ZeroK-RTS / CrashReports

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Spring UserReport [104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc] Externally launched spring crashed with code 1 #104458

Open Chobbyla opened 4 months ago

Chobbyla commented 4 months ago

infolog_full.txt (truncated):

Failed rotating the log file
Available log sections: RoamMeshDrawer, GameServer, FarTextureHandler, Texture, Font, Net, Shader, KeyBindings, DecalsDrawerGL4, GroundMoveType, Piece, CSMFGroundTextures, ModelRenderContainer, SkyBox, VFS, Model, DynWater, Sound, Path, BumpWater, AutohostInterface, ArchiveScanner, LuaSocket, CregSerializer
Enabled log sections: Sound(Notice)
Enable or disable log sections using the LogSections configuration key
  or the SPRING_LOG_SECTIONS environment variable (both comma separated).
  Use "none" to disable the default log sections.
LogOutput initialized.
============== <User Config> ==============
  AllowDeferredMapRendering = 1
  AllowDeferredModelRendering = 1
  BumpWaterAnisotropy = 2
  BumpWaterBlurReflection = 1
  BumpWaterDepthBits = 32
  BumpWaterReflection = 2
  BumpWaterTexSizeReflection = 256
  CamFreeScrollSpeed = 50
  CamMode = 1
  DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft = 1
  EdgeMoveDynamic = 0
  EdgeMoveWidth = 0.003
  FPSFOV = 90
  FPSScrollSpeed = 50
  FontSize = 18
  GrassDetail = 0
  GroundDecals = 5
  GroundDetail = 120
  GroundScarAlphaFade = 1
  HangTimeout = 30
  HardwareCursor = 1
  InitialNetworkTimeout = 0
  LinkIncomingMaxPacketRate = 512
  LinkIncomingPeakBandwidth = 65536
  LinkIncomingSustainedBandwidth = 65536
  LinkOutgoingBandwidth = 131072
  MSAALevel = 8
  MaxParticles = 25000
  MaxSounds = 32
  MaximumTransmissionUnit = 0
  MiddleClickScrollSpeed = -0.0015
  MiniMapMarker = 0
  MouseDragScrollThreshold = 0
  NetworkLossFactor = 1
  OverheadMaxHeightFactor = 1.39999998
  OverheadScrollSpeed = 50
  ReconnectTimeout = 0
  RotOverheadScrollSpeed = 50
  RotateLogFiles = 1
  ScrollWheelSpeed = -25
  ShadowMapSize = 8192
  Shadows = 1
  ShowClock = 0
  SplashScreenDir = ./MenuLoadscreens
  TreeRadius = 1500
  UnitIconDist = 151
  UnitLodDist = 999999
  UseDistToGroundForIcons = 1.10000002
  UseNetMessageSmoothingBuffer = 0
  Water = 4
  WindowBorderless = 1
  WindowPosX = 0
  WindowPosY = 0
  XResolutionWindowed = 1920
  YResolutionWindowed = 1080
============== </User Config> ==============
============== <User System> ==============
  Spring 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance
    Build Environment: boost-105500, GNU libstdc++ version 20130531
     Compiler Version: gcc-4.8.1
     Operating System: Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Home Premium Edition, 64-bit (build 9200)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz; 16330MB RAM, 29642MB pagefile
     Binary Word Size: 32-bit (emulated)
     Deque Chunk Size: 128
        Process Clock: std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
   Physical CPU Cores: 6
    Logical CPU Cores: 12
============== </User System> ==============
[good_fpu_init] CPU SSE mask: 127, flags:
    SSE 1.0:  1,  SSE 2.0:  1
    SSE 3.0:  1, SSSE 3.0:  1
    SSE 4.1:  1,  SSE 4.2:  1
    SSE 4.0A: 0,  SSE 5.0A: 0
    using streflop SSE FP-math mode, CPU supports SSE instructions
[WatchDogInstall] Installed (HangTimeout: 30sec)
[WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [main]
[GL::CheckAvailableVideoModes] desktop={1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz} current={1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz}
    display=1 modes=138 bounds={x=0, y=0, w=1920, h=1080}
        [ 1] 1920x1080x24bpp@144Hz
        [ 9] 1680x1050x24bpp@144Hz
        [17] 1600x1024x24bpp@144Hz
        [25] 1600x900x24bpp@144Hz
        [41] 1440x900x24bpp@144Hz
        [77] 1280x800x24bpp@144Hz
        [89] 1280x720x24bpp@144Hz
    display=2 modes=43 bounds={x=-1920, y=0, w=1920, h=1080}
        [ 1] 1920x1080x24bpp@75Hz
        [ 5] 1680x1050x24bpp@60Hz
        [ 7] 1600x1024x24bpp@60Hz
        [ 9] 1600x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [15] 1440x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [21] 1280x800x24bpp@60Hz
        [23] 1280x720x24bpp@60Hz
    display=3 modes=43 bounds={x=1920, y=0, w=1920, h=1080}
        [ 1] 1920x1080x24bpp@75Hz
        [ 5] 1680x1050x24bpp@60Hz
        [ 7] 1600x1024x24bpp@60Hz
        [ 9] 1600x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [15] 1440x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [21] 1280x800x24bpp@60Hz
        [23] 1280x720x24bpp@60Hz
[GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for main window
[GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for hidden window
    SDL version : 2.0.8 (linked) / 2.0.8 (compiled)
    GL version  : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 546.29
    GL vendor   : NVIDIA Corporation
    GL renderer : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060/PCIe/SSE2
    GLSL version: 4.60 NVIDIA
    GLEW version: 2.1.0
    GPU memory  : 6144MB (total) / 3714MB (available)
    SDL swap-int: 1

