ZeroK-RTS / CrashReports

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Spring UserReport [104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f] Externally launched spring crashed with code 0 #110542

Open Chobbyla opened 2 months ago

Chobbyla commented 2 months ago

infolog_full.txt (truncated):

Using writeable configuration source: "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\_springsettings.cfg"
Failed rotating the log file
LogOutput initialized. Logging to C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\infolog.txt
============== <Log Sections> ==============
    Sound (Notice)
    VFS (Info)

  Enable or disable log sections using the LogSections configuration key
  or the SPRING_LOG_SECTIONS environment variable (both comma separated).
  Use "none" to disable the default log sections.
============== </Log Sections> ==============

============== <User Config> ==============
  AllowDeferredMapRendering = 1
  AllowDeferredModelRendering = 1
  BumpWaterAnisotropy = 2
  BumpWaterBlurReflection = 1
  BumpWaterDepthBits = 32
  BumpWaterReflection = 2
  BumpWaterTexSizeReflection = 256
  CamFreeScrollSpeed = 50
  CamMode = 1
  DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft = 1
  EdgeMoveDynamic = 0
  EdgeMoveWidth = 0.003
  FPSFOV = 90
  FPSScrollSpeed = 50
  FontSize = 18
  GrassDetail = 0
  GroundDecals = 5
  GroundDetail = 120
  GroundScarAlphaFade = 1
  HangTimeout = 30
  HardwareCursor = 1
  InitialNetworkTimeout = 0
  LinkIncomingMaxPacketRate = 512
  LinkIncomingPeakBandwidth = 65536
  LinkIncomingSustainedBandwidth = 65536
  LinkOutgoingBandwidth = 131072
  LuaGarbageCollectionMemLoadMult = 2.5
  LuaGarbageCollectionRunTimeMult = 1.5
  MSAALevel = 8
  MaxParticles = 25000
  MaxSounds = 32
  MaximumTransmissionUnit = 0
  MiddleClickScrollSpeed = -0.0015
  MiniMapMarker = 0
  MouseDragScrollThreshold = 0
  NetworkLossFactor = 1
  OverheadMaxHeightFactor = 1.39999998
  OverheadScrollSpeed = 50
  ReconnectTimeout = 0
  RotOverheadScrollSpeed = 50
  RotateLogFiles = 1
  ScrollWheelSpeed = -25
  ShadowMapSize = 8192
  Shadows = 1
  ShowClock = 0
  SplashScreenDir = ./MenuLoadscreens
  TreeRadius = 1500
  UnitIconDist = 151
  UnitLodDist = 999999
  UseDistToGroundForIcons = 1.10000002
  UseLuaMemPools = 0
  UseNetMessageSmoothingBuffer = 0
  VFSCacheArchiveFiles = 0
  Water = 4
  WindowBorderless = 1
  WindowPosX = 0
  WindowPosY = 0
  XResolutionWindowed = 1920
  YResolutionWindowed = 1080
============== </User Config> ==============

============== <User System> ==============
  Spring Engine Version: 104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f maintenance
      Build Environment: gcc libstdc++ version 20171010
       Compiler Version: gcc-5.5.0
       Operating System: Windows 10 TBA Insider Update (build 19045)
        Hardware Config: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz; 32706MB RAM, 37570MB pagefile
       Binary Word Size: 64-bit (native)
          Process Clock: std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
     Physical CPU Cores: 4
      Logical CPU Cores: 8
============== </User System> ==============

    SSE 1.0 : 1,  SSE 2.0 : 1
    SSE 3.0 : 1, SSSE 3.0 : 1
    SSE 4.1 : 1,  SSE 4.2 : 1
    SSE 4.0A: 0,  SSE 5.0A: 0
[WatchDog::Install] installed (hang-timeout: 30s)
[WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [main]
[GL::CheckAvailableVideoModes] desktop={1920x1080x24bpp@59Hz} current={1920x1080x24bpp@59Hz}
    display=1 modes=50 bounds={x=0, y=0, w=1920, h=1080}
        [ 1] 1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz
        [ 8] 1680x1050x24bpp@75Hz
        [11] 1600x1024x24bpp@75Hz
        [14] 1600x900x24bpp@75Hz
        [22] 1440x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [28] 1280x800x24bpp@60Hz
        [30] 1280x720x24bpp@60Hz
    display=2 modes=50 bounds={x=1920, y=0, w=1920, h=1080}
        [ 1] 1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz
        [ 8] 1680x1050x24bpp@75Hz
        [11] 1600x1024x24bpp@75Hz
        [14] 1600x900x24bpp@75Hz
        [22] 1440x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [28] 1280x800x24bpp@60Hz
        [30] 1280x720x24bpp@60Hz
[GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for main window
[GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for hidden window
    SDL version : 2.0.8 (linked) / 2.0.8 (compiled)
    GL version  : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 536.23
    GL vendor   : NVIDIA Corporation
    GL renderer : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
    GLSL version: 4.60 NVIDIA
    GLEW version: 2.1.0
    GPU memory  : 4096MB (total) / 1637MB (available)
    SDL swap-int: 1

