ZeroK-RTS / Zero-K

Open source RTS game running on the Spring/Recoil engine
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Sound issue with 98 only with bass? #597

Closed Princereaper closed 9 years ago

Princereaper commented 9 years ago

It hard to explain but it sounds like the bass of the sounds in zero k are really "deep" like the bass has been turned up too high.

It only happens with 98...with 91.0 its fine. Sounds normal.

Princereaper commented 9 years ago

My headset supports 7.1 surround sound. So i'm guessing it might be something to do with new support for surround sound? buts its not correctly adjusted? maybe?

Princereaper commented 9 years ago

Here a link to the headset. the 780

Princereaper commented 9 years ago

I thought it might be surround sound so I clicked stereo option but it still has this "bass/deep" aftereffect like listening to thunder in the distance.

GoogleFrog commented 9 years ago

Test examplemod

You may have to add a sound which causes you problems.

GoogleFrog commented 9 years ago

Report and follow here:

GoogleFrog commented 9 years ago

Update your audio drivers.

lhog commented 9 years ago

All sounds in my 98.0+ games sound like if they have echo.

GoogleFrog commented 9 years ago

Update your audio drivers.

Princereaper commented 9 years ago

yeah that the best way to describe it all the sounds have a echo to them and my audio driver is updated.

lhog commented 9 years ago

Drivers are up-to date. I don't know why I would update drivers anyway as spring 98 and maybe some previous versions of engine are only ones causing echo out of other hundred games?

GoogleFrog commented 9 years ago

Because dev spring might be the only one of those games that uses openAL and SDL2?

Anarchid commented 9 years ago

Upgrading OpenAL might be an option for Linux users. Cursory search suggests some other games which use OpenAL have similar (but not same) issues intermittently, possibly linked to 64-bit systems.

Windows users have a 100% static Spring i think though, so no such option.

lhog commented 9 years ago

I've done a little bit of science related to the bug.

Here is the replay, where echo could be heard

I watched this replay on two PCs (both Windows 7) with two different headsets and echo was hard to NOT notice. However one of the PCs loaded under Linux and tasked to play same replay didn't show any echo. So whatever the bug was, Linux users seem to be immune. Notice engine version was 98.0.1-386

On the never version, i.e. current one, i.e. 98.0.1-398, echo bug does not appear. I assume two sound related commits to spring engine, made between 386 and 398 have done the trick. The sound experience on 98.0.1-398 is the same as on 91.0 for me. If anyone has different experience please report.

Princereaper commented 9 years ago

windows here

Princereaper commented 9 years ago

Lastly its echo every battle.

Princereaper commented 9 years ago

Ok the echo happens on speakers but it barely noticable. but it is the same.

lhog commented 9 years ago

Princereaper, can you check replay I linked and tell us if echo is more audible in that replay than you usually hear in the current development version of engine (98.0.1-398)? Echo is immediately heard once bandits start shooting.

Princereaper commented 9 years ago

Ok i found out that safe mode fixes it. I completely deleted zero k and spring settings and i redownloaded it and the echo is still there with safe mode ticked off.

Princereaper commented 9 years ago

Here a video of the issue.

No safe mode (With echo)

Safe mode with no echo

Anarchid commented 9 years ago

The somewhat-fix to this issue is appending UseEFX=false to springsettings.cfg

I'm unsure whether this is a proper fix and what really is the root cause.

Closing the issue until further incidents or info.