ZeroK-RTS / Chobby

Spring RTS Ingame lobby project
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Afk/Ingame times off by one hour #228

Open DeinFreund opened 7 years ago

DeinFreund commented 7 years ago


The times are offset by +1 hour. It shows 1h 1m instead of 1m.

Licho1 commented 7 years ago

Functions not considering daylight saving time properly?

GoogleFrog commented 7 years ago

Possibly. Which end though? Chobby does time functions in LuaMenu/Addons/timefunctions.lua and gets current UTC time like this:

local currentTime = { tonumber("!%S")), tonumber("!%M")), tonumber("!%H")), tonumber("!%d")), --tonumber("!%m")), --tonumber("!%Y")), }

Licho1 commented 7 years ago

server just sends everyting in utc which is not applying any daylight saving offsets