches Command with multiple exceptions PHB p223. Major Bug: The spell is an AoE if upcasted instead of a multitarget spell. Missing Feature: The spell is missing Approach, Drop, Flee and Grovel commands.

Inflict Wounds Note: The spell matches Inflict Wounds PHB p253.

Protection from Evil and Good Note: The spell matches Protection from Evil and Good with multiple exceptions PHB p270. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 100 turns(C). Major Bug: The spell can't be upcasted. Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch.

Shield of Faith Note: The spell matches Shield of Faith with multiple exceptions PHB p275. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 100 turns(C). Major Bug: The spell can't be upcasted.

Entangle Note: The spell matches Entangle with multiple exceptions PHB p275. Added Feature: The spell allows the affected creature to use an action to escape the effect. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 27m. Minor Bug: The spells AoE is a 6m circle instead of a cube.

Cure Wounds Note: The spell matches Cure Wounds with one exception PHB p230. Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch.

Create or Destroy Water Note: The spell matches Create or Destroy Water with multiple exceptions PHB p229. Missing Feature: The spell can't create water or destroy water in an open container.

Goodberry Note: The spell matches Goodberry with multiple exceptions PHB p246. Added Feature: The spell produces 10 berries that heal for 1 hp. Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch. Missing Feature: The spells second effect The berry provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day. is not implemented.

Faerie Fire Note: The spell matches Faerie Fire with multiple exceptions PHB p239. Missing Feature: The spell does not allow you to change the colour of the effect. Missing Feature: The spell can't affect objects.

Healing Word Note: The spell matches Healing Word PHB p250.

Tasha's Hideous Laughter Note: The spell matches Tasha's Hideous Laughter with one exception PHB p280. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 9m.

Mage Armor Note: The spell matches Mage Armor with multiple exceptions PHB p256. Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch. Major Bug: The spell can't be dismissed as a action.

Jump Note: The spell matches Jump with one exception PHB p254. Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch.

Longstrider Note: The spell matches Longstrider with multiple exceptions PHB p256. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 600 turns. Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch.

Witch Bolt Note: The spell matches Witch Bolt with multiple exceptions PHB p289. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 10 turns(C). Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 9m. Major Bug: The spell does not end if you exceed the spells maximum casting range. Major Bug: The spell does not end if your target is behind total cover.

Magic Missile Note: The spell matches Magic Missile with one exception PHB p257. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 36,5m.

Thunderwave Note: The spell matches Thunderwave with multiple exceptions PHB p282. Minor Bug: The spell has 5m casting range instead of Self-5m. Minor Bug: The sound emitted by the spell has no mechanical effect.

Sleep Note: The spell matches Sleep with multiple exceptions PHB p276. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 10 turns. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range of instead of 27m. Missing Feature: The spell uses average dice rolls instead of allowing you to roll.

Animal Friendship Note: The spell matches Animal Friendship with one exception PHB p212. Major Bug: The spell's maximum duration is 10 turns instead of until long rest. Minor Bug: If upcasted the spell is a AoE instead of a multitarget spell.

Expeditious Retreat Note: The spell matches Expeditious Retreat PHB p238. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 100 turns.

False Life Note: The spell matches False Life with one exception PHB p239. Minor Bug: The spell uses average hp instead of allowing you to roll for temporary hp.

Feather Fall Note: The spell matches Feather Fall with multiple exceptions PHB p239. Major Bug: The spell has 9m casting range instead of 18m. Minor Bug: The spells casting time is one bonus action instead of one reaction.

Fog Cloud Note: The spell matches Fog Cloud with one exception PHB p243. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 600 turns. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 36,5m.

Speak with Animals Note: The spell matches Speak with Animals with multiple exceptions PHB p277. Major Bug: The spell's maximum duration is longer then 10 min. Major Bug: The spell can't be cast as a ritual.

Grease Note: The spell matches Grease PHB p246.

Color Spray Note: The spell matches Color Spray with one exception PHB p222. Major Bug: The spells maximum duration is 1 turn instead of 1 round.

Charm Person Note: The spell matches Charm Person with multiple exceptions PHB p221. Major Bug: The spells maximum duration is 10 turns instead of 600 turns. Minor Bug: If upcasted the spell is a AoE instead of a multitarget spell.

