ZeroK-RTS / CrashReports

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Spring UserReport [104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc] Externally launched spring crashed with code 3 #115333

Open Chobbyla opened 2 months ago

Chobbyla commented 2 months ago

infolog_full.txt (truncated):

Failed rotating the log file
Available log sections: RoamMeshDrawer, GameServer, FarTextureHandler, Texture, Font, Net, Shader, KeyBindings, DecalsDrawerGL4, GroundMoveType, Piece, CSMFGroundTextures, ModelRenderContainer, SkyBox, VFS, Model, DynWater, Sound, Path, BumpWater, AutohostInterface, ArchiveScanner, LuaSocket, CregSerializer
Enabled log sections: Sound(Notice)
Enable or disable log sections using the LogSections configuration key
  or the SPRING_LOG_SECTIONS environment variable (both comma separated).
  Use "none" to disable the default log sections.
LogOutput initialized.
============== <User Config> ==============
  AllowDeferredMapRendering = 1
  AllowDeferredModelRendering = 1
  BumpWaterAnisotropy = 2
  BumpWaterBlurReflection = 1
  BumpWaterDepthBits = 32
  BumpWaterReflection = 2
  BumpWaterTexSizeReflection = 256
  CamFreeScrollSpeed = 50
  CamMode = 1
  CubeTexSizeReflection = 256
  CubeTexSizeSpecular = 256
  DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft = 1
  DynamicSky = 1
  EdgeMoveDynamic = 0
  EdgeMoveWidth = 0.003
  FPSFOV = 90
  FPSScrollSpeed = 50
  FeatureDrawDistance = 600000
  FeatureFadeDistance = 600000
  FontSize = 18
  GrassDetail = 0
  GroundDecals = 5
  GroundDetail = 120
  GroundScarAlphaFade = 1
  HangTimeout = 30
  HardwareCursor = 1
  InitialNetworkTimeout = 0
  LinkIncomingMaxPacketRate = 512
  LinkIncomingPeakBandwidth = 65536
  LinkIncomingSustainedBandwidth = 65536
  LinkOutgoingBandwidth = 131072
  MSAALevel = 8
  MaxParticles = 50000
  MaxSounds = 32
  MaximumTransmissionUnit = 0
  MiddleClickScrollSpeed = -0.0015
  MiniMapMarker = 0
  MouseDragScrollThreshold = 0
  NetworkLossFactor = 1
  OverheadMaxHeightFactor = 1.39999998
  OverheadScrollSpeed = 50
  ReconnectTimeout = 0
  RotOverheadScrollSpeed = 50
  RotateLogFiles = 1
  ScrollWheelSpeed = -25
  ShadowMapSize = 8192
  Shadows = 1
  ShowClock = 0
  SplashScreenDir = ./MenuLoadscreens
  TreeRadius = 1500
  UnitIconDist = 151
  UnitLodDist = 999999
  UseDistToGroundForIcons = 1.10000002
  UseNetMessageSmoothingBuffer = 0
  UsePBO = 0
  VSync = 1
  Water = 4
  WindowBorderless = 1
  WindowPosX = 0
  WindowPosY = 0
  XResolutionWindowed = 1920
  YResolutionWindowed = 1080
  snd_volmaster = 35
============== </User Config> ==============
============== <User System> ==============
  Spring 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance
    Build Environment: boost-105500, GNU libstdc++ version 20130531
     Compiler Version: gcc-4.8.1
     Operating System: Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Business Edition, 64-bit (build 9200)
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor            ; 32693MB RAM, 73653MB pagefile
     Binary Word Size: 32-bit (emulated)
     Deque Chunk Size: 128
        Process Clock: std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
   Physical CPU Cores: 24
    Logical CPU Cores: 24
============== </User System> ==============
[good_fpu_init] CPU SSE mask: 895, flags:
    SSE 1.0:  1,  SSE 2.0:  1
    SSE 3.0:  1, SSSE 3.0:  1
    SSE 4.1:  1,  SSE 4.2:  1
    SSE 4.0A: 1,  SSE 5.0A: 0
    using streflop SSE FP-math mode, CPU supports SSE instructions
[WatchDogInstall] Installed (HangTimeout: 30sec)
[WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [main]
[GL::CheckAvailableVideoModes] desktop={1920x1080x24bpp@59Hz} current={1920x1080x24bpp@59Hz}
    display=1 modes=45 bounds={x=0, y=0, w=1920, h=1080}
        [ 1] 1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz
        [ 7] 1760x990x24bpp@60Hz
        [10] 1680x1050x24bpp@60Hz
        [11] 1600x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [12] 1440x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [17] 1280x720x24bpp@60Hz
    display=2 modes=45 bounds={x=-1920, y=0, w=1920, h=1080}
        [ 1] 1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz
        [ 7] 1760x990x24bpp@60Hz
        [10] 1680x1050x24bpp@60Hz
        [11] 1600x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [12] 1440x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [17] 1280x720x24bpp@60Hz
[GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for main window
[GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for hidden window
    SDL version : 2.0.8 (linked) / 2.0.8 (compiled)
    GL version  : 4.6.0 Compatibility Profile Context
    GL vendor   : ATI Technologies Inc.
