ZeroK-RTS / Zero-K-Infrastructure

Website, lobby launcher and server, steam deployment, .NET based tools and other vital parts of Zero-K infrastructure
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Please allow ZK server to read from new springfiles #2905

Open completesomething opened 2 years ago

completesomething commented 2 years ago

It used to be the case that the ZK website/server would be able to read and utilize maps hosted on the old springfiles repository, so that users wouldn't have to manually search and download maps from that mirror and then reupload to the ZK server. Since that went mirror went down, I assume this functionality was removed. However, there seems to be a new repository that can be found at More information can be found at

Licho1 commented 2 years ago

hmm .. just remove spring files updating features when it got nuked on old site