ZeroK-RTS / Chobby

Spring RTS Ingame lobby project
15 stars 36 forks source link

Telemetry: Noob Singleplayer Replays #320

Open CrazyEddieTK opened 6 years ago

CrazyEddieTK commented 6 years ago

If a player has less than X games played, Chobby (or something else?) should upload their singleplayer replays so that developers can review their first X games. This will help with:

The uploads should include both completed and exited games. They should include tutorials, missions, and skirmishes.

The noob uploads should be stored with a flag that hides them from the standard replay search function and only allows developers and admins to search for them, see them, or download them.

gajop commented 6 years ago

I totally agree with the desire here, although it might be non-trivial to implement. Users should be able to play offline, and I'm not sure if it should be uploaded without consent. "Developers spying on noobs" can be an undesired backlash.

sprunk commented 6 years ago

Popup: "hey, we'd like to collect newbie feedback, upload replay? y/N"