    GL renderer : Radeon RX 580 Series
    GLSL version: 4.60
    GLEW version: 2.1.0
    GPU memory  : 23380MB (total) / 23380MB (available)
    SDL swap-int: 0

    ARB shader support        : 1
    GLSL shader support       : 1
    FBO extension support     : 1
    NVX GPU mem-info support  : 0
    ATI GPU mem-info support  : 1
    NPOT-texture support      : 1 (1)
    texture query-LOD support : 0 (0)
    24-bit Z-buffer support   : 0 (-)
    primitive-restart support : 1 (1)
    clip-space control support: 1 (1)
    frag-depth layout support : 1 (-)

    max. FBO samples             : -1
    max. texture size            : 16384
    max. texture anisotropy level: 16.000000
    max. vec4 varyings/attributes: 16/32
    max. draw-buffers            : 8
    max. rec. indices/vertices   : 536870911/536870911
    max. uniform buffer-bindings : 84
    max. uniform block-size      : 4096KB

    enable ATI-hacks : 1
    compress MIP-maps: 0
[GR::ToggleGLDebugOutput] OpenGL debug-context not installed (dbgErrors=0 dbgTraces=0)
[VSync::SetInterval] interval=1 (standard)
[GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1080x24bpp@59Hz (fullscreen::borderless)
[WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [vfsi]
[DataDirLocater::Check] Isolation Mode!
Using read-write data directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\
Using read-only data directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc\
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\engine\win64\104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc\base
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\maps
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\games
Scanning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\packages
[~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 25ms
[WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [vfsi]
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=8 current=1 maximum=16 (init=1)
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=7
[Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 16777088
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 0ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.0ms)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=32
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] opening default device
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenLoopbackDevice] unhandled SDL format: 0x8120
[f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (100.4ms)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenOpenALDevice] opening default device "OpenAL Soft"
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::OpenOpenALDevice] device=06a865e0 context=059001c0
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Vendor:         OpenAL Community
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Version:        1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Renderer:       OpenAL Soft
[f=-000001] [Sound]   AL Extensions:  AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[f=-000001] [Sound]   ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Devices:
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (Realtek USB2.0 Audio)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (Realtek USB2.0 Audio)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [4 - 2470W (AMD High Definition Audio Device)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [SPDIF Interface (Realtek USB2.0 Audio)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [3 - 2470W (AMD High Definition Audio Device)]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=15
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={32,255}
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   EFX: AL_INVALID_VALUE (40963)
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   Initializing EFX failed!
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 201ms
[Info] Using filesystem-writepath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K
[Info] Free disk space: 158779 MB
[f=-000001] [StartScript] Loading StartScript from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\_script.txt
[f=-000001] [CPreGame] client using IP and port 8471
[f=-000001] [NetProto::InitClient] connecting to IP on port 8471 using name HopefulGlow
[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1080x24bpp@59Hz (fullscreen::borderless)
[f=-000001] [PreGame::AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using map: Sunderance V1.3
[f=-000001] [PreGame::AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using game: Zero-K test-19726-fc9cca7 (archive: e841b255f3504e6443c90e16db97506f.sdp)
[f=-000001] Warning: [PreGame::GameDataReceived] Archive Sunderance V1.3 (checksum 0x1ff2b2c5) differs from the host's copy (checksum 0x1). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be two different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.
[f=-000001] [~CPoolArchive] name="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\packages\e841b255f3504e6443c90e16db97506f.sdp" numZipFiles=8211 sumInflSize=971797kb sumReadTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorattack_0.png" indx=8 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorattack_1.png" indx=9 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="al2.0.txt" indx=4 inflSize=8kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorattack.txt" indx=7 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorairpadexclude.txt" indx=5 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file=".tx/config" indx=3 inflSize=2kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file=".gitattributes" indx=1 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file=".editorconfig" indx=0 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file=".luacheckrc" indx=2 inflSize=2kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorairpadexclude_0.png" indx=6 inflSize=6kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001] Warning: [PreGame::GameDataReceived] Archive e841b255f3504e6443c90e16db97506f.sdp (checksum 0x58b0fb44) differs from the host's copy (checksum 0x1). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be two different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.
[f=-000001] PreGame::GameDataReceived] recording demo to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\demos\20240828_182051_Sunderance V1_104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance.sdfz"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::GameDataReceived] 98ms
[f=-000001] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] received user number 0 (team 0, allyteam 0), creating load-screen
[f=-000001] forceSingleThreaded, false
[f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Searching for new Widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Addons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Widgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemAddons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemWidgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/chili/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "SpringLogo"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadTexture"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadProgress"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Main"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Music"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "WM Stuff"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widgets   <>=vfs  **=raw  ()=unknown
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      WM Stuff               <wm.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadProgress           <loadprogress.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      Main                   <main.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadTexture            <bg_texture.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] LuaIntro v1.0 (Lua 5.1)
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::Init] single-threaded
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [load]
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][1] globalQuit=0 threaded=0
[f=-000001] Parsing Map Information
[f=-000001] Loading SMF
[f=-000001] Loading Map (103 MB)
[f=-000001] Loading Radar Icons
[f=-000001] Loading GameData Definitions
[f=-000001] Loading UnitDefs_posts
[f=-000001] ERROR: slicer.buildCostMetal set, should be metalCost instead!
[f=-000001] ERROR: slicer.buildCostEnergy set, should be energyCost instead!
[f=-000001] ERROR: slicer.maxDamage set, should be health instead!
[f=-000001] ERROR: slicer.maxVelocity set, should be speed instead!