    ARB shader support        : 1
    GLSL shader support       : 1
    FBO extension support     : 1
    NVX GPU mem-info support  : 1
    ATI GPU mem-info support  : 0
    NPOT-texture support      : 1 (1)
    S3TC/DXT1 texture support : 1/1
    texture query-LOD support : 1 (1)
    MSAA frame-buffer support : 1 (1)
    24-bit Z-buffer support   : 1 (-)
    primitive-restart support : 1 (1)
    clip-space control support: 1 (1)
    seamless cube-map support : 1 (1)
    frag-depth layout support : 1 (-)

    max. FBO samples             : 32
    max. texture size            : 32768
    max. texture anisotropy level: 16.000000
    max. vec4 varyings/attributes: 31/16
    max. draw-buffers            : 8
    max. rec. indices/vertices   : 1048576/1048576
    max. uniform buffer-bindings : 84
    max. uniform block-size      : 64KB

    enable ATI-hacks : 0
    compress MIP-maps: 0
[GR::ToggleGLDebugOutput] OpenGL debug-context not installed (dbgErrors=0 dbgTraces=0)
[VSync::SetInterval] interval=0 (disabled)
[GR::UpdateGLGeometry][1] winSize=<1,1>
[GR::UpdateGLGeometry][2] winSize=<1920,1080>
[GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1080x24bpp@59Hz (fullscreen::borderless)
[TexMemPool::Resize] poolSize=268435456u allocSize=0u texCount=0u
[WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [vfsi]
[DataDirLocater::FindWriteableDataDir] using writeable data-directory "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\"
[DataDirLocater::Check] Isolation Mode!
[DataDirLocater::FilterUsableDataDirs] using read-write data directory: C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\
[DataDirLocater::FilterUsableDataDirs] using read-only data directory: C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\
[AS::ReadCacheData] ArchiveCache cache\104dev-maintenance\ArchiveCache16.lua doesn't exist
Scanning: C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\base
Scanning: C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps
Scanning: C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\games
Scanning: C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\packages
[~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\packages\7aaa689c1e2aad568a0b00b270a1e509.sdp" numZipFiles=7811 sumInflSize=722900kb sumReadTime=0ms
    file="anims/cursorattack_0.png" indx=8 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
    file="anims/cursorattack_1.png" indx=9 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
    file="al2.0.txt" indx=4 inflSize=8kb readTime=0ms
    file="anims/cursorattack.txt" indx=7 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
    file="anims/cursorairpadexclude.txt" indx=5 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
    file=".tx/config" indx=3 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
    file=".gitattributes" indx=1 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
    file=".editorconfig" indx=0 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
    file=".luacheckrc" indx=2 inflSize=2kb readTime=0ms
    file="anims/cursorairpadexclude_0.png" indx=6 inflSize=6kb readTime=0ms
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\wanderlust_v03.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\vantage_v1.2.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\titanduel_2.2.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\Skatepark_V1.00.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\Scaryland_V1.02.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\RainbowCometv1.25.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\quicksilver_1_1.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\la_isla_bonita_v1.1.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\Faultline_v1.0.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [ArchiveData] version "4" included in name "Fallendell_V4"
Warning: [Watchdog] Hang detection triggered for Spring 104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f maintenance.
Warning:    (in threads: {main,load,audio,vfsi}={0,0,0,1})
Warning: DLL information:
Error: 0x00400000   spring
Error: 0xe6b50000   ntdll
Error: 0xe54f0000   KERNEL32
Error: 0xe44b0000   KERNELBASE
Error: 0xd8680000   apphelp
Error: 0xe57e0000   ADVAPI32
Error: 0xe55b0000   msvcrt
Error: 0xe5a60000   sechost
Error: 0xe4f20000   RPCRT4
Error: 0xe49d0000   bcrypt
Error: 0xe54d0000   imagehlp
Error: 0xe43b0000   ucrtbase
Error: 0xe63a0000   SHELL32
Error: 0xe4a00000   msvcp_win
Error: 0x96310000   GLU32
Error: 0xe36f0000   IPHLPAPI
Error: 0x96b70000   OPENGL32
Error: 0xe5280000   USER32
Error: 0xe5890000   GDI32
Error: 0xe5b00000   combase
Error: 0xe47b0000   win32u
Error: 0xe4b60000   gdi32full
Error: 0xe5780000   SHLWAPI
Error: 0xe5460000   WS2_32
Error: 0x6b600000   OpenAL32
Error: 0x6b3c0000   libvorbisfile-3
Error: 0xe5650000   ole32
Error: 0x62e80000   zlib1
Error: 0x6b240000   libcurl
Error: 0xe4870000   CRYPT32
Error: 0xe5920000   WLDAP32
Error: 0x6b8c0000   libfreetype-6
Error: 0x64f80000   libfontconfig-1
Error: 0x6d540000   libvorbis-0
Error: 0x70680000   libogg-0
Error: 0xd2e20000   WINMM
Error: 0x6ed80000   glew32
Error: 0x6a1c0000   libIL
Error: 0x6c740000   SDL2
Error: 0xe5420000   IMM32
Error: 0xe62d0000   OLEAUT32
Error: 0xe02e0000   VERSION
Error: 0x68f40000   libexpat-1
Error: 0xe1ba0000   uxtheme
Error: 0xe4d40000   SHCORE
Error: 0xe4df0000   MSCTF
Error: 0xe21a0000   kernel.appcore
Error: 0xe47e0000   bcryptPrimitives
Error: 0xe4c80000   clbcatq
Error: 0x43590000   nvoglv64
Error: 0xe5e60000   SETUPAPI
Error: 0xe4b10000   cfgmgr32
Error: 0xe0d20000   WTSAPI32
Error: 0xe3eb0000   msasn1
Error: 0xdca20000   cryptnet
Error: 0xdf130000   drvstore
Error: 0xe40a0000   devobj
Error: 0xe3d20000   wldp
Error: 0xe3c90000   cryptbase
Error: 0xe4aa0000   WINTRUST
Error: 0xe33f0000   ntmarta
Error: 0xe23a0000
Error: 0xdcf00000   dxcore
Error: 0xe1f90000   dwmapi
Error: 0xe3b00000   powrprof
Error: 0xe3ae0000   UMPDC
Error: 0xe3690000   WINSTA
Error: 0xcdf80000   textinputframework
Error: 0xd7160000   CoreUIComponents
Error: 0xd80d0000   CoreMessaging
Error: 0xe1310000   wintypes
Error: 0xd5dc0000   dbghelp
Warning: Stacktrace (main) for Spring 104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f maintenance:
Warning: This stacktrace indicates a problem with your graphics card driver, please try upgrading it. Specifically recommended is the latest version; do not forget to use a driver removal utility first.
Warning:    [ProgCtr=00007ff844a867a3 StackPtr=000000004329dfa8 FramePtr=0000000047ff2630]
Warning:    (0) C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_7e5fd280efaa5445\nvoglv64.dll [0x014F67A3]
Warning:    (1) C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_7e5fd280efaa5445\nvoglv64.dll [0x014E3B31]
Warning:    (2) C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_7e5fd280efaa5445\nvoglv64.dll [0x014F7414]
Warning:    (3) C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_7e5fd280efaa5445\nvoglv64.dll [0x0149F5C9]
Warning:    (4) C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_7e5fd280efaa5445\nvoglv64.dll [0x013C443D]
Warning:    (5) C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_7e5fd280efaa5445\nvoglv64.dll [0x01394530]
Warning:    (6) C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_7e5fd280efaa5445\nvoglv64.dll [0x013946DD]
Warning:    (7) C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_7e5fd280efaa5445\nvoglv64.dll [0x013944BE]
Warning:    (8) C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_7e5fd280efaa5445\nvoglv64.dll [0x01393E2E]
Warning:    (9) C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_7e5fd280efaa5445\nvoglv64.dll [0x0137BA96]
