ZeroK-RTS / Zero-K-Infrastructure

Website, lobby launcher and server, steam deployment, .NET based tools and other vital parts of Zero-K infrastructure
GNU General Public License v3.0
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questions related to lobby server fork/split #382

Closed abma closed 9 years ago

abma commented 9 years ago

1 do you plan to host the rapid repo at your server?

if not: 1.1 when will be fixed?

this is a major bug, as it causes a LOT of traffic for / load peaks.

1.2 will be used / is it used at all?

1.3 please don't forget to fix zero-k lobby (which is a preparation of 1.1.)

2 this exceptions on still exists for zero-k only: buildbot creates .zip files, i.e.

are/will they be still used or can they be removed? (creating the zip file) .7z files with same contents exist. -> they are a waste of bandwith / disk space.

3 are you still hosting non-zk games on zk-lobby server? (i.e. SWIW is gone from the official server now)

Licho1 commented 9 years ago

1) i do plan to host repo server, but not master, just ZK. I will let you know when that happens. I need to control build process including rapid step to create steam package with lobby and rapid files, thats the main reason. But it should be part of standard rapid infrastructure, just content files hosted on ZK machine later.

1.1) it will be fixed, i plan to move that part to plasma so that only one server asks. It's a bigger rewrite and im busy fixing other bugs now but im aware of your deadline.

1.2) it is used directly by ZK site atm, but not updated correctly (it needs manual run each time we release game version) - it's also reason why i want to move it to ZK server so that we can run/maintain it reliably. Will notify when its moved.

1.3) this will also be applied

2) these are and will be used, pelase keep them

3) i will host any games on any server if someone asks me to (that includes, though i believe that spads is superior for non ZK hosting). Springie still has configuration files for all those hosts they are just offline atm, if you want to enable some tell me which and where and i will do so.

abma commented 9 years ago

ok, thanks for the info. would be nice to have some hint when its done.

i hope the date for 1.3 is reasonable, if not please poke me (but this really worries me, as the apache access.log for i.e. is ~22 MB each day! (and there exists ~10 repos => 220 MB of logs, just for the accesses to the repo) => A LOT OF TRAFFIC for.. yes ... nothing.

abma commented 9 years ago

as note: would be nice if 2. could be fixed...

traffic for atm is ~1TB/Month which is quiet a lot for so few users. i don't want to know what happens with ~7k users :-|