ZeroK-RTS / CrashReports

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Spring UserReport [104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc] Externally launched spring crashed with code 0 #114939

Open Chobbyla opened 2 weeks ago

Chobbyla commented 2 weeks ago

infolog_full.txt (truncated):

Failed rotating the log file
Available log sections: RoamMeshDrawer, GameServer, FarTextureHandler, Texture, Font, Net, Shader, KeyBindings, DecalsDrawerGL4, GroundMoveType, Piece, CSMFGroundTextures, ModelRenderContainer, SkyBox, VFS, Model, DynWater, Sound, Path, BumpWater, AutohostInterface, ArchiveScanner, LuaSocket, CregSerializer
Enabled log sections: Sound(Notice)
Enable or disable log sections using the LogSections configuration key
  or the SPRING_LOG_SECTIONS environment variable (both comma separated).
  Use "none" to disable the default log sections.
LogOutput initialized.
============== <User Config> ==============
  AllowDeferredMapRendering = 1
  AllowDeferredModelRendering = 1
  BumpWaterAnisotropy = 2
  BumpWaterBlurReflection = 1
  BumpWaterDepthBits = 32
  BumpWaterReflection = 2
  BumpWaterTexSizeReflection = 256
  CamFreeScrollSpeed = 50
  CamMode = 1
  DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft = 1
  EdgeMoveDynamic = 0
  EdgeMoveWidth = 0.003
  FPSFOV = 90
  FPSScrollSpeed = 50
  FontSize = 18
  GrassDetail = 0
  GroundDecals = 5
  GroundDetail = 120
  GroundScarAlphaFade = 1
  HangTimeout = 30
  HardwareCursor = 1
  InitialNetworkTimeout = 0
  LinkIncomingMaxPacketRate = 512
  LinkIncomingPeakBandwidth = 65536
  LinkIncomingSustainedBandwidth = 65536
  LinkOutgoingBandwidth = 131072
  MSAALevel = 8
  MaxParticles = 25000
  MaxSounds = 32
  MaximumTransmissionUnit = 0
  MiddleClickScrollSpeed = -0.0015
  MiniMapMarker = 0
  MouseDragScrollThreshold = 0
  NetworkLossFactor = 1
  OverheadMaxHeightFactor = 1.39999998
  OverheadScrollSpeed = 50
  ReconnectTimeout = 0
  RotOverheadScrollSpeed = 50
  RotateLogFiles = 1
  ScrollWheelSpeed = -25
  ShadowMapSize = 8192
  Shadows = 1
  ShowClock = 0
  SplashScreenDir = ./MenuLoadscreens
  TreeRadius = 1500
  UnitIconDist = 97
  UnitLodDist = 999999
  UseDistToGroundForIcons = 1.10000002
  UseNetMessageSmoothingBuffer = 0
  Water = 4
  XResolution = 1920
  YResolution = 1080
  snd_volmaster = 50
============== </User Config> ==============
============== <User System> ==============
  Spring 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance
    Build Environment: boost-105500, GNU libstdc++ version 20130531
     Compiler Version: gcc-4.8.1
     Operating System: Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Business Edition, 64-bit (build 9200)
AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor             ; 32684MB RAM, 34732MB pagefile
     Binary Word Size: 32-bit (emulated)
     Deque Chunk Size: 128
        Process Clock: std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
   Physical CPU Cores: 12
    Logical CPU Cores: 12
============== </User System> ==============
[good_fpu_init] CPU SSE mask: 895, flags:
    SSE 1.0:  1,  SSE 2.0:  1
    SSE 3.0:  1, SSSE 3.0:  1
    SSE 4.1:  1,  SSE 4.2:  1
    SSE 4.0A: 1,  SSE 5.0A: 0
    using streflop SSE FP-math mode, CPU supports SSE instructions
[WatchDogInstall] Installed (HangTimeout: 30sec)
[WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [main]
[GL::CheckAvailableVideoModes] desktop={1920x1080x24bpp@75Hz} current={1920x1080x24bpp@75Hz}
    display=1 modes=35 bounds={x=0, y=0, w=1920, h=1080}
        [ 1] 1920x1080x24bpp@75Hz
        [ 4] 1680x1050x24bpp@75Hz
        [ 8] 1600x1024x24bpp@75Hz
        [11] 1600x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [12] 1440x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [19] 1280x800x24bpp@60Hz
        [21] 1280x720x24bpp@60Hz
[GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for main window
[GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for hidden window
    SDL version : 2.0.8 (linked) / 2.0.8 (compiled)
    GL version  : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 517.48
    GL vendor   : NVIDIA Corporation
    GL renderer : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070/PCIe/SSE2
    GLSL version: 4.60 NVIDIA
    GLEW version: 2.1.0
    GPU memory  : 8192MB (total) / 4770MB (available)
    SDL swap-int: 1