Warning:    (10) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\OPENGL32.dll [0x00023D29]
Warning:    (11) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\OPENGL32.dll [0x000403EB]
Warning:    (12) C:\WINDOWS\System32\gdi32full.dll [0x0006BC8E]
Warning:    (13) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\SDL2.dll [0x000F73F5]
Warning:    (14) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x006D273C]
Warning:    (15) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x007CDB9D]
Warning:    (16) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x007D0287]
Warning:    (17) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x007D2408]
Warning:    (18) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x007D2ADD]
Warning:    (19) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x007BE9EB]
Warning:    (20) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x00D6C35F]
Warning:    (21) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x004013BD]
Warning:    (22) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x004014CB]
Warning:    (23) C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL [0x00017344]
Warning:    (24) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll [0x0004CC91]
Warning: Stacktrace (vfsi) for Spring 104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f maintenance:
Warning:    [ProgCtr=0000000000ae5332 StackPtr=000000004eace6c0 FramePtr=000000004704667c]
Warning:    (0) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x00AE5332]
Warning:    (1) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x00AE6B37]
Warning:    (2) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x00AE73CF]
Warning:    (3) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x00AE4D7E]
Warning:    (4) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x00AE3892]
Warning:    (5) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x008C93A2]
Warning:    (6) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x008CD9C0]
Warning:    (7) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x008C7361]
Warning:    (8) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x0080539F]
Warning:    (9) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x00808F2B]
Warning:    (10) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x00809C0E]
Warning:    (11) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x0080C57A]
Warning:    (12) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x0080C844]
Warning:    (13) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x0081C945]
Warning:    (14) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x00B6761D]
Warning:    (15) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x00D51900]
Warning:    (16) C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\spring.exe [0x00B31174]
Warning:    (17) C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll [0x0003AF5A]
Warning:    (18) C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll [0x0003B02C]
Warning:    (19) C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL [0x00017344]
Warning:    (20) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll [0x0004CC91]
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\eye_of_horus_1.7.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\Doldrumsv2.3.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\CrossRoads.v1.0.3.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\cold_snap_2.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\Cobalt_Dream_v1.1.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\chicken_nuggets_v5.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\calamity_1.1.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\banana_republic_v1.0.1.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\avalanche_v3.1.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\apophis_v2_3.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\Anvilwood_v1.1.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\akilon_wastelands_zk_v1.sd7" for faster loading!
Warning: [AS::ScanArchive] set the 'mapfile' key in mapinfo.lua of archive "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\adamantine_mountain_2.sd7" for faster loading!
[~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 37226ms
[VFS] [SpringVFS::ReserveArchives<this=0000000046fcbdd0>]
[VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[VFS] [VFSHandler::SetGlobalInstanceRaw] handler=0000000046fcbdd0 (SpringVFS) global=0000000000000000 (null)
[WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [vfsi]
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=3 current=1 maximum=4 (init=1)
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=2
[Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 252
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 0ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.0ms)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=32
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenOpenALDevice] opening default device "OpenAL Soft"
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenOpenALDevice] device=00000000472c7a00 context=0000000046ffeb20
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Vendor:         OpenAL Community
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Version:        1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Renderer:       OpenAL Soft
[f=-000001] [Sound]   AL Extensions:  AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[f=-000001] [Sound]   ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Devices:
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Headphones (HyperX Cloud III)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Headphones (HyperX Cloud III)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone)]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=15
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={32,255}
[f=-000001] [Sound]   EFX Enabled: yes
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 101ms
[Info] ../../tools/pr-downloader/src/Downloader/CurlWrapper.cpp:60:DumpVersion():libcurl 7.64.0 Schannel
[Info] ../../tools/pr-downloader/src/Downloader/CurlWrapper.cpp:42:GetTLSBackend():SSL backend #0: 'schannel' (ID: 8)
[Info] ../../tools/pr-downloader/src/FileSystem/FileSystem.cpp:194:setWritePath():Using filesystem-writepath: C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K
[Info] ../../tools/pr-downloader/src/pr-downloader.cpp:173:DownloadSetConfig():Free disk space: 156526 MB
[f=-000001] [CPreGame] using server IP localhost and port 8452
[f=-000001] [NetProto::InitLocalClient] connecting to local server
[f=-000001] [PreGame::ReadDataFromDemo] pre-scanning demo file "C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\demos\20210117_175554_FataMorganaV2_104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f maintenance.sdfz" for game data...
[f=-000001] [PreGame::StartServerForDemo] starting GameServer
[f=-000001] Warning: [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] opening socket on loopback address, other users will not be able to connect!
[f=-000001] [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] binding UDP socket to IPv6-address ::1 (localhost) on port 8452
[f=-000001] [UDPListener] successfully bound socket on port 8452
[f=-000001] [PreGame::StartServerForDemo] started GameServer
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::ReadDataFromDemo] 262ms
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][1] fullScreen=1
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Sound::Iconified] 0ms
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][FBO::GLContextReinit] 0ms
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][2]