[f=-000001] Loading FeatureDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading WeaponDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading ArmorDefs_posts
[f=-000001] [defs.lua] loading all *Defs tables: 204ms
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (GameData)] 276ms
[f=-000001] Loading Sound Definitions
[f=-000001] [Sound] Warning: Sound incomingchat is missing file tag (ignoring)
[f=-000001] [Sound]  parsed 173 sounds from gamedata/sounds.lua
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "IncomingChat"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [Sound::GetSoundId] could not find sound "IncomingChat"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (Sound)] 13ms
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][2] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] Creating Smooth Height Mesh
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][SmoothHeightMesh::MakeSmoothMesh] 33ms
[f=-000001] Creating QuadField & CEGs
[f=-000001] [Init] number of ArmorDefs: 5
[f=-000001] Warning: [Init] UnitDef "chicken" in ArmorDef "else" already belongs to ArmorDef category 1!
[f=-000001] Error: 2, gamedata/explosions.lua, error = 2, effects/napalm.lua, [string "effects/napalm.lua"]:48: attempt to concatenate field 'tau' (a nil value)

[f=-000001] Error: [ParseExplosionTables] failed to parse explosions: error = 2, effects/napalm.lua, [string "effects/napalm.lua"]:48: attempt to concatenate field 'tau' (a nil value)

[f=-000001] [RegisterAssimpModelFormats] supported Assimp model formats: *.3ds;*.blend;*.dae;*.lwo;*.obj;
[f=-000001] Creating Unit Textures
[f=-000001] Creating Sky
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][3] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] Loading Weapon Definitions
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "smoketime" in "chicken_spidermonkey_web"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scardiameter" in "jumpsumo_landing"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scaralpha" in "seismic_seismic_weapon"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scardiameter" in "seismic_seismic_weapon"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scarttl" in "seismic_seismic_weapon"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "lineofsight" in "slicer_laserblade"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "rendertype" in "slicer_laserblade"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "endsmoke" in "slicer_punch"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "lineofsight" in "slicer_punch"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "startsmoke" in "slicer_punch"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scardiameter" in "striderdetriment_landing"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "scardiameter" in "tankriot_tawf_banisher"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (WeaponDefs)] 956ms
[f=-000001] Loading Unit Definitions
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (UnitDefs)] 138ms
[f=-000001] Loading Feature Definitions
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (FeatureDefs)] 33ms
[f=-000001] [IPathManager::GetInstance] using DEFAULT path-manager
[f=-000001] Initializing Map Features
[f=-000001] Creating ShadowHandler
[f=-000001] Creating InfoTextureHandler
[f=-000001] InfoTexture: legacy
[f=-000001] Creating GroundDrawer
[f=-000001] Loading Map Tiles
[f=-000001] Loading Square Textures
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CSMFGroundTextures::ConvolveHeightMap] 2ms
[f=-000001] Switching to ROAM Mesh Rendering
[f=-000001] Creating TreeDrawer
[f=-000001] Loaded DecalsDrawer: Legacy
[f=-000001] Creating ProjectileDrawer & UnitDrawer
[f=-000001] Creating Projectile Textures
[f=-000001] Error: Could not finalize projectile-texture atlas. Use fewer/smaller textures.
[f=-000001] Warning: FBO-PERLIN: Missing a required texture/buffer attachment!
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "missiletrailblue" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASH2" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash1bluedark" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "riotballplus2_purple_limpet" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "disruptortrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flashslowwithsparks" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "beamweapon_muzzle_purple" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "sonicarcher" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "sonic" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "torpedo_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "TORPEDO_HIT" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "missiletrailyellow" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "INGEBORG" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "archplosion_aoe" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "TORPEDO_HIT_SMALL_WEAK" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash1green" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash1blue" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "gauss_tag_l" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "gauss_hit_m" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "NUKE_150" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHNUKE320" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHBIGUNIT" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHBIGUNITEX" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "DOT_Merl_Dexplo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "dirt" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "custom:none" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "none" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "slam" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "WHITE_LIGHTNING_BOMB" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "NONE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "likhotrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "raventrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "KBOTROCKETTRAIL" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "xamelimpact" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_phoenix" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "large_green_goo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "queen_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "green_goo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flamer_240_range" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "SMOKE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "blobber_goo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "RED_GOO" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "small_green_goo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "EMG_HIT" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "queen_trail_fire" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_koda" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "lobber_goo" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_pyro" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_firewalker" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash_teal7" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "MARY_SUE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "LIGHTNINGPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "cloakbomb_EXPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "orangelaser" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "BEAMWEAPON_HIT_ORANGE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "EMG_HIT_HE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "rocket_trail_bar" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "spectre_hit" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "BEAMWEAPON_HIT_RED" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASH64" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flashslow" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "ARCHPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "BEAMWEAPON_HIT_PURPLE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "rocket_trail_bar_flameboosted" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "PLASMA_HIT_96" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "HEATRAY_HIT" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "gauss_hit_l" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash1red" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash2purple" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flamer" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "plasma_hit_32" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "MEDMISSILE_EXPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "100rlexplode" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "DGUNTRACE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "riotballplus2_purple" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flak_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLAK_HIT_16" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash2purple_large" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash2green_large" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "YELLOW_LIGHTNINGPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_hellfire" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "BEAMWEAPON_HIT_YELLOW" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "slam_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "sonictrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "blue_explosion" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHNUKE280" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "bigemptrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "EMPMISSILE_EXPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "grav_danger_spikes" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHNUKE480" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHNUKE360" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHMEDIUMBUILDINGEX" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "BANISHERTRAIL" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "blastwingtrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "blastwing" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "YELLOW_LIGHTNING_BOMB" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASH1blue" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "missiletrailpurple" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "disruptor_missile_hit" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "missiletrailbluebig" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "STARFIRE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "ataalaser" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "halberd_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "beamerray" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "TORPEDOHITHUGE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "teleport_progress" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flamer_cartoon" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_firewalker_small" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "black_hole_long" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "VINDIBACK" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "heavy_disruptor_beam_hit" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "land_small" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "EXP_MEDIUM_BUILDING_SMALL" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHLAZER" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "purple_missile_trail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "purple_missile" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalmtrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_missile" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "NUKE_600" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "WEAPEXP_PUFF" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "scan_explode" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "POWERPLANT_EXPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "napalm_drp" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "330rlexplode" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "seismictrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "bull_fade" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "disarmtrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "ROACHPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "dirt2" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flash1orange" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "sonic_80" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "bigdisarmtrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "DISARMMISSILE_EXPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "165rlexplode" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "yellowdisarmtrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "mixed_white_lightning_bomb_small" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "LASERBLADESTRIKE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHSMALLBUILDINGEX" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASHSMALLUNITEX" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "spidercrabe_EXPLOSION" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "LIGHTNINGPLOSION128AoE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "beamweapon_hit_yellow_tiny" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "craterpuncher" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "lrpc_expl" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "FLASH1" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "vulcanfx" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "NUCKLEARMINI" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "LONDON_FLAT" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "RAVENTRAIL_Light" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "emptrail" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "flamer_320_range" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "missiletrailredsmall" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "dirtyfootstep" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "gauss_tag_h" invalid (parse errors?)