    ARB shader support        : 1
    GLSL shader support       : 1
    FBO extension support     : 1
    NVX GPU mem-info support  : 1
    ATI GPU mem-info support  : 0
    NPOT-texture support      : 1 (1)
    texture query-LOD support : 1 (1)
    24-bit Z-buffer support   : 1 (-)
    primitive-restart support : 1 (1)
    clip-space control support: 1 (1)
    frag-depth layout support : 1 (-)

    max. FBO samples             : 32
    max. texture size            : 32768
    max. texture anisotropy level: 16.000000
    max. vec4 varyings/attributes: 31/16
    max. draw-buffers            : 8
    max. rec. indices/vertices   : 1048576/1048576
    max. uniform buffer-bindings : 84
    max. uniform block-size      : 64KB

    enable ATI-hacks : 0
    compress MIP-maps: 0
[GR::ToggleGLDebugOutput] OpenGL debug-context not installed (dbgErrors=0 dbgTraces=0)
[VSync::SetInterval] interval=0 (disabled)
[GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1080x24bpp@75Hz (fullscreen::decorated)
[WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [vfsi]
[DataDirLocater::Check] Isolation Mode!
Using read-write data directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\
Using read-only data directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc\
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc\base
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\maps
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\games
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\packages
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
Error: [AS::CheckCachedData] found a "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\maps\Infinite Inferno E1M1.sdd" already in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\games\Infinite Inferno E1M1.sdd", ignoring.
[~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 32ms
[WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [vfsi]
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=6 current=1 maximum=12 (init=1)
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=5
[Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 4064
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 1ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.0ms)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=32
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] unhandled SDL format: 0x8120
[f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (100.2ms)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenOpenALDevice] opening default device "OpenAL Soft"
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenOpenALDevice] device=06a37260 context=058be6f8
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Vendor:         OpenAL Community
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Version:        1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Renderer:       OpenAL Soft
[f=-000001] [Sound]   AL Extensions:  AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[f=-000001] [Sound]   ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Devices:
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (2- USB Sound Device        )]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (2- USB Sound Device        )]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [AI Noise-cancelling Output (ASUS Utility)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers ( Audio Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [K272HL H (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=15
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={32,255}
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   EFX: AL_INVALID_VALUE (40963)
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   Initializing EFX failed!
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 200ms
[Info] Using filesystem-writepath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K
[Info] Free disk space: 178282 MB
[f=-000001] [StartScript] Loading StartScript from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\_script.txt
[f=-000001] [CPreGame] client using IP and port 8477
[f=-000001] [NetProto::InitClient] connecting to IP on port 8477 using name Doomblade3890
[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1080x24bpp@75Hz (fullscreen::decorated)
[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1080x24bpp@75Hz (fullscreen::decorated)
[f=-000001] [PreGame::AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using map: Random Plateaus v1.1
[f=-000001] [PreGame::AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using game: Zero-K v1.12.8.0 (archive: 138bd01fe2154c23129d2f09788fb9c7.sdp)
[f=-000001] Warning: [PreGame::GameDataReceived] Archive Random Plateaus v1.1 (checksum 0x29dcfd2c) differs from the host's copy (checksum 0x1). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be two different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.
[f=-000001] [~CPoolArchive] name="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\packages\138bd01fe2154c23129d2f09788fb9c7.sdp" numZipFiles=8204 sumInflSize=971641kb sumReadTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorattack_0.png" indx=8 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorattack_1.png" indx=9 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="al2.0.txt" indx=4 inflSize=8kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorattack.txt" indx=7 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorairpadexclude.txt" indx=5 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file=".tx/config" indx=3 inflSize=2kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file=".gitattributes" indx=1 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file=".editorconfig" indx=0 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file=".luacheckrc" indx=2 inflSize=2kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorairpadexclude_0.png" indx=6 inflSize=6kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001] Warning: [PreGame::GameDataReceived] Archive 138bd01fe2154c23129d2f09788fb9c7.sdp (checksum 0x547cfa36) differs from the host's copy (checksum 0x1). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be two different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.
[f=-000001] PreGame::GameDataReceived] recording demo to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\demos\20240824_130124_Random Plateaus v1_104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance.sdfz"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::GameDataReceived] 101ms
[f=-000001] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] received user number 0 (team 0, allyteam 16), creating load-screen
[f=-000001] forceSingleThreaded, false
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Searching for new Widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Addons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Widgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemAddons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemWidgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/chili/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "SpringLogo"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadTexture"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadProgress"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Main"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Music"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "WM Stuff"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widgets   <>=vfs  **=raw  ()=unknown
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      WM Stuff               <wm.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadProgress           <loadprogress.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      Main                   <main.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadTexture            <bg_texture.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] LuaIntro v1.0 (Lua 5.1)
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::Init] single-threaded
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [load]
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][1] globalQuit=0 threaded=0
[f=-000001] Parsing Map Information
[f=-000001] Loading SMF
[f=-000001] Loading Map (40 MB)
[f=-000001] Loading Radar Icons
[f=-000001] Loading GameData Definitions
[f=-000001] Loading UnitDefs_posts
[f=-000001] ERROR: slicer.buildCostMetal set, should be metalCost instead!
[f=-000001] ERROR: slicer.buildCostEnergy set, should be energyCost instead!
[f=-000001] ERROR: slicer.maxDamage set, should be health instead!
[f=-000001] ERROR: slicer.maxVelocity set, should be speed instead!
[f=-000001] Loading FeatureDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading WeaponDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading ArmorDefs_posts
[f=-000001] [defs.lua] loading all *Defs tables: 221ms
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (GameData)] 286ms
[f=-000001] Loading Sound Definitions
[f=-000001] [Sound] Warning: Sound incomingchat is missing file tag (ignoring)
[f=-000001] [Sound]  parsed 173 sounds from gamedata/sounds.lua
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "IncomingChat"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [Sound::GetSoundId] could not find sound "IncomingChat"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (Sound)] 5ms
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][2] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] Creating Smooth Height Mesh
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][SmoothHeightMesh::MakeSmoothMesh] 4ms
[f=-000001] Creating QuadField & CEGs
[f=-000001] [Init] number of ArmorDefs: 5
[f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "chicken" in ArmorDef "else" already belongs to ArmorDef category 1!
[f=-000001] Error: 2, gamedata/explosions.lua, error = 2, effects/napalm.lua, [string "effects/napalm.lua"]:48: attempt to concatenate field 'tau' (a nil value)