Burning Hands Note: The spell matches Burning Hands PHB p220.

Disguise Self Note: The spell matches Disguise Self with multiple exceptions PHB p233. Major Bug: The spells maximum duration is until long rest instead of 600 turns. Minor Bug: The spell can't be dismissed with a action. Minor Bug: The spell can't be upcasted. Missing Feature: The spell is missing the ability to change any items on your person. Missing Feature: The spell is missing the ability to change you height or your weight. Missing Feature: The spell does not require a creature to make a Investigation check to determine if you are wearing a disguise.

Find Familiar Note: The spell matches Find Familiar with multiple exceptions PHB p240. Major Bug: The spells casting time is one action instead of 600 turns. Major Bug: The spell can't be cast as a ritual. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 3m. Missing Feature: The spell can't de dismissed with a action. Missing Feature: The spell does not allow you to cast touch spells thru your familiar.

Find Familiar: Spider Note: Familiar matches the stat block of Spider with multiple exceptions MM p337. Major Bug: Familiar has 9m movement speed instead of 6m. Major Bug: Familiar does not have Spider Climb Major Bug: Familiar has 12m Dark Vision instead of 9m. Mod issue: Familiar does not have Distract and Dodge actions.

Find Familiar: Raven Note: Form matches the stat block of Raven with multiple exceptions MM p335. Major Bug: Familiar has 9m movement speed instead of fly 15m. Major Bug: Rend Vision basic action is not present in the creatures stat block therefor it should be removed. Minor Bug: Familiar does not have Mimicry. Minor Bug: Beak Attack basic action deals 1+ Dexterity Modifier instead of 1 Slashing damage. Mod issue: Familiar does not have Distract and Dodge actions.

Find Familiar: Rat Note: Form matches the stat block of Rat with multiple exceptions MM p335. Critical Bug Familiar does not have Bite basic action. Major Bug: Familiar has 9m movement speed instead of 6m. Major Bug: Familiar does not have 9m Dark Vision. Minor Bug: Infectious Bite basic action is not present in the creatures stat block therefor it should be removed. Mod issue: Familiar does not have Distract and Dodge actions.

Find Familiar: Frog Note: Form matches the stat block of Frog with multiple exceptions MM p322. Major Bug: Familiar has 9m movement speed instead of 6m. Major Bug: Familiar does not have 9m Dark Vision. Minor Bug: Bufotoxin basic action is not present in the creatures stat block therefor it should be removed. Minor Bug: Familiar does not have Standing Leap. Mod issue: Familiar does not have Distract and Dodge actions.

Find Familiar: Crab Note: Form matches the stat block of Crab with multiple exceptions MM p320. Major Bug: Familiar has 9m movement speed instead of 6m. Major Bug: Familiar does not have 9m Blind Sight. Minor Bug: Crippling Pinch basic action is not present in the creatures stat block therefor it should be removed. Minor Bug: Familiar does not have Claws basic action. Mod issue: Familiar does not have Distract and Dodge actions.

Find Familiar: Cat Note: Form matches the stat block of Chimeric Cat with multiple exceptions MM p320. Major Bug: Familiar has 9m movement speed instead of 12m. Major Bug: Meow basic action is not present in the creatures stat block therefor it should be removed. Minor Bug: Claws basic action deals 1+ Dexterity Modifier instead of 1 Slashing damage. Minor Bug: Form has 6 Strength instead of 3. Mod issue: Familiar does not have Distract and Dodge actions.

2nd-level Spells

Blindness Note: The spell matches Blindness_Deafness with multiple exceptions PHB p219. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 9m. Missing Feature:** The spell can't deafen an enemy.

Melf's Acid Arrow Note: The spell matches Melf's Acid Arrow with one exception PHB p259. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 36.5m.

Darkness Note: The spell matches Darkness with multiple exceptions PHB p230. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 100 turns(C). Missing Feature: The spell can't target an abject and make it the source of darkness. Missing Feature: The spell can't dispel a light spells of 2nd level or lower.

Blur Note: The spell matches Blur PHB p219.

Darkvision Note: The spell matches Darkvision with one exception PHB p230. Larian Fix: The spells maximum duration is until long rest. Major Bug: The spell increases targets dark-vision to 12m instead of 18m.