------- TRUNCATED -------
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "PULVMUZZLE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "YELLOW_LIGHTNING_GROUNDFLASH" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "LARGE_MUZZLE_FLASH_FX" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "spidercrabe_FLASH" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "spidercrabe_WhiteLight" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "staticheavyarty_SHOCKWAVE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "scanner_ping" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "laserbladestrike" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "opticblast_charge" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "SLASHREARMUZZLE" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "extra_large_muzzle_flash_flame" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "extra_large_muzzle_flash_smoke" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "vindiback_large" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "rocketboots_muzzle" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "wolvmuzzle1" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "PANTHER_SPARK" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "light_red_short" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "light_green_short" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "light_blue_short" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "HLTRADIATE0" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "beamlaser_hit_blue" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "PULVBACK" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "DEVA_SHELLS" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "wolvmuzzle0" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "wolvflash" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "BEAMWEAPON_MUZZLE_ORANGE_SMALL" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Creating Water
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][4] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadInterface (Camera&Mouse)] 75ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "MultiSelect"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [Sound::GetSoundId] could not find sound "MultiSelect"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadInterface (Console)] 46ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "FailedCommand"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [Sound::GetSoundId] could not find sound "FailedCommand"
[f=-000001] Loading LuaRules
[f=-000001] Synced LuaRules: starting loading
[f=-000001] Spring.GetMapOptions Selected mapOptions: Waterdamage:, nil, WaterLevel:, nil, Roads:, nil
Loaded gadget:  API versioning stuff for maps and user widgets  <api_versioning.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Dev Command Checker  <dbg_command_checker.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Startbox handler    <start_boxes.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Metalspot Finder Gadget  <mex_spot_finder.lua>
Loaded gadget:  No Friendly Fire    <unit_nofriendlyfire.lua>
Loaded gadget:  IconGenerator       <unit_icongenerator.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Mex Placement       <mex_placement.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Nano Frame Death and Factoryless Deployment  <unit_nanoframe_death.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Nano Frame Rate Limit  <unit_nanoframe_rate_limit.lua>
Loaded gadget:  No Self-D           <unit_noselfd.lua>
Loaded gadget:  ShareControl        <share_control.lua>
Loaded gadget:  UnitPriority        <unit_priority.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Mex Control with energy link  <unit_mex_overdrive.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Map Lava Gadget 2.4  <map_lava.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Script notification  <unit_script_notification.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Antinuke Handler    <unit_antinuke_handler.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Attributes          <unit_attributes.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Attributes Generic  <unit_attributes_generic.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Auto-Target Lookahead  <unit_target_lookahead.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Bait Prevention     <unit_bait_prevention.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Boolean Disable     <unit_boolean_disable.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Impact Swap         <weapon_projectile_chain.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Impulse Float Toggle  <unit_impulsefloat_toggle.lua>
Loaded gadget:  LockOptions         <lockunits_modoption.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Noexplode Speed Damage  <weapon_noexplode_speed_damage.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Perks               <game_perks.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Shield Charge       <unit_shield_charge.lua>
Loaded gadget:  StartSetup          <start_unit_setup.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Stockpile           <unit_stockpile.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Teleport Throw      <unit_thrower.lua>
Loaded gadget:  UnitMorph           <unit_morph.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Zenith Skyline Checker  <unit_zenithskylinecheck.lua>
Loaded gadget:  AirPlantParents     <unit_air_plants.lua>
Loaded gadget:  AirTransport_SeaPickup  <unit_transport_pickup_floating_amphib.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Aircraft Command    <unit_bomber_command.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Aircraft Crashing   <unit_aircraft_crash.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Allow Builder Hold Fire  <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Area Guard          <cmd_areaguard.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Block Ally and Neutral Attack  <cmd_block_ally_attack.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Block direct control  <unit_block_direct_control.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Block ventless geo  <unit_block_ventless_geo.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Blocking Tag Implementation  <feature_blocking_tag_implementation.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Buggeroff Params    <unit_buggeroff_params.lua>
Loaded gadget:  CAI                 <ai_cai.lua>
Loaded gadget:  CEG Spawner         <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Capture             <unit_capture.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Carrier Drones      <unit_carrier_drones.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Command Raw Move    <cmd_raw_move.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Command Transfer Unit  <cmd_transfer_unit.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Constructor Auto Assist  <unit_factory_guard.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Control gunship strafe range  <unit_control_gunship_stafe_range.lua>