[f=-000001] Error: [ParseExplosionTables] failed to parse explosions: error = 2, effects/napalm.lua, [string "effects/napalm.lua"]:48: attempt to concatenate field 'tau' (a nil value)

[f=-000001] [RegisterAssimpModelFormats] supported Assimp model formats: *.3ds;*.blend;*.dae;*.lwo;*.obj;
[f=-000001] Creating Unit Textures
[f=-000001] Creating Sky
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][3] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] Loading Weapon Definitions
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "smoketime" in "chicken_spidermonkey_web"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scardiameter" in "jumpsumo_landing"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scaralpha" in "seismic_seismic_weapon"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scardiameter" in "seismic_seismic_weapon"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scarttl" in "seismic_seismic_weapon"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "lineofsight" in "slicer_laserblade"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "rendertype" in "slicer_laserblade"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "endsmoke" in "slicer_punch"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "lineofsight" in "slicer_punch"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "startsmoke" in "slicer_punch"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scardiameter" in "striderdetriment_landing"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scardiameter" in "tankriot_tawf_banisher"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (WeaponDefs)] 956ms
[f=-000001] Loading Unit Definitions
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (UnitDefs)] 139ms
[f=-000001] Loading Feature Definitions
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (FeatureDefs)] 26ms
[f=-000001] [IPathManager::GetInstance] using DEFAULT path-manager
[f=-000001] Initializing Map Features
[f=-000001] Creating ShadowHandler
[f=-000001] [Shader] Warning: [GLSL-SO::CompileShaderObject] shader-object name: GLSL/ShadowGenFragProg.glsl, compile-log:
0(13) : error C5514: 'varying' is deprecated and removed from this profile, use 'in/out' instead
0(14) : error C5514: 'varying' is deprecated and removed from this profile, use 'in/out' instead
0(15) : error C5514: 'varying' is deprecated and removed from this profile, use 'in/out' instead

[f=-000001] [Shader] Warning: 
#version 420

#line 1
// ancient GL3 ATI drivers confuse GLSL for GLSL-ES and require this
precision highp float;
precision mediump float;

uniform sampler2D alphaMaskTex;

uniform vec4 shadowParams;
uniform vec2 alphaParams;

varying mat4 shadowViewMat;
varying mat4 shadowProjMat;
varying vec4 vertexModelPos;

// preserve early-z performance if possible
layout(depth_unchanged) out float gl_FragDepth;

void main() {
    #if 0
    // TODO: bind this (as for models)
    if (texture2D(alphaMaskTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).a <= alphaParams.x)

    // note: voids glPolygonOffset calls
    vec4 vertexShadowPos = shadowViewMat * vertexModelPos;
        vertexShadowPos.xy *= (inversesqrt(abs(vertexShadowPos.xy) + shadowParams.zz) + shadowParams.ww);
        vertexShadowPos.xy += shadowParams.xy;
        vertexShadowPos.z  += 0.00250;
    vec4 vertexShadowClipPos = shadowProjMat * vertexShadowPos;

    float  nearDepth = gl_DepthRange.near;
    float   farDepth = gl_DepthRange.far;
    float depthRange = gl_DepthRange.diff; // far - near
    float  clipDepth = vertexShadowClipPos.z / vertexShadowClipPos.w;

    // ZTO; shadow PM is pre-adjusted
    gl_FragDepth = (depthRange * clipDepth) + nearDepth;
    // NOTO; useful to keep around
    gl_FragDepth = ((depthRange * clipDepth) + nearDepth + farDepth) * 0.5;


    // no-op
    gl_FragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z;

