I adore vim-plug, but having since finally started making the conversion to Neovim nightly and all the lua-goodness, packer.nvim also looks to be a very tempting option.
Commands/Features are nearly identical to vim-plug
Allows specifying plugin load order
This might just be a killer feature since this could avoid issues like Airline recently complaining about not being able to find the one theme
It's in Lua, so it'll be amazingly fast (not that plug isn't)
It has some kind of compilation feature
Allows specifying dependencies
Allows running arbitrary configuration, attached to the plugin
This is quite nice as it allows everything about the plugin setup to be with the declaration if there's little to do
Especially nice for lua plugins, since they almost always require a setup call of sorts
I adore vim-plug, but having since finally started making the conversion to Neovim nightly and all the lua-goodness, packer.nvim also looks to be a very tempting option.
call of sorts