Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Connecting to steam API
Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Steam online
Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Starting
[t=00:00:00.000000] DetectCores: cpu mask fffff
[t=00:00:00.001243] [CpuId] found 8 cores and 16 logical cpus (mask: 0xffff) of type performance
[t=00:00:00.001261] [CpuId] setting logical cpu affinity mask to 0xffff
[t=00:00:00.046995] [DataDirLocater::FindWriteableDataDir] using writeable data-directory "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\"
[t=00:00:00.047291] Using writeable configuration source: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\springsettings.cfg"
[t=00:00:00.047300] Using additional read-only configuration source: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\105.1.1-2457-g8095d30\springsettings.cfg"
[t=00:00:00.092482] LogOutput initialized. Logging to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\infolog.txt
[t=00:00:00.092524] ============== <Log Sections ([A]vailable, [E]nabled)> ==============
[A] ArchiveScanner
[A] AutohostInterface
[A] BumpWater
[A] CSMFGroundTextures
[A] CregSerializer
[A] DynWater
[A] Font
[A] GameServer
[A] GroundMoveType
[A] KeyBindings
[A] LuaSocket
[A] Model
[A] Net
[A] Path
[A] Piece
[A] RoamMeshDrawer
[A] Shader
[A] SkyBox
[A] Sound
[A] Texture
[E] Sound (Notice)
[E] VFS (Info)
[t=00:00:00.092711] Enable or disable log sections using the LogSections configuration key
[t=00:00:00.092715] or the SPRING_LOG_SECTIONS environment variable (both comma separated).
[t=00:00:00.092721] Use "none" to disable the default log sections.
[t=00:00:00.092724] ============== </Log Sections> ==============
[t=00:00:00.092728] ============== <User Config> ==============
[t=00:00:00.092804] AllowDeferredMapRendering = 1
[t=00:00:00.092809] AllowDeferredModelRendering = 1
[t=00:00:00.092813] AnimationMT = 0
[t=00:00:00.092816] BumpWaterAnisotropy = 2
[t=00:00:00.092819] BumpWaterBlurReflection = 1
[t=00:00:00.092823] BumpWaterDepthBits = 32
[t=00:00:00.092826] BumpWaterReflection = 2
[t=00:00:00.092831] BumpWaterTexSizeReflection = 256
[t=00:00:00.092835] CamFreeScrollSpeed = 50
[t=00:00:00.092837] CamMode = 1
[t=00:00:00.092840] CamTimeExponent = 4.0
[t=00:00:00.092843] CamTimeFactor = 1.0
[t=00:00:00.092847] DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft = 1
[t=00:00:00.092850] EdgeMoveDynamic = 0
[t=00:00:00.092853] EdgeMoveWidth = 0.003
[t=00:00:00.092856] FPSFOV = 90
[t=00:00:00.092858] FPSScrollSpeed = 50
[t=00:00:00.092862] FontSize = 18
[t=00:00:00.092865] Fullscreen = 0
[t=00:00:00.092867] GrassDetail = 0
[t=00:00:00.092873] GroundDecals = 5
[t=00:00:00.092878] GroundDetail = 120
[t=00:00:00.092881] HangTimeout = 30
[t=00:00:00.092884] HardwareCursor = 1
[t=00:00:00.092889] InitialNetworkTimeout = 0
[t=00:00:00.092893] InputTextGeo = 0.26 0.73 0.02 0.028
[t=00:00:00.092896] LODScale = 1.000
[t=00:00:00.092899] LODScaleReflection = 1.000
[t=00:00:00.092902] LODScaleRefraction = 1.000
[t=00:00:00.092905] LODScaleShadow = 1.000
[t=00:00:00.092908] LinkIncomingMaxPacketRate = 512
[t=00:00:00.092913] LinkIncomingPeakBandwidth = 65536
[t=00:00:00.092916] LinkIncomingSustainedBandwidth = 65536
[t=00:00:00.092919] LinkOutgoingBandwidth = 131072
[t=00:00:00.092923] LuaGarbageCollectionMemLoadMult = 2.5
[t=00:00:00.092926] LuaGarbageCollectionRunTimeMult = 1.5
[t=00:00:00.092930] MSAALevel = 8
[t=00:00:00.092933] MaxParticles = 25000
[t=00:00:00.092954] MaxSounds = 32
[t=00:00:00.092956] MaximumTransmissionUnit = 0
[t=00:00:00.092959] MiddleClickScrollSpeed = -0.0015
[t=00:00:00.092964] MiniMapCanFlip = 1
[t=00:00:00.092967] MiniMapMarker = 0
[t=00:00:00.092970] MouseDragCircleCommandThreshold = 25
[t=00:00:00.092973] MouseDragScrollThreshold = 0
[t=00:00:00.092976] NetworkLossFactor = 1
[t=00:00:00.092979] OverheadMaxHeightFactor = 1.39999998
[t=00:00:00.092982] OverheadScrollSpeed = 50
[t=00:00:00.092985] ReconnectTimeout = 0
[t=00:00:00.092988] RotOverheadScrollSpeed = 50
[t=00:00:00.092990] RotateLogFiles = 1
[t=00:00:00.092993] ShadowMapSize = 8192
[t=00:00:00.093015] Shadows = 1
[t=00:00:00.093017] ShowClock = 0
[t=00:00:00.093078] ShowPlayerInfo = 0
[t=00:00:00.093094] SplashScreenDir = ./MenuLoadscreens
[t=00:00:00.093102] TeamHighlight = 0
[t=00:00:00.093108] UnitIconDist = 151
[t=00:00:00.093116] UpdateBoundingVolumeMT = 0
[t=00:00:00.093126] UpdateWeaponVectorsMT = 0
[t=00:00:00.093133] UseDistToGroundForIcons = 1.10000002
[t=00:00:00.093143] UseLuaMemPools = 0
[t=00:00:00.093149] UseNetMessageSmoothingBuffer = 0
[t=00:00:00.093173] VFSCacheArchiveFiles = 0
[t=00:00:00.093183] VSync = 0
[t=00:00:00.093189] Water = 4
[t=00:00:00.093197] WindowBorderless = 1
[t=00:00:00.093203] WindowPosY = 0
[t=00:00:00.093212] XResolution = 1920
[t=00:00:00.093218] XResolutionWindowed = 1920
[t=00:00:00.093227] YResolution = 1080
[t=00:00:00.093233] YResolutionWindowed = 1080
[t=00:00:00.093242] snd_volbattle = 7
[t=00:00:00.093248] snd_volgeneral = 8
[t=00:00:00.093257] snd_volmaster = 10
[t=00:00:00.093285] ============== </User Config> ==============
[t=00:00:00.093296] ============== <User System> ==============
[t=00:00:00.093303] Spring Engine Version: 105.1.1-2457-g8095d30 BAR105
[t=00:00:00.093316] Build Environment: gcc libstdc++ version 20230727
[t=00:00:00.093331] Compiler Version: gcc-13.2.0
[t=00:00:00.093394] Operating System: Windows 10 TBA Insider Update (build 22631)
[t=00:00:00.093457] Hardware Config: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF; 32619MB RAM, 34667MB pagefile
[t=00:00:00.093476] Binary Word Size: 64-bit (native)
[t=00:00:00.093485] Process Clock: std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
[t=00:00:00.093493] Physical CPU Cores: 8
[t=00:00:00.093502] Logical CPU Cores: 16
[t=00:00:00.093508] ============== </User System> ==============
[t=00:00:00.093660] [good_fpu_init][STREFLOP_SSE]
[t=00:00:00.093669] SSE 1.0 : 1, SSE 2.0 : 1
[t=00:00:00.093674] SSE 3.0 : 1, SSSE 3.0 : 1
[t=00:00:00.093680] SSE 4.1 : 1, SSE 4.2 : 1
[t=00:00:00.093692] SSE 4.0A: 0, SSE 5.0A: 0
[t=00:00:00.095043] [WatchDog::Install] installed (hang-timeout: 30s)
[t=00:00:00.095067] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [main]
[t=00:00:00.101126] [GL::CheckAvailableVideoModes] desktop={1920x1080x24bpp@165Hz} current={1920x1080x24bpp@165Hz}
[t=00:00:00.118516] Display (Generic PnP Monitor)=1 modes=159 bounds={x=0, y=0, w=1920, h=1080}