[f=-000001] Creating InfoTextureHandler
[f=-000001] InfoTexture: shaders
[f=-000001] Creating GroundDrawer
[f=-000001] Loading Map Tiles
[f=-000001] Loading Square Textures
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CSMFGroundTextures::ConvolveHeightMap] 0ms
[f=-000001] Switching to ROAM Mesh Rendering
[f=-000001] Creating TreeDrawer
[f=-000001] Loaded DecalsDrawer: Legacy
[f=-000001] Creating ProjectileDrawer & UnitDrawer
[f=-000001] Creating Projectile Textures
[f=-000001] Error: Could not finalize projectile-texture atlas. Use fewer/smaller textures.
[f=-000001] Warning: FBO-PERLIN: Missing a required texture/buffer attachment!
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "missiletrailblue" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASH2" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash1bluedark" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "riotballplus2_purple_limpet" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "disruptortrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flashslowwithsparks" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "beamweapon_muzzle_purple" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "sonicarcher" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "sonic" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "torpedo_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "TORPEDO_HIT" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "missiletrailyellow" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "INGEBORG" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "archplosion_aoe" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "TORPEDO_HIT_SMALL_WEAK" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash1green" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash1blue" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "gauss_tag_l" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "gauss_hit_m" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "NUKE_150" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHNUKE320" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHBIGUNIT" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHBIGUNITEX" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "DOT_Merl_Dexplo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "dirt" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "custom:none" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "none" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "slam" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "WHITE_LIGHTNING_BOMB" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "NONE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "likhotrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "raventrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "KBOTROCKETTRAIL" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "xamelimpact" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_phoenix" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "large_green_goo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "queen_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "green_goo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flamer_240_range" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "SMOKE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "blobber_goo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "RED_GOO" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "small_green_goo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "EMG_HIT" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "queen_trail_fire" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_koda" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "lobber_goo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_pyro" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_firewalker" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash_teal7" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "MARY_SUE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "LIGHTNINGPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "cloakbomb_EXPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "orangelaser" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "BEAMWEAPON_HIT_ORANGE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "EMG_HIT_HE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "rocket_trail_bar" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "spectre_hit" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "BEAMWEAPON_HIT_RED" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASH64" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flashslow" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "ARCHPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "BEAMWEAPON_HIT_PURPLE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "rocket_trail_bar_flameboosted" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "PLASMA_HIT_96" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "HEATRAY_HIT" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "gauss_hit_l" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash1red" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash2purple" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flamer" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "plasma_hit_32" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "MEDMISSILE_EXPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "100rlexplode" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "DGUNTRACE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "riotballplus2_purple" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flak_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLAK_HIT_16" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash2purple_large" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash2green_large" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "YELLOW_LIGHTNINGPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_hellfire" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "BEAMWEAPON_HIT_YELLOW" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "slam_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "sonictrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "blue_explosion" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHNUKE280" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "bigemptrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "EMPMISSILE_EXPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "grav_danger_spikes" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHNUKE480" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHNUKE360" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHMEDIUMBUILDINGEX" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "BANISHERTRAIL" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "blastwingtrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "blastwing" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "YELLOW_LIGHTNING_BOMB" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASH1blue" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "missiletrailpurple" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "disruptor_missile_hit" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "missiletrailbluebig" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "STARFIRE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "ataalaser" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "halberd_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "beamerray" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "TORPEDOHITHUGE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "teleport_progress" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flamer_cartoon" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_firewalker_small" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "black_hole_long" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "VINDIBACK" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "heavy_disruptor_beam_hit" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "land_small" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "EXP_MEDIUM_BUILDING_SMALL" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHLAZER" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "purple_missile_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "purple_missile" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalmtrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_missile" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "NUKE_600" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "WEAPEXP_PUFF" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "scan_explode" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "POWERPLANT_EXPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_drp" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "330rlexplode" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "seismictrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "bull_fade" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "disarmtrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "ROACHPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "dirt2" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash1orange" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "sonic_80" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "bigdisarmtrail" invalid (parse errors?)
------- TRUNCATED -------
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Commander Upgrade  <gui_chili_commander_upgrade.lua>
[f=-000001] <AttritionCounter>: unsupported team configuration (FFA?), disabling
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attrition Counter   <gui_attrition_counter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Vote Display  <gui_chili_vote.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  BuildETA            <gui_build_eta.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Selected Units GL4 2  <gui_selectedunits_gl4.lua>
[f=-000001] DrawPrimitiveAtUnits GL4 widget exiting with reason: Adv shading not enabled
[f=-000001] Using fallback unit outlines