[f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED][1] fullScreen=1
[f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLConfigs]
[f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][1] winSize=<1920,1080>
[f=-000001] [GR::UpdateGLGeometry][2] winSize=<1920,1080>
[f=-000001] [GR::InitGLState]
[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1080x24bpp@59Hz (fullscreen::borderless)
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][GlobalRendering::UpdateGL] 0ms
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ActiveController::ResizeEvent] 0ms
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED][2]

[f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][1] fullScreen=1
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Sound::Iconified] 0ms
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][FBO::GLContextReinit] 0ms
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::MainEventHandler][SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN][2]

[f=-000001] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] added new player "UnnamedPlayer (spec)" with number 16 to team 0 (#active=17)
[f=-000001] [PreGame::AddMapArchivesToVFS][server=00000000471bae90] using map "FataMorganaV2" (loaded=0 cached=0)
[f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(arName="FataMorganaV2", overwrite=false)] section=1 cached=0
[f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(arName="Map Helper v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[f=-000001] [PreGame::AddModArchivesToVFS][server=00000000471bae90] using game "Zero-K v1.8.12.1" (loaded=0 cached=0)
[f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(arName="Zero-K v1.8.12.1", overwrite=false)] section=0 cached=0
[f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(arName="Spring content v1", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[f=-000001] [VFS] [SpringVFS::AddArchive<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(arName="Spring Bitmaps", overwrite=false)] section=2 cached=0
[f=-000001] Warning: [PreGame::GameDataReceived] Archive FataMorganaV2 (checksum f59ec974ac3e7fa5a2422b71e13ebe12eb0312806fb6a945706966819f1f06aefc773659fc93c62321392de89d8307c62d9abb03103184900923fce3fec55489) differs from the host's copy (checksum 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be two different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.
[f=-000001] [~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\packages\7aaa689c1e2aad568a0b00b270a1e509.sdp" numZipFiles=7811 sumInflSize=722900kb sumReadTime=167877ms
[f=-000001]     file="unittextures/" indx=7258 inflSize=1024kb readTime=744ms
[f=-000001]     file="luaui/images/lobbyranks/1_6.png" indx=3591 inflSize=80kb readTime=694ms
[f=-000001]     file="unittextures/" indx=7259 inflSize=1024kb readTime=672ms
[f=-000001]     file="bitmaps/loadpictures/fkeys.png" indx=504 inflSize=4463kb readTime=668ms
[f=-000001]     file="unittextures/" indx=7260 inflSize=1024kb readTime=667ms
[f=-000001]     file="luarules/images/awards/trophy_sweeper.png" indx=1864 inflSize=2kb readTime=656ms
[f=-000001]     file="unittextures/" indx=7245 inflSize=21kb readTime=612ms
[f=-000001]     file="luaui/images/lobbyranks/2_0.png" indx=3593 inflSize=100kb readTime=608ms
[f=-000001]     file="luaui/images/lobbyranks/0_1.png" indx=3578 inflSize=55kb readTime=607ms
[f=-000001]     file="luarules/configs/startboxes/fairyland v1.0.lua" indx=1414 inflSize=3kb readTime=594ms
[f=-000001] Warning: [PreGame::GameDataReceived] Archive 7aaa689c1e2aad568a0b00b270a1e509.sdp (checksum f7404aa961d500a755dcc7800a1b7521c692a561150e526a6287cd6d0b653299f7876b4f2b1ac3c7226a872326565e2e301f547b568f5a333f37a63407309fac) differs from the host's copy (checksum 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be two different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::GameDataReceived] 59583ms
[f=-000001] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] received local player number 16 (team 0, allyteam 4), creating LoadScreen
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Searching for new Widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Addons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Widgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemAddons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemWidgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/chili/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "SpringLogo"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadTexture"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadProgress"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Main"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Music"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "WM Stuff"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widgets   <>=vfs  **=raw  ()=unknown
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      WM Stuff               <wm.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadProgress           <loadprogress.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      Main                   <main.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadTexture            <bg_texture.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] LuaIntro v1.0 (Lua 5.1)
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::Init] single-threaded
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [load]
[f=-000001] [Game::Load][1] globalQuit=0 threaded=0
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Parsing Map Information"
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading SMF"
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Map (103 MB)"
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading GameData Definitions"
[f=-000001] Loading UnitDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading tweakunits modoption, 0
[f=-000001] Loading tweakunits for planescout
[f=-000001] Loading tweakunits for planelightscout
[f=-000001] Loading tweakunits for staticradar
[f=-000001] Loading FeatureDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading WeaponDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading ArmorDefs_posts
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][[defs.lua] loading all *Defs tables:] 690ms
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (GameData)] 780ms
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Radar Icons"
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Sound Definitions"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Warning: [LoadSoundDefsImpl] sound incomingchat is missing file tag (ignoring)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [LoadSoundDefsImpl] parsed 350 sounds from gamedata/sounds.lua
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (Sound)] 37ms
[f=-000001] [Game::Load][2] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Smooth Height Mesh"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][SmoothHeightMesh::MakeSmoothMesh] 49ms
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating QuadField & CEGs"
[f=-000001] [Init] number of ArmorDefs: 6
[f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "chicken" in ArmorDef "else" already belongs to ArmorDef category 1!
[f=-000001] [RegisterModelFormats] supported (Assimp) model formats: *.3ds;*.blend;*.dae;*.lwo;*.obj;
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Unit Textures"
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Creating Sky"
[f=-000001] [Game::Load][3] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Weapon Definitions"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (WeaponDefs)] 637ms
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Unit Definitions"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (UnitDefs)] 101ms
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::SetLoadMessage] text="Loading Feature Definitions"
------- TRUNCATED -------
[f=0058731] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0058753] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0058775] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0058797] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0058819] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0058841] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0058863] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0058885] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0058907] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0058929] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0058951] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0058973] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0058995] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059017] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059031] <FFC> i see a paladin
[f=0059039] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059061] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059083] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059105] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059127] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059149] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059171] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059193] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059215] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059237] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059259] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059281] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059303] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059325] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059347] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059369] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059391] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059413] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059435] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059457] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059479] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059501] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059523] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059545] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059567] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059589] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059611] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059633] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059655] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059677] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059693] <FFC> perhapts my peacekeeping tolns need something more
[f=0059699] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059721] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059743] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059765] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059787] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059809] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059831] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059853] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059875] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059897] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059919] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059941] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0059963] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0059985] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060007] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060029] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060051] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060073] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060095] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060117] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060139] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060161] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060183] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060205] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060227] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060249] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060271] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060291] <Cliver5> Compared to most FFA games, this game definitely has TIMES less deaths.
