ZeroK-RTS / CrashReports

6 stars 0 forks source link

Spring crash [104.0.1-92-g4409317] #2524

Open Chobbyla opened 6 years ago

Chobbyla commented 6 years ago
chobby.exe Information: 0 : PackageRefresh complete - packages changed
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Completed - 72.36k
chobby.exe Information: 0 : zkmenu:stable download complete - 84.83k
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Completed - 218.01k
chobby.exe Information: 0 : zk:stable download complete - 1.03M
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Querying default engine
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Reseting configs and deploying AIs
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Connecting to steam API
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Steam online
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Starting
Using writeable configuration source: "E:\Spring\springsettings.cfg"
Using additional read-only configuration source: "E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\springsettings.cfg"
Available log sections: RoamMeshDrawer, FarTextureHandler, GroundMoveType, Texture, BumpWater, AutohostInterface, Font, Net, Shader, KeyBindings, CSMFGroundTextures, ModelRenderContainer, DynWater, GameServer, Sound, Path, ArchiveScanner, DecalsDrawerGL4, CregSerializer, Piece, LuaSocket, SkyBox, VFS, Model
Enabled log sections: Sound(Notice)
Enable or disable log sections using the LogSections configuration key
  or the SPRING_LOG_SECTIONS environment variable (both comma separated).
  Use "none" to disable the default log sections.
LogOutput initialized.
============== <User Config> ==============
  AdvSky = 1
  AllowDeferredMapRendering = 1
  AllowDeferredModelRendering = 1
  BumpWaterAnisotropy = 2
  BumpWaterBlurReflection = 1
  BumpWaterDepthBits = 32
  BumpWaterReflection = 2
  BumpWaterRefraction = 2
  BumpWaterTexSizeReflection = 1024
  CamMode = 1
  CamTimeExponent = 4.0
  CamTimeFactor = 1.0
  CubeTexSizeReflection = 1024
  CubeTexSizeSpecular = 1024
  DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft = 1
  DynamicSky = 1
  EdgeMoveDynamic = 0
  EdgeMoveWidth = 0.003
  FPSFOV = 90
  FSAALevel = 8
  FontSize = 18
  Fullscreen = 0
  GrassDetail = 16
  GroundDecals = 10
  GroundDetail = 180
  GroundScarAlphaFade = 1
  HangTimeout = 5
  HardwareCursor = 1
  InitialNetworkTimeout = 0
  InputTextGeo = 0.26 0.73 0.02 0.028
  LODScale = 1.000
  LODScaleReflection = 1.000
  LODScaleRefraction = 1.000
  LODScaleShadow = 1.000
  LastSelectedMap = Tropical
  LastSelectedMod = Zero-K $VERSION
  LastSelectedScript = Commanders
  MaxParticles = 50000
  MaxSounds = 32
  MaximumTransmissionUnit = 0
  MiddleClickScrollSpeed = -0.001
  MiniMapMarker = 0
  MouseDragScrollThreshold = 0
  OverheadMaxHeightFactor = 1.39999998
  OverheadScrollSpeed = 50
  ReconnectTimeout = 0
  RotateLogFiles = 1
  ScreenshotCounter = 11
  ScrollWheelSpeed = -25
  ShadowMapSize = 8192
  Shadows = 1
  ShowClock = 0
  ShowFPS = 1
  ShowPlayerInfo = 0
  SplashScreenDir = ./MenuLoadscreens
  TeamHighlight = 0
  TreeRadius = 2500
  UnitIconDist = 100000
  UnitLodDist = 9999
  UseDistToGroundForIcons = 1.10000002
  Water = 4
  WindowPosX = 2098
  WindowPosY = 319
  XResolution = 1920
  XResolutionWindowed = 1044
  YResolution = 1080
  YResolutionWindowed = 695
  snd_volmaster = 25
============== </User Config> ==============
============== <User System> ==============
  Spring 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance
    Build Environment: boost-105500, GNU libstdc++ version 20130531
     Compiler Version: gcc-4.8.1
     Operating System: Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows 7 Business Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz; 16346MB RAM, 32691MB pagefile
     Binary Word Size: 32-bit emulated
     Deque Chunk Size: 128
        Process Clock: std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
   Physical CPU Cores: 4
    Logical CPU Cores: 8
============== </User System> ==============
[good_fpu_init] CPU SSE mask: 127, flags:
    SSE 1.0:  1,  SSE 2.0:  1
    SSE 3.0:  1, SSSE 3.0:  1
    SSE 4.1:  1,  SSE 4.2:  1
    SSE 4.0A: 0,  SSE 5.0A: 0
    using streflop SSE FP-math mode, CPU supports SSE instructions
[WatchDogInstall] Installed (HangTimeout: 5sec)
[WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [main]
[GL::CheckAvailableVideoModes] desktop={1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz} current={1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz}
    display=1 modes=216 bounds={x=0, y=0, w=1920, h=1080}
        [ 1] 1920x1080x24bpp@60Hz
        [19] 1680x1050x24bpp@60Hz
        [31] 1600x1024x24bpp@60Hz
        [43] 1600x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [55] 1440x900x24bpp@60Hz
        [121] 1280x800x24bpp@60Hz
        [145] 1280x720x24bpp@60Hz
    display=2 modes=58 bounds={x=1920, y=0, w=1280, h=1024}
        [ 9] 1280x800x24bpp@75Hz
        [17] 1280x720x24bpp@75Hz
[GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for main window
[GR::CreateSDLWindow] using 8x anti-aliasing and 24-bit depth-buffer (PF="SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888") for hidden window
    SDL version : 2.0.4 (linked) / 2.0.4 (compiled)
    GL version  : 4.5.0 NVIDIA 385.28
    GL vendor   : NVIDIA Corporation
    GL renderer : GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2
    GLSL version: 4.50 NVIDIA
    GLEW version: 2.1.0
    GPU memory  : 4096MB (total) / 2902MB (available)
    SDL swap-int: 1

    ARB shader support        : 1
    GLSL shader support       : 1
    FBO extension support     : 1
    NVX GPU mem-info support  : 1
    ATI GPU mem-info support  : 0
    NPOT-texture support      : 1 (1)
    texture query-LOD support : 1 (1)
    24-bit Z-buffer support   : 1 (-)
    primitive-restart support : 1 (1)
    clip-space control support: 1 (1)
    frag-depth layout support : 1 (-)

    max. FBO samples             : 32
    max. texture size            : 16384
    max. texture anisotropy level: 16.000000
    max. vec4 varyings/attributes: 31/16
    max. draw-buffers            : 8
    max. rec. indices/vertices   : 1048576/1048576
    max. uniform buffer-bindings : 84
    max. uniform block-size      : 64KB

    enable ATI-hacks : 0
    compress MIP-maps: 0
[GR::ToggleGLDebugOutput] OpenGL debug-context not installed (dbgErrors=0 dbgTraces=0)
[VSync::SetInterval] interval=0 (disabled)
[GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1044x695x24bpp@75Hz (windowed::decorated)
[WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [vfsi]
[DataDirLocater::Check] Isolation Mode!
Using read-write data directory: E:\Spring\
Using read-only data directory: E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\
Scanning: E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\base
Scanning: E:\Spring\maps
Scanning: E:\Spring\games
Scanning: E:\Spring\packages
[~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 153ms
[WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [vfsi]
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=3 current=1 maximum=4 (init=1)
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=2
[Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 252
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 1ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.0ms)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=32
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][2] opening default device "OpenAL Soft"
[f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (100.0ms)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][3] device=063cff10 context=0619e018
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Vendor:         OpenAL Community
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Version:        1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Renderer:       OpenAL Soft
[f=-000001] [Sound]   AL Extensions:  AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[f=-000001] [Sound]   ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Devices:
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable A)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Headset Earphone (4- Wireless Controller)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Line Out (4- Scarlett 2i2 USB)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (2- VB-Audio Virtual Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [ASUS VH232H-0 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (Mobiola Wave Audio Device (WDM))]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable B)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable A)]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=15
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={32,255}
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   EFX: AL_INVALID_VALUE (40963)
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   Initializing EFX failed!
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: base64.lua
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: engineversion.lua
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: json.lua
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: tablefunctions.lua
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Missing GetInfo() in: timefunctions.lua
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 269ms
[Info] Using filesystem-writepath: E:\Spring
[Info] Free disk space: 153246 MB
[f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "Chobby v1.5.11.9"
[f=-000001] LuaMenu Entry Point: "LuaMenu/main.lua"
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Searching for new Widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/Addons/
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/Widgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/SystemAddons/
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/SystemWidgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: LuaMenu/chili/
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/chilifx/LuaMenu/widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/chilivn/LuaMenu/widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/chotify/LuaMenu/widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/i18n/LuaMenu/widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Scanning: libs/liblobby/LuaMenu/widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widgets   <>=vfs  **=raw  ()=unknown
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget:  Delay API              <api_delay.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget:  Limit FPS              <api_limit_fps.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget:  Away Tracker           <gui_away_tracker.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget:  Chili Framework        <api_chili.lua>
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Warning: Missing chobby_config.json file.
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Warning: Missing chobby_config.json file.
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget:  LibLobby API           <api_lobby.lua>
[f=-000001] [liblobby] liblobby configuration: 
[f=-000001] [liblobby] serverName, Zero-K
[f=-000001] [liblobby] port, 8200
[f=-000001] [liblobby] protocol, zks
[f=-000001] [liblobby] address,
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget:  i18n                   <api_i18n.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget:  ChiliFX                <api_chilifx.lua>
[f=-000001] [ChiliFX] Enabled: true
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget:  Chotify                <api_chotify.lua>
[f=-000001] [Chotify] Enabled: true
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget:  Download Handler       <api_download_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading API widget:  Ingame Interface       <api_ingame_interface.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Test                   <dbg_test.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Campaign Options Window  <gui_campaign_options.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Download Window        <gui_download_window.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Friend Window          <gui_friend_window.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Missions Handles       <gui_mission_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Planetwars List Window  <gui_planetwars_list_window.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Queue List Window      <gui_queue_list_window.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Replays window         <gui_replay_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Settings Window        <gui_settings_window.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      SpringBoard Window     <gui_springboard_window.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Users Handler          <api_user_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      ZK wrapper loopback interface  <zk_loopback.lua>
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Using wrapper port: , 54453
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Cache Handler API      <api_cache_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Internet Browser API   <api_internet_browser.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Map Handler API        <api_map_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Campaign Data Handler  <api_campaign_data.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Analytics Handler      <api_analytics.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Animation control      <api_animation_control.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Battle Login Rejoin    <gui_battle_login_rejoin.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Battle Room Window     <gui_battle_room_window.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Battle status panel    <gui_battle_status_panel.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Campaign Commander Loadout  <gui_campaign_commander_loadout.lua>
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Chobby connected to wrapper
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Campaign Handler       <gui_campaign_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Campaign Handler ZK    <zk_campaign_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Campaign Save/Load     <gui_campaign_saveload.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Campaign Technology Panel  <gui_campaign_technology_panel.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Chili Visual Novel     <campaign_chili_vn.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Codex Handler          <gui_campaign_codex_handler.lua>
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Chobbyla >> SteamOnline {"AuthToken":"140000000028C54E00184E027EA3A80101001001A977105A1800000001000000020000002D15101700000000B1FE6E2303000000B800000038000000040000007EA3A80101001001481C05002D1510174501A8C000000000694B075AE9FA225A0100D3D700000100E8210500000000001442632E6E50FCB0B41E6C4640C2868BFC0742072E99600353D9781A72155E3A04BB9825B3052674BCEA660C7A8BE6763C345C7E8601CFDEBB1EBA2F9929AD19A0449D877F57C163CFF6A669570915B98BA7246B26D4BB5A6E5B81FA5A6A1BB5E1E7D87C5469B87FDF420FD61B6364ECB854C518E757A3B2A825D5656C889B96","Friends":["76561197961158399","76561197961497165","76561197961517170","76561197962193723","76561197962341674","76561197962685138","76561197964688031","76561197966742863","76561197969385510","76561197969977265","76561197972351285","76561197972626310","76561197972680245","76561197975089408","76561197975138258","76561197978413591","76561197979958800","76561197980677120","76561197982969395","76561197983083944","76561197985107225","76561197987829008","76561197990675520","76561197992850031","76561197992887770","76561197993292902","76561197993401308","76561197993407942","76561197993671595","76561197993894999","76561197994429585","76561197994663191","76561197994830422","76561197995236056","76561197995260060","76561197995292306","76561197995651337","76561197995890386","76561197996098979","76561197997099564","76561197997330316","76561197997629726","76561197999004267","76561197999650186","76561198000124802","76561198000240943","76561198001465124","76561198002123174","76561198002282297","76561198004747970","76561198005296357","76561198005614529","76561198005736086","76561198005923130","76561198007571472","76561198009716954","76561198010191816","76561198010585202","76561198010933792","76561198011599227","76561198011718372","76561198012237604","76561198012454798","76561198013623363","76561198013757088","76561198013838559","76561198014069506","76561198015098866","76561198015268215","76561198016768249","76561198016991543","76561198018209522","76561198018570976","76561198019195172","76561198023280169","76561198024769811","76561198025010528","76561198025271818","76561198025808357","76561198026181326","76561198030073452","76561198031142867","76561198031608102","76561198032283551","76561198035961426","76561198037259043","76561198039689391","76561198044142180","76561198044692439","76561198055004762","76561198060369364","76561198061382625","76561198066368652","76561198078235694","76561198083861702","76561198085475300","76561198085521981","76561198091116013","76561198094496076","76561198096118067","76561198100496606","76561198101909219","76561198102666207","76561198103959110","76561198112547229","76561198119182313","76561198127065500","76561198137244886","76561198149321711","76561198151623627","76561198155389902","76561198167630036","76561198181134186","76561198203201224","76561198205038803","76561198226787664","76561198279223057"],"SuggestedName":"Shadowfury333"}

[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Cursor tooltip         <gui_tooltip.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Load Game Menu         <gui_loadgame.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Login Window           <gui_login_window.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Modoptions Panel       <gui_modoptions_panel.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Party status panel     <gui_party_status_panel.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Planet Battle Handler  <api_planet_battle_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Popup Preloader        <gui_popup_preloader.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Queue status panel     <gui_queue_status_panel.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Rank update window     <gui_rank_update_window.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Steam Coop Handler     <gui_steam_coop_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Steam Handler          <api_steam_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      User status panel      <gui_user_status_panel.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      ZK Comm Config         <gui_zk_comm_config.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      ZK replay downloader   <zk_replay_launcher.lua>
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Event: downloadFinished, listener cannot be nil
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Image Preloader        <dbg_img_preload.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Headers files aren't supported anymore use "require" instead!
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Warning: Headers files aren't supported anymore use "require" instead!
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Chili lobby            <gui_chili_lobby.lua>
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Warning: Missing chobby_config.json file.
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Warning: Missing game in chobby_config.json file.
[f=-000001] Initialize ATI/intel/other non-nvidia compatibility state:, false
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Chobbyla >> WrapperOnline {"UserID":"3459164276","DefaultServerHost":"","DefaultServerPort":8200,"IsSteamFolder":false}

[f=-000001] Number of battles: 0
[f=-000001] [i18n] Warning: "commanders" is not translated in en
[f=-000001] [i18n] Error: No translation found for "commanders"
[f=-000001] Number of battles: 0
[f=-000001] Vendor and GL, Nvidia, 4
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Standalone lobby tools  <gui_standalone_lobby.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Block Input            <gui_block_input.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] Loading widget:      Music Player Lite      <snd_music_lite.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaMenu] LuaMenu v1.0 (Lua 5.1)
[f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Activate(msg="")] luaMenu=06324c98
[f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, true
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxDynamicMapLights, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, DynamicSky, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, CamTimeFactor, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScale, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterDepthBits, 32
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, HardwareCursor, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, FSAALevel, 8
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: BuildWarnings, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GroundDetail, 180
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, CamTimeExponent, 4
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ShadowMapSize, 8192
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, InitialNetworkTimeout, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: SmoothPoints, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: LuaAutoModWidgets, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GrassDetail, 16
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterReflection, 2
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScaleRefraction, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaximumTransmissionUnit, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, UseDistToGroundForIcons, 1.10000002
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AdvSky, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, CamMode, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxDynamicModelLights, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: GroundDetailBias, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, HangTimeout, 5
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, Water, 4
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, MouseDragScrollThreshold, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: LogFlush, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, UsePBO, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LuaShaders, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterTexSizeReflection, 1024
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ForceDisableShaders, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GroundScarAlphaFade, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: Version, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, OverheadScrollSpeed, 50
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, EdgeMoveWidth, 0.003
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, FontSize, 18
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: snd_general, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, BumpWaterBlurReflection, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScaleShadow, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, UnitLodDist, 9999
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AdvMapShading, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: MoveWarnings, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, CubeTexSizeReflection, 1024
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AllowDeferredMapRendering, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AdvUnitShading, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: VerboseLevel, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, 3DTrees, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ROAM, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, LoadingMT, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: WorkerThreadSpinTime, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, UnitIconDist, 151
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, TreeRadius, 2500
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, ScrollWheelSpeed, -25
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ReconnectTimeout, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, MiddleClickScrollSpeed, -0.001
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: SmoothLines, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: DisplayDebugPrefixConsole, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GroundDecals, 10
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: ReflectiveWater, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterRefraction, 2
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: CubeTexSpecularExponent, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: Unexpected key type: std::string, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, ShowClock, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScaleReflection, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, Shadows, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, BumpWaterShoreWaves, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: MinimapOnLeft, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxSounds, 32
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, MiniMapMarker, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: NormalMapping, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxParticles, 50000
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, FPSFOV, 90
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, BumpWaterAnisotropy, 2
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: LinkBandwidth, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, OverheadMaxHeightFactor, 1.39999998
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: FSAA, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, CubeTexSizeSpecular, 1024
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, EdgeMoveDynamic, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AllowDeferredModelRendering, 1
[f=-000001] Starting Track, sounds/lobbyMusic/The Secret of Ayers Rock.ogg, 0
[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1044x695x24bpp@75Hz (windowed::decorated)
[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1044x695x24bpp@75Hz (windowed::decorated)
[f=-000001] SteamOnline, Recieved
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Licho
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, GoogleFrog
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Shadowfury333
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Testor303
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Test1234
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Licho
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, GoogleFrog
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Shadowfury333
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Testor303
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Test1234
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Licho
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, GoogleFrog
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Shadowfury333
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Testor303
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Error: Tried to add duplicate list window item, Test1234
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(Romux) added to channel (zk)
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(LordOfTrolls) added to channel (zk)
[f=-000001] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(DrDuck) added to channel (zk)
[f=-000001] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Chobbyla << Alert {"Message":"Match found"}
[f=-000001] OnMatchMakerReadyResult, true, false
[f=-000001] MatchMakingComplete, true
[f=-000001] Connecting to battle, Zero-K v1.5.11.7, Avalanche v3.1, 104.0.1-92-g4409317
[f=-000001] SetLobbyFullscreenMode, 4
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, XResolutionWindowed, 1920
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, YResolutionWindowed, 1081
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, WindowPosX, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, WindowPosY, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, WindowBorderless, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxDynamicMapLights, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, DynamicSky, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, CamTimeFactor, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScale, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterDepthBits, 32
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, HardwareCursor, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, FSAALevel, 8
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: BuildWarnings, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GroundDetail, 180
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, CamTimeExponent, 4
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ShadowMapSize, 8192
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, InitialNetworkTimeout, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: SmoothPoints, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: LuaAutoModWidgets, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GrassDetail, 16
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterReflection, 2
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScaleRefraction, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaximumTransmissionUnit, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, UseDistToGroundForIcons, 1.10000002
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AdvSky, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, CamMode, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxDynamicModelLights, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: GroundDetailBias, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, HangTimeout, 5
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, Water, 4
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, MouseDragScrollThreshold, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: LogFlush, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, UsePBO, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LuaShaders, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterTexSizeReflection, 1024
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ForceDisableShaders, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GroundScarAlphaFade, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: Version, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, OverheadScrollSpeed, 50
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, EdgeMoveWidth, 0.003
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, FontSize, 18
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: snd_general, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, BumpWaterBlurReflection, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScaleShadow, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, UnitLodDist, 9999
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: MoveWarnings, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: VerboseLevel, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: WorkerThreadSpinTime, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AdvMapShading, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, CubeTexSizeReflection, 1024
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AllowDeferredMapRendering, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AdvUnitShading, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, 3DTrees, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ROAM, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, LoadingMT, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, UnitIconDist, 151
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, TreeRadius, 2500
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, ScrollWheelSpeed, -25
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ReconnectTimeout, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: SmoothLines, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: DisplayDebugPrefixConsole, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: ReflectiveWater, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, MiddleClickScrollSpeed, -0.001
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GroundDecals, 10
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterRefraction, 2
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: CubeTexSpecularExponent, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: Unexpected key type: std::string, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, ShowClock, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScaleReflection, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, Shadows, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, BumpWaterShoreWaves, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: MinimapOnLeft, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxSounds, 32
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, MiniMapMarker, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: NormalMapping, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxParticles, 50000
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, FPSFOV, 90
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, BumpWaterAnisotropy, 2
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: LinkBandwidth, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, OverheadMaxHeightFactor, 1.39999998
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: FSAA, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, CubeTexSizeSpecular, 1024
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, EdgeMoveDynamic, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AllowDeferredModelRendering, 1
[f=-000001] compatProfile, false
[f=-000001] MatchMakingComplete, true
[f=-000001] Game starts!
[f=-000001] [ReloadOrRestart] Spring "E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\spring.exe" should be reloading
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][1]
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=3 maximum=4 (init=0)
[f=-000001]     [async=0] threads=3 tasks=60 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, -0.000}, {0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]         thread=1 tasks=30 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]         thread=2 tasks=30 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 2.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]     [async=1] threads=3 tasks=2 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]         thread=1 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]         thread=2 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=3 current=1 maximum=4 (init=1)
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=2
[f=-000001] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 252
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][2]
[f=-000001] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=0 loadscreen=00000000
[f=-000001] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=0 luaGaia=00000000
[f=-000001] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=0 luaRules=00000000
[f=-000001] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=0 luaUI=00000000
[f=-000001] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=0
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][3]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [~CSound][1] soundThread=061ab734
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] efx=061d5ce8
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=0619e018 dev=063cff10
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [~CSound][2]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [~CSound][3]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][4]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][5]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][6]
[f=-000001] Scanning: E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\base
[f=-000001] Scanning: E:\Spring\maps
[f=-000001] Scanning: E:\Spring\games
[f=-000001] Scanning: E:\Spring\packages
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 29ms
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][7]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][8]
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 0ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.0ms)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=32
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][2] opening default device "OpenAL Soft"
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][3] device=066adff0 context=12160fb0
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Vendor:         OpenAL Community
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Version:        1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Renderer:       OpenAL Soft
[f=-000001] [Sound]   AL Extensions:  AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[f=-000001] [Sound]   ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Devices:
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable A)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Headset Earphone (4- Wireless Controller)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Line Out (4- Scarlett 2i2 USB)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (2- VB-Audio Virtual Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [ASUS VH232H-0 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (Mobiola Wave Audio Device (WDM))]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable B)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable A)]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=15
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={32,255}
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   EFX: AL_INVALID_VALUE (40963)
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   Initializing EFX failed!
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 101ms
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][10]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][11]
[f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "Chobby v1.5.11.9"
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][12] #script=133
[f=-000001] [CPreGame] client using IP and port 8454
[f=-000001] [NetProto::InitClient] connecting to IP on port 8454 using name Shadowfury333
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][13] numReloads=1

