Closed g-k-m closed 2 years ago
Hey, thanks for the report!
There are actually several issues at play here:
For 1), the main issue is that releasing an update to Twitch is really cumbersome. It basically requires that I leave my PC running for a full week streaming, so I can't fix small bugs easily. 2) and 3) look like issues either on your side, or on the streamer's side.
I tested the extension with Chrome and Firefox (both latest versions). Are you using one of these browsers? Could you send me the link to the Twitch channel with the issue?
Thanks again for the report :)
Ok so I figured out the problem. Now we know that in newer Browsers like Tor or hardened firefox, block third party cookies is enabled by default, and honestly, there is no reason why it shouldn't be. I always have it enabled. But for some reason, twitch extension, like the plebs they are (or you idk xD) stores the settings on the extension in "localstorage" as on my friend's pc latest version of Edge Version 99.0.1150.36 (Official build) (64-bit) the settings for hiding the BG bars work perfectly (BG bars still don't hide auto hide)
However on my pc with latest edge same version, i get this:
And the important one:
So i googled about this error and apparently it's caused when blocking third party cookies, but that's pretty much mandatory if u don't wanna be tracked everywhere i go, i've never had issues with having them blocked, so idk if it's twitch fault's or yours but imo it should not use third party cookies to store the settings.
If "decktracker.js" is your doing, then it's probably you, otherwise it's probably twitch
So if i unblock the top cookies
It works normally.
The part that is underline with the red curvy line as wrong in decktracker.js, is this:
const prefsStr=localStorage.getItem("firestone-twitch-preferences"),prefs=prefsStr?Object.assign(new twitch_preferences_1.TwitchPreferences,JSON.parse(prefsStr)):new twitch_preferences_1.TwitchPreferences;}async savePrefs(value){localStorage.setItem("firestone-twitch-preferences",JSON.stringify(value)),}}},"./src/js/components/decktracker/overlay/twitch/twitch-preferences.ts":function(module,exports,__webpack_require__){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0}),exports.TwitchPreferences=void 0;exports.TwitchPreferences=class TwitchPreferences{constructor(){this.showHeroCards=!0,this.showMinionsList=!0,this.showMinionsListGoldenCards=!0,this.showBattleSimulator=!0,this.battleSimScale=100,this.minionsListScale=100,this.heroBoardScale=100}}},"./src/js/components/filter-dropdown.component.ngfactory.js":function [and so on not gonna paste the entire code]
I used hs deck tracker before and i don't think i had that error, so idk how they did it but i don't think firestone should work this way
once i enabled the cookies, this window appears
tho i think this was on, not sure if it appears on the desktop version without "m." too
so once i had this exception for third party cookies in Chromium
everything worked correctly. Of course bg bars still don't hide auto when not playing BG.
(which I use to store the user's preferences) is a pretty standard way to store user data.
Looking a bit into it, it seems to be related to how Twitch loads the extension, which could cause the localStorage to fail. I don't think I have a way around this (so your settings will not be persisted), but I will see if I can at least make the setting work for the duration of the current session.
Thanks for the investigations :)
This will be fixed with the next release of the Twitch extension.
If you block third-party sites from storing data, the settings won't be saved across sessions, but you will still be able to modify them for the duration of your current session.
Like, i get it, 90% of hs streamers are BG streamers. But for us plebs who still play hs, it's very annoying, if u wanna have the "mouseover on card tooltip" u need firestone enabled, but then you get these 3 stuff that always show no matter:
Left: settings (this one can remain i guess, but maybe more transparent?) Top: Win Tie Loss chance Top right: Turn and encyclopedia of minions
The latter two are very annoying and take a decent amount of space for when u're playing hearthstone and not BG. If not playing hs then one can hide the extension (the viewer not the streamer), but since i don't play BG and i only stream hs, viewers either have to not use the extension at all by hiding it, or put up with the annoying Top and Top right banners. Left is also a bit annoying but less so, but some transparency could definitely be applied on it, u only need the Settings once, not all the time, so they should be somewhat visible but not 100% visible.
On another note, the settings don't work at all
Even with this setup, the top and top right banners still show. Perhaps this is the whole problem.