[t=00:00:00.118526] [ 1] 3840x2160x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.118530] [ 7] 2560x1600x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.118542] [13] 2560x1440x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.118545] [19] 2048x1536x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.118548] [25] 1920x1440x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.118551] [31] 1920x1200x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.118554] [37] 1920x1080x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118557] [44] 1680x1050x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118561] [50] 1600x1200x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.118564] [56] 1600x1024x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118567] [62] 1600x900x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118569] [68] 1440x1080x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118573] [75] 1440x900x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118578] [80] 1366x768x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118583] [85] 1360x768x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118586] [90] 1280x1024x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118590] [96] 1280x960x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118593] [101] 1280x800x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118596] [106] 1280x768x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118599] [111] 1280x720x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118602] [118] 1176x664x24bpp@60Hz
[t=00:00:00.118604] [121] 1152x864x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118607] [126] 1024x768x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118614] [133] 800x600x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118619] [141] 720x576x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118624] [146] 720x480x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.118629] [152] 640x480x24bpp@165Hz
[t=00:00:00.340266] [GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for main window
[t=00:00:00.340635] [GR::SetWindowAttributes][1] cfgFullScreen=0 numDisplays=1 winPos=<0,0> newRes=<1920,1080>
[t=00:00:00.340691] [GR::SetWindowAttributes][2] cfgFullScreen=0 numDisplays=1 winPos=<0,0> newRes=<1920,1080>
[t=00:00:00.407216] [GR::LogVersionInfo]
[t=00:00:00.407226] SDL version : 2.0.18 (linked) / 2.0.18 (compiled)
[t=00:00:00.407230] GL version : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 552.22
[t=00:00:00.407233] GL vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
[t=00:00:00.407236] GL renderer : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060/PCIe/SSE2
[t=00:00:00.407239] GLSL version: 4.60 NVIDIA
[t=00:00:00.407243] GLEW version: 2.1.0
[t=00:00:00.407245] GPU memory : 8188MB (total) / 6903MB (available)
[t=00:00:00.407269] SDL swap-int: 1
[t=00:00:00.407284] SDL driver : windows
[t=00:00:00.407289] Initialized OpenGL Context: 4.6 (Compat)
[t=00:00:00.407292] GLSL shader support : 1
[t=00:00:00.407295] GL4 support : 1
[t=00:00:00.407298] FBO extension support : 1
[t=00:00:00.407308] NVX GPU mem-info support : 1
[t=00:00:00.407312] ATI GPU mem-info support : 0
[t=00:00:00.407320] Texture clamping to edge : 1
[t=00:00:00.407341] NPOT-texture support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.407355] S3TC/DXT1 texture support : 1/1
[t=00:00:00.407366] texture query-LOD support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.407369] MSAA frame-buffer support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.407372] Z-buffer depth : 32 (-)
[t=00:00:00.407379] primitive-restart support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.407383] clip-space control support: 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.407387] seamless cube-map support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.407390] frag-depth layout support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.407459] persistent maps support : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.407465] explicit attribs location : 1 (1)
[t=00:00:00.407472] multi draw indirect : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.407476] array textures : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.407480] buffer copy support : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.407483] indirect draw : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.407486] base instance : 1 (-)
[t=00:00:00.407491] max. FBO samples : 32
[t=00:00:00.407495] max. FS/program texture slots : 32/192
[t=00:00:00.407501] max. texture size : 32768
[t=00:00:00.407509] max. texture anisotropy level : 16.000000
[t=00:00:00.407512] max. vec4 varyings/attributes : 31/16
[t=00:00:00.407515] max. draw-buffers : 8
[t=00:00:00.407518] max. rec. indices/vertices : 1048576/1048576
[t=00:00:00.407522] max. uniform buffer-bindings : 84
[t=00:00:00.407526] max. uniform block-size : 64KB
[t=00:00:00.407530] max. storage buffer-bindings : 96
[t=00:00:00.407533] max. storage block-size : 2047MB
[t=00:00:00.407539] enable AMD-hacks : 0
[t=00:00:00.407543] compress MIP-maps: 0
[t=00:00:00.407599] Number of compressed texture formats: 23
[t=00:00:00.407662] [GR::ToggleGLDebugOutput] OpenGL debug-message callback disabled
[t=00:00:00.407927] [GR::UpdateGLConfigs]
[t=00:00:00.407968] [VSync::SetInterval] interval=0 (disabled)
[t=00:00:00.407975] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][1] winSize=<1,1>
[t=00:00:00.407990] [GR::UpdateScreenMatrices] vpx=0.000000, vpy=0.000000, vsx=1920.000000, vsy=1080.000000, ssx=1920.000000, ssy=1080.000000, screenPosX=0, screenPosY=0
[t=00:00:00.407999] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][2] winSize=<1920,1080>
[t=00:00:00.408002] [GR::InitGLState]
[t=00:00:00.408205] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1080x24bpp@165Hz (windowed::borderless)
[t=00:00:00.523716] [TexMemPool::Resize] poolSize=536870912u allocSize=0u texCount=0u
[t=00:00:00.531826] [~ScopedOnceTimer][FtLibraryHandler::FontConfigInit (version 2.13.1)] 7ms
[t=00:00:00.532547] [CglFont::CglShaderFontRenderer] Creating Font shaders: GLEW_ARB_explicit_attrib_location = true
[t=00:00:00.546854] [Font] [CheckGenFontConfigFull] Using Fontconfig cache dir "D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Zero-K/fontcache"
[t=00:00:00.546876] [Font] [CheckGenFontConfigFull] fontconfig for directory "C:\WINDOWS\fonts" up to date
[t=00:00:00.547525] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [vfsi]
[t=00:00:00.548637] [DataDirLocater::FindWriteableDataDir] using writeable data-directory "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\"
[t=00:00:00.548656] [DataDirLocater::Check] Isolation Mode!