[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1081x104bpp@313794996Hz (windowed::borderless)
[f=-000001] [PreGame::AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using map: Avalanche v3.1
[f=-000001] [PreGame::AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using game: Zero-K v1.5.11.7 (archive: f33dda7d9d8a6e92c078824003245a58.sdz)
[f=-000001] Warning: [PreGame::GameDataReceived] Archive Avalanche v3.1 (checksum 0xff7c6fb6) differs from the host's copy (checksum 0x1). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be two different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.
[f=-000001] Warning: [PreGame::GameDataReceived] Archive f33dda7d9d8a6e92c078824003245a58.sdz (checksum 0x25190e72) differs from the host's copy (checksum 0x1). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be two different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.
[f=-000001] PreGame::GameDataReceived] recording demo to "E:\Spring\demos\20171118_103545_Avalanche v3_104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance.sdfz"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::GameDataReceived] 257ms
[f=-000001] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] received user number 0 (team 0, allyteam 1), creating load-screen
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Searching for new Widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Addons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Widgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemAddons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemWidgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/chili/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "SpringLogo"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadTexture"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadProgress"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Main"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Music"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "WM Stuff"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widgets   <>=vfs  **=raw  ()=unknown
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      WM Stuff               <wm.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadProgress           <loadprogress.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      Main                   <main.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadTexture            <bg_texture.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] LuaIntro v1.0 (Lua 5.1)
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::Init] single-threaded
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [load]
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][1] globalQuit=0 threaded=0
[f=-000001] Parsing Map Information
[f=-000001] Loading SMF
[f=-000001] Loading Map (25 MB)
[f=-000001] Loading Radar Icons
[f=-000001] Loading GameData Definitions
[f=-000001] Loading UnitDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading FeatureDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading WeaponDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading ArmorDefs_posts
[f=-000001] [defs.lua] loading all *Defs tables: 187ms
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (GameData)] 271ms
[f=-000001] Loading Sound Definitions
[f=-000001] [Sound] Warning: Sound incomingchat is missing file tag (ignoring)
[f=-000001] [Sound]  parsed 322 sounds from gamedata/sounds.lua
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "IncomingChat"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [Sound::GetSoundId] could not find sound "IncomingChat"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (Sound)] 11ms
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][2] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] Creating Smooth Height Mesh
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][SmoothHeightMesh::MakeSmoothMesh] 15ms
[f=-000001] Creating QuadField & CEGs
[f=-000001] [CDamageArrayHandler] number of ArmorDefs: 6
[f=-000001] Warning: [CDamageArrayHandler] UnitDef "chicken" in ArmorDef "else" already belongs to ArmorDef category 1!
[f=-000001] [RegisterAssimpModelFormats] supported Assimp model formats: *.3ds;*.blend;*.dae;*.lwo;
[f=-000001] Creating Unit Textures
[f=-000001] Creating Sky
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][3] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] Loading Weapon Definitions
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (WeaponDefs)] 1887ms
[f=-000001] Loading Unit Definitions
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (UnitDefs)] 153ms
[f=-000001] Loading Feature Definitions
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (FeatureDefs)] 33ms
[f=-000001] [IPathManager::GetInstance] using DEFAULT path-manager
[f=-000001] Initializing Map Features
[f=-000001] Error: [LoadFeatureDefsFromMap] unknown map feature type "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [LoadFeatureDefsFromMap] unknown map feature type "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [LoadFeatureDefsFromMap] unknown map feature type "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [LoadFeatureDefsFromMap] unknown map feature type "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [LoadFeatureDefsFromMap] unknown map feature type "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [LoadFeatureDefsFromMap] unknown map feature type "snowtree6"
[f=-000001] Error: [LoadFeatureDefsFromMap] unknown map feature type "snowtree7"
[f=-000001] Error: [LoadFeatureDefsFromMap] unknown map feature type ""
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree3"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree5"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree2"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree1"
[f=-000001] Error: [GetFeatureDef] could not find FeatureDef "snowtree4"
[f=-000001] Creating ShadowHandler
[f=-000001] Creating InfoTextureHandler
[f=-000001] InfoTexture: shaders
[f=-000001] Creating GroundDrawer
[f=-000001] Loading Map Tiles
[f=-000001] Loading Square Textures
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CSMFGroundTextures::ConvolveHeightMap] 0ms
[f=-000001] Switching to ROAM Mesh Rendering
[f=-000001] Creating TreeDrawer
[f=-000001] Loaded DecalsDrawer: Legacy
[f=-000001] Creating ProjectileDrawer & UnitDrawer
[f=-000001] Creating Projectile Textures
[f=-000001] Creating Water
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][4] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadInterface (Camera&Mouse)] 48ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "MultiSelect"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [Sound::GetSoundId] could not find sound "MultiSelect"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadInterface (Console)] 108ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "FailedCommand"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [Sound::GetSoundId] could not find sound "FailedCommand"
[f=-000001] Loading LuaRules
[f=-000001] Synced LuaRules: starting loading
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Mantis 5480         <hax_mantis_5480.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Metalspot Finder Gadget  <mex_spot_finder.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Save/Load           <api_saveload.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Startbox handler    <start_boxes.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  No Friendly Fire    <unit_nofriendlyfire.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  IconGenerator       <unit_icongenerator.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Mex Placement       <mex_placement.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Nano Frame Death Handeling  <unit_nanoframe_death.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Nano Frame Rate Limit  <unit_nanoframe_rate_limit.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  No Self-D           <unit_noselfd.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  ShareControl        <share_control.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  UnitPriority        <unit_priority.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Mex Control with energy link  <unit_mex_overdrive.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Script notification  <unit_script_notification.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Antinuke Handler    <unit_antinuke_handler.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Attributes          <unit_attributes.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Boolean Disable     <unit_boolean_disable.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Impulse Float Toggle  <unit_impulsefloat_toggle.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  LockOptions         <lockunits_modoption.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Perks               <game_perks.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Shield Charge       <unit_shield_charge.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  StartSetup          <start_unit_setup.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Stockpile           <unit_stockpile.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  UnitMorph           <unit_morph.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  AirPlantParents     <unit_air_plants.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  AirTransport_SeaPickup  <unit_transport_pickup_floating_amphib.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Aircraft Command    <unit_bomber_command.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Aircraft Crashing   <unit_aircraft_crash.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Allow Builder Hold Fire  <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Area Guard          <cmd_areaguard.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Block Ally Attack   <cmd_block_ally_attack.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Blocking Tag Implementation  <feature_blocking_tag_implementation.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Bomber Dive         <unit_bomber_dive.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  CAI                 <ai_cai.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  CEG Spawner         <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Capture             <unit_capture.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Carrier Drones      <unit_carrier_drones.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Command Raw Move    <cmd_raw_move.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Command Transfer Unit  <cmd_transfer_unit.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Constructor Auto Assist  <unit_factory_guard.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Control gunship strafe range  <unit_control_gunship_stafe_range.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  D-Gun Aim Fix       <unit_dgun_aim.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Debris physics      <feature_debris_physics.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Decloak when damaged  <unit_decloak_damaged.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Dev Commands        <dbg_dev_commands.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Disable Buildoptions  <unit_disable_buildoptions.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Dont fire at radar  <unit_dont_fire_at_radar.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Experience          <unit_xp.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Factory Anti Slacker  <factory_anti_slacker.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Factory Stop Production  <cmd_factory_stop_production.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Fall Damage         <unit_fall_damage.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Feature Effects     <feature_fx.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Fog Hidden Effects API  <api_fog_hidden_effects.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Galaxy Campaign Battle Handler  <mission_galaxy_campaign_battle.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  GameRules Events    <unit_gamerules_events.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Grey Goo            <unit_grey_goo.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Gunship Strafe Control  <unit_gunship_strafe_control.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Hide Autorepairlevel Command  <cmd_hide_autorepairlevel.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Instant Self Destruct  <unit_instant_self_destruct.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Invincibility       <unit_invincibility.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Jumpjets            <unit_jumpjets.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  LUS                 <unit_script.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Lag Monitor         <game_lagmonitor.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  LupsNanoSpray       <lups_nano_spray.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Missile Silo Controller  <unit_missilesilo.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Modular Comm Info   <api_modularcomms.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  NoAirNuke           <exp_no_air_nuke.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  One Click Weapon    <unit_oneclick_weapon.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Orbital Drop        <mission_orbital_drop.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Overkill Prevention  <unit_overkill_prevention.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Overkill Prevention Placeholder  <unit_overkill_prevention_placeholder.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Paralysis           <unit_paralysis_damage.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Player extra information  <player_extra_information.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Prevent Lab Hax     <unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Prevent Landship    <unit_prevent_landship.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Prevent turret overshoot  <unit_prevent_turret_overshoot.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Projectile Hold     <weapon_projectile_hold.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Projectile Radar Homing  <weapon_projectile_radar_homing.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Projectile Retarget  <weapon_projectile_retarget.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Puppy Handler       <unit_puppy_handler.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Reclaim HP changer  <unit_reclaim_hp.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Refuel Pad Handler  <unit_refuel_pad_handler.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Regeneration        <unit_regeneration.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Remove Wait         <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Repair Speed Changer  <unit_repair_speed.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Resign Gadget       <game_resign.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Retreat Command     <cmd_retreat.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Rezz Hp changer + effect  <unit_rezz_hp.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Self destruct blocker  <unit_self_destruct.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Set Nano Piece      <unit_setnanopiece.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Share mode          <game_share_mode.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Shield Link         <unit_shield_link.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Shockwaves          <lups_shockwaves.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Show Shooter        <unit_show_shooter.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Solar Force Closed  <unit_solar_force_closed.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Spherical LOS       <unit_spherical_los.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Tactical Unit AI    <unit_tactical_ai.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Target Priority     <unit_target_priority.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Target on the move  <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Teleporter          <unit_teleporter.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Terraformers        <unit_terraform.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Terrain Texture Handler  <terrain_texture_handler.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Time slow v2        <unit_timeslow.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Transport Selected Load  <cmd_select_load_helper.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Transport Speed     <unit_transport_speed.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  TransportAIbuttons  <unit_transport_ai_buttons.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Turn Without Interia  <unit_turn_without_interia.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Typemap Options     <typemap_options.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Unit removal from rezzed structures  <unit_removal_from_rezzed_structure.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  UnitStealth         <unit_stealth.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Units on fire       <unit_is_on_fire.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Wade Effects        <wake_fx.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Water Effects       <unit_water_effects.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Weapon Impulse      <weapon_impulse.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Windmill Control    <unit_windmill_control.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  api_subdir_gadgets.lua  <api_subdir_gadgets.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  api_widget_events.lua  <api_widget_events.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  astar.lua           <astar.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  feature placer v3   <fp_featureplacer.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  init_auto_ready.lua  <init_auto_ready.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  lups_cloak_fx.lua   <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  lups_thrusters.lua  <lups_thrusters.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  lups_wrapper.lua    <lups_wrapper.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  unit_default_commands.lua  <unit_default_commands.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  weapon_hide_sniper.lua  <weapon_hide_sniper.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Center Offset and Growth Scale  <unit_centeroffset.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Commander Upgrade   <unit_commander_upgrade.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  CustomUnitShaders   <api_custom_unit_shaders.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Factory exit flatten  <unit_factory_flatten.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Game Over           <game_over.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  UnitCloakShield     <unit_cloak_shield.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Water level modoption  <start_waterlevel.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Fighter pull-up     <unit_fighter_pullup.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Energy Drain        <unit_energy_drain.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Chicken control     <chicken_control.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Area Denial         <weapon_area_damage.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Cannot Damage Unit  <unit_cannot_damage_unit.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Disallow unit for command targeting  <unit_untargetable.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Single-Hit Weapon   <weapon_single_hit.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Starlight Satellite Capture  <unit_starlight_satellite_capture.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Noexplode Stopper   <weapon_noexplode_stopper.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Unit Explosion Spawner  <unit_explosion_spawner.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Shield Merge        <weapon_shield_merge.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Endgame Graphs      <endgame_graphs.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Awards              <awards.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Backup allyteam names  <start_teamnames.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Planet Wars Structures  <unit_planetwars.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Profiler            <dbg_profiler.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Zombies!            <unit_zombies.lua>
[f=-000001] Synced LuaRules: finished loading
[f=-000001] Unsynced LuaRules: starting loading
>> Loaded gadget:  Engine Taskbar Stuff  <engine_taskbar_stuff.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Metalspot Finder Gadget  <mex_spot_finder.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Save/Load           <api_saveload.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  IconGenerator       <unit_icongenerator.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Mex Placement       <mex_placement.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Script notification  <unit_script_notification.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  StartSetup          <start_unit_setup.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  UnitMorph           <unit_morph.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  AirTransport_SeaPickup  <unit_transport_pickup_floating_amphib.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Aircraft Command    <unit_bomber_command.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  AutoReadyStartpos   <init_auto_ready.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  CAI                 <ai_cai.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Capture             <unit_capture.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Command Raw Move    <cmd_raw_move.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Command Transfer Unit  <cmd_transfer_unit.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Constructor Auto Assist  <unit_factory_guard.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Dev Commands        <dbg_dev_commands.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Fog Hidden Effects API  <api_fog_hidden_effects.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Galaxy Campaign Battle Handler  <mission_galaxy_campaign_battle.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Invincibility       <unit_invincibility.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Jumpjets            <unit_jumpjets.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  LupsNanoSpray       <lups_nano_spray.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Misc default command replacements  <unit_default_commands.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Missile Silo Controller  <unit_missilesilo.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Modular Comm Info   <api_modularcomms.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  One Click Weapon    <unit_oneclick_weapon.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Resign Gadget       <game_resign.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Retreat Command     <cmd_retreat.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Share mode          <game_share_mode.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Shield Link         <unit_shield_link.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Shockwaves          <lups_shockwaves.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Teleporter          <unit_teleporter.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Terraformers        <unit_terraform.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Terrain Texture Handler  <terrain_texture_handler.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Thrusters           <lups_thrusters.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  TransportAIbuttons  <unit_transport_ai_buttons.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Widget Events       <api_widget_events.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  api_subdir_gadgets.lua  <api_subdir_gadgets.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  astar.lua           <astar.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_areaguard.lua   <cmd_areaguard.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_block_ally_attack.lua  <cmd_block_ally_attack.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_hide_autorepairlevel.lua  <cmd_hide_autorepairlevel.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_remove_wait.lua  <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_select_load_helper.lua  <cmd_select_load_helper.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  dbg_ceg_spawner.lua  <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  endgame_graphs.lua  <endgame_graphs.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  factory_anti_slacker.lua  <factory_anti_slacker.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  feature placer v3   <fp_featureplacer.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  feature_debris_physics.lua  <feature_debris_physics.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  feature_fx.lua      <feature_fx.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  game_lagmonitor.lua  <game_lagmonitor.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  game_over.lua       <game_over.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  game_perks.lua      <game_perks.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  hax_mantis_5480.lua  <hax_mantis_5480.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  lockunits_modoption.lua  <lockunits_modoption.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  player_extra_information.lua  <player_extra_information.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  share_control.lua   <share_control.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  start_boxes.lua     <start_boxes.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  start_teamnames.lua  <start_teamnames.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  start_waterlevel.lua  <start_waterlevel.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  typemap_options.lua  <typemap_options.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_air_plants.lua  <unit_air_plants.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_aircraft_crash.lua  <unit_aircraft_crash.lua>
[f=-000001] [Texture] Warning: [LoadAndCacheTexture] could not load primary texture "ad0_pine_snow_1.tga" from model "objects3d/ad0_pine_snow_1_l.s3o"
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua  <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_attributes.lua  <unit_attributes.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_bomber_dive.lua  <unit_bomber_dive.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_cannot_damage_unit.lua  <unit_cannot_damage_unit.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_carrier_drones.lua  <unit_carrier_drones.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_centeroffset.lua  <unit_centeroffset.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_control_gunship_stafe_range.lua  <unit_control_gunship_stafe_range.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_dont_fire_at_radar.lua  <unit_dont_fire_at_radar.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_factory_flatten.lua  <unit_factory_flatten.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_fall_damage.lua  <unit_fall_damage.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_fighter_pullup.lua  <unit_fighter_pullup.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_gamerules_events.lua  <unit_gamerules_events.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_grass_cutter.lua  <unit_grass_cutter.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_impulsefloat_toggle.lua  <unit_impulsefloat_toggle.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_is_on_fire.lua  <unit_is_on_fire.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_marketplace.lua  <unit_marketplace.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_mex_overdrive.lua  <unit_mex_overdrive.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_overkill_prevention.lua  <unit_overkill_prevention.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_overkill_prevention_placeholder.lua  <unit_overkill_prevention_placeholder.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_planetwars.lua  <unit_planetwars.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua  <unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_landship.lua  <unit_prevent_landship.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_turret_overshoot.lua  <unit_prevent_turret_overshoot.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_priority.lua   <unit_priority.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_regeneration.lua  <unit_regeneration.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_removal_from_rezzed_structure.lua  <unit_removal_from_rezzed_structure.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_rezz_hp.lua    <unit_rezz_hp.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_self_destruct.lua  <unit_self_destruct.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_solar_force_closed.lua  <unit_solar_force_closed.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_spherical_los.lua  <unit_spherical_los.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_starlight_satellite_capture.lua  <unit_starlight_satellite_capture.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_stealth.lua    <unit_stealth.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_target_on_the_move.lua  <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_target_priority.lua  <unit_target_priority.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_transport_speed.lua  <unit_transport_speed.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_turn_without_interia.lua  <unit_turn_without_interia.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_untargetable.lua  <unit_untargetable.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_water_effects.lua  <unit_water_effects.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_windmill_control.lua  <unit_windmill_control.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_xp.lua         <unit_xp.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_zombies.lua    <unit_zombies.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  wake_fx.lua         <wake_fx.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_area_damage.lua  <weapon_area_damage.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_impulse.lua  <weapon_impulse.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_noexplode_stopper.lua  <weapon_noexplode_stopper.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_shield_merge.lua  <weapon_shield_merge.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_single_hit.lua  <weapon_single_hit.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Commander Upgrade   <unit_commander_upgrade.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  CustomUnitShaders   <api_custom_unit_shaders.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  UnitCloakShield     <unit_cloak_shield.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Lups Cloak FX       <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Chicken control     <chicken_control.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Unit Explosion Spawner  <unit_explosion_spawner.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Lups                <lups_wrapper.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Awards              <awards.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Chicken Spawner     <unit_spawner.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Profiler            <dbg_profiler.lua>
[f=-000001] Unsynced LuaRules: finished loading
[f=-000001] Loading LuaGaia
[f=-000001] Loading LuaUI
[f=-000001] LuaUI Entry Point: "luaui.lua"
[f=-000001] LuaUI Access Lock: enabled
[f=-000001] LuaSocket Enabled: yes
[f=-000001] Using LUAUI_DIRNAME = LuaUI/
[f=-000001] Reloading GUI config from file: LuaUI/ctrlpanel.txt
[f=-000001] LuaUI: bound F11 to the widget selector
[f=-000001] LuaUI: bound CTRL+F11 to tweak mode
[f=-000001] Loading last game win data
[f=-000001] Resetting win data
[f=-000001] Last game player count: 1, This game player count: 2
[f=-000001] Last game allyTeam count: 3, This game allyTeam count: 3
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Cluster Detection   <api_cluster_detection.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Shared Functions    <api_shared_functions.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  i18n                <api_i18n.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Hacky version fix   <hacky_version_fix.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Win Counter         <api_win_counter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Modular Comm Info   <api_modularcomms.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Draw Mouse Build    <api_draw_mouse_build.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  CommandInsert       <cmd_commandinsert.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Chili Framework     <api_chili.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Lag (AFK) monitor   <api_lag_monitor.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Pre-Selection Handler  <api_preselection.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Lups                <lups_wrapper.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Highlight     <gui_chili_highlight.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Selection Hierarchy  <gui_selection_hierarchy.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Deferred rendering  <gfx_deferred_rendering.lua>
[f=-000001] Hardware mouse-cursor is enabled!
[f=-000001] Set "shadows" config-parameter to 1
[f=-000001] Ground-decals rendering is enabled!
[f=-000001] Set maximum particles to: 50000
[f=-000001] Set UnitLodDist to 9999
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 151
[f=-000001] model shaders is enabled!
[f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, false
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  EPIC Menu           <gui_epicmenu.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Custom Markers      <gui_custom_markers.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Widget Selector  <api_chili_widgetselector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Hide Interface Action  <gui_hide_interface_action.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Minimap       <gui_chili_minimap.lua>
[f=-000001] Mexspot Fetcher fetching
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Mexspot Fetcher     <api_mexspot_fetcher.lua>
[f=-000001] Team highlighting: Disabled
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Teamhighlight option  <gui_teamhighlight.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Local Team Colors   <gui_local_colors.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Display Keys 2      <gui_chili_display_keys.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Save Game Menu      <gui_savegame.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Area-reclaim trees  <unit_tree_reclaim.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Global Commands  <gui_chili_global_commands.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Noises              <snd_noises.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Terraform Icon Draw  <unit_terraform_draw.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attrition Counter   <gui_attrition_counter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Commander Upgrade  <gui_chili_commander_upgrade.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  HealthBars          <unit_healthbars.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Unit Icons          <unit_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Outline             <gfx_outline.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Vote Display  <gui_chili_vote.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Commander Name Tags   <unit_comm_nametags.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto Patrol Nanos   <unit_auto_patrol_nanos.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Double-Click attack-move  <cmd_doubleclick_attackmove.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  BuildETA            <gui_build_eta.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  EndGame Stats       <gui_chili_endgraph.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Objectives          <mission_objectives.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cloak Fire State 2  <unit_cloakfirestate2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Depth of Field Shader  <gfx_dof.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Initial Queue ZK    <unit_initial_queue.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Unit Marker Zero-K  <unit_marker.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Area Attack Tweak   <cmd_area_attack_tweak.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Autoquit            <autoquit.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Nuke Warning  <gui_chili_nuke_warning.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Ferry Points        <cmd_ferry_points.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  In-game Guide       <gui_ingame_guide.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Keep Target         <cmd_keep_target.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Orbit Command       <cmd_orbit.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  State Reverse Toggle  <cmd_state_reverse_toggle.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Transport Load Double Tap  <cmd_select_load.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  In-game Ignore      <ignore.lua>
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Grab Input          <api_grabinput.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Set Springsettings  <api_set_springsettings.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Music Player        <snd_music.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Game Analytics Handler  <api_game_analytics.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Galaxy Battle Handler  <mission_galaxy_battle_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Frame Gap Logger    <dbg_frame_gap_logger.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Guard Remove        <cmd_guard_remove.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Projectile Lights   <gfx_projectile_lights.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Stereo3D            <gfx_stereo3d.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  NoDuplicateOrders   <cmd_no_duplicate_orders.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  XrayShader          <gfx_xray_shader.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Mex Placement Handler  <cmd_mex_placement.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CameraShake         <camera_shake.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Raw Move Issue      <cmd_raw_move_issue.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Antinuke Coverage   <gui_antinuke_coverage.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Blast Radius        <gui_blastradius.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili EndGame Window  <gui_chili_endgamewindow.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Inactivity Win  <gui_chili_inactivity_win.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Selections & CursorTip v2  <gui_chili_selections_and_cursortip.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Spectator Panels  <gui_chili_spectator_panels.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Context Menu        <gui_contextmenu.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Darkening           <gui_darkening.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Defense Range Zero-K  <gui_defenserange.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Economic Victory Announcer  <gui_economic_victory_announcer.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Haven Handler       <gui_havens.lua>
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Icon Height         <gui_iconheight.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Highlight Geos      <gui_highlight_geos.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Persistent Build Spacing  <gui_persistent_build_spacing.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Point Tracker       <gui_point_tracker.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  ReclaimInfo         <gui_reclaiminfo.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Spectate Selected Team  <gui_spectate_selected_team.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Showeco and Grid Drawer  <gui_showeco_action.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Simple Settings     <gui_simple_settings.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  MinimapEvents       <minimap_events.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Mission Results Handler  <mission_results.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Local Widgets Config  <localwidgets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Missile Silo Range  <missilesilo_range.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Decloak Range       <unit_decloak_range.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Decoration Handler  <unit_decoration_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto First Build Facing  <init_autofirstbuildfacing.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Morph Finished notification  <unit_morph_finished.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Show All Commands v2  <unit_showallcommands_2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smart Bombers       <unit_smart_bombers.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Voice Assistant     <unit_voice.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Economy Panel Default  <gui_chili_economy_panel2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Stop Self-D         <cmd_stop_selfd.lua>
[f=-000001] game_message: Cleared Autogroups.
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto Group          <unit_auto_group.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cheat Sheet         <gui_chili_cheats.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Ghost Site          <unit_ghostsite.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attack Warning      <unit_attack_warning.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Comm-n-Elo Startpos. Info  <init_startpointelocom_info.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Startup Info and Selector  <init_startup_info_selector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Start Point Remover & Comm Selector  <init_start_point_remover.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili AI Set Start  <gui_chili_ai_start_pos.lua>
[f=-000001] <Replay control buttons> Live mode. Widget removed.
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Replay control buttons  <gui_replay_controls.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Custom Modoptions Info  <gui_custommodoptions_info.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Icon Sets           <gui_icon_sets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Recorder (Save)     <dbg_recorder_save.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smooth Scroll       <camera_smooth_move.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attack AoE          <gui_attack_aoe.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  UnitNoStuckInFactory  <unit_nostuck_infactory.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Unit Start State    <unit_start_state.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  PlanetWars Info     <gui_planetwars_info.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Commands FX         <gfx_commands_fx.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  MessageBoxes ZK     <mission_messagebox_zk.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  UnitShapes          <unit_shapes.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Map Edge Extension  <map_edge_extension.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CEG Spawner         <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Gadget Icons        <api_gadget_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Selection Send      <api_selectionsend.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  AllyCursors         <gui_ally_cursors.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Rank Icons 2        <unit_rank_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  State Icons         <unit_state_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Waypoint Dragger    <unit_waypoint_dragger_2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cloaker Guard       <unit_cloaker_guard.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Building Starter    <unit_building_starter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Lua Metal Decals    <gfx_dynamic_metal.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  LupsManager         <gfx_lups_manager.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Units on Fire       <gfx_lups_units_on_fire.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smoke Signals       <gfx_lups_smokesignal.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Newton Firezone     <cmd_newton_firezone.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Receive Units Indicator  <gui_recv_indicator.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto-toggle false color vision  <gui_auto_engine_falsecolor.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Pro Console   <gui_chili_proconsole_test.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Docking       <api_chili_docking.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Crude Player List  <gui_chili_crudeplayerlist.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  HUD Presets         <gui_hud_presets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Image Preloader     <dbg_img_preload.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Core Selector  <gui_chili_core_selector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili FactoryPanel  <gui_chili_facpanel.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Default Group Recall Fix  <gui_group_recall_fix.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Select Keys         <gui_selectkeys.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Combo Overhead/Free Camera (experimental)  <camera_cofc.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Start Boxes         <minimap_startbox_new.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Share menu v1.24  <gui_chili_share.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Pause Screen        <gui_pausescreen.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Restricted Zones    <gui_restrictedzones.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Jumpjet GUI         <gui_jumpjets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CustomFormations2   <cmd_customformations2.lua>
[f=-000001] SetSunLighting
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Sun and Atmosphere Handler.  <gfx_sun_and_atmosphere.lua>
[f=-000001] Removed 'GC at >100MB': disabled.
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  GC at >300MB        <dbg_forcegc_spring97.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Lasso Terraform GUI  <gui_lasso_terraform.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Text To Speech Control  <snd_text_to_speech.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Layout Handler      <cmd_layout_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Color Blindness Correction  <gfx_color_blindness_correction.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Integral Menu  <gui_chili_integral_menu.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Persistent Build Height  <gui_persistent_build_height.lua>
[f=-000001] Writing last game win data
[f=-000001] LuaUI v0.3
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][5] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] placing 0 unit(s)
[f=-000001] placing 419 feature(s)
[f=-000001] placing 0 building(s)
[f=-000001] [LoadFinalize] finalizing PFS
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] BLOCK_SIZE=16
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] PATHESTIMATOR_VERSION=89
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] heightMapChecksum=cfbd1d4c
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] typeMapChecksum=6f767fcb
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] moveDefChecksum=35c062f7
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] blockMapChecksum=dcba07b3
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] estimatorHashCode=51ae082a
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=51ae082a file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Avalanche" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] creating PE16 cache with 8 PF threads (28 MB)
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 297 of 1024 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 365 of 1024 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 432 of 1024 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 805 of 1024 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 869 of 1024 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 935 of 1024 blocks
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] writing PE16 pe-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::WriteFile] hash=51ae082a file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Avalanche" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] written PE16 pe-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] BLOCK_SIZE=32
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] PATHESTIMATOR_VERSION=89
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] heightMapChecksum=cfbd1d4c
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] typeMapChecksum=6f767fcb
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] moveDefChecksum=35c062f7
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] blockMapChecksum=dcba07b3
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] estimatorHashCode=51ae083a
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=51ae083a file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Avalanche" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] creating PE32 cache with 8 PF threads (10 MB)
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 6 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 23 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 45 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 61 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 81 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 100 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 126 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 147 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 166 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 188 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 213 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 245 of 256 blocks
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] writing PE32 pe2-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::WriteFile] hash=51ae083a file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Avalanche" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] written PE32 pe2-cache to file
[f=-000001] [LoadFinalize] finalized PFS (495ms, checksum 9f509060)
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][6] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaIntro (unsynced)] index=2 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,11970,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] Mex Placement Initialised with 21 spots.
[f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, false
[f=-000001] UpdateInterfacePreset, minimapRight
[f=-000001] Switching to Free style camera
[f=-000001] GameID: 7b7d105aaf5a471eee770cd44e5162e7
[f=-000001] Connection attempt from Shadowfury333
[f=-000001]  -> Version: 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance
[f=-000001] Epicmenu: Switching to COFC camera mode
[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1081x104bpp@704971900Hz (windowed::borderless)
[f=-000001] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 0%
[f=-000001] UpdateInterfacePreset, minimapRight
[f=-000001]  -> Connection established (given id 0)
[f=-000001] Connection attempt from filch
[f=-000001]  -> Version: 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance
[f=-000001]  -> Connection established (given id 1)
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Shadowfury333" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums={0x1,0xff7c6fb6}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Shadowfury333" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums={0x1,0x25190e72}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="filch" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums={0x1,0xff7c6fb6}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="filch" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums={0x1,0x25190e72}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Shadowfury333" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=16][SHA_DATA=bde52788ba658c2dddc21274392391d792d6dd0a48390bb4aeb0f7bbdbaf366805339915278e6bdac009abd171b9753b6dcc2b608bf32ea59514cc42e7f3aa10]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Shadowfury333" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=32][SHA_DATA=5b0174aa4850af1c8077dbcfce473da50f63708f65999f2946101b02d64424ce297d75d867c8f823f3182d61fbc4823fc5ac7330046b7dd1d0784f1195ab9fc6]"
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="filch" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=16][SHA_DATA=bde52788ba658c2dddc21274392391d792d6dd0a48390bb4aeb0f7bbdbaf366805339915278e6bdac009abd171b9753b6dcc2b608bf32ea59514cc42e7f3aa10]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="filch" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=32][SHA_DATA=5b0174aa4850af1c8077dbcfce473da50f63708f65999f2946101b02d64424ce297d75d867c8f823f3182d61fbc4823fc5ac7330046b7dd1d0784f1195ab9fc6]"
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=-000001] <Shadowfury333> Allies: I choose: Guardian!
[f=-000001] <Shadowfury333> glhf
[f=-000001] pregameUnitStorage, 0, 0
[f=-000001] pregameUnitStorage, 1, 0
[f=-000001] pregameUnitStorage, 2, 0
[f=0000060] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;vehcon;Mason
[f=0000060] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;vehscout;Dart
[f=0000060] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;vehraid;Scorcher
[f=0000060] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;vehsupport;Fencer
[f=0000060] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;vehriot;Ripper
[f=0000060] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;vehassault;Ravager
[f=0000060] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;vehcapture;Dominatrix
[f=0000060] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;veharty;Badger
[f=0000060] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;vehheavyarty;Impaler
[f=0000060] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;vehaa;Crasher
[f=0000060] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@reload
[f=0000206] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(MULTIPLAYERS) added to channel (zk)
[f=0001005] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0001080] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0001239] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0001338] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0001402] DesignEvent, events_22_10_2017:game_v2:unit:first_start_building:vehscout, 78.0479965
[f=0001545] game_message: Scorcher is under attack
[f=0001780] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0001852] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0001995] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0002072] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0002254] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0002300] game_message: Dart is under attack
[f=0003609] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0003730] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0003767] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0004360] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0004514] frames-per-second indicator is disabled!
[f=0004813] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0004851] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0004966] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0005212] game_message: Dart is under attack
[f=0005667] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(MULTIPLAYERS) added to channel (zk)
[f=0005672] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0005830] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0005866] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0005873] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0005943] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0005953] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0005977] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0006242] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(Tomu) added to channel (zk)
[f=0006690] game_message: Scorcher is under attack
[f=0008118] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0008129] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0008250] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0008360] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0008414] game_message: Dart is under attack
[f=0008893] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0008955] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0008957] game_message: Mason is under attack
[f=0008998] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0009072] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0009490] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(Rooin) added to channel (zk)
[f=0010070] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0011150] game_message: Metal Extractor is under attack
[f=0011362] game_message: Ripper is under attack
[f=0011513] game_message: Lotus is under attack
[f=0011664] game_message: Mason is under attack
[f=0011814] game_message: Lotus is under attack
[f=0011874] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0012013] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0012018] game_message: Lotus is under attack
[f=0012751] game_message: Ripper is under attack
[f=0012752] game_message: Added Ravager to autogroup #3.
[f=0012906] game_message: Ripper is under attack
[f=0014083] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0014150] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0014634] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0014643] game_message: Added Ripper to autogroup #3.
[f=0014643] game_message: Added Ravager to autogroup #3.
[f=0014838] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0014893] game_message: Ravager is under attack
[f=0015043] game_message: Ripper is under attack
[f=0016523] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0016546] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0016865] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0016902] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0017342] game_message: Added Fencer to autogroup #4.
[f=0017463] [Game::ClientReadNet] added new player Romux with number 2 to team 0
[f=0017463] > SPRINGIE:User Romux|armdeva|5_2|donator_0|False|MC|Federation|AT
[f=0017522] Connection attempt from Romux
[f=0017522]  -> Version: 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance
[f=0017522]  -> Connection established (given id 2)
[f=0017541] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Romux" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums={0x1,0xff7c6fb6}]"
[f=0017541] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Romux" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums={0x1,0x25190e72}]"
[f=0017651] game_message: Ripper is under attack
[f=0017821] game_message: Ripper is under attack
[f=0017938] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Romux" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=16][SHA_DATA=bde52788ba658c2dddc21274392391d792d6dd0a48390bb4aeb0f7bbdbaf366805339915278e6bdac009abd171b9753b6dcc2b608bf32ea59514cc42e7f3aa10]"
[f=0017969] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Romux" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=32][SHA_DATA=5b0174aa4850af1c8077dbcfce473da50f63708f65999f2946101b02d64424ce297d75d867c8f823f3182d61fbc4823fc5ac7330046b7dd1d0784f1195ab9fc6]"
[f=0018006] game_message: Ravager is under attack
[f=0018207] game_message: Ravager is under attack
[f=0019224] game_message: Mason is under attack
[f=0019280] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(Jummy) added to channel (zk)
[f=0019467] game_message: Ripper is under attack
[f=0019680] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0020456] game_message: Picket is under attack
[f=0020475] game_message: filch has been destroyed!
[f=0020475] game_message: Shadowfury333 wins!
[f=0020475] <autoquit> Automatically exiting in 10 seconds. Move mouse to cancel.
[f=0020478] <autoquit> Autoquit canceled.
[f=0020522] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0020586] <Shadowfury333> gg
[f=0020676] Spectator Romux left the game:  normal quit
[f=0020724] Spectator filch left the game:  normal quit
[f=0020730] Connection attempt from Romux
[f=0020730]  -> Version: 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance
[f=0020730]  -> Connection established (given id 2)
[f=0020731] > SPRINGIE:User Romux|armdeva|5_2|donator_0|False|MC|Federation|AT
[f=0020741] Server shutdown
[f=0020741] [ReloadOrRestart] Spring "E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\spring.exe" should be reloading
[f=0020741] [SpringApp::Reload][1]
[f=0020741] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=3 maximum=4 (init=0)
[f=0020741]     [async=0] threads=3 tasks=185564 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, -26815622319718859651517040802118148147748824148964831848997186108119122433835156262927008075810546177378245049127223517536747873443354945861366221325205504.000}, {0.000, 2.000}}ms
[f=0020741]         thread=1 tasks=92782 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, -0.000}, {-26815622214411052738685397653156710163683740715000299792284464148751078368799375132374653016526053349937436522193098984751461730476816799611644449090699264.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0020741]         thread=2 tasks=92782 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 2.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, -2.000}}ms
[f=0020741]     [async=1] threads=3 tasks=147 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 2.000}, {0.000, -26815622351344569414262657290478497402762509838901153334280912551446760376402189016750967245831219257928541442134790265269833492629371402354741942507536384.000}}ms
[f=0020741]         thread=1 tasks=78 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 26815622296491709060835844697727142978027990083048260316805374390935609860216301499188927744075573326557204689491753411859016369692946619005411684461314048.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, -2.000}}ms
[f=0020741]         thread=2 tasks=69 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 26815622311478540968407541777289576553870964261817897493896192923771171982792793167194755662543761610404984504161391296031706758515233970996994897904402432.000}}ms
[f=0020741] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[f=0020741] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=3 current=1 maximum=4 (init=1)
[f=0020741] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=2
[f=0020741] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 252
[f=0020741] [SpringApp::Reload][2]
[f=0020741] [~CDemoRecorder] writing demo "E:\Spring\demos\20171118_103545_Avalanche v3_104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance.sdfz"
[f=0020741] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=0 loadscreen=00000000
[f=0020741] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=0 luaGaia=00000000
[f=0020741] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=0 luaRules=21ae9590
[f=0020741] Start gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0020741] Shutdown - StartSetup
[f=0020741] Shutdown - UnitMorph
[f=0020741] Shutdown - LupsNanoSpray
[f=0020741] Shutdown - Missile Silo Controller
[f=0020741] Shutdown - Modular Comm Info
[f=0020741] Shutdown - Puppy Handler
[f=0020741] Shutdown - Terrain Texture Handler
[f=0020741] Shutdown - UnitCloakShield
[f=0020741] End gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0020741] Start gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0020741] Shutdown - UnitMorph
[f=0020741] Shutdown - Modular Comm Info
[f=0020741] Shutdown - Shockwaves
[f=0020741] Shutdown - UnitCloakShield
[f=0020741] Shutdown - Lups Cloak FX
[f=0020741] Shutdown - Lups
[f=0020741] End gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0020741] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (unsynced)] index=4294967295 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,159035083,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0020741] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (synced)] index=4294967295 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,159035083,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0020741] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=0 luaUI=11db7190
[f=0020741] Start widgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0020741] Shutdown - SaveOrderList Complete
[f=0020741] Writing last game win data
[f=0020741] Shutdown - SaveConfigData Complete
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili Highlight
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Deferred rendering
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - EPIC Menu
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Custom Markers
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili Widget Selector
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili Minimap
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Local Team Colors
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Display Keys 2
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Save Game Menu
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Noises
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Attrition Counter
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - HealthBars
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Unit Icons
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Outline
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Win Counter
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - BuildETA
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Depth of Field Shader
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Modular Comm Info
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili Nuke Warning
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Grab Input
[f=0020741] Input grabbing is disabled!
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Music Player
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Stereo3D
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - XrayShader
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Mex Placement Handler
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - CameraShake
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili EndGame Window
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili Selections & CursorTip v2
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili Spectator Panels
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Context Menu
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Darkening
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Highlight Geos
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Point Tracker
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Showeco and Grid Drawer
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - MinimapEvents
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Local Widgets Config
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Missile Silo Range
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Morph Finished notification
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili Economy Panel Default
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Attack Warning
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Startup Info and Selector
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Attack AoE
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - UnitShapes
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Map Edge Extension
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Selection Send
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Waypoint Dragger
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - LupsManager
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Newton Firezone
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Receive Units Indicator
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili Pro Console
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili Crude Player List
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili Framework
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Lups
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Chili Core Selector
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Combo Overhead/Free Camera (experimental)
[f=0020741] Switching to Overhead (TA) style camera
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Pause Screen
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Lasso Terraform GUI
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Text To Speech Control
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Layout Handler
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Color Blindness Correction
[f=0020741] Shutdown Widget - Persistent Build Height
[f=0020741] End widgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0020741] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaUI (unsynced)] index=4294967295 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,159139995,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0020741] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=0
[f=0020741] [SpringApp::Reload][3]
[f=0020741] [Sound] [~CSound][1] soundThread=06316294
[f=0020741] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[f=0020741] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] efx=12a3d448
[f=0020741] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=12160fb0 dev=066adff0
[f=0020741] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5]
[f=0020741] [Sound] [~CSound][2]
[f=0020741] [Sound] [~CSound][3]
[f=0020741] [SpringApp::Reload][4]
[f=0020741] [Game::~CGame][1]
[f=0020741] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=1 loadscreen=00000000
[f=0020741] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=1 luaGaia=00000000
[f=0020741] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=1 luaRules=00000000
[f=0020741] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=1 luaUI=00000000
[f=0020741] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=1
[f=0020741] [Game::KillMisc][1]
[f=0020741] [Game::KillMisc][2]
[f=0020741] [Game::KillMisc][3]
[f=0020741] [Game::KillRendering][1]
[f=0020741] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 4%
[f=0020741] [Game::KillInterface][1]
[f=0020741] [Game::KillInterface][2]
[f=0020741] [Game::KillSimulation][1]
[f=0020741] [Game::KillSimulation][2] unitHandler=16e55c68
[f=0020741] [CCollisionHandler] dis-/continuous tests: 0/9582526
[f=0020741] [Game::KillSimulation][3]
[f=0020741] [~CPathCache(16x16)] cacheHits=0 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=0
[f=0020741] [~CPathCache(16x16)] cacheHits=229 hitPercentage=47% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=20
[f=0020741] [~CPathCache(32x32)] cacheHits=0 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=0
[f=0020741] [~CPathCache(32x32)] cacheHits=382 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=201
[f=0020741] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 4%
[f=0020741] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 4%
[f=0020741] LosHandler stats: total instances=12004; shared=0%; from cache=20%
[f=0020741] [Game::KillSimulation][4]
[f=0020741] [Game::~CGame][2]
[f=0020741] [Game::~CGame][3]
[f=0020741] [UDPConnection::Statistics]
    Received: 251612 bytes in 7604 packets (0.000000 bytes/package)
    Sent: 415845 bytes in 11877 packets (0.000000 bytes/package)
    Relative protocol overhead: 0.000000 up, 0.000000 down
    2 incoming chunks dropped, 11 outgoing chunks resent

