ZeroK-RTS / Zero-K-Infrastructure

Website, lobby launcher and server, steam deployment, .NET based tools and other vital parts of Zero-K infrastructure
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wrapper URL open minimises borderless Spring in such a way that it cannot be brought back #2940

Open GoogleFrog opened 1 year ago

GoogleFrog commented 1 year ago


  1. Disable "steam browser"
  2. Set menu display mode to borderless window
  3. Close, then reopen ZK
  4. Open link from from welcome page
  5. ZK now minimised and cannot be brought back to borderless window

Minimising ZK using Windows+D works fine, so I assume there is something the wrapper could do to not break things.

Licho1 commented 1 year ago

It minimises it by sending standard windows command. It sounds like a bug in engine that should be fixed in main windows message loop?