[f=0060293] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060315] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060337] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060359] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060381] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060403] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060425] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060447] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060469] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060491] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060513] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060535] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060557] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060579] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060601] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060623] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060630] <FFC> i have found the best way to prefvent conflict
[f=0060645] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060667] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060689] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060711] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060733] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060755] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060755] <Cliver5> I wonder - is it because the fog of war creates, well... war?
[f=0060777] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060799] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060821] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060843] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060865] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060887] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060909] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060931] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060938] <Cliver5> find out in duh next, uh...
[f=0060953] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0060975] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0060997] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061019] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061041] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061063] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061063] <Cliver5> research paper?
[f=0061085] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061107] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061129] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061151] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061173] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061195] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061217] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061239] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061261] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061283] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061305] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061327] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061333] <FFC> i 
[f=0061349] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061371] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061393] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061415] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061437] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061459] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061481] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061503] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061525] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061547] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061569] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061591] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061613] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061635] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061657] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061679] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061700] <FFC> what is this
[f=0061701] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061723] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061745] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061767] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061789] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061803] <TeSparg> the fog of war is something that can be exploited yes
[f=0061811] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061833] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061855] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061877] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061899] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061921] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061943] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0061965] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0061987] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062009] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062031] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062053] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062075] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062097] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062119] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062141] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062162] <FFC> conflict around the southern factions is starting to erupt
[f=0062163] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062185] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062207] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062229] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062251] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062273] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062295] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062317] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062339] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062361] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062383] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062405] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062427] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062449] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062471] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062493] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062515] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062537] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062559] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062581] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062603] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062625] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062647] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062669] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062691] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062713] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062735] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062757] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062779] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062801] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062823] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062845] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062867] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062889] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062911] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062933] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062955] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0062977] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0062999] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063021] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063043] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063065] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063087] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063109] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063131] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063153] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063175] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063197] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063219] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063241] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063263] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063285] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063302] <FFC> i wil need more tolsl for peacemaking
[f=0063307] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063329] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063351] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063373] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063395] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063417] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063439] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063461] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063483] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063505] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063527] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063549] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063571] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063593] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063615] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063637] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063659] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063681] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063703] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063725] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063733] <TeSparg> oh nice make wall to keep ppl out
[f=0063747] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063769] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063791] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063813] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063814] <Cliver5> Watcha planning to make?
[f=0063835] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063857] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063879] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063901] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063923] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063945] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0063967] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0063989] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064011] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064033] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064043] <TeSparg> nukes probably
[f=0064055] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064077] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064099] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064121] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064143] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064165] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064187] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064209] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064231] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064253] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064275] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064297] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064303] <FFC> what is better to keep peace than mutually assured destruction?
[f=0064318] <TeSparg> not me
[f=0064319] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064341] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064358] <TeSparg> him