[f=0020741] [SpringApp::Reload][5]
[f=0020741] [SpringApp::Reload][6]
[f=0020741] Scanning: E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\base
[f=0020741] Scanning: E:\Spring\maps
[f=0020741] Scanning: E:\Spring\games
[f=0020741] Scanning: E:\Spring\packages
[f=0020741] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 26ms
[f=0020741] [SpringApp::Reload][7]
[f=0020741] [SpringApp::Reload][8]
[f=0020741] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 1ms
[f=0020741] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.0ms)
[f=0020741] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=32
[f=0020741] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[f=0020741] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[f=0020741] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][2] opening default device "OpenAL Soft"
[f=0020741] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][3] device=22cbac30 context=121608c0
[f=0020741] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[f=0020741] [Sound]   Vendor:         OpenAL Community
[f=0020741] [Sound]   Version:        1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[f=0020741] [Sound]   Renderer:       OpenAL Soft
------- TRUNCATED -------
>> Loaded gadget:  Command Transfer Unit  <cmd_transfer_unit.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Constructor Auto Assist  <unit_factory_guard.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Dev Commands        <dbg_dev_commands.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Fog Hidden Effects API  <api_fog_hidden_effects.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Galaxy Campaign Battle Handler  <mission_galaxy_campaign_battle.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Invincibility       <unit_invincibility.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Jumpjets            <unit_jumpjets.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  LupsNanoSpray       <lups_nano_spray.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Misc default command replacements  <unit_default_commands.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Missile Silo Controller  <unit_missilesilo.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Modular Comm Info   <api_modularcomms.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  One Click Weapon    <unit_oneclick_weapon.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Resign Gadget       <game_resign.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Retreat Command     <cmd_retreat.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Share mode          <game_share_mode.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Shield Link         <unit_shield_link.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Shockwaves          <lups_shockwaves.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Teleporter          <unit_teleporter.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Terraformers        <unit_terraform.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Terrain Texture Handler  <terrain_texture_handler.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Thrusters           <lups_thrusters.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  TransportAIbuttons  <unit_transport_ai_buttons.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Widget Events       <api_widget_events.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  api_subdir_gadgets.lua  <api_subdir_gadgets.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  astar.lua           <astar.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_areaguard.lua   <cmd_areaguard.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_block_ally_attack.lua  <cmd_block_ally_attack.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_hide_autorepairlevel.lua  <cmd_hide_autorepairlevel.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_remove_wait.lua  <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_select_load_helper.lua  <cmd_select_load_helper.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  dbg_ceg_spawner.lua  <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  endgame_graphs.lua  <endgame_graphs.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  factory_anti_slacker.lua  <factory_anti_slacker.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  feature_debris_physics.lua  <feature_debris_physics.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  feature_fx.lua      <feature_fx.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  game_lagmonitor.lua  <game_lagmonitor.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  game_over.lua       <game_over.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  game_perks.lua      <game_perks.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  hax_mantis_5480.lua  <hax_mantis_5480.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  lockunits_modoption.lua  <lockunits_modoption.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  player_extra_information.lua  <player_extra_information.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  share_control.lua   <share_control.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  start_boxes.lua     <start_boxes.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  start_teamnames.lua  <start_teamnames.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  start_waterlevel.lua  <start_waterlevel.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  typemap_options.lua  <typemap_options.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_air_plants.lua  <unit_air_plants.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_aircraft_crash.lua  <unit_aircraft_crash.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua  <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_attributes.lua  <unit_attributes.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_bomber_dive.lua  <unit_bomber_dive.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_cannot_damage_unit.lua  <unit_cannot_damage_unit.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_carrier_drones.lua  <unit_carrier_drones.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_centeroffset.lua  <unit_centeroffset.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_control_gunship_stafe_range.lua  <unit_control_gunship_stafe_range.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_dont_fire_at_radar.lua  <unit_dont_fire_at_radar.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_factory_flatten.lua  <unit_factory_flatten.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_fall_damage.lua  <unit_fall_damage.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_fighter_pullup.lua  <unit_fighter_pullup.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_gamerules_events.lua  <unit_gamerules_events.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_grass_cutter.lua  <unit_grass_cutter.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_impulsefloat_toggle.lua  <unit_impulsefloat_toggle.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_is_on_fire.lua  <unit_is_on_fire.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_marketplace.lua  <unit_marketplace.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_mex_overdrive.lua  <unit_mex_overdrive.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_overkill_prevention.lua  <unit_overkill_prevention.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_overkill_prevention_placeholder.lua  <unit_overkill_prevention_placeholder.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_planetwars.lua  <unit_planetwars.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua  <unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_landship.lua  <unit_prevent_landship.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_turret_overshoot.lua  <unit_prevent_turret_overshoot.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_priority.lua   <unit_priority.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_regeneration.lua  <unit_regeneration.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_removal_from_rezzed_structure.lua  <unit_removal_from_rezzed_structure.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_rezz_hp.lua    <unit_rezz_hp.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_self_destruct.lua  <unit_self_destruct.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_solar_force_closed.lua  <unit_solar_force_closed.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_spherical_los.lua  <unit_spherical_los.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_starlight_satellite_capture.lua  <unit_starlight_satellite_capture.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_stealth.lua    <unit_stealth.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_target_on_the_move.lua  <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_target_priority.lua  <unit_target_priority.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_transport_speed.lua  <unit_transport_speed.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_turn_without_interia.lua  <unit_turn_without_interia.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_untargetable.lua  <unit_untargetable.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_water_effects.lua  <unit_water_effects.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_windmill_control.lua  <unit_windmill_control.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_xp.lua         <unit_xp.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_zombies.lua    <unit_zombies.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  wake_fx.lua         <wake_fx.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_area_damage.lua  <weapon_area_damage.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_impulse.lua  <weapon_impulse.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_noexplode_stopper.lua  <weapon_noexplode_stopper.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_shield_merge.lua  <weapon_shield_merge.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_single_hit.lua  <weapon_single_hit.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Commander Upgrade   <unit_commander_upgrade.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  CustomUnitShaders   <api_custom_unit_shaders.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  UnitCloakShield     <unit_cloak_shield.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Lups Cloak FX       <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Chicken control     <chicken_control.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Unit Explosion Spawner  <unit_explosion_spawner.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Lups                <lups_wrapper.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Awards              <awards.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Chicken Spawner     <unit_spawner.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Profiler            <dbg_profiler.lua>
[f=-000001] Unsynced LuaRules: finished loading
[f=-000001] Loading LuaGaia
[f=-000001] Loading LuaUI
[f=-000001] LuaUI Entry Point: "luaui.lua"
[f=-000001] LuaUI Access Lock: enabled
[f=-000001] LuaSocket Enabled: yes
[f=-000001] Using LUAUI_DIRNAME = LuaUI/
[f=-000001] Reloading GUI config from file: LuaUI/ctrlpanel.txt
[f=-000001] LuaUI: bound F11 to the widget selector
[f=-000001] LuaUI: bound CTRL+F11 to tweak mode
[f=-000001] Loading last game win data
[f=-000001] Resetting win data
[f=-000001] Last game player count: 2, This game player count: 2
[f=-000001] Last game allyTeam count: 3, This game allyTeam count: 3
[f=-000001] Player and team counts match, continuing
[f=-000001] Shadowfury333 was in last game but is now absent, resetting scores
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Cluster Detection   <api_cluster_detection.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Shared Functions    <api_shared_functions.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  i18n                <api_i18n.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Hacky version fix   <hacky_version_fix.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Win Counter         <api_win_counter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Modular Comm Info   <api_modularcomms.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Draw Mouse Build    <api_draw_mouse_build.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  CommandInsert       <cmd_commandinsert.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Chili Framework     <api_chili.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Lag (AFK) monitor   <api_lag_monitor.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Pre-Selection Handler  <api_preselection.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Lups                <lups_wrapper.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Highlight     <gui_chili_highlight.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Selection Hierarchy  <gui_selection_hierarchy.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Deferred rendering  <gfx_deferred_rendering.lua>
[f=-000001] Hardware mouse-cursor is enabled!
[f=-000001] Set "shadows" config-parameter to 1
[f=-000001] Ground-decals rendering is enabled!
[f=-000001] Set maximum particles to: 50000
[f=-000001] Set UnitLodDist to 9999
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 151
[f=-000001] model shaders is enabled!
[f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, false
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  EPIC Menu           <gui_epicmenu.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Custom Markers      <gui_custom_markers.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Widget Selector  <api_chili_widgetselector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Hide Interface Action  <gui_hide_interface_action.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Minimap       <gui_chili_minimap.lua>
[f=-000001] Mexspot Fetcher fetching
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Mexspot Fetcher     <api_mexspot_fetcher.lua>
[f=-000001] Team highlighting: Disabled
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Teamhighlight option  <gui_teamhighlight.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Local Team Colors   <gui_local_colors.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Display Keys 2      <gui_chili_display_keys.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Save Game Menu      <gui_savegame.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Area-reclaim trees  <unit_tree_reclaim.lua>
[f=-000001] Finished Snow / Rain Shader
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Precipitation v0.2  <precipitation_particles.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Global Commands  <gui_chili_global_commands.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Noises              <snd_noises.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Terraform Icon Draw  <unit_terraform_draw.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attrition Counter   <gui_attrition_counter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Commander Upgrade  <gui_chili_commander_upgrade.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  HealthBars          <unit_healthbars.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Unit Icons          <unit_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Outline             <gfx_outline.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Vote Display  <gui_chili_vote.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Commander Name Tags   <unit_comm_nametags.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto Patrol Nanos   <unit_auto_patrol_nanos.lua>
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "LuaUI/sounds/ambient/rain_thunder_loop2.ogg"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "LuaUI/sounds/ambient/rain_thunder_loop3.ogg"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "LuaUI/sounds/ambient/rain_thunder_loop4.ogg"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "LuaUI/sounds/ambient/rain_thunder_loop5.ogg"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "LuaUI/sounds/ambient/rain_thunder_loop6.ogg"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "LuaUI/sounds/ambient/rain_thunder_loop7.ogg"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "LuaUI/sounds/ambient/rain_thunder_loop8.ogg"
[f=-000001] [Sound]  parsed 8 sounds from LuaUI/sounds/ambient/ambientplaylist.lua
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Ambient Player      <ambientplayer.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Double-Click attack-move  <cmd_doubleclick_attackmove.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  BuildETA            <gui_build_eta.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  EndGame Stats       <gui_chili_endgraph.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Objectives          <mission_objectives.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cloak Fire State 2  <unit_cloakfirestate2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Depth of Field Shader  <gfx_dof.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Initial Queue ZK    <unit_initial_queue.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Unit Marker Zero-K  <unit_marker.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Area Attack Tweak   <cmd_area_attack_tweak.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Autoquit            <autoquit.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Nuke Warning  <gui_chili_nuke_warning.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Ferry Points        <cmd_ferry_points.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  In-game Guide       <gui_ingame_guide.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Keep Target         <cmd_keep_target.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Orbit Command       <cmd_orbit.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  State Reverse Toggle  <cmd_state_reverse_toggle.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Transport Load Double Tap  <cmd_select_load.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  In-game Ignore      <ignore.lua>
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Grab Input          <api_grabinput.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Set Springsettings  <api_set_springsettings.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Music Player        <snd_music.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Game Analytics Handler  <api_game_analytics.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Galaxy Battle Handler  <mission_galaxy_battle_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Frame Gap Logger    <dbg_frame_gap_logger.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Guard Remove        <cmd_guard_remove.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Projectile Lights   <gfx_projectile_lights.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Stereo3D            <gfx_stereo3d.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  NoDuplicateOrders   <cmd_no_duplicate_orders.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  XrayShader          <gfx_xray_shader.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Mex Placement Handler  <cmd_mex_placement.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CameraShake         <camera_shake.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Raw Move Issue      <cmd_raw_move_issue.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Antinuke Coverage   <gui_antinuke_coverage.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Blast Radius        <gui_blastradius.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili EndGame Window  <gui_chili_endgamewindow.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Inactivity Win  <gui_chili_inactivity_win.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Selections & CursorTip v2  <gui_chili_selections_and_cursortip.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Spectator Panels  <gui_chili_spectator_panels.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Context Menu        <gui_contextmenu.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Darkening           <gui_darkening.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Defense Range Zero-K  <gui_defenserange.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Economic Victory Announcer  <gui_economic_victory_announcer.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Haven Handler       <gui_havens.lua>
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Icon Height         <gui_iconheight.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Highlight Geos      <gui_highlight_geos.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Persistent Build Spacing  <gui_persistent_build_spacing.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Point Tracker       <gui_point_tracker.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  ReclaimInfo         <gui_reclaiminfo.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Spectate Selected Team  <gui_spectate_selected_team.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Showeco and Grid Drawer  <gui_showeco_action.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Simple Settings     <gui_simple_settings.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  MinimapEvents       <minimap_events.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Mission Results Handler  <mission_results.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Local Widgets Config  <localwidgets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Missile Silo Range  <missilesilo_range.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Decloak Range       <unit_decloak_range.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Decoration Handler  <unit_decoration_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Spectator mode detected. Removed: Auto First Build Facing
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto First Build Facing  <init_autofirstbuildfacing.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Morph Finished notification  <unit_morph_finished.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Show All Commands v2  <unit_showallcommands_2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smart Bombers       <unit_smart_bombers.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Voice Assistant     <unit_voice.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Economy Panel Default  <gui_chili_economy_panel2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Stop Self-D         <cmd_stop_selfd.lua>
[f=-000001] game_message: Cleared Autogroups.
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto Group          <unit_auto_group.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cheat Sheet         <gui_chili_cheats.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Startup Info and Selector  <init_startup_info_selector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Ghost Site          <unit_ghostsite.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attack Warning      <unit_attack_warning.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Comm-n-Elo Startpos. Info  <init_startpointelocom_info.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Start Point Remover & Comm Selector  <init_start_point_remover.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili AI Set Start  <gui_chili_ai_start_pos.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Replay control buttons  <gui_replay_controls.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Custom Modoptions Info  <gui_custommodoptions_info.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Icon Sets           <gui_icon_sets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Recorder (Save)     <dbg_recorder_save.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smooth Scroll       <camera_smooth_move.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attack AoE          <gui_attack_aoe.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  UnitNoStuckInFactory  <unit_nostuck_infactory.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Unit Start State    <unit_start_state.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  PlanetWars Info     <gui_planetwars_info.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Commands FX         <gfx_commands_fx.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  MessageBoxes ZK     <mission_messagebox_zk.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  UnitShapes          <unit_shapes.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Map Edge Extension  <map_edge_extension.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CEG Spawner         <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Gadget Icons        <api_gadget_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Selection Send      <api_selectionsend.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  AllyCursors         <gui_ally_cursors.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Rank Icons 2        <unit_rank_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  State Icons         <unit_state_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Waypoint Dragger    <unit_waypoint_dragger_2.lua>
[f=-000001] <Cloaker Guard>: disabled for spectators
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cloaker Guard       <unit_cloaker_guard.lua>
[f=-000001] <Building Starter>: disabled for spectators
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Building Starter    <unit_building_starter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Lua Metal Decals    <gfx_dynamic_metal.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  LupsManager         <gfx_lups_manager.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Units on Fire       <gfx_lups_units_on_fire.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smoke Signals       <gfx_lups_smokesignal.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Newton Firezone     <cmd_newton_firezone.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Receive Units Indicator  <gui_recv_indicator.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto-toggle false color vision  <gui_auto_engine_falsecolor.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Pro Console   <gui_chili_proconsole_test.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Docking       <api_chili_docking.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Crude Player List  <gui_chili_crudeplayerlist.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  HUD Presets         <gui_hud_presets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Image Preloader     <dbg_img_preload.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Core Selector  <gui_chili_core_selector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili FactoryPanel  <gui_chili_facpanel.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Default Group Recall Fix  <gui_group_recall_fix.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Select Keys         <gui_selectkeys.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Combo Overhead/Free Camera (experimental)  <camera_cofc.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Start Boxes         <minimap_startbox_new.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Share menu v1.24  <gui_chili_share.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Pause Screen        <gui_pausescreen.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Restricted Zones    <gui_restrictedzones.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Jumpjet GUI         <gui_jumpjets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CustomFormations2   <cmd_customformations2.lua>
[f=-000001] SetSunLighting
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Sun and Atmosphere Handler.  <gfx_sun_and_atmosphere.lua>
[f=-000001] Removed 'GC at >100MB': disabled.
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  GC at >300MB        <dbg_forcegc_spring97.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Lasso Terraform GUI  <gui_lasso_terraform.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Text To Speech Control  <snd_text_to_speech.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Layout Handler      <cmd_layout_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Color Blindness Correction  <gfx_color_blindness_correction.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Integral Menu  <gui_chili_integral_menu.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Persistent Build Height  <gui_persistent_build_height.lua>
[f=-000001] Writing last game win data
[f=-000001] LuaUI v0.3
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][5] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [LoadFinalize] finalizing PFS
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] BLOCK_SIZE=16
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] PATHESTIMATOR_VERSION=89
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] heightMapChecksum=4d4ec707
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] typeMapChecksum=87b03414
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] moveDefChecksum=35c062f7
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] blockMapChecksum=29a
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] estimatorHashCode=abf6115
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=abf6115 file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Onyx Cauldron" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] creating PE16 cache with 8 PF threads (101 MB)
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 2 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 327 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 651 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 979 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1323 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1657 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1984 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 2315 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 2648 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 2973 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 3304 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 3628 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 3971 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 4299 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 4624 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 4948 of 5184 blocks
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] writing PE16 pe-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::WriteFile] hash=abf6115 file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Onyx Cauldron" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] written PE16 pe-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] BLOCK_SIZE=32
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] PATHESTIMATOR_VERSION=89
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] heightMapChecksum=4d4ec707
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] typeMapChecksum=87b03414
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] moveDefChecksum=35c062f7
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] blockMapChecksum=29a
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] estimatorHashCode=abf6125
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=abf6125 file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Onyx Cauldron" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] creating PE32 cache with 8 PF threads (13 MB)
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 6 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 114 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 195 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 282 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 363 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 444 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 534 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 618 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 705 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 788 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 874 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 960 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1042 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1124 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1209 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1293 of 1296 blocks
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] writing PE32 pe2-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::WriteFile] hash=abf6125 file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Onyx Cauldron" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] written PE32 pe2-cache to file
[f=-000001] [LoadFinalize] finalized PFS (2997ms, checksum eed4744e)
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][6] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaIntro (unsynced)] index=2 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,12105,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] Mex Placement Initialised with 32 spots.
[f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, false
[f=-000001] UpdateInterfacePreset, minimapRight
[f=-000001] Switching to Free style camera
[f=-000001] Opening demofile demos/20171117_223737_Onyx Cauldron 1_104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance.sdfz
[f=-000001] Connection attempt from  (spec)
[f=-000001]  -> Version: 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] added new player  (spec) with number 2 to team 0
[f=-000001] Epicmenu: Switching to COFC camera mode
[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1081x104bpp@657300948Hz (windowed::borderless)
[f=-000001] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 1%
[f=-000001] UpdateInterfacePreset, minimapRight
[f=-000001]  -> Connection established (given id 2)
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender=" (spec)" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums={0x1,0x2494af46}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender=" (spec)" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums={0x1,0x25190e72}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender=" (spec)" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=16][SHA_DATA=63625b747487c95d0600c9615766ad842306a17cc150dea54bb3f2d3e69e8f817e9ac37b89ed29f366f825716fc06f957f451579107d1fe146ea346a5f0d96c9]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender=" (spec)" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=32][SHA_DATA=5ae618fb224a611ee8e495d0858d69baf4e9091c2ee5c14b0364f7d3546f24a23c1170466f464d41dbb329e76930b249288b96f27a17d075f9515f7a8df58b43]"
[f=-000001] Spectator  (spec) finished loading and is now ingame
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] <Ghost Site> Spectator mode. Widget removed.
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] Beginning demo playback
[f=-000001] GameID: a1560f5ad95a2f42f3b90eb4d400586a
[f=-000001] Connection attempt from Topkack
[f=-000001]  -> Version: 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance
[f=-000001]  -> Connection established (given id 0)
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Topkack" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums={0x1,0x2494af46}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Topkack" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums={0x1,0x25190e72}]"
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=-000001] Connection attempt from psaniac
[f=-000001]  -> Version: 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance
[f=-000001]  -> Connection established (given id 1)
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="psaniac" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums={0x1,0x2494af46}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="psaniac" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums={0x1,0x25190e72}]"
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=-000001] frames-per-second indicator is enabled!
[f=-000001] frames-per-second indicator is disabled!
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=-000001] frames-per-second indicator is enabled!
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Topkack" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=16][SHA_DATA=63625b747487c95d0600c9615766ad842306a17cc150dea54bb3f2d3e69e8f817e9ac37b89ed29f366f825716fc06f957f451579107d1fe146ea346a5f0d96c9]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="Topkack" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=32][SHA_DATA=5ae618fb224a611ee8e495d0858d69baf4e9091c2ee5c14b0364f7d3546f24a23c1170466f464d41dbb329e76930b249288b96f27a17d075f9515f7a8df58b43]"
[f=-000001] frames-per-second indicator is disabled!
[f=-000001] Skipping pregame chatter
[f=-000001] Skipping to frame 30
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="psaniac" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=16][SHA_DATA=63625b747487c95d0600c9615766ad842306a17cc150dea54bb3f2d3e69e8f817e9ac37b89ed29f366f825716fc06f957f451579107d1fe146ea346a5f0d96c9]"
[f=-000001] <Topkack> Allies: I choose: Recon!
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="psaniac" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=32][SHA_DATA=5ae618fb224a611ee8e495d0858d69baf4e9091c2ee5c14b0364f7d3546f24a23c1170466f464d41dbb329e76930b249288b96f27a17d075f9515f7a8df58b43]"
[f=-000001] <psaniac> Allies: I choose: Nuclear Standard!
[f=-000001] pregameUnitStorage, 0, 0
[f=-000001] pregameUnitStorage, 1, 0
[f=-000001] pregameUnitStorage, 2, 0
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakcon;Conjurer
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakraid;Glaive
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakheavyraid;Scythe
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakskirm;Ronin
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakriot;Reaver
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakassault;Knight
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakarty;Sling
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloaksnipe;Phantom
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakaa;Gremlin
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakbomb;Imp
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakjammer;Iris
[f=0000005] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@reload
[f=0000030] Skip finished
[f=0000040] Playback paused
[f=0000040]  (spec) paused the demo
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(Prototypestill) added to channel (zk)
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] LuaUI TweakMode: ON
[f=0000040] LuaUI TweakMode: OFF
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0000040]  (spec) unpaused the demo
[f=0000136] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0000468] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0000511] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0000566] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0000835] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0001910] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0002567] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0002582] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0002585] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0002654] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0003396] <Topkack> wow connection really bad
[f=0003595] <psaniac> wow
[f=0003908] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0003949] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0004015] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0004017] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0004368] [cawidgets.lua] Error: Error in DrawWorld(): [string "LuaUI/Widgets/unit_waypoint_dragger_2.lua"]:199: attempt to get length of local 'commands' (a nil value)
[f=0004368] [cawidgets.lua] Error: Removed widget: Waypoint Dragger
[f=0005826] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0005855] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0006226] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0006305] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0006449] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0006485] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0006914] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(tousapoil) added to channel (zk)
[f=0007254] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0007641] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;shieldcon;Convict
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;shieldscout;Dirtbag
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;shieldraid;Bandit
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;shieldskirm;Rogue
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;shieldassault;Thug
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;shieldriot;Outlaw
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;shieldfelon;Felon
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;shieldarty;Racketeer
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;shieldaa;Vandal
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;shieldbomb;Snitch
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;shieldshield;Aspis
[f=0008015] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@reload
[f=0008870] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0009796] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(THOL) added to channel (zk)
[f=0010119] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0010148] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0011359] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0012699] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0012727] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0015480] game_message: psaniac has been destroyed!
[f=0015480] game_message: Topkack wins!
[f=0015480] <autoquit> Automatically exiting in 10 seconds. Move mouse to cancel.
[f=0015484] <autoquit> Autoquit canceled.
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@remove;shieldcon
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@remove;shieldscout
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@remove;shieldraid
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@remove;shieldskirm
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@remove;shieldassault
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@remove;shieldriot
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@remove;shieldfelon
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@remove;shieldarty
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@remove;shieldaa
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@remove;shieldbomb
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@remove;shieldshield
[f=0015492] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@reload
[f=0015637] Player Topkack left the game:  normal quit
[f=0015695] Spectator psaniac left the game:  normal quit
[f=0015701] No clients connected, shutting down server
[f=0015701] Server shutdown
[f=0017154] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0017184] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0017226] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0017256] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0017287] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0017317] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0017347] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0017378] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0017408] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0017438] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0018465] [ReloadOrRestart] Spring "E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\spring.exe" should be reloading
[f=0018465] [SpringApp::Reload][1]
[f=0018465] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=3 maximum=4 (init=0)
[f=0018465]     [async=0] threads=3 tasks=124584 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 26815622340650427567991262150424834260795581820126819004795713375500930719760744503880631852906270497333260551064109952184773139849747329664094118701170688.000}, {0.000, -2.000}}ms
[f=0018465]         thread=1 tasks=62292 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0018465]         thread=2 tasks=62292 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, -26815622277419776511249079659130197402260364683865418538961566266155447810005046032336922158653078228153683428187185754539172782941069142589759816418197504.000}}ms
[f=0018465]     [async=1] threads=3 tasks=161 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 2.000}, {0.000, -0.000}}ms
[f=0018465]         thread=1 tasks=80 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {-26815622277834383740587922377360565784342269583847654229784257747128929593705290716398922280075306382466803455606850268828734600044370826859665291810439168.000, 0.000, -26815615859885194199148049996411692254958731641184786755447122887443528060147093953603748596333806855380063716372972101707507765623893139892867298012168192.000, 26815622312838202839770623026580460779755400524108848525534698529983481535724413310953972541663810169480628911636514967655898660189120157013728371182403584.000}}ms
[f=0018465]         thread=2 tasks=81 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, -2.000}, {0.000, 0.000, -26815615859885194199148049996411692254958731641184786755447122887443528060147093953603748596333806855380063716372972101707507765623893139892867298012168192.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0018465] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[f=0018465] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=3 current=1 maximum=4 (init=1)
[f=0018465] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=2
[f=0018465] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 252
[f=0018465] [SpringApp::Reload][2]
[f=0018465] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=0 loadscreen=00000000
[f=0018465] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=0 luaGaia=00000000
[f=0018465] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=0 luaRules=2cbf4a28
[f=0018465] Start gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0018465] Shutdown - StartSetup
[f=0018465] Shutdown - UnitMorph
[f=0018465] Shutdown - LupsNanoSpray
[f=0018465] Shutdown - Missile Silo Controller
[f=0018465] Shutdown - Modular Comm Info
[f=0018465] Shutdown - Puppy Handler
[f=0018465] Shutdown - Terrain Texture Handler
[f=0018465] Shutdown - UnitCloakShield
[f=0018465] End gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0018465] Start gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0018465] Shutdown - UnitMorph
[f=0018465] Shutdown - Modular Comm Info
[f=0018465] Shutdown - Shockwaves
[f=0018465] Shutdown - UnitCloakShield
[f=0018465] Shutdown - Lups Cloak FX
[f=0018465] Shutdown - Lups
[f=0018465] End gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0018465] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (unsynced)] index=4294967295 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,114580615,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0018465] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (synced)] index=4294967295 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,114580615,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0018465] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=0 luaUI=2add5238
[f=0018465] Start widgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0018465] Shutdown - SaveOrderList Complete
[f=0018465] Writing last game win data
[f=0018465] Shutdown - SaveConfigData Complete
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili Highlight
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Deferred rendering
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - EPIC Menu
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Custom Markers
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili Widget Selector
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili Minimap
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Local Team Colors
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Display Keys 2
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Save Game Menu
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Precipitation v0.2
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Noises
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Attrition Counter
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - HealthBars
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Unit Icons
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Outline
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Win Counter
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - BuildETA
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Depth of Field Shader
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Modular Comm Info
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili Nuke Warning
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Grab Input
[f=0018465] Input grabbing is disabled!
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Music Player
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Stereo3D
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - XrayShader
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Mex Placement Handler
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - CameraShake
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili EndGame Window
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili Selections & CursorTip v2
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili Spectator Panels
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Context Menu
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Darkening
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Highlight Geos
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Point Tracker
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Showeco and Grid Drawer
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - MinimapEvents
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Local Widgets Config
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Missile Silo Range
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Morph Finished notification
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili Economy Panel Default
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Attack AoE
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - UnitShapes
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Map Edge Extension
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Selection Send
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - LupsManager
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Newton Firezone
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili Pro Console
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili Crude Player List
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili Framework
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Lups
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Chili Core Selector
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Combo Overhead/Free Camera (experimental)
[f=0018465] Switching to Overhead (TA) style camera
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Pause Screen
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Lasso Terraform GUI
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Text To Speech Control
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Layout Handler
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Color Blindness Correction
[f=0018465] Shutdown Widget - Persistent Build Height
[f=0018465] End widgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0018465] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaUI (unsynced)] index=4294967295 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,114685603,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0018465] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=0
[f=0018465] [SpringApp::Reload][3]
[f=0018465] [Sound] [~CSound][1] soundThread=16c7d0d4
[f=0018465] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[f=0018465] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] efx=12a3c4d8
[f=0018465] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=2772ee78 dev=545edae0
[f=0018465] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5]
[f=0018465] [Sound] [~CSound][2]
[f=0018465] [Sound] [~CSound][3]
[f=0018465] [SpringApp::Reload][4]
[f=0018465] [Game::~CGame][1]
[f=0018465] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=1 loadscreen=00000000
[f=0018465] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=1 luaGaia=00000000
[f=0018465] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=1 luaRules=00000000
[f=0018465] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=1 luaUI=00000000
[f=0018465] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=1
[f=0018465] [Game::KillMisc][1]
[f=0018465] [Game::KillMisc][2]
[f=0018465] [Game::KillMisc][3]
[f=0018465] [Game::KillRendering][1]
[f=0018465] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 1%
[f=0018465] [Game::KillInterface][1]
[f=0018465] [Game::KillInterface][2]
[f=0018465] [Game::KillSimulation][1]
[f=0018465] [Game::KillSimulation][2] unitHandler=1731fdb8
[f=0018465] [CCollisionHandler] dis-/continuous tests: 0/22514515
[f=0018465] [Game::KillSimulation][3]
[f=0018465] [~CPathCache(36x36)] cacheHits=0 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=0
[f=0018465] [~CPathCache(36x36)] cacheHits=89 hitPercentage=27% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=29
[f=0018465] [~CPathCache(72x72)] cacheHits=0 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=0
[f=0018465] [~CPathCache(72x72)] cacheHits=207 hitPercentage=0% numHashColls=0 maxCacheSize=201
[f=0018465] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 1%
[f=0018465] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 1%
[f=0018465] LosHandler stats: total instances=126023; shared=5%; from cache=39%
[f=0018465] [Game::KillSimulation][4]
[f=0018465] [Game::~CGame][2]
[f=0018465] [Game::~CGame][3]
[f=0018465] [LocalConnection::Statistics]
    Received: 158195 bytes
    Sent: 203394 bytes