[t=00:00:00.548709] [DataDirLocater::FilterUsableDataDirs] using read-write data directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\
[t=00:00:00.548749] [DataDirLocater::FilterUsableDataDirs] using read-only data directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\105.1.1-2457-g8095d30\
[t=00:00:00.565659] Scanning: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\105.1.1-2457-g8095d30\base
[t=00:00:00.566229] Scanning: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\maps
[t=00:00:00.619019] Scanning: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\games
[t=00:00:00.619204] Scanning: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\packages
[t=00:00:00.630409] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 64ms
[t=00:00:00.630435] [VFS] [SpringVFS::ReserveArchives<this=000001b8850f9d40>]
[t=00:00:00.630543] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=000001b8850f9d40>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:00.640684] [VFS] [VFSHandler::SetGlobalInstanceRaw] handler=000001b8850f9d40 (SpringVFS) global=0000000000000000 (null)
[t=00:00:00.640706] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [vfsi]
[t=00:00:00.696045] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=8 current=1 maximum=16 (init=1)
[t=00:00:00.697295] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=7
[t=00:00:00.697461] [Threading] Worker 6 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x20
[t=00:00:00.698119] [Threading] Worker 7 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x40
[t=00:00:00.698424] [Threading] Worker 2 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x2
[t=00:00:00.698697] [Threading] Worker 4 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x8
[t=00:00:00.698754] [Threading] Worker 3 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x4
[t=00:00:00.698778] [Threading] Worker 5 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x10
[t=00:00:00.698826] [Threading] Worker 1 thread CPU affinity mask set: 0x1
[t=00:00:00.698895] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 0xff80
[t=00:00:00.699210][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 0ms
[t=00:00:00.699422][f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.2ms)
[t=00:00:00.699587][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=32
[t=00:00:00.699619][f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[t=00:00:00.699632][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[t=00:00:00.699674][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] UseSDLAudio is set, rendering openal-soft audio to SDL buffer and let SDL audio handle the hardware
[t=00:00:00.708333][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] SDL audio device(s):
[t=00:00:00.708532][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "0" "CABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)"
[t=00:00:00.708550][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "1" "VG240Y V (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)"
[t=00:00:00.708590][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "2" "Speakers (NVIDIA Broadcast)"
[t=00:00:00.708605][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "3" "VoiceMeeter Aux Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter AUX VAIO)"
[t=00:00:00.708628][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "4" "Haut-parleurs (High Definition Audio Device)"
[t=00:00:00.708641][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] * "5" "VoiceMeeter Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)"
[t=00:00:00.708672][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[t=00:00:00.721070][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening loopback device
[t=00:00:00.728154][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] device=000001b8c2763ab0(default) context=000001b8c2771c70 numChannels=2 frameSize=8
[t=00:00:00.728174][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[t=00:00:00.728181][f=-000001] [Sound] Vendor: OpenAL Community
[t=00:00:00.728185][f=-000001] [Sound] Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.21.0
[t=00:00:00.728189][f=-000001] [Sound] Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[t=00:00:00.728206][f=-000001] [Sound] AL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_BFORMAT AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_BFORMAT AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_EXT_SOURCE_RADIUS AL_EXT_STEREO_ANGLES AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_bformat_ex AL_SOFTX_bformat_hoa AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFTX_callback_buffer AL_SOFTX_convolution_reverb AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_direct_channels_remix AL_SOFT_effect_target AL_SOFT_events AL_SOFTX_filter_gain_ex AL_SOFT_gain_clamp_ex AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFTX_map_buffer AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length AL_SOFT_source_resampler AL_SOFT_source_spatialize
[t=00:00:00.728225][f=-000001] [Sound] ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_loopback_bformat ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[t=00:00:00.728236][f=-000001] [Sound] Devices:
[t=00:00:00.730173][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on VoiceMeeter Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)]
[t=00:00:00.730183][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on CABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)]
[t=00:00:00.730188][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on VG240Y V (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[t=00:00:00.730193][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Speakers (NVIDIA Broadcast)]
[t=00:00:00.730197][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on VoiceMeeter Aux Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter AUX VAIO)]
[t=00:00:00.730205][f=-000001] [Sound] [OpenAL Soft on Haut-parleurs (High Definition Audio Device)]
[t=00:00:00.730214][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=29
[t=00:00:00.730219][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={32,255}
[t=00:00:00.732590][f=-000001] [Sound] EFX Enabled: yes
[t=00:00:00.732603][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[t=00:00:00.811186][f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 111ms
[Info] /spring/tools/pr-downloader/src/Downloader/CurlWrapper.cpp:32:DumpVersion():libcurl 7.86.0 OpenSSL/3.0.7 (Schannel)
[Info] /spring/tools/pr-downloader/src/Downloader/CurlWrapper.cpp:80:ConfigureCertificates():CURLOPT_CAINFO is nullptr (can be overriden by PRD_SSL_CERT_FILE env variable)
[Info] /spring/tools/pr-downloader/src/Downloader/CurlWrapper.cpp:82:ConfigureCertificates():CURLOPT_CAPATH is nullptr (can be overriden by PRD_SSL_CERT_DIR env variable)
[Info] /spring/tools/pr-downloader/src/FileSystem/FileSystem.cpp:203:setWritePath():Using filesystem-writepath: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K
[Info] /spring/tools/pr-downloader/src/pr-downloader.cpp:187:DownloadSetConfig():Free disk space: 1804414 MB
[t=00:00:00.813757][f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "Chobby v1.12.4.0"
[t=00:00:00.814198][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=000001b8850f9d40>(arName="Chobby v1.12.4.0", overwrite=false)] section=3 cached=0
[t=00:00:00.831261][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=000001b8850f9d40>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:00.831366][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=000001b8850f9d40>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:00.845789][f=-000001] [VFS] [LuaMenuVFS::AddArchive<this=000001b8850f9d40>(arName="Spring Cursors", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[t=00:00:00.896626][f=-000001] LuaMenu Entry Point: "LuaMenu/main.lua"