Loaded gadget:  D-Gun Aim Fix       <unit_dgun_aim.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Debris physics      <feature_debris_physics.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Decloak when damaged  <unit_decloak_damaged.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Dev Commands        <dbg_dev_commands.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Disable Buildoptions  <unit_disable_buildoptions.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Dont fire at radar  <unit_dont_fire_at_radar.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Experience          <unit_xp.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Factory Anti Slacker  <factory_anti_slacker.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Factory Parent Marker  <unit_factory_parent_marker.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Factory Plate       <unit_factory_plate.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Factory Stop Production  <cmd_factory_stop_production.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Fall Damage         <unit_fall_damage.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Feature Effects     <feature_fx.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Fire Once command   <cmd_fire_once.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Fog Hidden Effects API  <api_fog_hidden_effects.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Galaxy Campaign Battle Handler  <mission_galaxy_campaign_battle.lua>
Loaded gadget:  GameID GameRulesParam  <game_id.lua>
Loaded gadget:  GameRules Events    <unit_gamerules_events.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Generic Plate Command  <cmd_generic_plate.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Grey Goo            <unit_grey_goo.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Gunship Bugger Off  <unit_gunship_bugger_off.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Gunship Oscillate   <unit_gunship_oscillate.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Gunship Strafe Control  <unit_gunship_strafe_control.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Hide Autorepairlevel Command  <cmd_hide_autorepairlevel.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Ignore Gibs         <weapon_ignore_gibs.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Instant Self Destruct  <unit_instant_self_destruct.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Invincibility       <unit_invincibility.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Jumpjets            <unit_jumpjets.lua>
Loaded gadget:  LUS                 <unit_script.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Lag Monitor         <game_lagmonitor.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Mantis 6282         <mantis_6282.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Map Structure API   <api_map_structures.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Missile Silo Controller  <unit_missilesilo.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Missile fired callins  <unit_missilewarn.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Mod statistics      <mod_stats.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Model Rescaler      <unit_model_rescale.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Modular Comm Info   <api_modularcomms.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Nuke Explosion Chooser  <exp_nuke_effect_chooser.lua>
Loaded gadget:  One Click Weapon    <unit_oneclick_weapon.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Orbital Drop        <mission_orbital_drop.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Overkill Prevention  <unit_overkill_prevention.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Overkill Prevention Placeholder  <unit_overkill_prevention_placeholder.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Paralysis           <unit_paralysis_damage.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Player extra information  <player_extra_information.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Point Control Victory  <game_point_control.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Prevent Lab Hax     <unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Prevent turret overshoot  <unit_prevent_turret_overshoot.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Projectile Gravity  <weapon_projectile_gravity.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Projectile Radar Homing  <weapon_projectile_radar_homing.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Projectile Retarget  <weapon_projectile_retarget.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Proximity Targetting  <unit_proximity_targetting.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Puppy Handler       <unit_puppy_handler.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Radar Wobble Control  <unit_radar_wobble.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Refuel Pad Handler  <unit_refuel_pad_handler.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Regeneration        <unit_regeneration.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Remove Wait         <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Repair Speed Changer  <unit_repair_speed.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Resign Gadget       <game_resign.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Retreat Command     <cmd_retreat.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Rezz Hp changer + effect  <unit_rezz_hp.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Scan Sweep          <unit_scan_sweep.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Self destruct blocker  <unit_self_destruct.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Shield Link         <unit_shield_link.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Shockwaves          <lups_shockwaves.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Show Shooter        <unit_show_shooter.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Spherical LOS       <unit_spherical_los.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Static Con Unsticker  <unit_unstick_staticcon.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Structure death flatten fix  <unit_structure_death_flatten_fix.lua>
[f=-000001] InitializeInitializeInitialize
Loaded gadget:  Sudden Death        <game_sudden_death.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Support Mana Handler  <game_support_mana_handler.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Support Powers      <game_support_powers.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Synced LOD          <game_synced_lod.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Tactical Unit AI    <unit_tactical_ai.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Target Features     <unit_target_features.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Target Priority     <unit_target_priority.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Target on the move  <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Teleport handler API  <api_teleport_helper.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Teleporter          <unit_teleporter.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Terraformers        <unit_terraform.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Terrain Texture Handler  <terrain_texture_handler.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Time slow v2        <unit_timeslow.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Torpedo Stay Underwater  <weapon_torpedo_stay_underwater.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Transport Load Unload  <unit_transport_load_unload.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Transport Selected Load  <cmd_select_load_helper.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Transport Speed     <unit_transport_speed.lua>
Loaded gadget:  TransportAIbuttons  <unit_transport_ai_buttons.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Turn Without Interia  <unit_turn_without_interia.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Typemap Options     <typemap_options.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Unit removal from rezzed structures  <unit_removal_from_rezzed_structure.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Unit tint API       <unit_tint.lua>