[f=0018465] [SpringApp::Reload][5]
[f=0018465] [SpringApp::Reload][6]
[f=0018465] Scanning: E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\base
[f=0018465] Scanning: E:\Spring\maps
[f=0018465] Scanning: E:\Spring\games
[f=0018465] Scanning: E:\Spring\packages
[f=0018465] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 28ms
[f=0018465] [SpringApp::Reload][7]
[f=0018465] [SpringApp::Reload][8]
[f=0018465] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 0ms
[f=0018465] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.0ms)
[f=0018465] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=32
[f=0018465] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[f=0018465] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[f=0018465] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][2] opening default device "OpenAL Soft"
[f=0018465] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][3] device=2db80770 context=2772e2e8
[f=0018465] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[f=0018465] [Sound]   Vendor:         OpenAL Community
[f=0018465] [Sound]   Version:        1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[f=0018465] [Sound]   Renderer:       OpenAL Soft
[f=0018465] [Sound]   AL Extensions:  AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[f=0018465] [Sound]   ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[f=0018465] [Sound]   Devices:
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable A)]
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)]
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable)]
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [Headset Earphone (4- Wireless Controller)]
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)]
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [Line Out (4- Scarlett 2i2 USB)]
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [Speakers (2- VB-Audio Virtual Cable)]
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [ASUS VH232H-0 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [Speakers (Mobiola Wave Audio Device (WDM))]
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable B)]
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable)]
[f=0018465] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable A)]
[f=0018465] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=15
[f=0018465] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={32,255}
[f=0018465] [Sound] Error:   EFX: AL_INVALID_VALUE (40963)
[f=0018465] [Sound] Error:   Initializing EFX failed!
[f=0018465] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[f=0018465] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 100ms
[f=0018465] [SpringApp::Reload][10]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][11]
[f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "Chobby v1.5.11.9"
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][12] #script=0
[f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Activate(msg="")] luaMenu=06324c98
[f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, true
[f=-000001] SetLobbyFullscreenMode, 2
[f=-000001] Starting Track, sounds/lobbyMusic/A Magnificent Journey (Alternative Version).ogg, 0
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][13] numReloads=10