[t=00:00:00.930002][f=-000001] Remember to update handler.lua once the following is in basecontent:
[t=00:00:00.930628][f=-000001] Remember to update handler.lua once the following is in basecontent:
[t=00:00:00.939866][f=-000001] Remember to update handler.lua once the following is in basecontent:
[t=00:00:00.940013][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Searching for new Widgets
[t=00:00:00.940028][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/Addons/
[t=00:00:00.940073][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/Widgets/
[t=00:00:00.940245][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/SystemAddons/
[t=00:00:00.940277][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/SystemWidgets/
[t=00:00:00.940297][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/chili/
[t=00:00:00.940315][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/chilifx/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:00.940339][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/chilivn/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:00.940357][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/chotify/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:00.940380][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/i18n/LuaMenu/widgets
[t=00:00:00.940403][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
[t=00:00:00.941044][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: base64.lua
[t=00:00:00.941174][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: engineversion.lua
[t=00:00:00.941382][f=-000001] Spring.GetWindowGeometry, 1920, 1080, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[t=00:00:00.941395][f=-000001] Spring.GetViewGeometry, 1920, 1080, 0, 0
[t=00:00:00.941404][f=-000001] gl.GetViewSizes, 1920, 1080
[t=00:00:00.941421][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: function_override.lua
[t=00:00:00.942780][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: json.lua
[t=00:00:00.942964][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: numberfunctions.lua
[t=00:00:00.943635][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: tablefunctions.lua
[t=00:00:00.944919][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: timefunctions.lua
[t=00:00:00.956970][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widgets <>=vfs **=raw ()=unknown
[t=00:00:00.957777][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Delay API <api_delay.lua>
[t=00:00:00.962072][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: spring-launcher <api_spring_launcher_loader.lua>
[t=00:00:00.962799][f=-000001] [spring-launcher] Disabling spring-launcher due to missing connection detalis.
[t=00:00:00.964312][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Limit FPS <api_limit_fps.lua>
[t=00:00:00.964900][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Away Tracker <gui_away_tracker.lua>
[t=00:00:00.966707][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Chili Framework <api_chili.lua>
[t=00:00:01.033223][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: LibLobby API <api_lobby.lua>
[t=00:00:01.033722][f=-000001] [liblobby] liblobby configuration:
[t=00:00:01.033733][f=-000001] [liblobby] serverName, Zero-K
[t=00:00:01.033738][f=-000001] [liblobby] port, 8200
[t=00:00:01.033742][f=-000001] [liblobby] protocol, zks
[t=00:00:01.033746][f=-000001] [liblobby] address,
[t=00:00:01.039455][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: i18n <api_i18n.lua>
[t=00:00:01.041525][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: ChiliFX <api_chilifx.lua>
[t=00:00:01.042119][f=-000001] [ChiliFX] Enabled: true
[t=00:00:01.043024][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Chotify <api_chotify.lua>
[t=00:00:01.043500][f=-000001] [Chotify] Enabled: true
[t=00:00:01.045050][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Download Handler <api_download_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.050718][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget: Ingame Interface <api_ingame_interface.lua>
[t=00:00:01.050890][f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Event: OnBattleAboutToStart, listener cannot be nil
[t=00:00:01.051357][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Test <dbg_test.lua>
[t=00:00:01.052396][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Command Buffering <api_command_buffering.lua>
[t=00:00:01.052899][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle List Window <gui_battle_list_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.055396][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Campaign Options Window <gui_campaign_options.lua>
[t=00:00:01.058591][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Community Window <gui_community_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.060643][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Download Window <gui_download_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.061802][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Featured Maps API <api_featured_maps.lua>
[t=00:00:01.063263][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Friend Window <gui_friend_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.064775][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Missions Handles <gui_mission_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.065852][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Notification Handler <api_notification_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.070302][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Planetwars List Window <gui_planetwars_list_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.074200][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Queue List Window <gui_queue_list_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.076044][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Replays window <gui_replay_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.082031][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Settings Window <gui_settings_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.084018][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: SpringBoard Window <gui_springboard_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.088132][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Users Handler <api_user_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.092428][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: ZK wrapper loopback interface <zk_loopback.lua>
[t=00:00:01.093345][f=-000001] [Chobby] Using wrapper port: , 61070
[t=00:00:01.094647][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Cache Handler API <api_cache_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.095542][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Internet Browser API <api_internet_browser.lua>
[t=00:00:01.095943][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Map Handler API <api_map_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.096394][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Spring-Launcher log-upload <sl_upload_log.lua>
[t=00:00:01.096759][f=-000001] [Chobby] spring-launcher doesn't exist.
[t=00:00:01.097077][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Spring-Launcher wrapper loopback interface <sl_loopback.lua>
[t=00:00:01.097436][f=-000001] [Chobby] spring-launcher doesn't exist.
Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Chobby connected to wrapper
[t=00:00:01.101213][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Campaign Data Handler <api_campaign_data.lua>
[t=00:00:01.102994][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: API Script Handler <api_script_generator.lua>
[t=00:00:01.104394][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Analytics Handler <api_analytics.lua>
[t=00:00:01.104935][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Animation control <api_animation_control.lua>
[t=00:00:01.106019][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle Login Rejoin <gui_battle_login_rejoin.lua>
[t=00:00:01.108094][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle Proposal Handler <api_battle_proposal_handler.lua>
Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Chobbyla >> SteamOnline {}
[t=00:00:01.118291][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle Room Window <gui_battle_room_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.120751][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Battle status panel <gui_battle_status_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:01.123167][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Benchmark Handler <gui_benchmark_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.125992][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Campaign Commander Loadout <gui_campaign_commander_loadout.lua>
[t=00:00:01.137240][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Campaign Handler <gui_campaign_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.140446][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Campaign Handler ZK <zk_campaign_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.147367][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Campaign Save/Load <gui_campaign_saveload.lua>
[t=00:00:01.149836][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Campaign Technology Panel <gui_campaign_technology_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:01.152144][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Codex Handler <gui_campaign_codex_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.154098][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Color change window <gui_color_change_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.157946][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Cursor tooltip <gui_tooltip.lua>
[t=00:00:01.162576][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Discord Handler <api_discord_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.164275][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Load Game Menu <gui_loadgame.lua>
[t=00:00:01.166268][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Login Window <gui_login_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.168370][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Maplist Panel <gui_maplist_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:01.169416][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Mission Progress Handler <api_mission_progress_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.171687][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Modoptions Panel <gui_modoptions_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:01.173441][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Party status panel <gui_party_status_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:01.175449][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Planet Battle Handler <api_planet_battle_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.176099][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Popup Preloader <gui_popup_preloader.lua>
[t=00:00:01.179289][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Queue status panel <gui_queue_status_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:01.180749][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Rank update window <gui_rank_update_window.lua>
[t=00:00:01.182006][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Report Panel <gui_report_panel.lua>
[t=00:00:01.184757][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Steam Coop Handler <gui_steam_coop_handler.lua>
[t=00:00:01.186248][f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget: Steam Handler <api_steam_handler.lua>
------- TRUNCATED -------
[t=01:17:33.270448][f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"NewsItems":[{"Header":"Cold Take #11 - The Atomic Solution to Monospam","Text":"Zero-K units are the simple \"atoms\" of more complicated armies. But using a single unit type is simple, so we need way to encourage unit mixing, to keep things interesting.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #10 - The Smartest Unit in Zero-K","Text":"A smart unit needs understanding, competence, and for us to not expect too much of it. Powerful commands help, but so does avoiding complicated abilities.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Zero-K v1.12.4.0 - Combat Engineer","Text":"Engineer Commanders can build units in the field, while Disco Rave Party spins faster and hits harder. Sparrow steals Owl's radar jammer and Thunderbird is healthier.\r\n\r\nMost of the patch is on the tech side of things. An engine update brings performance and pretty explosions. A new shader shades shadows, and unit selection circles look better and run faster.","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #9 - Energy as Supply","Text":"Energy is houses for robots. It sets the pace of the game by building up over time, and in relative safety. It is a supply resource like many found in various forms across RTS.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #8 - Smoothly Flowing Economy","Text":"Zero-K has flow expenditure, like TA and C&C, and much has been done to make it forgiving and easy to use, since Zero-K is about strategy, not about micromanaging your base.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #7 - Jumpjets and Jumplegs","Text":"Jumpbots jump, but there is more to it than that. Many aspects of Zero-K's design are revealed by which units jump, how they jump, and where they can jump.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #6 - Physics vs. Formulas","Text":"Shots in Zero-K are physically simulated, they hit everything that gets in their way, but how are the results so deep that tBattleUpdate {"Header":{"BattleID":13327,"PlayerCount":2,"SpectatorCount":0}}
[t=01:17:33.400702][f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"NewsItems":[{"Header":"Cold Take #11 - The Atomic Solution to Monospam","Text":"Zero-K units are the simple \"atoms\" of more complicated armies. But using a single unit type is simple, so we need way to encourage unit mixing, to keep things interesting.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #10 - The Smartest Unit in Zero-K","Text":"A smart unit needs understanding, competence, and for us to not expect too much of it. Powerful commands help, but so does avoiding complicated abilities.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Zero-K v1.12.4.0 - Combat Engineer","Text":"Engineer Commanders can build units in the field, while Disco Rave Party spins faster and hits harder. Sparrow steals Owl's radar jammer and Thunderbird is healthier.\r\n\r\nMost of the patch is on the tech side of things. An engine update brings performance and pretty explosions. A new shader shades shadows, and unit selection circles look better and run faster.","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #9 - Energy as Supply","Text":"Energy is houses for robots. It sets the pace of the game by building up over time, and in relative safety. It is a supply resource like many found in various forms across RTS.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #8 - Smoothly Flowing Economy","Text":"Zero-K has flow expenditure, like TA and C&C, and much has been done to make it forgiving and easy to use, since Zero-K is about strategy, not about micromanaging your base.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #7 - Jumpjets and Jumplegs","Text":"Jumpbots jump, but there is more to it than that. Many aspects of Zero-K's design are revealed by which units jump, how they jump, and where they can jump.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #6 - Physics vs. Formulas","Text":"Shots in Zero-K are physically simulated, they hit everything that gets in their way, but how are the results so deep that tBattleUpdate {"Header":{"BattleID":13330,"PlayerCount":1,"SpectatorCount":0}}
