Zergatul / cheatutils

MIT License
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Fabric crash 1.19.2 #23

Open TaysMelons opened 1 year ago

TaysMelons commented 1 year ago

shouldersurfing->@Redirect::doRenderCrosshair(Lnet/minecraft/class_5498;)Z with priority 1000, already redirected by zergatul.cheatutils.mixins.json:common.MixinGui from mod cheatutils->@Redirect::onRenderCrosshairIsFirstPerson(Lnet/minecraft/class_5498;)Z with priority 1000

[19:13:56] [main/ERROR]: [net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.FabricLauncherBase#handleFormattedException] Minecraft has crashed!

Pastebin : https://pastebin.com/gXt7R16R

Zergatul commented 1 year ago

It's a conflict with some other mod.

Zergatul commented 1 year ago

Could you join mod discord and test jar I will try to build with fix for that?

TaysMelons commented 1 year ago

Sure could you relink the discord plz?