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Outline Shader GL4  <gfx_outline_shader_gl4.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto Patrol Nanos   <unit_auto_patrol_nanos.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Unit Marker Zero-K  <unit_marker.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Objectives          <mission_objectives.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Factory Plate Placer  <cmd_factory_plate_placer.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  EndGame Stats       <gui_chili_endgraph.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  EndGame APM stats   <api_apm_stats.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Double-Click attack-move  <cmd_doubleclick_attackmove.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cloak Fire State 2  <unit_cloakfirestate2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Initial Queue ZK    <unit_initial_queue.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Draw GL4 API  <api_chili_draw_gl4.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Transport AI        <unit_transport_ai.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  NoDuplicateOrders   <cmd_no_duplicate_orders.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Ghost Site          <unit_ghostsite.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Missile Impact Points  <gui_missile_impacts.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Transport Load Double Tap  <cmd_select_load.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Stop Self-D         <cmd_stop_selfd.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Select Com at start  <init_start_point_remover.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Stereo3D            <gfx_stereo3d.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  State Reverse and Latency  <cmd_state_reverse_toggle.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Spectate Selected Team  <gui_spectate_selected_team.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto Group          <unit_auto_group.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Comm-n-Elo Startpos. Info  <init_startpointelocom_info.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  SmoothCam           <camera_smoothcam.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smart Bombers       <unit_smart_bombers.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Simple Settings     <gui_simple_settings.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Showeco and Grid Drawer  <gui_showeco_action.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Show selected unit range  <unit_show_selected_range.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Show All Commands v2  <unit_showallcommands_2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Set Springsettings and Config  <api_set_springsettings.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  ReclaimInfo         <gui_reclaiminfo.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Startup Info and Selector  <init_startup_info_selector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Raw Move Issue      <cmd_raw_move_issue.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Projectile Lights   <gfx_projectile_lights.lua>
[f=-000001] Spectator mode detected. Removed: Auto First Build Facing
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto First Build Facing  <init_autofirstbuildfacing.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Point Tracker       <gui_point_tracker.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Orbit Command       <cmd_orbit.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Music Player v2     <snd_music2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Morph Finished notification  <unit_morph_finished.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Mission Results Handler  <mission_results.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Missile Silo Range  <missilesilo_range.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Missile Silo Commands  <cmd_missile_silo.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Misc default command replacements  <unit_default_commands.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  MinimapEvents       <minimap_events.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Local Widgets Config  <localwidgets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Keep Target         <cmd_keep_target.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  In-game Ignore      <ignore.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  In-game Guide       <gui_ingame_guide.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Highlight Geos      <gui_highlight_geos.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Haven Handler       <gui_havens.lua>
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Grab Input          <api_grabinput.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Game Analytics Handler  <api_game_analytics.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  MetalFeatures GL4   <gui_metal_features_gl4.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Ferry Points        <cmd_ferry_points.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attack Warning      <unit_attack_warning.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Defense Range Zero-K  <gui_defenserange.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Decoration Handler  <unit_decoration_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Decloak Range       <unit_decloak_range.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Darkening           <gui_darkening.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Context Menu        <gui_contextmenu.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Command Alpha       <gui_command_alpha.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Spectator Panels  <gui_chili_spectator_panels.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Selections & CursorTip v2  <gui_chili_selections_and_cursortip.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Easy Facing         <gui_easyfacing.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Rejoining Progress Bar  <gui_chili_rejoin_progress.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Nuke Warning  <gui_chili_nuke_warning.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Inactivity Win  <gui_chili_inactivity_win.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili EndGame Window  <gui_chili_endgamewindow.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Economy Panel Default  <gui_chili_economy_panel2.lua>
[f=-000001] [i18n] Warning: "" is not translated in en
[f=-000001] [i18n] Error: No translation found for ""
[f=-000001] [i18n] Warning: "" is not translated in en
[f=-000001] [i18n] Error: No translation found for ""
[f=-000001] [i18n] Warning: "" is not translated in en
[f=-000001] [i18n] Error: No translation found for ""
[f=-000001] [i18n] Warning: "" is not translated in en
[f=-000001] [i18n] Error: No translation found for ""
[f=-000001] [i18n] Warning: "" is not translated in en
[f=-000001] [i18n] Error: No translation found for ""
[f=-000001] [i18n] Warning: "" is not translated in en
[f=-000001] [i18n] Error: No translation found for ""
[f=-000001] [i18n] Warning: "" is not translated in en
[f=-000001] [i18n] Error: No translation found for ""
[f=-000001] [i18n] Warning: "" is not translated in en
[f=-000001] [i18n] Error: No translation found for ""
[f=-000001] [i18n] Warning: "" is not translated in en
[f=-000001] [i18n] Error: No translation found for ""
[f=-000001] [i18n] Warning: "" is not translated in en
[f=-000001] [i18n] Error: No translation found for ""
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cheat Sheet         <gui_chili_cheats.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CameraShake         <camera_shake.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Camera Save Position  <camera_save_position.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Blast Radius        <gui_blastradius.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Autoquit            <autoquit.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Field Factory Selector  <cmd_field_factory.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Area Attack Tweak   <cmd_area_attack_tweak.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Antinuke Coverage   <gui_antinuke_coverage.lua>
[f=-000001] Initialize
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Reclaim Field Highlight  <gui_reclaim_field_highlight.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Hold Ctrl during placement to morph  <cmd_hold_ctrl_to_place_and_morph.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  MetalFeatures (very old)  <gui_metal_features_old2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili AI Set Start  <gui_chili_ai_start_pos.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Sudden Death        <gui_sudden_death.lua>
[f=-000001] <Replay control buttons> Live mode. Widget removed.
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Replay control buttons  <gui_replay_controls.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Custom Modoptions Info  <gui_custommodoptions_info.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  UnitNoStuckInFactory  <unit_nostuck_infactory.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Unit Start State    <unit_start_state.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smooth Scroll       <camera_smooth_move.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Persistent Build Spacing  <gui_persistent_build_spacing.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Send one exclude pad  <cmd_send_one_exlude_pad.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Icon Sets           <gui_icon_sets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Lobster units highlighter v2  <gui_lobster_units_highlighter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attack AoE          <gui_attack_aoe.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  PlanetWars Info     <gui_planetwars_info.lua>
[f=-000001] <Stockpiler>: disabled for spectators
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Stockpiler          <unit_stockpile.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  MessageBoxes ZK     <mission_messagebox_zk.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Commands FX         <gfx_commands_fx.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Map Edge Extension  <map_edge_extension.lua>
[f=-000001] <Cloaker Guard>: disabled for spectators
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cloaker Guard       <unit_cloaker_guard.lua>
[f=-000001] <Building Starter>: disabled for spectators
