ZeroK-RTS / Zero-K

Open source RTS game running on the Spring/Recoil engine
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Planetwars todo #2121

Closed GoogleFrog closed 7 years ago

GoogleFrog commented 7 years ago

I plan to tackle some of this on Friday and early in the weekend (aka Europe Friday). Other people can do things too and keep the ticket updated. Note that the manual fires should have large cooldowns (minutes) and structures with them should visibly deactivate and reload when the manualfire is not available.

Here are some wormhole evacuation charge thoughts. The simple continuous implementation is as follows:

The more exciting implementation is as above but with 'local charge' building up on your wormhole. If your most advanced wormhole is destroyed then:

This gives the attackers two targets if they with to prevent the evacuation of a key structure (unless the key structure is the wormhole itself). A less brutal system would be to trade the current charge at the exchange rate set by your new best wormhole. Here is an example:

The effect of this mechanic is that having your wormhole destroyed is no worse than never having had that wormhole in the first place. With the reset to 0 mechanic the attackers could delay the evacuation of the first structure by 29 minutes by simply destroying the wormhole in minute 9. However, even with the charge conversion mechanic the attackers can delay evacuation by 30 minutes by destroying the wormhole once evacuation begins at 10 minutes. The wormhole destruction cancels evacuation but it makes sense for the defenders to be weak at this time so it is a good mechanic.

GoogleFrog commented 7 years ago

"+% base economy" is not structurally nice and possibly not even a good idea. It is a hard problem to make something intuitive and not broken. How about a bit of standard energy income instead? All this does is saves some metal at the start of the game. The planetwars structures could even have decent pylon radius.

Licho1 commented 7 years ago

Plain energy income only makes it worthwhile to defend early on. It's also hard to pick a value which isn't too strong early on, or meaningless very soon.

But let's go for it, let's just pick some sensible flat income energy with decent pylon radius. Sounds like % is hard-er to implement.

Anarchid commented 7 years ago

What if it's upgradable, something like geo->moho->singu? Then it's both a shortcut to get more energy and to escalate, and something worth targeting for the attacker.

The upgrade can be fluffed as the army commandeering civilian infrastructure to a higher extent.

GoogleFrog commented 7 years ago

The death clones need a lot of work:

GoogleFrog commented 7 years ago

Simplify wormholes:

GoogleFrog commented 7 years ago

The unimplemented mechanics don't require implementation due to other changes.