[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1044x695x24bpp@75Hz (windowed::decorated)
[f=-000001] Comet_104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance.sdfz,Zero-K v1.5.11.1,Red Comet,104.0.1-92-g4409317
[f=-000001] Getting data...
[f=-000001] Downloading replay file
[f=-000001] sending http request GET /replays/20171112_040527_Red%20Comet_104.0.1-92-g4409317%20maintenance.sdfz HTTP/1.0


[f=-000001] Starting Spring
[f=-000001] SetLobbyFullscreenMode, 4
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, XResolutionWindowed, 1920
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, YResolutionWindowed, 1081
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, WindowPosX, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, WindowPosY, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, WindowBorderless, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxDynamicMapLights, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, DynamicSky, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, CamTimeFactor, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScale, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterDepthBits, 32
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, HardwareCursor, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, FSAALevel, 8
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: BuildWarnings, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GroundDetail, 180
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, CamTimeExponent, 4
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ShadowMapSize, 8192
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, InitialNetworkTimeout, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: SmoothPoints, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: LuaAutoModWidgets, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GrassDetail, 16
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterReflection, 2
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScaleRefraction, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaximumTransmissionUnit, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, UseDistToGroundForIcons, 1.10000002
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AdvSky, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, CamMode, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxDynamicModelLights, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: GroundDetailBias, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, HangTimeout, 5
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, Water, 4
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, MouseDragScrollThreshold, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: LogFlush, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, UsePBO, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LuaShaders, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterTexSizeReflection, 1024
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ForceDisableShaders, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GroundScarAlphaFade, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: Version, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, OverheadScrollSpeed, 50
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, EdgeMoveWidth, 0.003
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, FontSize, 18
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: snd_general, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, BumpWaterBlurReflection, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScaleShadow, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, UnitLodDist, 9999
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AdvMapShading, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: MoveWarnings, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, CubeTexSizeReflection, 1024
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AllowDeferredMapRendering, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AdvUnitShading, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: VerboseLevel, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, 3DTrees, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ROAM, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, LoadingMT, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: WorkerThreadSpinTime, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, UnitIconDist, 151
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, TreeRadius, 2500
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, ScrollWheelSpeed, -25
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, ReconnectTimeout, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: SmoothLines, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, MiddleClickScrollSpeed, -0.001
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: DisplayDebugPrefixConsole, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, GroundDecals, 10
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: ReflectiveWater, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, BumpWaterRefraction, 2
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: CubeTexSpecularExponent, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: Unexpected key type: std::string, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, ShowClock, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, LODScaleReflection, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, Shadows, 1
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, BumpWaterShoreWaves, 1
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: MinimapOnLeft, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxSounds, 32
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, MiniMapMarker, 0
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: NormalMapping, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, MaxParticles, 50000
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, FPSFOV, 90
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, BumpWaterAnisotropy, 2
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: LinkBandwidth, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, OverheadMaxHeightFactor, 1.39999998
[f=-000001] [Settings] Warning: No such key: FSAA, but setting it as string anyway.
[f=-000001] SetSettings Int, CubeTexSizeSpecular, 1024
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, EdgeMoveDynamic, 0
[f=-000001] SetSettings Value, AllowDeferredModelRendering, 1
[f=-000001] compatProfile, false
[f=-000001] starting game, [GAME]
    DemoFile=demos/20171112_040527_Red Comet_104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance.sdfz;

[f=-000001] [ReloadOrRestart] Spring "E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\spring.exe" should be reloading
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][1]
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=3 maximum=4 (init=0)
[f=-000001]     [async=0] threads=3 tasks=12 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]         thread=1 tasks=6 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]         thread=2 tasks=6 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]     [async=1] threads=3 tasks=2 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]         thread=1 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001]         thread=2 tasks=1 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=3 current=1 maximum=4 (init=1)
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=2
[f=-000001] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 252
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][2]
[f=-000001] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=0 loadscreen=00000000
[f=-000001] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=0 luaGaia=00000000
[f=-000001] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=0 luaRules=00000000
[f=-000001] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=0 luaUI=00000000
[f=-000001] [Game::KillLua][4] dtor=0
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][3]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [~CSound][1] soundThread=16c7ee84
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [audio]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][3] efx=171be448
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][4] ctx=2772e2e8 dev=2db80770
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][5]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [~CSound][2]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [~CSound][3]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][4]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][5]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][6]
[f=-000001] Scanning: E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\base
[f=-000001] Scanning: E:\Spring\maps
[f=-000001] Scanning: E:\Spring\games
[f=-000001] Scanning: E:\Spring\packages
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CArchiveScanner::ScanAllDirs] 38ms
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][7]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][8]
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::New] 0ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] [ISound::Initialize] spawning sound-thread (0.0ms)
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][1] cfgMaxSounds=32
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [audio]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][1]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][2] opening default device "OpenAL Soft"
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][3] device=2db80770 context=2772d630
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::InitThread][4][OpenAL API Info]
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Vendor:         OpenAL Community
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Version:        1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Renderer:       OpenAL Soft
[f=-000001] [Sound]   AL Extensions:  AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[f=-000001] [Sound]   ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Devices:
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable A)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Headset Earphone (4- Wireless Controller)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Line Out (4- Scarlett 2i2 USB)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (2- VB-Audio Virtual Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [ASUS VH232H-0 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (Mobiola Wave Audio Device (WDM))]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable B)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable)]
[f=-000001] [Sound]     [Speakers (VB-Audio Cable A)]
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] #attribs=15
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::GetMaxMonoSources] {cfg,alc}MaxSounds={32,255}
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   EFX: AL_INVALID_VALUE (40963)
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   Initializing EFX failed!
[f=-000001] [Sound] [Sound::UpdateThread][2]
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][ISound::Init::Dev] 100ms
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][10]
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][11]
[f=-000001] [LuaMenuController::Reset] using menu archive "Chobby v1.5.11.9"
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][12] #script=91
[f=-000001] Warning: script.txt is missing the IsHost-entry. Assuming this is a client.
[f=-000001] [CPreGame] server using IP localhost and port 8452
[f=-000001] [NetProto::InitLocalClient] connecting to local server
[f=-000001] [PreGame::ReadDataFromDemo] pre-scanning demo file for game data...
[f=-000001] [PreGame::StartServerForDemo] starting GameServer
[f=-000001] Warning: [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] opening socket on loopback address, other users will not be able to connect!
[f=-000001] [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] binding UDP socket to IPv6-address ::1 (localhost) on port 8452
[f=-000001] [UDPListener] successfully bound socket on port 8452
[f=-000001] [PreGame::StartServerForDemo] started GameServer
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::ReadDataFromDemo] 92ms
[f=-000001] [SpringApp::Reload][13] numReloads=11

