Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Checking for self-upgrade
Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Querying default engine
Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Reseting configs and deploying AIs
Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Connecting to steam API
Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Starting
Warning: APIC ID are not supported, core count can be wrong if SMT is disabled and cache instances count will not be available.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::filesystem::__cxx11::filesystem_error'
what(): filesystem error: Cannot convert character sequence: Illegal byte sequence
Zero-K.exe Warning: 0 : Spring exit code is: 3, assuming crash
Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : Spring exited
Zero-K.exe Warning: 0 : Spring crash detected
infolog_full.txt (truncated):