Hold Person Note: The spell matches Hold Person PHB p251.

Flaming Sphere Note: The spell matches Flaming Sphere with multiple exceptions PHB p242. Major Bug: The spell can be moved at will instead of a bonus action. Major Bug: The spell can be moved after dealing damage. Minor Bug: The spell sheds bright light in a 12m radius instead of 6m bright light and 6m dim light.

Invisibility Note: The spell matches Invisibility with multiple exceptions PHB p254. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 600 turns(C) Major Bug: The spell ends after throwing an object. Major Bug: The spell ends after picking up an object. Major Bug: The spell ends if you drop an abject. Major Bug: The spell ends if you interact with a object. Visual Bug: The spell makes characters and NPC's stand up if used on them when prone.

Mirror Image Note: The spell matches Mirror Image with multiple exceptions PHB p260. Major Bug: The spell increases you AC by 3 for each duplicate instead of granting them their own AC. Major Bug: The spell does not allow you to roll to see who gets hit you or your duplicate. Major Bug: Attacks against the character automatically hit a duplicate instead of rolling against their AC. Missing Feature: The spell can't be dismissed as an action.

Misty Step Note: The spell matches Misty Step with one exception PHB p260. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of Self with the ability to teleport 9m.

Ray of Enfeeblement Note: The spell matches Ray of Enfeeblement PHB p271.

Scorching Ray Note: The spell matches Misty Step with one exception PHB p273. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 35,5m.

Shatter Note: The spell matches Shatter PHB p275.

Web Note: The spell matches Web with multiple exceptions PHB p287. Major Bug: The spell does 1d4 fire damage if the web is set on fire instead of 2d4. Major Bug: The spells maximum duration is 10 turns instead of 600 turns(C). Minor Bug: The spells AoE is a 6m circle instead of a cube. Missing Feature: The spell does not allow creatures to make a Strength saving throw to free themselves from the web.

Barkskin Note: The spell matches Barkskin with multiple exceptions PHB p217. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 600 turns(C). Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch.

Enhance Ability Note: The spell matches Enhance Ability with multiple exceptions PHB p237. Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch. Major Bug: The spells maximum duration is longer then 600 turns(C). Missing Feature: The effect Bear's Endurance uses average dice rolls instead of random dice rolls.

Flame Blade Note: The spell matches Flame Blade with multiple exceptions PHB p242. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 100 turns(C). Minor Bug: The spell sheds bright light for 3m and dim light for 6m instead of bright light for 3m and dim light for 3m. Missing Feature: You can't re-summon the blade with a bonus action. Larian Feature: You can store the blade in your inventory.

Heat Metal Note: The spell matches Heat Metal one exception PHB p250. Missing Feature: The spell affects objects in order Weapon, Armor, etc instead of allowing you to chose what metal object to affect.

Lesser Restoration Note: The spell matches Lesser Restoration with one exception PHB p255. Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch.

Moonbeam Note: The spell matches Moonbeam with multiple exceptions PHB p261. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 36,5m. Major Bug: The spell does damage when is moved or cast instead of when a creature enters the spells area or starts it turn in the area. Suggestion To avoid clutter i recomand adding the Move Moonbeam action in the same spell container as Moonbeam.

Pass without Trace Note: The spell matches Pass without Trace PHB p264. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 600 turns C.

Protection from Poison Note: The spell matches Protection from Poison with multiple exceptions PHB p270. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 600 turns Missing Feature: The spell does not allow you to chose witch poison to cure instead, it cures one at random. Major Bug: The spell has 1,5m casting range instead of touch. Minor Bug: The spell removes all poison instead of only one instance of poison.

Spike Growth Note: The spell matches Spike Growth with multiple exceptions PHB p277. Added Feature: The spells maximum duration is 100 turns(C). Added Feature: The spell does 2d4 piercing damage. Major Bug: The spell does damage at inconsistent distances instead of 1,5m increments. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 45m. Missing Feature: Any creature that has not seen the spell being cast must make a Perception check to recognize the terrain as hazardous before entering it. Visual Bug: the spells hover over spikes tooltip description says it deals 1d4 damage instead of 2d4.

Aid Note: The spell matches Aid with multiple exceptions PHB p211. Larian Fix: The spells maximum duration is until long rest. Major Bug: The spell can affect more then 3 creatures. Minor Bug: The spell is a AoE instead of a multitarget spell.

Prayer of Healing Note: The spell matches Prayer of Healing with multiple exceptions PHB p267. Major Bug: The spells casting time is one action instead of 10m. Minor Bug: The spell can affect more then 6 creatures. Minor Bug: The spell is a AoE instead of a multitarget spell.

Cloud of Daggers Note: The spell matches Cloud of Daggers with one exception PHB p222. Minor Bug: The spells AoE is a 1,5m circle instead of a cube.

Crown of Madness Note: The spell matches Crown of Madness with multiple exceptions PHB p229. Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 36,5m. Major Bug: The spells maximum duration is 3 turns instead of 10 turns(C). Major Bug: The spell does not force the caster to use a action each turn after the first to maintain control over the creature or end the spell. Major Bug: The spell allows the affected creature to move then attack.

Enlarge/Reduce Note: The spell matches Enlarge/Reduce PHB p221.

Detect Thoughts Note: The spell matches Detect Thoughts with multiple exception PHB p231. Major Bug: The spells maximum duration is until long rest instead of 10 turns(C). Note: This spell is very hard to test mechanically in the curent game environment, i will wait on a future patch or full release.

Silence Note: The spell matches Silence with one exception PHB p275. Added Feature: The spell's maximum duration is 100 turns(C). Major Bug: The spell has 18m casting range instead of 36,5m.

Disclaimer: All spells are tested according to the changes made in Patch 7 EA versus RAW.


Added Feature - Features added or changed by the DnD-Rebalancing Mod.

FelipeRenault commented 3 years ago

I think we can remove a few repetitions from this list by simply noting the following at the beginning

On another note, I don't think I understood the mechanical difference between 1.5m range and touch

DubhHerder commented 3 years ago

I think the ranges were reduced due to the miniaturized nature of the game layout and encounter design. There's no large areas where the long range would be applicable and it was probably also to reduce sniping from distance which might confuse AI.

For 1.5m vs touch, there's only 4 spells in dnd with 5ft instead of touch and they target multiple targets rather than a single target. I don't think there is a range of touch in the game engine so don't see it changing from 1.5m.

Arkenny commented 3 years ago

I think the ranges were reduced due to the miniaturized nature of the game layout and encounter design. There's no large areas where the long range would be applicable and it was probably also to reduce sniping from distance which might confuse AI.

For 1.5m vs touch, there's only 4 spells in dnd with 5ft instead of touch and they target multiple targets rather than a single target. I don't think there is a range of touch in the game engine so don't see it changing from 1.5m.

I do agree with the first statement although I still feel like they need to improve the AI more to account for the proper ranges from DnD 5e and to expand the encounter zones. Regarding the 1.5m vs Touch if they plan to implement what they promised aka PHB then we will have about 32 spells (Level 0-2) that need to have the range of Touch to properly function and to avoid game breaking combinations but that's for the future and not now.

DubhHerder commented 3 years ago

Based on the way spells like bless and other features have been implemented up to this point, i don't think strict adherence to RAW is their first priority and Larian has stated in the past that game breaking combinations are something they purposely include.

It's likely that 1.5m range will remain their version of touch range.

FelipeRenault commented 2 years ago

Regarding spells and effects durations, I've made the change here: #112 Now, 10 minutes is 100 turns and 1 hour is 600 turns on everything reported here. They also expire on a Short Rest. Longer effects, like 8 hours and 24 hours, still expire only on a Long Rest

The same Pull Request also fixed Entangle 😃

Arkenny commented 2 years ago

Regarding spells and effects durations, I've made the change here: #112 Now, 10 minutes is 100 turns and 1 hour is 600 turns on everything reported here. They also expire on a Short Rest. Longer effects, like 8 hours and 24 hours, still expire only on a Long Rest

The same Pull Request also fixed Entangle 😃

i will shortly test the game with the mod active to see if anything slipped by or other issues.

FelipeRenault commented 1 year ago

Marked as invalid because a lot of the things have changed since Full Release. But there are some key things here that weren't changed and I don't want to close the issue yet