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Building Starter    <unit_building_starter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  State Icons         <unit_state_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Shield Guard        <unit_shield_guard.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Highlight Unit GL4 v2  <gui_highlight_unit_gl4.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Selection Send      <api_selectionsend.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Rank Icons 2        <unit_rank_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Gadget Icons        <api_gadget_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  AllyCursors         <gui_ally_cursors.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CEG Spawner         <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Disable Bad Widgets  <api_widget_disabler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Lua Metal Decals    <gfx_dynamic_metal.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Units on Fire       <gfx_lups_units_on_fire.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smoke Signals       <gfx_lups_smokesignal.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  LupsManager         <gfx_lups_manager.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Receive Units Indicator  <gui_recv_indicator.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Vertical Line on Radar Dots v2  <gui_vertlineaid.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Newton Firezone     <cmd_newton_firezone.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto-toggle false color vision  <gui_auto_engine_falsecolor.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Pro Console   <gui_chili_proconsole_test.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Docking       <api_chili_docking.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Crude Player List  <gui_chili_crudeplayerlist.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  HUD Presets         <gui_hud_presets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Persistent Build Height  <gui_persistent_build_height.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Lasso Terraform GUI  <gui_lasso_terraform.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Image Preloader     <dbg_img_preload.lua>
[f=-000001] Mex Placement Initialised with 22 spots.
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Mex Placement Handler  <cmd_mex_placement.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Custom Markers      <gui_custom_markers.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Core Selector  <gui_chili_core_selector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Select Keys         <gui_selectkeys.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Default Group Recall Fix  <gui_group_recall_fix.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Start Boxes         <minimap_startbox_new.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Galaxy Battle Handler  <mission_galaxy_battle_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Restricted Zones    <gui_restrictedzones.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Contrast Adaptive Sharpen  <gfx_cas.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Pause Screen        <gui_pausescreen.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Share menu v1.24  <gui_chili_share.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Jumpjet GUI         <gui_jumpjets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Bloom Shader Deferred  <gfx_bloom_shader_deferred.lua>
[f=-000001] SSAO: gl.CreateShader or gl.RawBindFBO not found, disabling.
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  ssao 3              <gfx_ssao.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CustomFormations2   <cmd_customformations2.lua>
[f=-000001] SetSunLighting
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Sun and Atmosphere Handler  <gfx_sun_and_atmosphere.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Text To Speech Control  <snd_text_to_speech.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  GC Control          <api_gc_control.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Font Cache          <api_font_cache.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Color Blindness Correction  <gfx_color_blindness_correction.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  UnitResurrected callin  <api_callin_rez.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Integral Menu  <gui_chili_integral_menu.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Layout Handler      <cmd_layout_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Loading failure pop-up  <init_load_errors.lua>
[f=-000001] Writing last game win data
[f=-000001] LuaUI v0.3
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][5] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [LoadFinalize] finalizing PFS
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] BLOCK_SIZE=16
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] PATHESTIMATOR_VERSION=90
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] heightMapChecksum=c1d840bb
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] typeMapChecksum=37560093
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] moveDefChecksum=4be3dc25
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] blockMapChecksum=29a
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] estimatorHashCode=45122077
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=45122077 file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Random Plateaus" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] creating PE16 cache with 12 PF threads (57 MB)
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 4 of 1600 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 228 of 1600 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1517 of 1600 blocks
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] writing PE16 pe-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::WriteFile] hash=45122077 file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Random Plateaus" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] written PE16 pe-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] BLOCK_SIZE=32
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] PATHESTIMATOR_VERSION=90
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] heightMapChecksum=c1d840bb
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] typeMapChecksum=37560093
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] moveDefChecksum=4be3dc25
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] blockMapChecksum=29a
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] estimatorHashCode=45122087
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=45122087 file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Random Plateaus" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] creating PE32 cache with 12 PF threads (16 MB)
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 2 of 400 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 79 of 400 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 112 of 400 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 177 of 400 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 209 of 400 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 239 of 400 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 305 of 400 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 333 of 400 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 375 of 400 blocks
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] writing PE32 pe2-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::WriteFile] hash=45122087 file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Random Plateaus" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] written PE32 pe2-cache to file
[f=-000001] [LoadFinalize] finalized PFS (569ms, checksum 02b242ac)
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][6] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaIntro (unsynced)] index=1 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,11650,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=-000001] Reclaim highlight: old engine version.
[f=-000001] <Easy Facing> Spectator mode. Widget removed.
[f=-000001] UpdateInterfacePreset, minimapRight
[f=-000001] Mex Placement Initialised with 22 spots.
[f=-000001] Generated blank fulltex
[f=-000001] Generated blank splattex
[f=-000001] Diffuse shader created
[f=-000001] GameID: e311ca66f2cdcee2d1a296c11d35e7db
[f=-000001] Connection attempt from Doomblade3890
[f=-000001]  -> Version: 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance [Windows 32-bit (emulated)]
[f=-000001]  -> Connection established (given id 0)
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Doomblade3890" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums={0x1,0x29dcfd2c}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Doomblade3890" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums={0x1,0x547cfa36}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Doomblade3890" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=16][SHA_DATA=d4f1363529c2de52580f9d6d43466c91693592a0042699ff63d46d4859dbbb28555fd7961b8e5f9fdcd9ed1395ffb581817e2cddbd12046a79775c7ae900beb9]"
[f=-000001] IsIsland, <function>, false
[f=-000001] Mex Placement Initialised with 22 spots.
[f=-000001] Begin shader draw
[f=-000001] Epicmenu: Switching to Default camera mode
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Doomblade3890" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=32][SHA_DATA=77e2879b67ead94507315567da735c6e4c0b2bc24f3fb3fcd3c906a78e3b29e13785e5a571085330f3dce055f71de5675226c30994a66d467f17188d277045c6]"
[f=-000001] FullTex rendered in: 273
[f=-000001] Splattex rendered in: 28
[f=-000001] Starting to render specular
[f=-000001] Specular rendered in 442
[f=-000001] Starting to render SquareTextures
[f=-000001] All squaretex rendered and applied in: 180
[f=-000001] specular applied
[f=-000001] Applied grass and minimap textures
[f=-000001] Applied splat texture
[f=-000001] map fully processed in: 876
[f=-000001] <Ghost Site> Spectator mode. Widget removed.
[f=0000000] game_message: The game ended in a draw!
[f=0000000] Submitting stats
[f=0000000] <autoquit> Automatically exiting in 10 seconds. Move mouse to cancel.
[f=0000123] <autoquit> Autoquit canceled.
[f=0000189] [QuitAction] user exited to system
[f=0000189] [SpringApp::Kill][1] fromRun=1
[f=0000189] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=6 maximum=12 (init=0)
[f=0000189]     [async=0] threads=6 tasks=3120 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{-2.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 26815622290843197627697443608440048457376578614640805581928503506493205590523672829390323435895473105550464770895924748589358485458009481157212160810549248.000}}ms
[f=0000189]         thread=1 tasks=624 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{-2.000, 0.000, 2.000, -2.000}, {0.000, 0.000, -0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0000189]         thread=2 tasks=624 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{-0.000, 0.000, -0.000, 0.000}, {-0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 2.000}}ms
[f=0000189]         thread=3 tasks=624 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{26815615859885194199148049996411692254958731641184786755447122887443528060147093953603748596333806855380063716372972101707507765623893139892867298012168192.000, 0.000, 2.000, 26815622289711464937444927893010872952570027801156724699714007405848234081595461556637157864335783199782297308641744861532670409018417706816891566640070656.000}, {-0.000, 0.000, 0.000, -26815622250116962785137461530165777628720115772571141078609164514663809467574452628074100714887601291760505356456367795738830755320536643308355078804471808.000}}ms