[f=0064363] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064385] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064407] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064429] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064451] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064473] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064474] <TeSparg> exactly
[f=0064495] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064517] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064539] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064561] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064583] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064589] <TeSparg> it worked so far
[f=0064605] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064627] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064649] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064671] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064693] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064715] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064737] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064759] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064781] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064803] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064825] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064847] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064869] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064891] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064913] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064935] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0064957] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0064979] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065001] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065023] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065045] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065067] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065089] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065111] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065133] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065140] <TeSparg> time to build a great wall
[f=0065155] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065177] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065199] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065221] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065243] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065265] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065287] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065309] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065331] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065353] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065375] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065397] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065419] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065441] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065463] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065485] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065507] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065529] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065551] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065573] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065595] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065617] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065618] <Cliver5> A... detriment.
[f=0065639] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065661] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065683] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065703] Spectator [tre]PAK left the game:  normal quit
[f=0065705] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065727] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065749] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065771] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065793] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065812] <Cliver5> Let's... l-let's... keep super-weapons illegal... okay?...
[f=0065815] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065832] [Game::ClientReadNet] added new player ATOSTIC with number 10 to team 0
[f=0065832] > SPRINGIE:User ATOSTIC|staticarty|7_6||False||Dynasty|AT
[f=0065837] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065859] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065881] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065903] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065925] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065947] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0065969] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0065991] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066013] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066035] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066057] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066070] <FFC> yes keep them illegal or detriment will make sure they die
[f=0066079] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066101] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066123] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066145] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066167] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066189] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066211] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066233] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066255] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066277] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066299] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066321] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066343] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066365] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066387] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066409] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066431] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066453] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066475] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066497] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066519] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066541] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066563] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066585] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066607] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066624] <Cliver5> Builders are a fine defensive force.
[f=0066629] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066651] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066673] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066695] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066717] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066739] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066761] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066783] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066805] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066827] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066849] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066871] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066893] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066915] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066937] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0066959] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0066981] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067003] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067015] <Cliver5> They're safer than a detriment, in a way.
[f=0067025] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067047] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067069] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067091] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067113] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067135] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067157] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067179] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067201] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067223] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067245] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067267] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067289] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067311] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067333] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067335] <FFC> anti air just took out a radar lol
[f=0067355] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067363] > <[tre]PAK>wut a shit game
[f=0067377] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067399] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067421] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067443] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067465] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067487] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067509] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067531] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067553] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067575] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067597] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067619] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067641] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067663] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067685] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067707] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067729] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067751] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067773] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067795] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067817] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067839] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067861] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067883] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067905] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067927] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067949] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0067971] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0067993] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068015] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068037] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068059] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068081] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068103] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068125] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068147] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068169] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068191] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068213] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068235] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068257] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068279] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068299] [Game::ClientReadNet] added new player Flubbred with number 11 to team 0
[f=0068299] > SPRINGIE:User Flubbred|striderarty|4_4||False||Empire|US
[f=0068301] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068323] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068345] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068367] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068389] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068411] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068433] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068455] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068477] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068480] <FFC> please leafe spy