[t=01:17:34.005352][f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"NewsItems":[{"Header":"Cold Take #11 - The Atomic Solution to Monospam","Text":"Zero-K units are the simple \"atoms\" of more complicated armies. But using a single unit type is simple, so we need way to encourage unit mixing, to keep things interesting.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #10 - The Smartest Unit in Zero-K","Text":"A smart unit needs understanding, competence, and for us to not expect too much of it. Powerful commands help, but so does avoiding complicated abilities.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Zero-K v1.12.4.0 - Combat Engineer","Text":"Engineer Commanders can build units in the field, while Disco Rave Party spins faster and hits harder. Sparrow steals Owl's radar jammer and Thunderbird is healthier.\r\n\r\nMost of the patch is on the tech side of things. An engine update brings performance and pretty explosions. A new shader shades shadows, and unit selection circles look better and run faster.","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #9 - Energy as Supply","Text":"Energy is houses for robots. It sets the pace of the game by building up over time, and in relative safety. It is a supply resource like many found in various forms across RTS.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #8 - Smoothly Flowing Economy","Text":"Zero-K has flow expenditure, like TA and C&C, and much has been done to make it forgiving and easy to use, since Zero-K is about strategy, not about micromanaging your base.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #7 - Jumpjets and Jumplegs","Text":"Jumpbots jump, but there is more to it than that. Many aspects of Zero-K's design are revealed by which units jump, how they jump, and where they can jump.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #6 - Physics vs. Formulas","Text":"Shots in Zero-K are physically simulated, they hit everything that gets in their way, but how are the results so deep that tChannelUserRemoved {"ChannelName":"zk","UserName":"brianfreeman"}
[t=01:17:34.146162][f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"NewsItems":[{"Header":"Cold Take #11 - The Atomic Solution to Monospam","Text":"Zero-K units are the simple \"atoms\" of more complicated armies. But using a single unit type is simple, so we need way to encourage unit mixing, to keep things interesting.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #10 - The Smartest Unit in Zero-K","Text":"A smart unit needs understanding, competence, and for us to not expect too much of it. Powerful commands help, but so does avoiding complicated abilities.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Zero-K v1.12.4.0 - Combat Engineer","Text":"Engineer Commanders can build units in the field, while Disco Rave Party spins faster and hits harder. Sparrow steals Owl's radar jammer and Thunderbird is healthier.\r\n\r\nMost of the patch is on the tech side of things. An engine update brings performance and pretty explosions. A new shader shades shadows, and unit selection circles look better and run faster.","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #9 - Energy as Supply","Text":"Energy is houses for robots. It sets the pace of the game by building up over time, and in relative safety. It is a supply resource like many found in various forms across RTS.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #8 - Smoothly Flowing Economy","Text":"Zero-K has flow expenditure, like TA and C&C, and much has been done to make it forgiving and easy to use, since Zero-K is about strategy, not about micromanaging your base.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #7 - Jumpjets and Jumplegs","Text":"Jumpbots jump, but there is more to it than that. Many aspects of Zero-K's design are revealed by which units jump, how they jump, and where they can jump.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #6 - Physics vs. Formulas","Text":"Shots in Zero-K are physically simulated, they hit everything that gets in their way, but how are the results so deep that tUserDisconnected {"Name":"brianfreeman","Reason":"connection failed"}
[t=01:17:36.783997][f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"NewsItems":[{"Header":"Cold Take #11 - The Atomic Solution to Monospam","Text":"Zero-K units are the simple \"atoms\" of more complicated armies. But using a single unit type is simple, so we need way to encourage unit mixing, to keep things interesting.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #10 - The Smartest Unit in Zero-K","Text":"A smart unit needs understanding, competence, and for us to not expect too much of it. Powerful commands help, but so does avoiding complicated abilities.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Zero-K v1.12.4.0 - Combat Engineer","Text":"Engineer Commanders can build units in the field, while Disco Rave Party spins faster and hits harder. Sparrow steals Owl's radar jammer and Thunderbird is healthier.\r\n\r\nMost of the patch is on the tech side of things. An engine update brings performance and pretty explosions. A new shader shades shadows, and unit selection circles look better and run faster.","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #9 - Energy as Supply","Text":"Energy is houses for robots. It sets the pace of the game by building up over time, and in relative safety. It is a supply resource like many found in various forms across RTS.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #8 - Smoothly Flowing Economy","Text":"Zero-K has flow expenditure, like TA and C&C, and much has been done to make it forgiving and easy to use, since Zero-K is about strategy, not about micromanaging your base.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #7 - Jumpjets and Jumplegs","Text":"Jumpbots jump, but there is more to it than that. Many aspects of Zero-K's design are revealed by which units jump, how they jump, and where they can jump.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #6 - Physics vs. Formulas","Text":"Shots in Zero-K are physically simulated, they hit everything that gets in their way, but how are the results so deep that tUser {"AccountID":527558,"Avatar":"gunshipemp","BanMute":false,"BanVotes":false,"BanSpecChat":false,"BattleID":13270,"Country":"DE","DisplayName":"berserker224","IsAdmin":false,"IsBot":false,"LobbyVersion":"Chobby","Name":"berserker224","SteamID":"76561198108909110","Icon":"1_1","IsAway":false,"IsInBattleRoom":true,"IsInGame":false,"EffectiveMmElo":1100,"EffectiveElo":1152,"Level":9,"Rank":1}