[f=0000189]         thread=4 tasks=624 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, -26815615859885194199148049996411692254958731641184786755447122887443528060147093953603748596333806855380063716372972101707507765623893139892867298012168192.000, -26815622288784106364549754167766370648972393919356212548137695794991489088403222229767265675239566397883665861741892938464879963125898069006905237424832512.000}, {-0.000, 0.000, 0.000, -0.000}}ms
[f=0000189]         thread=5 tasks=624 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{2.000, 0.000, 2.000, 0.000}, {-0.000, 0.000, -2.000, -26815622250123202852582703763172231932264776795307546510077199048672027081736301439380640468553308080388149970839637103111525217411590471506810687406997504.000}}ms
[f=0000189]     [async=1] threads=6 tasks=5 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0000189]         thread=1 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0000189]         thread=2 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0000189]         thread=3 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0000189]         thread=4 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0000189]         thread=5 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0000189] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[f=0000189] [SpringApp::Kill][2]
[f=0000189] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=0 loadscreen=00000000
[f=0000189] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=0 luaUI=307bad98
[f=0000189] Start widgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0000189] Shutdown - SaveOrderList Complete
[f=0000189] Writing last game win data
[f=0000189] Shutdown - SaveConfigData Complete
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Chili Highlight
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Draw After Chili
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - EPIC Menu
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Depth of Field Shader
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Chili Widget Selector
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Chili Minimap
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Deferred rendering
[f=0000189] SSAO: Deferred rendering disabled, disabling.
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Local Team Colors
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Display Keys 2
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Save Game Menu
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Unit Icons
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Noises
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - HealthBars
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - BuildETA
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Win Counter
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - EndGame APM stats
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Modular Comm Info
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Stereo3D
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - State Reverse and Latency
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Showeco and Grid Drawer
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Point Tracker
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Music Player v2
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Missile Silo Range
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - MinimapEvents
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Local Widgets Config
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Highlight Geos
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Grab Input
[f=0000189] Input grabbing is disabled!
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Defense Range Zero-K
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Darkening
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Context Menu
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Chili Spectator Panels
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Chili Selections & CursorTip v2
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Chili Nuke Warning
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Chili EndGame Window
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Chili Economy Panel Default
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - CameraShake
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Reclaim Field Highlight
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Attack AoE
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Map Edge Extension
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Selection Send
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Lua Metal Decals
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - LupsManager
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Newton Firezone
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Chili Pro Console
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Persistent Build Height
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Lasso Terraform GUI
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Lups
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Chili Framework
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Mex Placement Handler
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Custom Markers
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Chili Core Selector
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Select Keys
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Pause Screen
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Bloom Shader Deferred
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Text To Speech Control
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Color Blindness Correction
[f=0000189] Shutdown Widget - Layout Handler
[f=0000189] End widgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0000189] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaUI (unsynced)] index=4294967295 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,7385823,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0000189] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=0 luaGaia=00000000
[f=0000189] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=0 luaRules=2a41a008
[f=0000189] Start gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0000189] Shutdown - StartSetup
[f=0000189] Shutdown - UnitMorph
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Carrier Drones
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Missile Silo Controller
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Modular Comm Info
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Terrain Texture Handler
[f=0000189] Shutdown - UnitCloakShield
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Starlight Handler
[f=0000189] End gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0000189] Start gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Teleport Throw
[f=0000189] Shutdown - UnitMorph
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Missile fired callins
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Modular Comm Info
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Retreat Command
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Shockwaves
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Unit tint API
[f=0000189] Shutdown - CustomUnitShaders
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Unit glow API
[f=0000189] Shutdown - UnitCloakShield
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Lups Cloak FX
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Lups
[f=0000189] Shutdown - Lups Shield
[f=0000189] End gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0000189] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (unsynced)] index=4294967295 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,7385907,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0000189] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (synced)] index=4294967295 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,7385907,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0000189] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=0
[f=0000189] [WriteDemoFile] writing client-demo "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\demos\20240824_130124_Random Plateaus v1_104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance.sdfz" (6144 bytes)
[f=0000189] [Sound] [Sound::Kill] soundThread.joinable()=1
[f=0000189] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[f=0000189] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] #sources=32 #items=3
[f=0000189] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=058be6f8 dev=06a37260
[f=0000189] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5] ctx=058be6f8 dev=06a37260
[f=0000189] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][6]
[f=0000189] [Game::~CGame][1]
[f=0000189] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=1 loadscreen=00000000
[f=0000189] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=1 luaUI=00000000
[f=0000189] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=1 luaGaia=00000000
[f=0000189] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=1 luaRules=00000000
[f=0000189] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=1
[f=0000189] [Game::KillMisc][1]
[f=0000189] [Game::KillMisc][2]
[f=0000189] [Game::KillMisc][3]
[f=0000189] [Game::KillRendering][1]
[f=0000189] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 33%
[f=0000189] [Game::KillInterface][1]
[f=0000189] [Game::KillInterface][2]
[f=0000189] [Game::KillSimulation][1]
[f=0000189] [Game::KillSimulation][2]
[f=0000189] [CCollisionHandler] dis-/continuous tests: 0/0
[f=0000189] [Game::KillSimulation][3]
[f=0000189] [~CPathCache(20x20)] cacheHits=0 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=0
[f=0000189] [~CPathCache(20x20)] cacheHits=0 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=0
[f=0000189] [~CPathCache(40x40)] cacheHits=0 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=0
[f=0000189] [~CPathCache(40x40)] cacheHits=0 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=0
[f=0000189] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 33%
[f=0000189] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 33%
[f=0000189] LosHandler stats: total instances=2; shared=0%; from cache=50%
[f=0000189] [Game::KillSimulation][4]
[f=0000189] [Game::~CGame][2]
[f=0000189] [Game::~CGame][3]
[f=0000189] [SpringApp::Kill][3]
[f=0000189] [UDPConnection::Statistics]
    7115 bytes sent   in 339 packets (20.988 bytes/packet)
    12676 bytes recv'd in 434 packets (29.207 bytes/packet)
    {0.000x, 0.286x} relative protocol overhead {up, down}
    26 incoming chunks dropped, 324 outgoing chunks resent