Loaded gadget:  UnitStealth         <unit_stealth.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Units on fire       <unit_is_on_fire.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Wade Effects        <wake_fx.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Ward Fire           <unit_ward_fire.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Water Effects       <unit_water_effects.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Weapon Impulse      <weapon_impulse.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Weapon Reaim Time   <weapon_reaim_time.lua>
Loaded gadget:  api_subdir_gadgets.lua  <api_subdir_gadgets.lua>
Loaded gadget:  api_widget_events.lua  <api_widget_events.lua>
Loaded gadget:  astar.lua           <astar.lua>
Loaded gadget:  init_auto_ready.lua  <init_auto_ready.lua>
Loaded gadget:  lups_cloak_fx.lua   <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
Loaded gadget:  lups_nano_spray.lua  <lups_nano_spray.lua>
Loaded gadget:  lups_thrusters.lua  <lups_thrusters.lua>
Loaded gadget:  lups_wrapper.lua    <lups_wrapper.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_wandering_nanoframe.lua  <unit_prevent_wandering_nanoframe.lua>
Loaded gadget:  weapon_hide_sniper.lua  <weapon_hide_sniper.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Center Offset and Growth Scale  <unit_centeroffset.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Commander Upgrade   <unit_commander_upgrade.lua>
Loaded gadget:  CustomUnitShaders   <api_custom_unit_shaders.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Factory exit flatten  <unit_factory_flatten.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Game Over           <game_over.lua>
Loaded gadget:  On/Off              <cmd_onoff.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Terraformer Explosions  <weapon_terraform_explosions.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Unit glow API       <unit_glow.lua>
Loaded gadget:  UnitCloakShield     <unit_cloak_shield.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Water level modoption  <start_waterlevel.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Windmill Control    <unit_windmill_control.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Fighter pull-up     <unit_fighter_pullup.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Energy Drain        <unit_energy_drain.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Field Factory       <unit_field_factory.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Share mode          <game_share_mode.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Chicken control     <chicken_control.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Area Denial         <weapon_area_damage.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Cannot Damage Unit  <unit_cannot_damage_unit.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Disallow unit for command targeting  <unit_untargetable.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Single-Hit Weapon   <weapon_single_hit.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Starlight Handler   <unit_starlight_handler.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Noexplode Stopper   <weapon_noexplode_stopper.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Unit Explosion Spawner  <unit_explosion_spawner.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Economy Multiplier Handicap  <unit_econ_mult.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Map Border          <game_map_border.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Shield Merge        <weapon_shield_merge.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Lups Shield         <lups_shield.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Endgame Graphs      <endgame_graphs.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Awards              <awards.lua>
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 0
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 1
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 2
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 3
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 4
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 5
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 6
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 7
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 8
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 9
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 10
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 11
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 12
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 13
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 14
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 15
[f=-000001] allyTeamIDallyTeamID, 16
Loaded gadget:  Backup allyteam names  <start_teamnames.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Gadget Profiler New  <dbg_gadget_profiler_new.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Gameframe Orders    <api_gameframe_orders.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Planet Wars Structures  <unit_planetwars.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Profiler            <dbg_profiler.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Zombies!            <unit_zombies.lua>
[f=-000001] Synced LuaRules: finished loading
[f=-000001] Unsynced LuaRules: starting loading
[f=-000001] [Commander Skins] Warning: Shaders not supported, disabling., <function>, nil
Loaded gadget:  Dev Command Checker  <dbg_command_checker.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Engine Taskbar Stuff  <engine_taskbar_stuff.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Metalspot Finder Gadget  <mex_spot_finder.lua>
Loaded gadget:  IconGenerator       <unit_icongenerator.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Mex Placement       <mex_placement.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Map Lava Gadget 2.4  <map_lava.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Script notification  <unit_script_notification.lua>
Loaded gadget:  StartSetup          <start_unit_setup.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Teleport Throw      <unit_thrower.lua>
Loaded gadget:  UnitMorph           <unit_morph.lua>
Loaded gadget:  AirTransport_SeaPickup  <unit_transport_pickup_floating_amphib.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Aircraft Command    <unit_bomber_command.lua>
Loaded gadget:  AutoReadyStartpos   <init_auto_ready.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Block Ally and Neutral Attack  <cmd_block_ally_attack.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Buggeroff Params    <unit_buggeroff_params.lua>
Loaded gadget:  CAI                 <ai_cai.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Capture             <unit_capture.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Command Raw Move    <cmd_raw_move.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Command Transfer Unit  <cmd_transfer_unit.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Constructor Auto Assist  <unit_factory_guard.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Dev Commands        <dbg_dev_commands.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Factory Parent Marker  <unit_factory_parent_marker.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Fog Hidden Effects API  <api_fog_hidden_effects.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Galaxy Campaign Battle Handler  <mission_galaxy_campaign_battle.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Generic Plate Command  <cmd_generic_plate.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Invincibility       <unit_invincibility.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Jumpjets            <unit_jumpjets.lua>