[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1081x104bpp@765969900Hz (windowed::borderless)
[f=-000001] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] added new player  (spec) with number 5 to team 0
[f=-000001] [PreGame::AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using map: Red Comet
[f=-000001] [PreGame::AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using game: Zero-K v1.5.11.1 (archive: dd042db00df396b57490d14308d8b732.sdp)
[f=-000001] Warning: [PreGame::GameDataReceived] Archive Red Comet (checksum 0xbc5202d9) differs from the host's copy (checksum 0x1). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be two different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.
[f=-000001] [~CPoolArchive] name="E:\Spring\packages\dd042db00df396b57490d14308d8b732.sdp" numZipFiles=6464 sumInflSize=597918kb sumReadTime=1ms
[f=-000001]     file="springignore.txt" indx=5005 inflSize=0kb readTime=1ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorattack_1.png" indx=4 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursordefend.txt" indx=8 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursordefend_0.png" indx=9 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorattack_4.png" indx=7 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorattack_0.png" indx=3 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="al2.0.txt" indx=1 inflSize=8kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorattack_2.png" indx=5 inflSize=1kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file=".gitattributes" indx=0 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001]     file="anims/cursorattack.txt" indx=2 inflSize=0kb readTime=0ms
[f=-000001] Warning: [PreGame::GameDataReceived] Archive dd042db00df396b57490d14308d8b732.sdp (checksum 0x2f2f93a9) differs from the host's copy (checksum 0x1). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be two different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][PreGame::GameDataReceived] 79ms
[f=-000001] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] received user number 5 (team 0, allyteam 1), creating load-screen
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Searching for new Widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Addons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Widgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemAddons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemWidgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/chili/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "SpringLogo"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadTexture"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadProgress"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Main"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Music"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "WM Stuff"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widgets   <>=vfs  **=raw  ()=unknown
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      WM Stuff               <wm.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadProgress           <loadprogress.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      Main                   <main.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadTexture            <bg_texture.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] LuaIntro v1.0 (Lua 5.1)
[f=-000001] [LoadScreen::Init] single-threaded
[f=-000001] [WatchDog::RegisterThread] registering controls for thread [load]
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][1] globalQuit=0 threaded=0
[f=-000001] Parsing Map Information
[f=-000001] Loading SMF
[f=-000001] Loading Map (38 MB)
[f=-000001] Loading Radar Icons
[f=-000001] Loading GameData Definitions
[f=-000001] Loading UnitDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading FeatureDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading WeaponDefs_posts
[f=-000001] Loading ArmorDefs_posts
[f=-000001] [defs.lua] loading all *Defs tables: 361ms
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (GameData)] 472ms
[f=-000001] Loading Sound Definitions
[f=-000001] [Sound] Warning: Sound incomingchat is missing file tag (ignoring)
[f=-000001] [Sound]  parsed 322 sounds from gamedata/sounds.lua
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "IncomingChat"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [Sound::GetSoundId] could not find sound "IncomingChat"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadDefs (Sound)] 13ms
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][2] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] Creating Smooth Height Mesh
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][SmoothHeightMesh::MakeSmoothMesh] 14ms
[f=-000001] Creating QuadField & CEGs
[f=-000001] [CDamageArrayHandler] number of ArmorDefs: 6
[f=-000001] Warning: [CDamageArrayHandler] UnitDef "chicken" in ArmorDef "else" already belongs to ArmorDef category 1!
[f=-000001] [RegisterAssimpModelFormats] supported Assimp model formats: *.3ds;*.blend;*.dae;*.lwo;
[f=-000001] Creating Unit Textures
[f=-000001] Creating Sky
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][3] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] Loading Weapon Definitions
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (WeaponDefs)] 2133ms
[f=-000001] Loading Unit Definitions
[f=-000001] Warning: factoryplane: Given yardmap requires 8 extra char(s)!
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (UnitDefs)] 196ms
[f=-000001] Loading Feature Definitions
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::PostLoadSim (FeatureDefs)] 39ms
[f=-000001] [IPathManager::GetInstance] using DEFAULT path-manager
[f=-000001] Initializing Map Features
[f=-000001] Creating ShadowHandler
[f=-000001] Creating InfoTextureHandler
[f=-000001] InfoTexture: shaders
[f=-000001] Creating GroundDrawer
[f=-000001] Loading Map Tiles
[f=-000001] Loading Square Textures
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][CSMFGroundTextures::ConvolveHeightMap] 1ms
[f=-000001] Switching to ROAM Mesh Rendering
[f=-000001] Creating TreeDrawer
[f=-000001] Loaded DecalsDrawer: Legacy
[f=-000001] Creating ProjectileDrawer & UnitDrawer
[f=-000001] Creating Projectile Textures
[f=-000001] Creating Water
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][4] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadInterface (Camera&Mouse)] 84ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "MultiSelect"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [Sound::GetSoundId] could not find sound "MultiSelect"
[f=-000001] [~ScopedOnceTimer][Game::LoadInterface (Console)] 42ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [LoadSoundBuffer] unable to open audio file "FailedCommand"
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error: [Sound::GetSoundId] could not find sound "FailedCommand"
[f=-000001] Loading LuaRules
[f=-000001] Synced LuaRules: starting loading
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Mantis 5480         <hax_mantis_5480.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Metalspot Finder Gadget  <mex_spot_finder.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Save/Load           <api_saveload.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Startbox handler    <start_boxes.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  No Friendly Fire    <unit_nofriendlyfire.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Mex Placement       <mex_placement.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Nano Frame Death Handeling  <unit_nanoframe_death.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Nano Frame Rate Limit  <unit_nanoframe_rate_limit.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  No Self-D           <unit_noselfd.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  ShareControl        <share_control.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  UnitPriority        <unit_priority.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Mex Control with energy link  <unit_mex_overdrive.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Script notification  <unit_script_notification.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Antinuke Handler    <unit_antinuke_handler.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Attributes          <unit_attributes.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Boolean Disable     <unit_boolean_disable.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Impulse Float Toggle  <unit_impulsefloat_toggle.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  LockOptions         <lockunits_modoption.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Perks               <game_perks.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Shield Charge       <unit_shield_charge.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  StartSetup          <start_unit_setup.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Stockpile           <unit_stockpile.lua>
[f=-000001] Setting morph for custom comms for player: 1
[f=-000001] Setting morph for custom comms for player: 0
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  UnitMorph           <unit_morph.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  AirPlantParents     <unit_air_plants.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  AirTransport_SeaPickup  <unit_transport_pickup_floating_amphib.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Aircraft Command    <unit_bomber_command.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Aircraft Crashing   <unit_aircraft_crash.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Allow Builder Hold Fire  <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Area Guard          <cmd_areaguard.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Block Ally Attack   <cmd_block_ally_attack.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Blocking Tag Implementation  <feature_blocking_tag_implementation.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Bomber Dive         <unit_bomber_dive.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  CAI                 <ai_cai.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  CEG Spawner         <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Capture             <unit_capture.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Carrier Drones      <unit_carrier_drones.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Command Raw Move    <cmd_raw_move.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Command Transfer Unit  <cmd_transfer_unit.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Constructor Auto Assist  <unit_factory_guard.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Control gunship strafe range  <unit_control_gunship_stafe_range.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  D-Gun Aim Fix       <unit_dgun_aim.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Debris physics      <feature_debris_physics.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Decloak when damaged  <unit_decloak_damaged.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Dev Commands        <dbg_dev_commands.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Disable Buildoptions  <unit_disable_buildoptions.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Dont fire at radar  <unit_dont_fire_at_radar.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Experience          <unit_xp.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Factory Anti Slacker  <factory_anti_slacker.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Factory Stop Production  <cmd_factory_stop_production.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Fall Damage         <unit_fall_damage.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Feature Effects     <feature_fx.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Fog Hidden Effects API  <api_fog_hidden_effects.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Galaxy Campaign Battle Handler  <mission_galaxy_campaign_battle.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  GameRules Events    <unit_gamerules_events.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Grey Goo            <unit_grey_goo.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Gunship Strafe Control  <unit_gunship_strafe_control.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Hide Autorepairlevel Command  <cmd_hide_autorepairlevel.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Instant Self Destruct  <unit_instant_self_destruct.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Invincibility       <unit_invincibility.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Jumpjets            <unit_jumpjets.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  LUS                 <unit_script.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Lag Monitor         <game_lagmonitor.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  LupsNanoSpray       <lups_nano_spray.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Missile Silo Controller  <unit_missilesilo.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Modular Comm Info   <api_modularcomms.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  NoAirNuke           <exp_no_air_nuke.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  One Click Weapon    <unit_oneclick_weapon.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Orbital Drop        <mission_orbital_drop.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Overkill Prevention  <unit_overkill_prevention.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Overkill Prevention Placeholder  <unit_overkill_prevention_placeholder.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Paralysis           <unit_paralysis_damage.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Player extra information  <player_extra_information.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Prevent Lab Hax     <unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Prevent Landship    <unit_prevent_landship.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Prevent turret overshoot  <unit_prevent_turret_overshoot.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Projectile Hold     <weapon_projectile_hold.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Projectile Radar Homing  <weapon_projectile_radar_homing.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Projectile Retarget  <weapon_projectile_retarget.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Puppy Handler       <unit_puppy_handler.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Reclaim HP changer  <unit_reclaim_hp.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Refuel Pad Handler  <unit_refuel_pad_handler.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Regeneration        <unit_regeneration.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Remove Wait         <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Repair Speed Changer  <unit_repair_speed.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Resign Gadget       <game_resign.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Retreat Command     <cmd_retreat.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Rezz Hp changer + effect  <unit_rezz_hp.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Self destruct blocker  <unit_self_destruct.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Set Nano Piece      <unit_setnanopiece.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Share mode          <game_share_mode.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Shield Link         <unit_shield_link.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Shockwaves          <lups_shockwaves.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Show Shooter        <unit_show_shooter.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Solar Force Closed  <unit_solar_force_closed.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Spherical LOS       <unit_spherical_los.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Tactical Unit AI    <unit_tactical_ai.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Target Priority     <unit_target_priority.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Target on the move  <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Teleporter          <unit_teleporter.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Terraformers        <unit_terraform.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Terrain Texture Handler  <terrain_texture_handler.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Time slow v2        <unit_timeslow.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Transport Selected Load  <cmd_select_load_helper.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Transport Speed     <unit_transport_speed.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  TransportAIbuttons  <unit_transport_ai_buttons.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Turn Without Interia  <unit_turn_without_interia.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Typemap Options     <typemap_options.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  UnitStealth         <unit_stealth.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Units on fire       <unit_is_on_fire.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Wade Effects        <wake_fx.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Water Effects       <unit_water_effects.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Weapon Impulse      <weapon_impulse.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Windmill Control    <unit_windmill_control.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  api_subdir_gadgets.lua  <api_subdir_gadgets.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  api_widget_events.lua  <api_widget_events.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  astar.lua           <astar.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  init_auto_ready.lua  <init_auto_ready.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  lups_cloak_fx.lua   <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  lups_thrusters.lua  <lups_thrusters.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  lups_wrapper.lua    <lups_wrapper.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  weapon_hide_sniper.lua  <weapon_hide_sniper.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Center Offset and Growth Scale  <unit_centeroffset.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Commander Upgrade   <unit_commander_upgrade.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  CustomUnitShaders   <api_custom_unit_shaders.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Factory exit flatten  <unit_factory_flatten.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Game Over           <game_over.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  UnitCloakShield     <unit_cloak_shield.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Water level modoption  <start_waterlevel.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Fighter pull-up     <unit_fighter_pullup.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Energy Drain        <unit_energy_drain.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Chicken control     <chicken_control.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Area Denial         <weapon_area_damage.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Cannot Damage Unit  <unit_cannot_damage_unit.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Disallow unit for command targeting  <unit_untargetable.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Single-Hit Weapon   <weapon_single_hit.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Starlight Satellite Capture  <unit_starlight_satellite_capture.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Noexplode Stopper   <weapon_noexplode_stopper.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Unit Explosion Spawner  <unit_explosion_spawner.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Shield Merge        <weapon_shield_merge.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Endgame Graphs      <endgame_graphs.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Awards              <awards.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Backup allyteam names  <start_teamnames.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Planet Wars Structures  <unit_planetwars.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Profiler            <dbg_profiler.lua>
LuaRules: Loaded gadget:  Zombies!            <unit_zombies.lua>
[f=-000001] Synced LuaRules: finished loading
[f=-000001] Unsynced LuaRules: starting loading
>> Loaded gadget:  Engine Taskbar Stuff  <engine_taskbar_stuff.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Metalspot Finder Gadget  <mex_spot_finder.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Save/Load           <api_saveload.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Mex Placement       <mex_placement.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Script notification  <unit_script_notification.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  StartSetup          <start_unit_setup.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  UnitMorph           <unit_morph.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  AirTransport_SeaPickup  <unit_transport_pickup_floating_amphib.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Aircraft Command    <unit_bomber_command.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  AutoReadyStartpos   <init_auto_ready.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  CAI                 <ai_cai.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Capture             <unit_capture.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Command Raw Move    <cmd_raw_move.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Command Transfer Unit  <cmd_transfer_unit.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Constructor Auto Assist  <unit_factory_guard.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Dev Commands        <dbg_dev_commands.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Fog Hidden Effects API  <api_fog_hidden_effects.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Galaxy Campaign Battle Handler  <mission_galaxy_campaign_battle.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Invincibility       <unit_invincibility.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Jumpjets            <unit_jumpjets.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  LupsNanoSpray       <lups_nano_spray.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Missile Silo Controller  <unit_missilesilo.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Modular Comm Info   <api_modularcomms.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  One Click Weapon    <unit_oneclick_weapon.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Resign Gadget       <game_resign.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Retreat Command     <cmd_retreat.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Share mode          <game_share_mode.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Shield Link         <unit_shield_link.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Shockwaves          <lups_shockwaves.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Teleporter          <unit_teleporter.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Terraformers        <unit_terraform.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Terrain Texture Handler  <terrain_texture_handler.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Thrusters           <lups_thrusters.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  TransportAIbuttons  <unit_transport_ai_buttons.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Widget Events       <api_widget_events.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  api_subdir_gadgets.lua  <api_subdir_gadgets.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  astar.lua           <astar.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_areaguard.lua   <cmd_areaguard.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_block_ally_attack.lua  <cmd_block_ally_attack.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_hide_autorepairlevel.lua  <cmd_hide_autorepairlevel.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_remove_wait.lua  <cmd_remove_wait.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  cmd_select_load_helper.lua  <cmd_select_load_helper.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  dbg_ceg_spawner.lua  <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  endgame_graphs.lua  <endgame_graphs.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  factory_anti_slacker.lua  <factory_anti_slacker.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  feature_debris_physics.lua  <feature_debris_physics.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  feature_fx.lua      <feature_fx.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  game_lagmonitor.lua  <game_lagmonitor.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  game_over.lua       <game_over.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  game_perks.lua      <game_perks.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  hax_mantis_5480.lua  <hax_mantis_5480.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  lockunits_modoption.lua  <lockunits_modoption.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  player_extra_information.lua  <player_extra_information.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  share_control.lua   <share_control.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  start_boxes.lua     <start_boxes.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  start_teamnames.lua  <start_teamnames.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  start_waterlevel.lua  <start_waterlevel.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  typemap_options.lua  <typemap_options.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_air_plants.lua  <unit_air_plants.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_aircraft_crash.lua  <unit_aircraft_crash.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua  <unit_allow_builder_hold_fire.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_attributes.lua  <unit_attributes.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_bomber_dive.lua  <unit_bomber_dive.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_cannot_damage_unit.lua  <unit_cannot_damage_unit.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_carrier_drones.lua  <unit_carrier_drones.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_centeroffset.lua  <unit_centeroffset.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_control_gunship_stafe_range.lua  <unit_control_gunship_stafe_range.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_dont_fire_at_radar.lua  <unit_dont_fire_at_radar.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_factory_flatten.lua  <unit_factory_flatten.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_fall_damage.lua  <unit_fall_damage.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_fighter_pullup.lua  <unit_fighter_pullup.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_gamerules_events.lua  <unit_gamerules_events.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_impulsefloat_toggle.lua  <unit_impulsefloat_toggle.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_is_on_fire.lua  <unit_is_on_fire.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_marketplace.lua  <unit_marketplace.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_mex_overdrive.lua  <unit_mex_overdrive.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_overkill_prevention.lua  <unit_overkill_prevention.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_overkill_prevention_placeholder.lua  <unit_overkill_prevention_placeholder.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_planetwars.lua  <unit_planetwars.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua  <unit_prevent_lab_hax.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_landship.lua  <unit_prevent_landship.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_prevent_turret_overshoot.lua  <unit_prevent_turret_overshoot.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_priority.lua   <unit_priority.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_regeneration.lua  <unit_regeneration.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_rezz_hp.lua    <unit_rezz_hp.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_self_destruct.lua  <unit_self_destruct.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_solar_force_closed.lua  <unit_solar_force_closed.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_spherical_los.lua  <unit_spherical_los.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_starlight_satellite_capture.lua  <unit_starlight_satellite_capture.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_stealth.lua    <unit_stealth.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_target_on_the_move.lua  <unit_target_on_the_move.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_target_priority.lua  <unit_target_priority.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_transport_speed.lua  <unit_transport_speed.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_turn_without_interia.lua  <unit_turn_without_interia.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_untargetable.lua  <unit_untargetable.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_water_effects.lua  <unit_water_effects.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_windmill_control.lua  <unit_windmill_control.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_xp.lua         <unit_xp.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  unit_zombies.lua    <unit_zombies.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  wake_fx.lua         <wake_fx.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_area_damage.lua  <weapon_area_damage.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_impulse.lua  <weapon_impulse.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_noexplode_stopper.lua  <weapon_noexplode_stopper.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_shield_merge.lua  <weapon_shield_merge.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  weapon_single_hit.lua  <weapon_single_hit.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Commander Upgrade   <unit_commander_upgrade.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  CustomUnitShaders   <api_custom_unit_shaders.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  UnitCloakShield     <unit_cloak_shield.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Lups Cloak FX       <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Chicken control     <chicken_control.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Unit Explosion Spawner  <unit_explosion_spawner.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Lups                <lups_wrapper.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Awards              <awards.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Chicken Spawner     <unit_spawner.lua>
>> Loaded gadget:  Profiler            <dbg_profiler.lua>
[f=-000001] Unsynced LuaRules: finished loading
[f=-000001] Loading LuaGaia
[f=-000001] Loading LuaUI
[f=-000001] LuaUI Entry Point: "luaui.lua"
[f=-000001] LuaUI Access Lock: enabled
[f=-000001] LuaSocket Enabled: yes
[f=-000001] Using LUAUI_DIRNAME = LuaUI/
[f=-000001] Reloading GUI config from file: LuaUI/ctrlpanel.txt
[f=-000001] LuaUI: bound F11 to the widget selector
[f=-000001] LuaUI: bound CTRL+F11 to tweak mode
[f=-000001] Loading last game win data
[f=-000001] Resetting win data
[f=-000001] Last game player count: 2, This game player count: 2
[f=-000001] Last game allyTeam count: 3, This game allyTeam count: 3
[f=-000001] Player and team counts match, continuing
[f=-000001] Topkack was in last game but is now absent, resetting scores
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Cluster Detection   <api_cluster_detection.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Shared Functions    <api_shared_functions.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  i18n                <api_i18n.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Hacky version fix   <hacky_version_fix.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Win Counter         <api_win_counter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Modular Comm Info   <api_modularcomms.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  CommandInsert       <cmd_commandinsert.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Chili Framework     <api_chili.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Lag (AFK) monitor   <api_lag_monitor.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Pre-Selection Handler  <api_preselection.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded API widget:  Lups                <lups_wrapper.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Highlight     <gui_chili_highlight.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Selection Hierarchy  <gui_selection_hierarchy.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Deferred rendering  <gfx_deferred_rendering.lua>
[f=-000001] Hardware mouse-cursor is enabled!
[f=-000001] Set "shadows" config-parameter to 1
[f=-000001] Ground-decals rendering is enabled!
[f=-000001] Set maximum particles to: 50000
[f=-000001] Set UnitLodDist to 9999
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 151
[f=-000001] model shaders is enabled!
[f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, false
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  EPIC Menu           <gui_epicmenu.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Custom Markers      <gui_custom_markers.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Widget Selector  <api_chili_widgetselector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Hide Interface Action  <gui_hide_interface_action.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Minimap       <gui_chili_minimap.lua>
[f=-000001] Mexspot Fetcher fetching
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Mexspot Fetcher     <api_mexspot_fetcher.lua>
[f=-000001] Team highlighting: Disabled
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Teamhighlight option  <gui_teamhighlight.lua>
[f=-000001] UpdateColorConfig, default
[f=-000001] UpdateColorConfig, custom