[f=0068499] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068521] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068543] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068565] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068587] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068609] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068631] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068653] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068675] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068697] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068719] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068741] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068763] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068785] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068796] <Cliver5> :l
[f=0068807] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068829] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068851] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068866] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0068866] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0068873] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068895] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068917] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068939] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0068961] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0068983] GroundDetail set to 120
[f=0069005] GroundDetail set to 121
[f=0069026] [QuitAction] user exited to system
[f=0069026] [SpringApp::Kill][1] fromRun=1
[f=0069026] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=3 maximum=4 (init=0)
[f=0069026]     [async=0] threads=3 tasks=993364 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{796971.688, 0.802}, {108770.625, 0.109}}ms
[f=0069026]         thread=1 tasks=496682 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{476569.406, 0.000, 56957.078, 0.960}, {35521.852, 0.000, 78.817, 0.072}}ms
[f=0069026]         thread=2 tasks=496682 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{320402.281, 0.000, 56962.094, 0.645}, {73248.766, 0.000, 69.992, 0.147}}ms
[f=0069026]     [async=1] threads=3 tasks=6743 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{11484.149, 1.703}, {1262019.375, 187.160}}ms
[f=0069026]         thread=1 tasks=3365 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{5417.458, 0.000, 403.365, 1.610}, {633119.312, 0.000, 3201.251, 188.148}}ms
[f=0069026]         thread=2 tasks=3378 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{6066.692, 0.000, 434.542, 1.796}, {628900.125, 0.000, 3186.796, 186.175}}ms
[f=0069026] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[f=0069026] [SpringApp::Kill][2]
[f=0069026] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=0 loadscreen=0000000000000000
[f=0069026] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=0 luaUI=00000000ab641080
[f=0069026] Start widgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0069026] Shutdown - SaveOrderList Complete
[f=0069026] Writing last game win data
[f=0069026] Shutdown - SaveConfigData Complete
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Chili Highlight
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Save/Load API
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Draw After Chili
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - EPIC Menu
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Depth of Field Shader
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Chili Widget Selector
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Chili Minimap
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Deferred rendering
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Local Team Colors
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Display Keys 2
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Save Game Menu
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Noises
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - HealthBars
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Unit Icons
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Win Counter
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - BuildETA
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Modular Comm Info
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Stereo3D
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - State Reverse and Latency
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Showeco and Grid Drawer
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Point Tracker
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Music Player v2
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Missile Silo Range
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - MinimapEvents
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Local Widgets Config
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Highlight Geos
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Grab Input
[f=0069026] Input grabbing is disabled!
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Defense Range Zero-K
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Darkening
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Context Menu
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Chili Spectator Panels
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Chili Selections & CursorTip v2
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Chili Nuke Warning
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Chili EndGame Window
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Chili Economy Panel Default
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - CameraShake
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - MetalFeatures (new)
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Outline Shader
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Attack AoE
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - UnitShapes
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Map Edge Extension
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Selection Send
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - LupsManager
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Newton Firezone
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Chili Pro Console
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Lasso Terraform GUI
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Lups
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Chili Framework
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Mex Placement Handler
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Custom Markers
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Chili Core Selector
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Select Keys
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Pause Screen
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Text To Speech Control
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Layout Handler
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Color Blindness Correction
[f=0069026] Shutdown Widget - Persistent Build Height
[f=0069026] End widgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0069026] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaUI (unsynced)] index=18446744073709551615 {numAllocs[*],allocSums[*]}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,127895559,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0069026] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=0 luaGaia=0000000000000000
[f=0069026] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=0 luaRules=00000000cbd5a3f0
[f=0069026] Start gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0069026] Shutdown - StartSetup
[f=0069026] Shutdown - UnitMorph
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Carrier Drones
[f=0069026] Shutdown - LupsNanoSpray
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Missile Silo Controller
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Modular Comm Info
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Terrain Texture Handler
[f=0069026] Shutdown - UnitCloakShield
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Starlight Handler
[f=0069026] End gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0069026] Start gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Save/Load
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Teleport Throw
[f=0069026] Shutdown - UnitMorph
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Modular Comm Info
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Retreat Command
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Shockwaves
[f=0069026] Shutdown - CustomUnitShaders
[f=0069026] Shutdown - UnitCloakShield
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Lups Cloak FX
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Lups
[f=0069026] Shutdown - Lups Shield
[f=0069026] End gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0069026] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (unsynced)] index=18446744073709551615 {numAllocs[*],allocSums[*]}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,127896879,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0069026] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (synced)] index=18446744073709551615 {numAllocs[*],allocSums[*]}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,127896879,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0069026] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=0
[f=0069026] [Sound] [Sound::Kill] soundThread.joinable()=1
[f=0069026] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[f=0069026] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] #sources=32 #items=55
[f=0069026] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=0000000046ffeb20 dev=00000000472c7a00
[f=0069026] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5] ctx=0000000046ffeb20 dev=00000000472c7a00
[f=0069026] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcDestroyContext(0000000046ffeb20)]
[f=0069026] [Sound] [Sound::Cleanup][alcCloseDevice(00000000472c7a00)]
[f=0069026] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][6]
[f=0069026] [Game::~CGame][1]
[f=0069026] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=1 loadscreen=0000000000000000
[f=0069026] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=1 luaUI=0000000000000000
[f=0069026] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=1 luaGaia=0000000000000000
[f=0069026] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=1 luaRules=0000000000000000
[f=0069026] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=1
[f=0069026] [Game::KillMisc][1]
[f=0069026] [Game::KillMisc][2]
[f=0069026] [Game::KillMisc][3]
[f=0069026] [Game::KillRendering][1]
[f=0069026] [~CRectangleOverlapHandler] 21% overlap reduction
[f=0069026] [3DOParser::Kill] allocated 189 pieces
[f=0069026] [S3OParser::Kill] allocated 3923 pieces
[f=0069026] [AssParser::Kill] allocated 432 pieces
[f=0069026] [Game::KillInterface][1]
[f=0069026] [Game::KillInterface][2]
[f=0069026] [Game::KillSimulation][1]
[f=0069026] [Game::KillSimulation][2]
[f=0069026] [CCollisionHandler] dis-/continuous tests: 0/2910762
[f=0069026] [Game::KillSimulation][3]
[f=0069026] [~CPathCache(32x32)] cacheHits=0 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=0
[f=0069026] [~CPathCache(32x32)] cacheHits=1452 hitPercentage=40% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=19
[f=0069026] [~CPathCache(64x64)] cacheHits=0 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=0
[f=0069026] [~CPathCache(64x64)] cacheHits=1197 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=201
[f=0069026] [~CRectangleOverlapHandler] 21% overlap reduction
[f=0069026] [~CRectangleOverlapHandler] 21% overlap reduction
[f=0069026] [LosHandler::Kill] raycast instance cache-{hits,misses}={305386,193951}; shared=7%; cached=54%
[f=0069026] [Game::KillSimulation][4]
[f=0069026] [CommonDefHandler::KillStatic] 3172 sound-set data items added
[f=0069026] [Game::~CGame][2]
[f=0069026] [Game::~CGame][3]
[f=0069026] [SpringApp::Kill][3]
[f=0069026] [NetProto::~CNetProtocol] [LocalConnection::Statistics]
    729226 bytes sent  
    1401922 bytes recv'd