Loaded gadget:  LupsNanoSpray       <lups_nano_spray.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Mantis 6282         <mantis_6282.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Map Structure API   <api_map_structures.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Missile fired callins  <unit_missilewarn.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Modular Comm Info   <api_modularcomms.lua>
Loaded gadget:  One Click Weapon    <unit_oneclick_weapon.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Orbital Drop        <mission_orbital_drop.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Point Control Victory  <game_point_control.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Proximity Targetting  <unit_proximity_targetting.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Resign Gadget       <game_resign.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Retreat Command     <cmd_retreat.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Shield Link         <unit_shield_link.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Shockwaves          <lups_shockwaves.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Target Features     <unit_target_features.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Target on the move  <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Teleport handler API  <api_teleport_helper.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Teleporter          <unit_teleporter.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Terraformers        <unit_terraform.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Terrain Texture Handler  <terrain_texture_handler.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Thrusters           <lups_thrusters.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Time slow v2        <unit_timeslow.lua>
Loaded gadget:  TransportAIbuttons  <unit_transport_ai_buttons.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Unit tint API       <unit_tint.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Units on fire       <unit_is_on_fire.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Widget Events       <api_widget_events.lua>
Loaded gadget:  api_subdir_gadgets.lua  <api_subdir_gadgets.lua>
Loaded gadget:  api_versioning.lua  <api_versioning.lua>
Loaded gadget:  astar.lua           <astar.lua>
Loaded gadget:  cmd_areaguard.lua   <cmd_areaguard.lua>
Loaded gadget:  cmd_hide_autorepairlevel.lua  <cmd_hide_autorepairlevel.lua>
Loaded gadget:  cmd_onoff.lua       <cmd_onoff.lua>
Loaded gadget:  cmd_remove_wait.lua  <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
Loaded gadget:  cmd_select_load_helper.lua  <cmd_select_load_helper.lua>
Loaded gadget:  dbg_ceg_spawner.lua  <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
Loaded gadget:  dbg_size_changer.lua  <dbg_size_changer.lua>
Loaded gadget:  endgame_graphs.lua  <endgame_graphs.lua>
Loaded gadget:  factory_anti_slacker.lua  <factory_anti_slacker.lua>
Loaded gadget:  feature_debris_physics.lua  <feature_debris_physics.lua>
Loaded gadget:  feature_fx.lua      <feature_fx.lua>
Loaded gadget:  game_globallos.lua  <game_globallos.lua>
Loaded gadget:  game_id.lua         <game_id.lua>
Loaded gadget:  game_lagmonitor.lua  <game_lagmonitor.lua>
Loaded gadget:  game_map_border.lua  <game_map_border.lua>
Loaded gadget:  game_over.lua       <game_over.lua>
Loaded gadget:  game_perks.lua      <game_perks.lua>
Loaded gadget:  game_sudden_death.lua  <game_sudden_death.lua>
Loaded gadget:  game_support_mana_handler.lua  <game_support_mana_handler.lua>
Loaded gadget:  game_support_powers.lua  <game_support_powers.lua>
Loaded gadget:  game_synced_lod.lua  <game_synced_lod.lua>
Loaded gadget:  lockunits_modoption.lua  <lockunits_modoption.lua>
Loaded gadget:  player_extra_information.lua  <player_extra_information.lua>
Loaded gadget:  share_control.lua   <share_control.lua>
Loaded gadget:  start_boxes.lua     <start_boxes.lua>
Loaded gadget:  start_teamnames.lua  <start_teamnames.lua>
Loaded gadget:  start_waterlevel.lua  <start_waterlevel.lua>
Loaded gadget:  typemap_options.lua  <typemap_options.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_air_plants.lua  <unit_air_plants.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_aircraft_crash.lua  <unit_aircraft_crash.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua  <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_attributes.lua  <unit_attributes.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_attributes_generic.lua  <unit_attributes_generic.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_bait_prevention.lua  <unit_bait_prevention.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_block_direct_control.lua  <unit_block_direct_control.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_bomber_dive.lua  <unit_bomber_dive.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_cannot_damage_unit.lua  <unit_cannot_damage_unit.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_carrier_drones.lua  <unit_carrier_drones.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_centeroffset.lua  <unit_centeroffset.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_control_gunship_stafe_range.lua  <unit_control_gunship_stafe_range.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_dont_fire_at_radar.lua  <unit_dont_fire_at_radar.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_econ_mult.lua  <unit_econ_mult.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_factory_flatten.lua  <unit_factory_flatten.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_factory_plate.lua  <unit_factory_plate.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_fall_damage.lua  <unit_fall_damage.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_fighter_pullup.lua  <unit_fighter_pullup.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_gamerules_events.lua  <unit_gamerules_events.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_grass_cutter.lua  <unit_grass_cutter.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_gunship_climb.lua  <unit_gunship_climb.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_gunship_oscillate.lua  <unit_gunship_oscillate.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_impulsefloat_toggle.lua  <unit_impulsefloat_toggle.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_manualfire_desc.lua  <unit_manualfire_desc.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_marketplace.lua  <unit_marketplace.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_mex_overdrive.lua  <unit_mex_overdrive.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_model_rescale.lua  <unit_model_rescale.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_overkill_prevention.lua  <unit_overkill_prevention.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_overkill_prevention_placeholder.lua  <unit_overkill_prevention_placeholder.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_planetwars.lua  <unit_planetwars.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua  <unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_turret_overshoot.lua  <unit_prevent_turret_overshoot.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_wandering_nanoframe.lua  <unit_prevent_wandering_nanoframe.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_priority.lua   <unit_priority.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_radar_wobble.lua  <unit_radar_wobble.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_regeneration.lua  <unit_regeneration.