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Local Team Colors   <gui_local_colors.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Display Keys 2      <gui_chili_display_keys.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Save Game Menu      <gui_savegame.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Area-reclaim trees  <unit_tree_reclaim.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Global Commands  <gui_chili_global_commands.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Noises              <snd_noises.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Terraform Icon Draw  <unit_terraform_draw.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attrition Counter   <gui_attrition_counter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Commander Upgrade  <gui_chili_commander_upgrade.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  HealthBars          <unit_healthbars.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Unit Icons          <unit_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Outline             <gfx_outline.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Vote Display  <gui_chili_vote.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Commander Name Tags   <unit_comm_nametags.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto Patrol Nanos   <unit_auto_patrol_nanos.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Double-Click attack-move  <cmd_doubleclick_attackmove.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  BuildETA            <gui_build_eta.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  EndGame Stats       <gui_chili_endgraph.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Objectives          <mission_objectives.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cloak Fire State 2  <unit_cloakfirestate2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Depth of Field Shader  <gfx_dof.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Unit Marker Zero-K  <unit_marker.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Initial Queue ZK    <unit_initial_queue.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Draw Mouse Build    <api_draw_mouse_build.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Area Attack Tweak   <cmd_area_attack_tweak.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Autoquit            <autoquit.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Nuke Warning  <gui_chili_nuke_warning.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Ferry Points        <cmd_ferry_points.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  In-game Guide       <gui_ingame_guide.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Keep Target         <cmd_keep_target.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Orbit Command       <cmd_orbit.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  State Reverse Toggle  <cmd_state_reverse_toggle.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Transport Load Double Tap  <cmd_select_load.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  In-game Ignore      <ignore.lua>
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Grab Input          <api_grabinput.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Set Springsettings  <api_set_springsettings.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Music Player        <snd_music.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Game Analytics Handler  <api_game_analytics.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Galaxy Battle Handler  <mission_galaxy_battle_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Frame Gap Logger    <dbg_frame_gap_logger.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Guard Remove        <cmd_guard_remove.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  NoDuplicateOrders   <cmd_no_duplicate_orders.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Projectile Lights   <gfx_projectile_lights.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Stereo3D            <gfx_stereo3d.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  XrayShader          <gfx_xray_shader.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Mex Placement Handler  <cmd_mex_placement.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CameraShake         <camera_shake.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Raw Move Issue      <cmd_raw_move_issue.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Antinuke Coverage   <gui_antinuke_coverage.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Blast Radius        <gui_blastradius.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili EndGame Window  <gui_chili_endgamewindow.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Inactivity Win  <gui_chili_inactivity_win.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Selections & CursorTip v2  <gui_chili_selections_and_cursortip.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Spectator Panels  <gui_chili_spectator_panels.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Context Menu        <gui_contextmenu.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Darkening           <gui_darkening.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Defense Range Zero-K  <gui_defenserange.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Economic Victory Announcer  <gui_economic_victory_announcer.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Haven Handler       <gui_havens.lua>
[f=-000001] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Icon Height         <gui_iconheight.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Highlight Geos      <gui_highlight_geos.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Persistent Build Spacing  <gui_persistent_build_spacing.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Point Tracker       <gui_point_tracker.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  ReclaimInfo         <gui_reclaiminfo.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Spectate Selected Team  <gui_spectate_selected_team.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Showeco and Grid Drawer  <gui_showeco_action.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Simple Settings     <gui_simple_settings.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  MinimapEvents       <minimap_events.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Mission Results Handler  <mission_results.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Local Widgets Config  <localwidgets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Missile Silo Range  <missilesilo_range.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Decloak Range       <unit_decloak_range.lua>
[f=-000001] Spectator mode detected. Removed: Auto First Build Facing
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto First Build Facing  <init_autofirstbuildfacing.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Decoration Handler  <unit_decoration_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Morph Finished notification  <unit_morph_finished.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Show All Commands v2  <unit_showallcommands_2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smart Bombers       <unit_smart_bombers.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Voice Assistant     <unit_voice.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Economy Panel Default  <gui_chili_economy_panel2.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Stop Self-D         <cmd_stop_selfd.lua>
[f=-000001] game_message: Cleared Autogroups.
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto Group          <unit_auto_group.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cheat Sheet         <gui_chili_cheats.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Ghost Site          <unit_ghostsite.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Startup Info and Selector  <init_startup_info_selector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Comm-n-Elo Startpos. Info  <init_startpointelocom_info.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attack Warning      <unit_attack_warning.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Start Point Remover & Comm Selector  <init_start_point_remover.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili AI Set Start  <gui_chili_ai_start_pos.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Custom Modoptions Info  <gui_custommodoptions_info.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Replay control buttons  <gui_replay_controls.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Icon Sets           <gui_icon_sets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Recorder (Save)     <dbg_recorder_save.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smooth Scroll       <camera_smooth_move.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Attack AoE          <gui_attack_aoe.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  UnitNoStuckInFactory  <unit_nostuck_infactory.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Unit Start State    <unit_start_state.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  PlanetWars Info     <gui_planetwars_info.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Commands FX         <gfx_commands_fx.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  MessageBoxes ZK     <mission_messagebox_zk.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  UnitShapes          <unit_shapes.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Map Edge Extension  <map_edge_extension.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CEG Spawner         <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Gadget Icons        <api_gadget_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Selection Send      <api_selectionsend.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  AllyCursors         <gui_ally_cursors.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Rank Icons 2        <unit_rank_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  State Icons         <unit_state_icons.lua>
[f=-000001] <Cloaker Guard>: disabled for spectators
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Cloaker Guard       <unit_cloaker_guard.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Waypoint Dragger    <unit_waypoint_dragger_2.lua>
[f=-000001] <Building Starter>: disabled for spectators
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Building Starter    <unit_building_starter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Lua Metal Decals    <gfx_dynamic_metal.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  LupsManager         <gfx_lups_manager.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Units on Fire       <gfx_lups_units_on_fire.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Smoke Signals       <gfx_lups_smokesignal.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Newton Firezone     <cmd_newton_firezone.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Receive Units Indicator  <gui_recv_indicator.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Auto-toggle false color vision  <gui_auto_engine_falsecolor.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Pro Console   <gui_chili_proconsole_test.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Docking       <api_chili_docking.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Crude Player List  <gui_chili_crudeplayerlist.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  HUD Presets         <gui_hud_presets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Image Preloader     <dbg_img_preload.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Core Selector  <gui_chili_core_selector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili FactoryPanel  <gui_chili_facpanel.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Default Group Recall Fix  <gui_group_recall_fix.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Select Keys         <gui_selectkeys.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Combo Overhead/Free Camera (experimental)  <camera_cofc.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Start Boxes         <minimap_startbox_new.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Share menu v1.24  <gui_chili_share.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Pause Screen        <gui_pausescreen.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Restricted Zones    <gui_restrictedzones.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Jumpjet GUI         <gui_jumpjets.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  CustomFormations2   <cmd_customformations2.lua>
[f=-000001] SetSunLighting
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Sun and Atmosphere Handler.  <gfx_sun_and_atmosphere.lua>
[f=-000001] Removed 'GC at >100MB': disabled.
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  GC at >300MB        <dbg_forcegc_spring97.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Lasso Terraform GUI  <gui_lasso_terraform.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Text To Speech Control  <snd_text_to_speech.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Layout Handler      <cmd_layout_handler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Color Blindness Correction  <gfx_color_blindness_correction.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Chili Integral Menu  <gui_chili_integral_menu.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded widget:  Persistent Build Height  <gui_persistent_build_height.lua>
[f=-000001] Writing last game win data
[f=-000001] LuaUI v0.3
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][5] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [LoadFinalize] finalizing PFS
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] BLOCK_SIZE=16
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] PATHESTIMATOR_VERSION=89
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] heightMapChecksum=8d4f2741
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] typeMapChecksum=37560093
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] moveDefChecksum=35c062f7
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] blockMapChecksum=29a
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] estimatorHashCode=fa658dce
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=fa658dce file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Red" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] creating PE16 cache with 8 PF threads (37 MB)
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 385 of 1536 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 973 of 1536 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1069 of 1536 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1168 of 1536 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1266 of 1536 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1368 of 1536 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 1466 of 1536 blocks
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] writing PE16 pe-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::WriteFile] hash=fa658dce file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Red" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] written PE16 pe-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] BLOCK_SIZE=32
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] PATHESTIMATOR_VERSION=89
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] heightMapChecksum=8d4f2741
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] typeMapChecksum=37560093
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] moveDefChecksum=35c062f7
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] blockMapChecksum=29a
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::CalcHash][CPathEstimator] estimatorHashCode=fa658dde
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=fa658dde file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Red" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] creating PE32 cache with 8 PF threads (11 MB)
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 0 of 384 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 25 of 384 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 50 of 384 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 77 of 384 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 115 of 384 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 149 of 384 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 250 of 384 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 283 of 384 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 315 of 384 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 341 of 384 blocks
[f=-000001] [EstimatePathCosts] precached 368 of 384 blocks
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] writing PE32 pe2-cache to file
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::WriteFile] hash=fa658dde file="cache\104dev-maintenance/paths/Red" (exists=0)
[f=-000001] [InitEstimator] written PE32 pe2-cache to file
[f=-000001] [LoadFinalize] finalized PFS (591ms, checksum 00cc730c)
[f=-000001] [Game::LoadGame][6] globalQuit=0 forcedQuit=0
[f=-000001] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaIntro (unsynced)] index=4 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,11995,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=-000001] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=-000001] Mex Placement Initialised with 40 spots.
[f=-000001] SetLobbyButtonEnabled, false
[f=-000001] UpdateInterfacePreset, minimapRight
[f=-000001] Switching to Free style camera
[f=-000001] Opening demofile demos/20171112_040527_Red Comet_104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance.sdfz
[f=-000001] Connection attempt from  (spec)
[f=-000001]  -> Version: 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet] added new player  (spec) with number 5 to team 0
[f=-000001] Epicmenu: Switching to COFC camera mode
[f=-000001] [GR::LogDisplayMode] display-mode set to 1920x1081x104bpp@1380114124Hz (windowed::borderless)
[f=-000001] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 1%
[f=-000001] UpdateInterfacePreset, minimapRight
[f=-000001]  -> Connection established (given id 5)
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender=" (spec)" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums={0x1,0xbc5202d9}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender=" (spec)" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums={0x1,0x2f2f93a9}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender=" (spec)" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=16][SHA_DATA=408ac07d30f050db690d67e688a0b974d1b9ff25e46d93c009a7f2197bed976a62af8b726c9378b0c523e6afc6b2b2fd244196c74b90dd22bd5087c08717f466]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender=" (spec)" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=32][SHA_DATA=f857631bdccefff0af0247c9c23a768c45ceefa08ac7e0df378ea303887d5aaeef88325a6268cb2544833b72089ad832186c5ed591fd85cc2bbe28e9c529ab8e]"
[f=-000001] Spectator  (spec) finished loading and is now ingame
[f=-000001] <Ghost Site> Spectator mode. Widget removed.
[f=-000001] Beginning demo playback
[f=-000001] GameID: 77ba075ae7ac9b198426418008831ef5
[f=-000001] Connection attempt from raaar
[f=-000001]  -> Version: 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance
[f=-000001]  -> Connection established (given id 0)
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="raaar" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums={0x1,0xbc5202d9}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="raaar" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums={0x1,0x2f2f93a9}]"
[f=-000001] Connection attempt from NorthChileanG
[f=-000001]  -> Version: 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance
[f=-000001]  -> Connection established (given id 1)
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="NorthChileanG" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][map-checksums={0x1,0xbc5202d9}]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="NorthChileanG" string="[PreGame::GameDataReceived][mod-checksums={0x1,0x2f2f93a9}]"
[f=-000001] Skipping pregame chatter
[f=-000001] Skipping to frame 30
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="raaar" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=16][SHA_DATA=408ac07d30f050db690d67e688a0b974d1b9ff25e46d93c009a7f2197bed976a62af8b726c9378b0c523e6afc6b2b2fd244196c74b90dd22bd5087c08717f466]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="raaar" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=32][SHA_DATA=f857631bdccefff0af0247c9c23a768c45ceefa08ac7e0df378ea303887d5aaeef88325a6268cb2544833b72089ad832186c5ed591fd85cc2bbe28e9c529ab8e]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="NorthChileanG" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=16][SHA_DATA=408ac07d30f050db690d67e688a0b974d1b9ff25e46d93c009a7f2197bed976a62af8b726c9378b0c523e6afc6b2b2fd244196c74b90dd22bd5087c08717f466]"
[f=-000001] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="NorthChileanG" string="[PE::CalcChecksum][BLK_SIZE=32][SHA_DATA=f857631bdccefff0af0247c9c23a768c45ceefa08ac7e0df378ea303887d5aaeef88325a6268cb2544833b72089ad832186c5ed591fd85cc2bbe28e9c529ab8e]"
[f=-000001] <NorthChileanG> Allies: I choose: Le karmava!
[f=-000001] <raaar> Allies: I choose: Brute!
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakcon;Conjurer
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakraid;Glaive
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakheavyraid;Scythe
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakskirm;Ronin
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakriot;Reaver
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakassault;Knight
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakarty;Sling
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloaksnipe;Phantom
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakaa;Gremlin
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakbomb;Imp
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;cloakjammer;Iris
[f=0000009] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@reload
[f=0000030] Skip finished
[f=0000037] Playback paused
[f=0000038]  (spec) paused the demo
[f=0000038] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0000038] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0000038] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0000038] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0000038] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0000038]  (spec) unpaused the demo
[f=0000814] game_message: Morph complete: Brute lvl 1
[f=0001034] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0001080] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0001681] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0001724] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0001856] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0002930] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0003039] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0005152] Input grabbing is enabled!
[f=0006038] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0006231] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0006777] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0006798] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0007711] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0007727] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0007744] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0007837] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0008604] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0008717] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0008866] game_message: Morph complete: Brute lvl 3
[f=0009668] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(Orfelius) added to channel (zk)
[f=0009889] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0009930] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0011266] game_message: Morph complete: Le karmava lvl 2
[f=0011477] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0011525] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0011892] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0011991] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0012264] [Game::ClientReadNet] added new player [AOF]AgentE382 with number 2 to team 0
[f=0012265] > SPRINGIE:User [AOF]AgentE382|coracv|5_0||False|AOF|Federation|US
[f=0012271] > SPRINGIE:User [AOF]AgentE382|coracv|5_0||False|AOF|Federation|US
[f=0012612] > <[AOF]AgentE382>!notify
[f=0015352] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0015367] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0016486] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(tousapoil) added to channel (zk)
[f=0017395] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(THOL) added to channel (zk)
[f=0017770] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0017817] [Chobby] Warning: Missing minimap image for
[f=0017965] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0017997] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0018339] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0018399] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0018542] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0018658] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0018687] [liblobby] Warning: Duplicate user(atom2) added to channel (zk)
[f=0018772] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0018820] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0018955] Set UnitIconDist to 0
[f=0019100] Set UnitIconDist to 100000
[f=0019155] Error: Spring 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance has crashed.
[f=0019155] Error: DLL information:
[f=0019155] Error: 0x00400000   spring
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77d90000   ntdll
[f=0019155] Error: 0x75990000   kernel32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x76900000   KERNELBASE
[f=0019155] Error: 0x76f40000   ADVAPI32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x76790000   msvcrt
[f=0019155] Error: 0x76850000   sechost
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77230000   RPCRT4
[f=0019155] Error: 0x75680000   SspiCli
[f=0019155] Error: 0x75670000   CRYPTBASE
[f=0019155] Error: 0x746f0000   GLU32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6e1f0000   OPENGL32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x76870000   GDI32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x769b0000   USER32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x769a0000   LPK
[f=0019155] Error: 0x770c0000   USP10
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6b8b0000   DDRAW
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6dc80000   DCIMAN32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77440000   SETUPAPI
[f=0019155] Error: 0x76b20000   CFGMGR32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x766f0000   OLEAUT32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77730000   ole32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x76ff0000   DEVOBJ
[f=0019155] Error: 0x715d0000   dwmapi
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77410000   IMAGEHLP
[f=0019155] Error: 0x75aa0000   SHELL32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x76ee0000   SHLWAPI
[f=0019155] Error: 0x76ab0000   WS2_32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x76950000   NSI
[f=0019155] Error: 0x10000000   DevIL
[f=0019155] Error: 0x74720000   MSVCP80
[f=0019155] Error: 0x60a50000   MSVCR80
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6b800000   OpenAL32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x72420000   WINMM
[f=0019155] Error: 0x70780000   vorbisfile
[f=0019155] Error: 0x68140000   ogg
[f=0019155] Error: 0x64cc0000   vorbis
[f=0019155] Error: 0x62e80000   zlib1
[f=0019155] Error: 0x70e40000   libfreetype-6
[f=0019155] Error: 0x65180000   libfontconfig-1
[f=0019155] Error: 0x68f40000   libexpat-1
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6ef80000   glew32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6c740000   SDL2
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77920000   IMM32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77160000   MSCTF
[f=0019155] Error: 0x74520000   VERSION
[f=0019155] Error: 0x5f370000   gameoverlayrenderer
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77d60000   PSAPI
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6d8d0000   nvapi
[f=0019155] Error: 0x71620000   uxtheme
[f=0019155] Error: 0x10d00000   GameHook
[f=0019155] Error: 0x018b0000   lgscroll
[f=0019155] Error: 0x74150000   ntmarta
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77330000   WLDAP32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x081c0000   nvoglv32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x74850000   WTSAPI32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x74510000   api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0
[f=0019155] Error: 0x03280000   WINTRUST
[f=0019155] Error: 0x76db0000   CRYPT32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77010000   MSASN1
[f=0019155] Error: 0x70370000   nvspcap
[f=0019155] Error: 0x741d0000   WINHTTP
[f=0019155] Error: 0x74180000   webio
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77980000   profapi
[f=0019155] Error: 0x77890000   CLBCatQ
[f=0019155] Error: 0x73f00000   CRYPTSP
[f=0019155] Error: 0x73ec0000   rsaenh
[f=0019155] Error: 0x73eb0000   RpcRtRemote
[f=0019155] Error: 0x5f7a0000   SXS
[f=0019155] Error: 0x71ae0000   WINSTA
[f=0019155] Error: 0x0a760000   AppHook32_F52835C5-73E6-4AB4-B5DE-7CCEC7598F76
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6cf50000   COMCTL32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x5f720000   MMDevApi
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6e090000   PROPSYS
[f=0019155] Error: 0x5f760000   AUDIOSES
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6cfe0000   shfolder
[f=0019155] Error: 0x0ee30000   dsound
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6cd10000   POWRPROF
[f=0019155] Error: 0x74110000   mswsock
[f=0019155] Error: 0x72080000   wshtcpip
[f=0019155] Error: 0x71c80000   NLAapi
[f=0019155] Error: 0x718d0000   napinsp
[f=0019155] Error: 0x718b0000   pnrpnsp
[f=0019155] Error: 0x72030000   DNSAPI
[f=0019155] Error: 0x718a0000   winrnr
[f=0019155] Error: 0x71870000   WLIDNSP
[f=0019155] Error: 0x71860000   wshbth
[f=0019155] Error: 0x71830000   mdnsNSP
[f=0019155] Error: 0x74240000   Iphlpapi
[f=0019155] Error: 0x74230000   WINNSI
[f=0019155] Error: 0x717f0000   fwpuclnt
[f=0019155] Error: 0x717e0000   rasadhlp
[f=0019155] Error: 0x6cd40000   wship6
[f=0019155] Error: 0x58b70000   graphics-hook32
[f=0019155] Error: 0x68460000   d3d11
[f=0019155] Error: 0x61760000   dxgi
[f=0019155] Error: 0x5eff0000   DXGIDebug
[f=0019155] Error: 0x25900000   nvwgf2um
[f=0019155] Error: 0x0a150000   bcrypt
[f=0019155] Error: 0x0eeb0000   bcryptprimitives
[f=0019155] Error: 0x16250000   D3DCompiler_43
[f=0019155] Error: 0x474c0000   imjptip
[f=0019155] Error: 0x1f670000   OLEACC
[f=0019155] Error: 0x3d490000   imjp10k
[f=0019155] Error: 0x24090000   imetip
[f=0019155] Error: 0x0ffc0000   imecfm
[f=0019155] Error: 0x2f820000   imjpapi
[f=0019155] Error: 0x18d40000   imjkapi
[f=0019155] Error: 0x2f300000   dbghelp
[f=0019155] Error: Exception: Access violation (0xc0000005)
[f=0019155] Error: Exception Address: 0x08d7b4f2
[f=0019155] Error: Stacktrace for Spring 104.0.1-92-g4409317 maintenance:
[f=0019155] Error: This stacktrace indicates a problem with your graphics card driver. Please try upgrading it (specifically recommended is the latest version) but make sure to use a driver removal utility first.
[f=0019155] Error:  [ProgCtr=08d7b4f2 StackPtr=0028cc8c FramePtr=0028cc90]
[f=0019155] Error:  (0) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00BBB4F2]
[f=0019155] Error:  (1) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x000A9C51]
[f=0019155] Error:  (2) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x000A9D8D]
[f=0019155] Error:  (3) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00DB6AA1]
[f=0019155] Error:  (4) C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap.dll [0x0001D3BA]
[f=0019155] Error:  (5) C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap.dll [0x0001DB28]
[f=0019155] Error:  (6) C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap.dll [0x0001EE35]
[f=0019155] Error:  (7) C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap.dll [0x0001F5C1]
[f=0019155] Error:  (8) C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap.dll [0x0001FEAE]
[f=0019155] Error:  (9) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00DB5B21]
[f=0019155] Error:  (10) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00DB4DB7]
[f=0019155] Error:  (11) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00B0A537]
[f=0019155] Error:  (12) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00B0C06F]
[f=0019155] Error:  (13) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00B22586]
[f=0019155] Error:  (14) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x000CFAB5]
[f=0019155] Error:  (15) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x000CD3A4]
[f=0019155] Error:  (16) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x000ACF1E]
[f=0019155] Error:  (17) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00ADD80F]
[f=0019155] Error:  (18) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00BA4CD1]
[f=0019155] Error:  (19) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00B94DC1]
[f=0019155] Error:  (20) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x000CFB56]
[f=0019155] Error:  (21) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00AEB9FF]
[f=0019155] Error:  (22) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00AEBB4C]
[f=0019155] Error:  (23) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00AEB97B]
[f=0019155] Error:  (24) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00AEB51B]
[f=0019155] Error:  (25) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00AD8852]
[f=0019155] Error:  (26) C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL [0x00AD86BD]
[f=0019155] Error:  (27) C:\Windows\system32\OPENGL32.dll [0x0003C79F]
[f=0019155] Error:  (28) C:\Windows\system32\OPENGL32.dll [0x00045E90]
[f=0019155] Error:  (29) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\gameoverlayrenderer.dll [0x0007DCDB]
[f=0019155] Error:  (30) C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\win-capture\graphics-hook32.dll [0x00004EB0]
[f=0019155] Error:  (31) C:\Windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll [0x00045E80]
[f=0019155] Error:  (32) C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\win-capture\graphics-hook32.dll [0x00004DA0]
[f=0019155] Error:  (33) E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\SDL2.dll [0x000CB4DB]
[f=0019155] Error:  (34) E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\SDL2.dll [0x000C00C4]
[f=0019155] Error:  (35) E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\spring.exe [0x0083C6FA]
[f=0019155] Error:  (36) E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\spring.exe [0x0083FF8B]
[f=0019155] Error:  (37) E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\spring.exe [0x008266A3]
[f=0019155] Error:  (38) E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\spring.exe [0x00E31B1B]
[f=0019155] Error:  (39) E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\spring.exe [0x00401402]
[f=0019155] Error:  (40) C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll [0x0001336A]
[f=0019155] Error:  (41) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll [0x00039902]
[f=0019155] Error:  (42) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll [0x000398D5]
[f=0019155] [WatchDog::DeregisterThread] deregistering controls for thread [main]
[f=0019155] Error: [ExitSpringProcess] errorMsg="Spring has crashed:
  Access violation.

