Closed shaun0x00 closed 10 years ago
not sure if this is a uberserver or nightwatch bug, FORCEJOIN doesn't check if user is already in a channel yet:
maybe both :-)
it can't be FORCEJOIN. I got same error for non-forcejoined room, like #zkdev also I notice in my ZKL "server" tab, it says: JOIN zk <---green (I ask to join room) JOIN zk <---purple its like server echo back to me what my ZKL said. is this expected?
Yes. It doesn't just blindly echo back your commands, the semantics is that you haven't actually joined the channel until the servers sents you a JOIN command.
If this happens to non-ZKL users on non-forcejoined channels, that means either more than one lobby is affected (at least, both SWL and ZKL), or there's indeed an uberserver bug.
[v]sheep says its Nightwatch bug,
also the "already join" error can also happen because ZKL asked to join twice too. Its funny suddenly everything have to be fixed at once... ( one instance fixed by Licho )
Maybe all other lobby also have same bug, or all other lobby effected by Nightwatch bug, or maybe there is also a uberserver bug too?
here is excerpt of lobby traffic:
SAID extension Nightwatch USER_EXT [V]sheep Level|107|EffectiveElo|1979|Faction|Hegemony|Clan|Mean|Avatar|corbhmth|SpringieLevel|2|ZkAdmin|1 JOINFAILED zkadmin Already in channel! JOINFAILED zktop20 Already in channel! JOINFAILED clan_Mean Already in channel! JOINFAILED Hegemony Already in channel!
As we can see, my client didn't request a JOIN, but got a JOINFAILED error. It happens right after I got my USER_EXT entry... I guess it indicates that when nightwatch restarts, it somehow doesn't know/chech whether you are already in those channels...
check Nighwatch/AuthService.cs ...
Additionally, this probably indicates a bug in uberserver, where error should be sent to Nightwatch (FORCEJOIN initiator)...