[t=01:17:37.816838][f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"NewsItems":[{"Header":"Cold Take #11 - The Atomic Solution to Monospam","Text":"Zero-K units are the simple \"atoms\" of more complicated armies. But using a single unit type is simple, so we need way to encourage unit mixing, to keep things interesting.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #10 - The Smartest Unit in Zero-K","Text":"A smart unit needs understanding, competence, and for us to not expect too much of it. Powerful commands help, but so does avoiding complicated abilities.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Zero-K v1.12.4.0 - Combat Engineer","Text":"Engineer Commanders can build units in the field, while Disco Rave Party spins faster and hits harder. Sparrow steals Owl's radar jammer and Thunderbird is healthier.\r\n\r\nMost of the patch is on the tech side of things. An engine update brings performance and pretty explosions. A new shader shades shadows, and unit selection circles look better and run faster.","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #9 - Energy as Supply","Text":"Energy is houses for robots. It sets the pace of the game by building up over time, and in relative safety. It is a supply resource like many found in various forms across RTS.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #8 - Smoothly Flowing Economy","Text":"Zero-K has flow expenditure, like TA and C&C, and much has been done to make it forgiving and easy to use, since Zero-K is about strategy, not about micromanaging your base.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #7 - Jumpjets and Jumplegs","Text":"Jumpbots jump, but there is more to it than that. Many aspects of Zero-K's design are revealed by which units jump, how they jump, and where they can jump.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #6 - Physics vs. Formulas","Text":"Shots in Zero-K are physically simulated, they hit everything that gets in their way, but how are the results so deep that tUser {"AccountID":601795,"Avatar":"staticnuke","BanMute":false,"BanVotes":false,"BanSpecChat":false,"BattleID":13281,"Country":"GB","DisplayName":"avril1986","IsAdmin":false,"IsBot":false,"LobbyVersion":"Chobby","Name":"ratboy6825","SteamID":"76561198357531023","Icon":"1_1","IsAway":false,"IsInBattleRoom":true,"IsInGame":false,"EffectiveMmElo":1147,"EffectiveElo":1172,"Level":7,"Rank":1}
[t=01:17:38.268399][f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"NewsItems":[{"Header":"Cold Take #11 - The Atomic Solution to Monospam","Text":"Zero-K units are the simple \"atoms\" of more complicated armies. But using a single unit type is simple, so we need way to encourage unit mixing, to keep things interesting.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #10 - The Smartest Unit in Zero-K","Text":"A smart unit needs understanding, competence, and for us to not expect too much of it. Powerful commands help, but so does avoiding complicated abilities.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Zero-K v1.12.4.0 - Combat Engineer","Text":"Engineer Commanders can build units in the field, while Disco Rave Party spins faster and hits harder. Sparrow steals Owl's radar jammer and Thunderbird is healthier.\r\n\r\nMost of the patch is on the tech side of things. An engine update brings performance and pretty explosions. A new shader shades shadows, and unit selection circles look better and run faster.","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #9 - Energy as Supply","Text":"Energy is houses for robots. It sets the pace of the game by building up over time, and in relative safety. It is a supply resource like many found in various forms across RTS.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #8 - Smoothly Flowing Economy","Text":"Zero-K has flow expenditure, like TA and C&C, and much has been done to make it forgiving and easy to use, since Zero-K is about strategy, not about micromanaging your base.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #7 - Jumpjets and Jumplegs","Text":"Jumpbots jump, but there is more to it than that. Many aspects of Zero-K's design are revealed by which units jump, how they jump, and where they can jump.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #6 - Physics vs. Formulas","Text":"Shots in Zero-K are physically simulated, they hit everything that gets in their way, but how are the results so deep that tBattleUpdate {"Header":{"BattleID":13281,"PlayerCount":3,"SpectatorCount":0}}
[t=01:17:39.044784][f=-000001] [liblobby] Error: Failed to parse JSON: {"NewsItems":[{"Header":"Cold Take #11 - The Atomic Solution to Monospam","Text":"Zero-K units are the simple \"atoms\" of more complicated armies. But using a single unit type is simple, so we need way to encourage unit mixing, to keep things interesting.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #10 - The Smartest Unit in Zero-K","Text":"A smart unit needs understanding, competence, and for us to not expect too much of it. Powerful commands help, but so does avoiding complicated abilities.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Zero-K v1.12.4.0 - Combat Engineer","Text":"Engineer Commanders can build units in the field, while Disco Rave Party spins faster and hits harder. Sparrow steals Owl's radar jammer and Thunderbird is healthier.\r\n\r\nMost of the patch is on the tech side of things. An engine update brings performance and pretty explosions. A new shader shades shadows, and unit selection circles look better and run faster.","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #9 - Energy as Supply","Text":"Energy is houses for robots. It sets the pace of the game by building up over time, and in relative safety. It is a supply resource like many found in various forms across RTS.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #8 - Smoothly Flowing Economy","Text":"Zero-K has flow expenditure, like TA and C&C, and much has been done to make it forgiving and easy to use, since Zero-K is about strategy, not about micromanaging your base.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #7 - Jumpjets and Jumplegs","Text":"Jumpbots jump, but there is more to it than that. Many aspects of Zero-K's design are revealed by which units jump, how they jump, and where they can jump.","Url":"","Image":""},{"Header":"Cold Take #6 - Physics vs. Formulas","Text":"Shots in Zero-K are physically simulated, they hit everything that gets in their way, but how are the results so deep that tUser {"AccountID":601795,"Avatar":"staticnuke","BanMute":false,"BanVotes":false,"BanSpecChat":false,"Country":"GB","DisplayName":"avril1986","IsAdmin":false,"IsBot":false,"LobbyVersion":"Chobby","Name":"ratboy6825","SteamID":"76561198357531023","Icon":"1_1","IsAway":false,"IsInBattleRoom":false,"IsInGame":false,"EffectiveMmElo":1147,"EffectiveElo":1172,"Level":7,"Rank":1}
[t=01:17:41.007481][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][1] fromRun=1
[t=01:17:41.007496][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=8 maximum=16 (init=0)
[t=01:17:41.026498][f=-000001] [async=0] threads=8 tasks=0 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000}}ms
[t=01:17:41.026515][f=-000001] [async=1] threads=8 tasks=7 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.455, 0.065}, {1.378, 0.197}}ms
[t=01:17:41.026532][f=-000001] thread=1 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.106, 0.106, 0.106, 0.106}, {0.412, 0.412, 0.412, 0.412}}ms
[t=01:17:41.026541][f=-000001] thread=2 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.094, 0.094, 0.094, 0.094}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001}}ms
[t=01:17:41.026548][f=-000001] thread=3 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.061, 0.061, 0.061, 0.061}, {0.075, 0.075, 0.075, 0.075}}ms
[t=01:17:41.026556][f=-000001] thread=4 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.044, 0.044, 0.044, 0.044}, {0.147, 0.147, 0.147, 0.147}}ms
[t=01:17:41.026567][f=-000001] thread=5 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.029}, {0.193, 0.193, 0.193, 0.193}}ms
[t=01:17:41.026573][f=-000001] thread=6 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.041, 0.041, 0.041, 0.041}, {0.253, 0.253, 0.253, 0.253}}ms
[t=01:17:41.026580][f=-000001] thread=7 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.080, 0.080, 0.080, 0.080}, {0.298, 0.298, 0.298, 0.298}}ms
[t=01:17:41.026586][f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[t=01:17:41.026594][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][2]
[t=01:17:41.026640][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Kill] soundThread.joinable()=1
[t=01:17:41.075139][f=-000001] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[t=01:17:41.075464][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] #sources=32 #items=1
[t=01:17:41.075690][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=000001b9aad29150 dev=000001b8f1338030
[t=01:17:41.075846][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5] ctx=000001b9aad29150 dev=000001b8f1338030
[t=01:17:41.075886][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcDestroyContext(000001b9aad29150)]
[t=01:17:41.076448][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcCloseDevice(000001b8f1338030)]