A stacktrace has been written to:
  E:\Spring\infolog.txt" msgCaption="Spring: Unhandled exception" mainThread=1
[f=0019155] Error: [Watchdog::ClearTimer(id)] Invalid thread 4 (_threadId=00000000)
[f=0019155] [SpringApp::Kill][1] fromRun=0
[f=0019155] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] wanted=0 current=3 maximum=4 (init=0)
[f=0019155]     [async=0] threads=3 tasks=135832 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, -2.000}, {0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0019155]         thread=1 tasks=67916 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, -0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 26815622271176279410617095196367002942674032072368222253631623964437133890754302554697390918412466022026699485867531892296359537150173191231183245805617152.000}}ms
[f=0019155]         thread=2 tasks=67916 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, -2.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0019155]     [async=1] threads=3 tasks=151 {sum,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, -2.000}, {0.000, 0.000}}ms
[f=0019155]         thread=1 tasks=73 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 26815622297857474051599091298956591766062500341813272004221299269436491030052401634922575202878207246647482426874177694224631767209705108365100309282816000.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, -0.000}}ms
[f=0019155]         thread=2 tasks=78 {sum,min,max,avg}{exec,wait}time={{0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 2.000}}ms
[f=0019155] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] workers=0
[f=0019155] [SpringApp::Kill][2]
[f=0019155] [Game::KillLua][0] dtor=0 loadscreen=00000000
[f=0019155] [Game::KillLua][1] dtor=0 luaGaia=00000000
[f=0019155] [Game::KillLua][2] dtor=0 luaRules=2dd82ca0
[f=0019155] Start gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0019155] Shutdown - StartSetup
[f=0019155] Shutdown - UnitMorph
[f=0019155] Shutdown - LupsNanoSpray
[f=0019155] Shutdown - Missile Silo Controller
[f=0019155] Shutdown - Modular Comm Info
[f=0019155] Shutdown - Puppy Handler
[f=0019155] Shutdown - Terrain Texture Handler
[f=0019155] Shutdown - UnitCloakShield
[f=0019155] End gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0019155] Start gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0019155] Shutdown - UnitMorph
[f=0019155] Shutdown - Modular Comm Info
[f=0019155] Shutdown - Shockwaves
[f=0019155] Shutdown - UnitCloakShield
[f=0019155] Shutdown - Lups Cloak FX
[f=0019155] Shutdown - Lups
[f=0019155] End gadgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0019155] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (unsynced)] index=4294967295 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,135399132,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0019155] [LuaMemPool::LogStats][handle=LuaRules (synced)] index=4294967295 {blocks,sizes}={0,0} {int,ext,rec}Allocs={0,135399132,0} {chunk,block}Bytes={0,0}
[f=0019155] [Game::KillLua][3] dtor=0 luaUI=383e5650
[f=0019155] Start widgetHandler:Shutdown
[f=0019155] Shutdown - SaveOrderList Complete
[f=0019155] Writing last game win data
[f=0019155] Shutdown - SaveConfigData Complete
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili Highlight
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Deferred rendering
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - EPIC Menu
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Custom Markers
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili Widget Selector
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili Minimap
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Local Team Colors
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Display Keys 2
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Save Game Menu
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Noises
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Attrition Counter
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - HealthBars
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Unit Icons
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Outline
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Win Counter
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - BuildETA
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Depth of Field Shader
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Modular Comm Info
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili Nuke Warning
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Grab Input
[f=0019155] Input grabbing is disabled!
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Music Player
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Stereo3D
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - XrayShader
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Mex Placement Handler
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - CameraShake
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili EndGame Window
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili Selections & CursorTip v2
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili Spectator Panels
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Context Menu
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Darkening
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Highlight Geos
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Point Tracker
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Showeco and Grid Drawer
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - MinimapEvents
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Local Widgets Config
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Missile Silo Range
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Morph Finished notification
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili Economy Panel Default
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Attack AoE
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - UnitShapes
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Map Edge Extension
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Selection Send
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Waypoint Dragger
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - LupsManager
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Newton Firezone
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili Pro Console
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili Crude Player List
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili Framework
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Lups
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Chili Core Selector
[f=0019155] Shutdown Widget - Combo Overhead/Free Camera (experimental)

chobby.exe Information: 0 : ZkData.TcpTransport socket disconnected: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
chobby.exe Warning: 0 : Spring exit code is: -805306369, user-killed during hang
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Chobby closed connection
chobby.exe Information: 0 : Spring exited
chobby.exe Warning: 0 : Spring crash detected
dvr333 commented 6 years ago

This happened after I hit Alt+F1 to bring up the stats window, which incidentally doesn't bring up the stats window for me.

GoogleFrog commented 6 years ago

[f=0019155] Error: (29) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\gameoverlayrenderer.dll [0x0007DCDB] [f=0019155] Error: (30) C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\win-capture\graphics-hook32.dll [0x00004EB0] [f=0019155] Error: (31) C:\Windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll [0x00045E80] [f=0019155] Error: (32) C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\win-capture\graphics-hook32.dll [0x00004DA0] [f=0019155] Error: (33) E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\SDL2.dll [0x000CB4DB] [f=0019155] Error: (34) E:\Spring\engine\win64\104.0.1-92-g4409317\SDL2.dll [0x000C00C4]

This is worrying for overlays. Were you also using a day-night overlay?

dvr333 commented 6 years ago

I use f.lux. That might be the problem.

Also, it happens even with OBS off

2527 is me without Steam overlay or OBS. AFAIK f.lux is also off, but I'm not sure

dvr333 commented 6 years ago

I got it. nVidia's overlay was getting in the way. Alt+F1 is apparently the screenshot key. When I updated the drivers it didn't crash, but also didn't open the stats graphs. If I turn the overlay off, then the stats graphs hotkey works.