[f=0069026] [SpringApp::Kill][4] font=0000000046e4ef50
[f=0069026] [SpringApp::Kill][5]
[f=0069026] [SpringApp::Kill][6]
[LuaSocket] [~CLuaSocketRestrictions] dumping luasocket rules:
[LuaSocket] TCP_CONNECT ALLOW * -1
[LuaSocket] TCP_LISTEN  ALLOW * -1
[LuaSocket] UDP_LISTEN  ALLOW * -1
[VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=0000000046fcbdd0>]
[VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(section=0)] #archives[section]=1 #files[section]=7811
[VFS]   archive=C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\packages\7aaa689c1e2aad568a0b00b270a1e509.sdp (0000000046fedff0)
[~CPoolArchive] archiveFile="C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\packages\7aaa689c1e2aad568a0b00b270a1e509.sdp" numZipFiles=7811 sumInflSize=722900kb sumReadTime=23982ms
    file="unittextures/factorytank_1_flip.png" indx=7160 inflSize=1214kb readTime=295ms
    file="unitpics/skin_support_green.png" indx=6566 inflSize=9kb readTime=234ms
    file="sounds/music/war/hybrid statement.ogg" indx=6006 inflSize=5829kb readTime=201ms
    file="luaui/widgets/unit_decoration_handler.lua" indx=4741 inflSize=6kb readTime=144ms
    file="objects3d/pylon.s3o" indx=5369 inflSize=14kb readTime=142ms
    file="objects3d/corgrav.3do" indx=5039 inflSize=35kb readTime=115ms
    file="objects3d/chainsaw_d.dae" indx=4942 inflSize=597kb readTime=90ms
    file="unittextures/" indx=7741 inflSize=1024kb readTime=87ms
    file="unitpics/turretgauss.png" indx=6623 inflSize=11kb readTime=81ms
    file="unittextures/" indx=6985 inflSize=1365kb readTime=69ms
[VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(section=1)] #archives[section]=1 #files[section]=4
[VFS]   archive=C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\maps\FataMorganaV2.sd7 (0000000047379560)
[VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(section=2)] #archives[section]=3 #files[section]=319
[VFS]   archive=C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\base\maphelper.sdz (0000000047309440)
[VFS]   archive=C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\base\springcontent.sdz (0000000046e3a660)
[VFS]   archive=C:\Users\trigg\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f\base\spring\bitmaps.sdz (00000000473097b0)
[VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(section=3)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(section=4)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=130
[VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(section=5)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(section=6)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(section=7)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[VFS] [SpringVFS::DeleteArchives<this=0000000046fcbdd0>(section=8)] #archives[section]=0 #files[section]=0
[WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [main]
[WatchDog::Uninstall][1] hangDetectorThread=00000000018ed1f0 (joinable=1)
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file