[t=01:17:41.076469][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][SDL_CloseAudioDevice(2)]
[t=01:17:41.101172][f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][6]
[t=01:17:41.102710][f=-000001] Remember to update handler.lua once the following is in basecontent:
[t=01:17:41.104486][f=-000001] [Chobby] Chobby Shutdown
Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Chobby closed connection
[t=01:17:41.202720][f=-000001] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaMenu (unsynced)] index=0 numAllocs{int+, int-, ext, int_p}={0, 0, 63755790, 0.0} allocedSize{int+, int-, ext}={0, 0, 7601546507}, avgAllocTime{int+, int-, ext}={0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0098}
[t=01:17:41.204123][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][3]
[t=01:17:41.204135][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][4] font=000001b884f742c0
[t=01:17:41.217702][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][5]
[t=01:17:41.223517][f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][6]
[t=01:17:41.223537] [SpringApp::Kill][7]
[t=01:17:41.223556] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_0 max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {4160, 65536, 65536}, EBO = {0, 131072, 131072}
[t=01:17:41.223562] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_C max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {7568, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {14400, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=01:17:41.223570] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_N max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {0, 1024, 1024}, EBO = {0, 2048, 2048}
[t=01:17:41.223577] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_T max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {0, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {0, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=01:17:41.223583] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_T4 max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {2924, 65536, 65536}, EBO = {4386, 262144, 262144}
[t=01:17:41.223591] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_TN max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {0, 65536, 65536}, EBO = {0, 131072, 131072}
[t=01:17:41.223600] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_TC max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {3076, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {4614, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=01:17:41.223608] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_PROJ max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {212720, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {319080, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=01:17:41.223613] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_TNT max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {0, 0, 0}, EBO = {0, 0, 0}
[t=01:17:41.223622] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_2D0 max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {4, 65536, 65536}, EBO = {0, 131072, 131072}
[t=01:17:41.223629] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_2DC max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {0, 65536, 65536}, EBO = {0, 131072, 131072}
[t=01:17:41.223635] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_2DT max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {1312, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {1968, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=01:17:41.223644] [RenderBuffer::KillStatic] Type = VA_TYPE_2DTC max size/init. capacity/curr. capacity: VBO = {3136, 1048576, 1048576}, EBO = {4704, 2097152, 2097152}
[t=01:17:41.257030] [LuaSocket] [~CLuaSocketRestrictions] dumping luasocket rules:
[t=01:17:41.257042] [LuaSocket] TCP_CONNECT ALLOW * -1
[t=01:17:41.257046] [LuaSocket] TCP_LISTEN ALLOW * -1
[t=01:17:41.257050] [LuaSocket] UDP_CONNECT DENY 8488
[t=01:17:41.257053] [LuaSocket] UDP_LISTEN ALLOW * -1
[t=01:17:41.257618] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=000001b8850f9d40>]
[t=01:17:41.257641] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=000001b8850f9d40>(section=0)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[t=01:17:41.257648] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=000001b8850f9d40>(section=1)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[t=01:17:41.257653] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=000001b8850f9d40>(section=2)] #archives[section]=4 #files[section]=437
[t=01:17:41.257660] [VFS] archive=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\105.1.1-2457-g8095d30\base\springcontent.sdz (000001b8c2631dc0)
[t=01:17:41.257787] [VFS] archive=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\105.1.1-2457-g8095d30\base\spring\bitmaps.sdz (000001b8c26316e0)
[t=01:17:41.257817] [VFS] archive=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\105.1.1-2457-g8095d30\base\maphelper.sdz (000001b8cb7c5630)
[t=01:17:41.257899] [VFS] archive=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\105.1.1-2457-g8095d30\base\cursors.sdz (000001b8c2630f50)
[t=01:17:41.257947] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=000001b8850f9d40>(section=3)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=2886
[t=01:17:41.258013] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=000001b8850f9d40>(section=4)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[t=01:17:41.258020] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=000001b8850f9d40>(section=5)] #archives[section]=1 #files[section]=0
[t=01:17:41.258025] [VFS] archive=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\packages\e90239a65fde909ce74fbe553c97818d.sdp (000001b8cbffdd50)
[t=01:17:41.258147] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\packages\e90239a65fde909ce74fbe553c97818d.sdp" numZipFiles=8179 sumInflSize=910919kb sumReadTime=3418ms
[t=01:17:41.258161] file="sounds/music/war/morning adventure.ogg" indx=6351 inflSize=6536kb readTime=123ms
[t=01:17:41.258165] file="sounds/weapon/missile/missile_fire8.wav" indx=6603 inflSize=89kb readTime=94ms
[t=01:17:41.258169] file="bitmaps/loadpictures/forcefiremods.png" indx=531 inflSize=3744kb readTime=74ms
[t=01:17:41.258175] file="bitmaps/loadpictures/manualfire.png" indx=534 inflSize=3361kb readTime=66ms
[t=01:17:41.258180] file="sounds/music/victory/modern warstory.ogg" indx=6347 inflSize=3745kb readTime=64ms
[t=01:17:41.258184] file="sounds/music/defeat/snow ruins.ogg" indx=6323 inflSize=2590kb readTime=47ms
[t=01:17:41.258188] file="bitmaps/loadpictures/markers.png" indx=535 inflSize=2489kb readTime=47ms
[t=01:17:41.258192] file="sounds/music/war/awakening the warrior within.ogg" indx=6348 inflSize=2139kb readTime=47ms
[t=01:17:41.258202] file="bitmaps/loadpictures/skydust.png" indx=540 inflSize=3031kb readTime=40ms
[t=01:17:41.258207] file="sounds/weapon/missile/missile_launch.wav" indx=6606 inflSize=101kb readTime=37ms
[t=01:17:41.260370] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=000001b8850f9d40>(section=6)] #archives[section]=1 #files[section]=0
[t=01:17:41.260380] [VFS] archive=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\maps\chicken_nuggets_v5.sd7 (000001b8cbff7d70)
[t=01:17:41.260562] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=000001b8850f9d40>(section=7)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[t=01:17:41.260569] [VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=000001b8850f9d40>(section=8)] #archives[section]=1 #files[section]=0
[t=01:17:41.260574] [VFS] archive=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Zero-K\games\zkmenu-stable.sdz (000001b8c2631370)
[t=01:17:41.261282] [SpringApp::Kill][8]
[t=01:17:41.261289] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [main]
[t=01:17:41.261294] [WatchDog::Uninstall][1] hangDetectorThread=00007ff7a9917430 (joinable=1)
[t=01:17:41.261303] [WatchDog::Uninstall][2]
[t=01:17:41.478298] [WatchDog::Uninstall][3]
[t=01:17:41.478311] [SpringApp::Kill][9]
Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Spring exited
infolog_full.txt (truncated):