ZeroNetX / ZeroNet

ZeroNetX - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
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Unhandled exception: DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed #130

Closed rex4539 closed 1 year ago

rex4539 commented 2 years ago

zeronet-enhanced branch

Unhandled exception: DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed in <gevent>/ line 906 > util/ line 234 > OptionalManager/ line 383 > 297 > line 150 > line 107
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src/gevent/", line 906, in
  File "/Users/rex/ZeroNet/src/util/", line 234, in timerCaller
    func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/rex/ZeroNet/plugins/OptionalManager/", line 383, in checkOptionalLimit
    for row in self.queryDeletableFiles():
  File "/Users/rex/ZeroNet/plugins/OptionalManager/", line 297, in queryDeletableFiles
    res = self.execute("%s LIMIT %s, 50" % (query, limit_start))
  File "/Users/rex/ZeroNet/src/Db/", line 150, in execute
    return self.cur.execute(query, params)
  File "/Users/rex/ZeroNet/src/Db/", line 107, in execute
    res = cursor.execute(query)
sqlite3.DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed
slrslr commented 2 years ago

I have seen these db malformed errors on original ZN too, zn dev. said:

"There is a --db_mode configuration argument that could prevent situations like this. Maybe we should consider to switch it to secure mode by default:"

and for the long time in my zeronet.conf is line: db_mode = security maybe @canewsin consider adding by default if not done already?

also on similar (not same) error dev. said:

" try to shut down zeronet, delete data/content.db and start again (it will take some time to re-index the content)"

"there is no way to fix malformed sqlite databases, so you have to delete data/chart.db and data/bootstrapper.db."