Open seedship opened 3 years ago
The replay if interested: ([I]amNot[null]Bla1 (me) made a missle silo around 20 minutes in and tried missiling south's advanced geo)
This could be a use case for my cruise missile gadget
That sounds nice, is it a 3rd party widget (like the lotus dancing thingy?) If so, where can I get it?
This sounds like something to add to the attack AoE widget for the missile silo missiles.
No. It is not a widget. As I stated, it is a gadget -- meaning synced code. Widgets cannot alter projectile trajectories.
So I was playing a game where my opponent dug a hole for his strategic target. I build a quake seismic missle to counter his terraform, but it landed short of the target, in a way I couldn't explain. I looked at the replay to figure out what was happening.
I targeted the exact spot I wanted the quake to hit (red arc), but then I realized the trajectory computation made it land early, when the blue trajectory was what I wanted.
I propose the following to make this situation eaiser. Draw a line from the missile when you are targeting it, that will show the trajectory and estimated point of impact, given the player's knowledge of the map teraform state, similar to how jumpjet indicators work. Or maybe just draw a hard to miss X at the collision point along with expected AOE