[f=0000189] [SpringApp::Kill][4] font=06483040
[f=0000189] [SpringApp::Kill][5]
[f=0000189] [SpringApp::Kill][6]
[LuaSocket] Dumping luasocket rules:
[LuaSocket] TCP_CONNECT ALLOW * -1
[LuaSocket] TCP_LISTEN  ALLOW * -1
[LuaSocket] UDP_CONNECT DENY 8477
[LuaSocket] UDP_LISTEN  ALLOW * -1
[~CPoolArchive] name="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\packages\138bd01fe2154c23129d2f09788fb9c7.sdp" numZipFiles=8204 sumInflSize=971641kb sumReadTime=1068ms
    file="unittextures/" indx=7392 inflSize=21845kb readTime=69ms
    file="unittextures/" indx=7393 inflSize=21845kb readTime=66ms
    file="unittextures/3do2s3o_atlas_1.tga" indx=7298 inflSize=16384kb readTime=45ms
    file="unittextures/" indx=7381 inflSize=5461kb readTime=22ms
    file="unittextures/3do2s3o_atlas_2.tga" indx=7299 inflSize=16384kb readTime=21ms
    file="unittextures/" indx=7594 inflSize=4096kb readTime=21ms
    file="unittextures/" indx=7363 inflSize=5461kb readTime=20ms
    file="unittextures/" indx=8182 inflSize=4096kb readTime=17ms
    file="unittextures/bcore_abc_1.tga" indx=7372 inflSize=3210kb readTime=14ms
    file="bitmaps/cc/fireball02_8x8.tga" indx=437 inflSize=2215kb readTime=14ms
[WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [main]
[WatchDog::Uninstall][1] hangDetectorThread=00fdd3f0 (joinable=1)