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_removal_from_rezzed_structure.lua  <unit_removal_from_rezzed_structure.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_rezz_hp.lua    <unit_rezz_hp.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_self_destruct.lua  <unit_self_destruct.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_solar_force_closed.lua  <unit_solar_force_closed.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_spherical_los.lua  <unit_spherical_los.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_starlight_handler.lua  <unit_starlight_handler.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_structure_death_flatten_fix.lua  <unit_structure_death_flatten_fix.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_target_lookahead.lua  <unit_target_lookahead.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_target_priority.lua  <unit_target_priority.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_transport_load_unload.lua  <unit_transport_load_unload.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_transport_speed.lua  <unit_transport_speed.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_turn_without_interia.lua  <unit_turn_without_interia.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_unstick_staticcon.lua  <unit_unstick_staticcon.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_untargetable.lua  <unit_untargetable.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_wanted_speed.lua  <unit_wanted_speed.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_ward_fire.lua  <unit_ward_fire.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_water_effects.lua  <unit_water_effects.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_windmill_control.lua  <unit_windmill_control.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_xp.lua         <unit_xp.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_zenithskylinecheck.lua  <unit_zenithskylinecheck.lua>
Loaded gadget:  unit_zombies.lua    <unit_zombies.lua>
Loaded gadget:  wake_fx.lua         <wake_fx.lua>
Loaded gadget:  weapon_ignore_gibs.lua  <weapon_ignore_gibs.lua>
Loaded gadget:  weapon_impulse.lua  <weapon_impulse.lua>
Loaded gadget:  weapon_noexplode_speed_damage.lua  <weapon_noexplode_speed_damage.lua>
Loaded gadget:  weapon_noexplode_stopper.lua  <weapon_noexplode_stopper.lua>
Loaded gadget:  weapon_projectile_chain.lua  <weapon_projectile_chain.lua>
Loaded gadget:  weapon_shield_merge.lua  <weapon_shield_merge.lua>
Loaded gadget:  weapon_single_hit.lua  <weapon_single_hit.lua>
Loaded gadget:  weapon_terraform_explosions.lua  <weapon_terraform_explosions.lua>
Loaded gadget:  weapon_trail_burnout.lua  <weapon_trail_burnout.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Commander Upgrade   <unit_commander_upgrade.lua>
Loaded gadget:  CustomUnitShaders   <api_custom_unit_shaders.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Unit glow API       <unit_glow.lua>
Loaded gadget:  UnitCloakShield     <unit_cloak_shield.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Field Factory       <unit_field_factory.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Lups Cloak FX       <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Share mode          <game_share_mode.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Chicken control     <chicken_control.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Area Denial         <weapon_area_damage.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Lups                <lups_wrapper.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Lups Shield         <lups_shield.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Awards              <awards.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Chicken Spawner     <unit_spawner.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Gadget Profiler New  <dbg_gadget_profiler_new.lua>
Loaded gadget:  Profiler            <dbg_profiler.lua>
[f=-000001] Unsynced LuaRules: finished loading
[f=-000001] Loading LuaGaia
[f=-000001] Warning: [LuaMatUniforms::Validate] missing "TeamColor" uniform
[f=-000001] Warning: [LuaMatUniforms::Validate] missing "TeamColor" uniform
[f=-000001] Warning: [LuaMatUniforms::Validate] missing "TeamColor" uniform
[f=-000001] Warning: [LuaMatUniforms::Validate] missing "TeamColor" uniform
[f=-000001] Warning: [LuaMatUniforms::Validate] missing "TeamColor" uniform
[f=-000001] Warning: [LuaMatUniforms::Validate] missing "TeamColor" uniform
[f=-000001] Warning: [LuaMatUniforms::Validate] missing "TeamColor" uniform
[f=-000001] Warning: [LuaMatUniforms::Validate] missing "TeamColor" uniform
[f=-000001] Warning: [LuaMatUniforms::Validate] missing "TeamColor" uniform
[f=-000001] Warning: [LuaMatUniforms::Validate] missing "TeamColor" uniform
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Feature Creation Counter  <feature_game_counter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Geo fixer           <feature_game_geo_fixer.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Springboard Fixer   <feature_game_springboard_fixer.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  feature_game_geo_fixer.lua  <feature_game_geo_fixer.lua>
[f=-000001] Loading LuaUI
[f=-000001] LuaUI Entry Point: "luaui.lua"
[f=-000001] LuaUI Access Lock: enabled
[f=-000001] LuaSocket Enabled: yes
[f=-000001] Reloading GUI config from file: LuaUI/ctrlpanel.txt
[f=-000001] localWidgets, nil, true, true
[f=-000001] LuaUI: bound F11 to the widget selector
[f=-000001] LuaUI: bound CTRL+F11 to tweak mode
[f=-000001] USE_OLD_CHILI
[f=-000001] Loading last game win data
[f=-000001] Resetting win data
[f=-000001] Last game player count: 2, This game player count: 1
[f=-000001] Last game allyTeam count: 3, This game allyTeam count: 2
[f=-000001] CAS: GLSL not supported.
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to allocate memory
[f=-000001] Error: Error handler invoked for Spring 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance.
[f=-000001] Error: DLL information:
[f=-000001] Error: Stacktrace for Spring 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance:
[f=-000001] Error:  [ProgCtr=0088862f StackPtr=018ad410 FramePtr=018ad978]
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [main]
[f=-000001] Error: [ExitSpringProcess] errorMsg="Failed to allocate memory" msgCaption="Spring: Fatal Error" mainThread=1
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
  what():  No error
[f=-000001] Error: Spring received an ABORT signal
[f=-000001] Error: Error handler invoked for Spring 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance.
[f=-000001] Error: DLL information:
[f=-000001] Error: Stacktrace for Spring 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance:
[f=-000001] Error:  [ProgCtr=0088862f StackPtr=018acf00 FramePtr=018ad468]
[f=-000001] Error: [Watchdog::DeregisterThread] Invalid thread number 0
[f=-000001] Error: [ExitSpringProcess] errorMsg="Abort / abnormal termination" msgCaption="Spring: Fatal Error" mainThread=1
[f=-000001] Warning: [Watchdog] Hang detection triggered for Spring 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance.
[f=-000001] Warning:    (in threads: {main,load,audio,vfsi}={0,1,0,0})
[f=-000001] Warning: DLL information:
[f=-000001] Warning: Stacktrace (load) for Spring 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance:
[f=-000001] Warning:    [ProgCtr=77b7310c StackPtr=018ac410 FramePtr=018ac460]
[f=-000001] Warning: Stacktrace (audio) for Spring 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc maintenance:
[f=-000001] Warning:    [ProgCtr=77b7334c StackPtr=1990fda4 FramePtr=1990fe08]
AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed