Zerg00s / FlowPowerAppsMigrator

Converts SharePoint Data sources for the MS Flow and PowerApps to a new tenant of your choice.
MIT License
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Issue first logging in #31

Open samg365 opened 2 years ago

samg365 commented 2 years ago

First time attempting using this so I may be doing something wrong but I can get passed this error after signing into both tenants. Get-PnPList : The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. At C:\Temp\Flow Power App Migrator\GenerateInitialMapping.ps1:21 char:10

Zerg00s commented 2 years ago

Hi @samg365,

According to the error, the account you are using at the source tenant does not have enough permissions. Can you check that this account is a Site Collection administrator?

samg365 commented 2 years ago

Hi @Zerg00s,

It wasn't but it is now. Same issue occurred after entering the credentials. When the Credential caching is false. When the caching is true, it looks like a successful login source tenant side and then fails on target tenant side. [Attention] Look for a login popup in a separate window. Please, log in to the source site site Mapping file resourceMapping.csv is generated [Attention] Look for a login popup in a separate window. Please, log in to the target site. Get-PnPList : The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. At C:\Temp\Flow Power App Migrator\CompleteResourceMapping.ps1:13 char:10

Zerg00s commented 2 years ago

Hi @samg365 Looks like some progress. Are you also a Site Collection Administrator on the target site?