    ARB shader support        : 1
    GLSL shader support       : 1
    FBO extension support     : 1
    NVX GPU mem-info support  : 1
    ATI GPU mem-info support  : 0
    NPOT-texture support      : 1 (1)
    texture query-LOD support : 1 (1)
    24-bit Z-buffer support   : 1 (-)
    primitive-restart support : 1 (1)
    clip-space control support: 1 (1)
    frag-depth layout support : 1 (-)

    max. FBO samples             : 32
    max. texture size            : 32768
    max. texture anisotropy level: 16.000000
    max. vec4 varyings/attributes: 31/16
    max. draw-buffers            : 8
    max. rec. indices/vertices   : 1048576/1048576
    max. uniform buffer-bindings : 84
    max. uniform block-size      : 64KB

    enable ATI-hacks : 0
    compress MIP-maps: 0
[GR::ToggleGLDebugOutput] OpenGL debug-context not installed (dbgErrors=0 dbgTraces=0)
[VSync::SetInterval] interval=0 (disabled)
[GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz (fullscreen::borderless)
[WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [vfsi]
[DataDirLocater::Check] Isolation Mode!
Using read-write data directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\
Using read-only data directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc\
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc\base
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\maps
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\games
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\packages
[~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 32ms
[WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [vfsi]
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=3 current=1 maximum=6 (init=1)
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=2
[Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 4092
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 0ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.0ms)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=32
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] uhandled SDL channel count: 6
[f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (101.0ms)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenOpenALDevice] opening default device "OpenAL Soft"
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenOpenALDevice] device=0695da10 context=06925278
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Vendor:         OpenAL Community
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Version:        1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Renderer:       OpenAL Soft
[f=-000001] [Sound]   AL Extensions:  AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[f=-000001] [Sound]   ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Devices:
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (2- Bose USB Audio)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (2- Bose USB Audio)]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=15
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={32,255}
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   EFX: AL_INVALID_VALUE (40963)
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   Initializing EFX failed!
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 201ms
[Info] Using filesystem-writepath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K
[Info] Free disk space: 410921 MB
[f=-000001] [CPreGame] server using IP localhost and port 8452
[f=-000001] [NetProto::InitLocalClient] connecting to local server
[f=-000001] [PreGame::ReadDataFromDemo] pre-scanning demo file for game data...
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::ReadDataFromDemo] 0ms
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [main]
[f=-000001] Error: [ExitSpringProcess] errorMsg="Demofile C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\demos\20180704_225538_Intersection v4_104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance.sdfz corrupt or created by a different version of Spring, expects version ź´µH“°«TÜP¡¢VC!€l
¢µV«µZ­»­UZÛ"nˆ+↸"**®ˆŠ‚;® ®À7wfÎ8“Fß>Ïû>ïÿŸÇqÕ;³œËuÍÌ5“`rbRLü8G•Z“§˜‚±”@ “º:KeÝåžÝÇEyDJ£”JG"&>E¯ˆWªÿÿ‹ðõ©9þÑ´¥Y½šÎ    ÂÇ“×dþ•ƒ@0¹¾™ÀÃX ˜O#z®=ZЃ–M@O    †ÒÆ}=rœB£m>Ù|¤"..=E­ÐÈÈ«øT
ý:Fì-íi>…óæßu3ô¦n›$ˆS+Tê$oYOs¬C–ŠVÄ«b”ŠDýÉ?´3éqº~è]®êò¡w?ÉëƒÛý àîTfPXM‚*!1%&!>™¼›œ¢HJ‰L˜D¿¤NIMŠwœì\,¥0Y“SÔÞ." msgCaption="Spring: caught std::runtime_error" mainThread=1
[f=-000001] Error: [Watchdog::ClearTimer(id)] Invalid thread 4 (_threadId=00000000)
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][1] fromRun=0
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=3 maximum=6 (init=0)
[f=-000001]     [async=0] threads=3 tasks=0 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]     [async=1] threads=3 tasks=2 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]         thread=1 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]         thread=2 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][2]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::Kill] soundThread.joinable()=1
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] #sources=32 #items=1
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=06925278 dev=0695da10
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5] ctx=06925278 dev=0695da10
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][6]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][3]
[f=-000001] [LocalConnection::Statistics]
    0 bytes sent  
    17 bytes recv'd

[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][4] font=06392c38
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][5]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Kill][6]
[LuaSocket] Dumping luasocket rules:
[LuaSocket] TCP_CONNECT ALLOW * -1
[LuaSocket] TCP_LISTEN  ALLOW * -1
[LuaSocket] UDP_LISTEN  ALLOW * -1
Error: [Watchdog::DeregisterThread] Invalid thread number 0
[WatchDog::Uninstall][1] hangDetectorThread=00fdd3f0 (joinable=1)